This year is the year of restoration. We all want restoration. Right blvg is right, living is right. We all want His restoration but our part is to focus on right blvg. Rest in Him so He can work.
Lengthen to mend the short
We all fall short of God’s glory but with Jesus, we are lengthened. Peter short of fish then God lengthen the net and then a lot of fish. Zac is short in size and character but when met Jesus, lengthened by Jesus love and could stand tall in society. Allow God to restore.
When u ae shortchanged or cheated in life, don’t focus on the shortfall but focus on the one who can lengthen the short in our life
Because of sin we have short life but Jesus came to lengthen us and give us abundant life.
Deacon Matthew’s fav song is just nice for year of restoration. (Teresa Teng song)
Restore my love back to me. Many of us look to people to restore our lost years.
We want restoration for the years and emotional pain we went through. We must know people cannot restore. People will always hurt us. God doesn’t want us to look to people coz they can restore.
Humans are all weak. Looking to men to restore and repay you… Not wise.
We cannot get answers from men.
Some ask heaven- WA MENG TI??? Why u disturb me?
Heaven never disturb u. God come down already in Christ. God loves us.
We always look to men and it is v painful.
King Saul when he heard David killed Goliath, looked away to man from God.
1 Sam 18:8-9 MSG
First half of our life, we compare our school grades. Then higher career position. Then last walk of life compare who got lower cholesterol and lower BP, lower weight etc
Comparison no end one.
V9- when Saul kept eye on David, he lost everything.
Some people keep count who give u how much ANGBAO. But we don’t have to. If or shortfall, God will more than cover it. Don’t forget His abundance and love for u.
Gen 31:7
Jacob pay was changed 10x and lower than what was promised. If focus on loss like that, go mad
But we have a God who protects us.
Ppl say man do, heaven sees. Yes because we don’t have to look to small people, can look at big God. He is looking out for U. Form a good opinion of God.
Jacob and Joseph- the one who inflicts most pain to us is often our family.
Gen 50:20-
Ppl plan evil toward us but God means our life for good. People can do anything but if God is for u, who can be against U?
Life of peace and joy when we focus on God.
Eg of God’s overflow of love. Love his wife and daughter & so much overflow of love, he adopted a pet dog called brownie and then another called Snowie. Then brownie got territorial coz got to share love w Snowie. Kept bullying Snowie very cute, won’t retaliate. They didn’t choose their owner, he chose them. Still love them despite their imperfections. Love brownie but will give extra love to the humble Snowie when Brownie is not watching.
Same. Rest and let God love. Devil come to steal kill destroy but God is here to restore.
Ps 69:4
Let God do it. U use ur energy and self effort will be very painful.
So how?
Guard your mind and heart. Guard your right believing and believe God is here to restore and bless U. Rest. And He will make all the rest well for u.
Don’t waste your time. Live your today. Yesterday is gone. We only have tomorrow. But tomorrow not here yet so can’t do anything. U worry for what? U are inside time. God is outside time. He can bless ur future and use your past to bless U. God is in U. So rest to your restoration.
Ps Mark doesn’t want his tombstorn to say “Here lies LAO HERO- die die also remember all this”
Fight by believing right, by knowing God will bless u. Above all things, guard your heart. Don’t stress. Will age and lose more energy and your mind.
Worries never Q up to come into our mind. We can’t control worries and we become paralysed by fear. God give us v easy solution
2 Cor 4:13 MSG
Our mums always say 15d of CNY speak good not evil. Bible says 365 days must speak life and good days. God’s Word got power. When His Word
comes into the pic it will bless us.
Rom 10:6-
So when pastor worries only he will speak what God says
Quietly count 1-20. Speak your name now. What happened? Thought got off switch. U stop thinking and U focus on what u said.
So speak. We speak His promises to interrupt our worrying thoughts.
We remind ourselves we deserve what we don’t deserve because of Jesus
2Cor 10:5- grab all your bad thoughts and put it under the obedience of Christ. Your obedience cannot. Must put under the obedience of one (Rom 5:19) who obedient enough to go to the Cross.
God will SURELY bless the righteous.
REIGN over debt and diseases in our lives.
Must have head n tail right? Romans 1:5 – Paul reminds us obedience to the faith (speaking and believing)
Once we believe God wants to work on our behalf and it is all finished and done in Christ and we are righteous through Christ, there is power.
My obedience is to believe what Christ has done. His finished work has made me righteous.
U want money don’t pursue money. Seek first the kingdom of God (right believing) then all this (right living) will be added unto us.
Believe right and our generations will be blessed. The seed of the righteous will be delivered. So won’t worry when our kids are in trials.
Stop nagging older teens. We like to nag but the more u say, the more gap grows coz u judge. So keep speaking love and what U wanna see in them and come church to receive the gospel and cease from words and mouth. Pray and bless, not nag. This is what happened to a lady in our church. She changed her thirty years nagging habit & her daughter reconciled with her and came to church with her.
Power of tongues not power of nagging.
As we begin to ustd- we obey by what Christ has done on the Cross- gives us peace and joy. Will result in holy communion with God and when rapture comes, holy reunion with Christ.
God wants us to be as a family. Most important thing in our life
One kid has issues only U will always worry. But w Jesus can rest. Those who are heavy laden come to Him, He gives us rest
Jacob and Joseph had good opinions of God. When ppl do wrong by them, never mind they don’t care. They know and allow God to protect and bless them. Everyday they rest.
When cannot sleep, struggle and lost health and gained weight. Guard right believing.
Gen 45:10-11 MSG
God wants us to be CLOSE to him.
Without CHRIST we will lose our peace, joy, cool
No C= Lose
When close to Jesus, we will have no lack. Rest in Him and His supply.
That’s why we can pray for our enemies. Don’t have good God like us
Forgive Ur uncle and aunty who say bad of U. Forgiven at the cross coz they dunno what they are doing. No Jesus very poor thing. No peace or joy.
Even if u fail big time now, come to the Father.
Jesus complete work allows us to come back. When the prodigal Son comes back, the Father doesn’t think twice – gives the best. Don’t want son to be sin conscious.
We are made the righteousness of God through Christ. He paid so much so we can come boldly and not sheepishly
He knows we need Him. So he wants to restore and gives the best to us. Everyday we work and work and are worried. He wants to give the good things to us so we don’t have to worry and bring peace to us and our loved ones.
We can’t go back to our past to mend it but God is outside time and can mend everything for us.
Jesus finished work completes us
God really wants to provide for us
2 Cor 3:18 Msg
– as God enters our life we are transfigured. As Christ is in this world so are we.
What we cannot we can naturally with His finished work. Not forced
Praying in Tongues becomes natural.
If we face a perfect storm in our life- don’t look at the storm coz devil wants to give us spirit of fear. God gave us spirit of power and love and sound mind (right believing mind). Look at His perfection. Guard mind and thoughts and believing
God’s word cannot fail. Bless us and surrounds us w favour as a shield
In life when pastor feels fearful, remembers he is the righteousness of God in Christ and the path of righteous gets brighter. Relationship etc will become right.
When ur car overheats on the highway, everyone in the car will come out. Always angry no one will dare to come near U.
U can be rich but if u have Jesus U are still zero. But if u have Jesus, U have it all coz your value is value of His blood.
We always say happy new year but are we happy. We always say must meet this and that then can be happy. But know God’s power is for u. Restoration materially can come but not necc happy. Coz one issue settle already still worry about another issue.
The greatest restoration- look at a David, his sin is Bathsheba and he killed Nathan. His biggest fear was not losing things but losing God.
Ps 51:12 KJV
Father restore unto me the JOY of thy salvation
In life, so much changes. Shepherd Boy he was a reject and nothing & when he had a R/s with God, he was enriched. But he gained materially and thought he would be happy w this and that, but realised all he really, really wanted was HIM. The love of God for him cast out his fear.
The joy of His salvation is the GREATEST restoration.
Go back to your first love.
Do the first work- to receive the One that He sent. When we believe He loves us, that’s everything.
We have Jesus. We have everything. That’s our security.
Lord restore to me. I want U and u only. When u want Him, look for Him, the rest is added to U. He is the most important thing.
mARK- ark
Mark of success – miss the mark? In the word/ name Mark is the ARK- Christ is with u.
U are mARKed for success and to be remARKable coz able to do all things through Christ.
We can’t go back to our past to mend it but God is outside time to fix it. Praise our Heavenly Father! Thank you for posting your notes.