My story of grace?
Well it should be our story (since it involves my wife as well). It all started back in 2006, NCC’s Christmas Service – this girl R (who later became my wife) attended with her best friend, and made one of her 3 prayers to be for a man who can attend church with her. She was dating a non-believer then.
Fast forward 4 months later, I bumped into this girl R and her posse in Zouk (of all places right!). Long story short, we eventually got to know each other on MSN through some very strange coincidences, and started dating. 8 months later, R’s best friend challenged me to attend NCC even though I had reservations about this “prosperity” church based on rumours I heard before hand. Guess what – the very first service I attended with R was the 2007 Christmas service, and there was no turning back since. (God is never too late, too early but RIGHT ON TIME)
We began attending NCC regularly, bought the books, listened to the sermons and “grew” in grace. The word of faith and everything about Jesus and HIS FINISHED WORK just becomes clearer and clearer after that.
Now lets look back to where grace has brought us:
– December 2009 – we got married in a nice wedding that was well within budget.
– January 2010 – had some leftover cash for a nice honeymoon.
– March 2010 – by no planning we were expecting our first child 3 months into the marriage.
– July 2010 – we bought a nice comfortable car at one of the lowest price points before the COE saga.
– January 2011 – our firstborn came into the world on 1st January 2011 after 4 hours of labour and no epidural (miracle eh!)
– November 2011 – I gave away my share of a house in Malaysia in order to qualify for a HDB flat.
– March 2012 – application for exemption from the HDB 36-month ruling approved a day before the next set of BTOs was announced!
– May 2012 – we balloted (AND GOT) for our first BTO together in May 2012. The verse we got as an indication was Matt 6:33 and by no coincidence that our queue number for balloting turned out to be 33.
– September 2012 – In January 2012, my wife reserved one wish for her best friend to get pregnant. I jokingly told the friend to eat all the sashimi you want because you WILL BE PREGNANT SOON! Alas, she could only enjoy 2 days of sashimi-eating. Her daughter was born in September.
– December 2012 – we both agreed it was time for our second child. It didn’t help that my wife still had 6 months worth of contraceptives to clear.
– January 2013 – Ps Prince preached about open doors, OPEN WOMBS and the Key of David. Oh boy!
– April 2013 – I got a nice increment and bonus.
– July 2013 – I got promoted, more senior position, less work and hardship.
– September 2013 – WE ARE PREGNANT!
– September 2013 – wife got a job offer but turned it down based on the circumstances.
Wow, I enjoy reading your Grace story. My niece and her fiancé also got ballotted for an HDB BTO flat same time as you. Who knows, you could now be their neighbours. In their case, the queue number was somewhere in the 33rd position–past the 600 units available for balloting. But we claimed the flat in Jesus’ name and won, only because we are Abba’s covenant children. Hallelujah!