I fell sick last Friday; had a scratchy throat which degenerated into a cough the next day to go with a slight fever… No big deal except that it was my birthday last Friday.
In the natural, it would have been a miserable birthday for me but I was happy despite my feeling under the weather because I had already received the best birthday gift from God four days prior… I received a miracle, a prayer answered.
Three years ago, my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a successful operation to remove a 2cm lump from her breast and thereafter went through a course of radiotherapy.
She now has to go for a mammogram every year and did so on 18 November. The mammogram looked clear and the surgeon was pretty happy with my wife’s state of health… until she performed a physical examination and felt a lump in my wife’s breast, near the same area as the previous lump.
The surgeon immediately arranged for my wife to undergo an ultrasound scan. However, the clinic was already closed by then, so my wife had to go for the scan one week later.
Meanwhile, my wife and I were feeling a bit down and worried. This is more serious than three years ago because the surgeon estimated the lump to be around 4 to 5cm which is double the size of the first lump. We also know that if my wife has to go for surgery, due to her previous surgery on the same breast as well as the estimated size of the lump, it is most likely that her whole breast would have to be removed; a devastating blow to any woman.
However, we felt deep within us a hope bubbling, trying to lift our spirits up. You see, on 17 November, the day before the mammogram, we attended Sunday service at the Star and Pastor Prince’s sermon in Los Angeles was broadcast. Pastor Prince preached mainly on the theme “As Christ is, so are we in this world” and during the sermon, Pastor Prince shared the testimony of a woman whose lump in her breast miraculously disappeared.
We took this as a sign that God has already sent His Word ahead for us to prepare us for the bad medical report. My wife in her phone message to me declared that as Christ does not have cancer, then neither does she.
During the week, I shared my wife’s situation with my GUFC mates and a few of us took communion together at the same time across cyberspace, standing in faith together, cursing the lump to wither and die, and declaring perfect health over my wife.
I have to confess that even after all that support, I still got hit by pangs of fear every now and then. My mind starts imagining how my life would become miserable with my wife gone and my eyes would well up with tears. I thank God that my little faith does not stop Him from working a miracle for me.
On 25 November, my wife went for the ultrasound scan. While the technician was doing the scan, my wife was cursing the lump under her breath. My wife noticed that the technician seemed to be somewhat struggling, so she asked the technician whether she was having trouble locating the lump.
The technician admitted that she couldn’t find the lump, excused herself and returned a short while later with a doctor. This doctor also couldn’t find the lump and called for a more senior doctor to do another scan, and again no lump could be found!
I tell you, this is the only time I didn’t mind two strange men male doctors poking around my wife’s breast. My wife’s surgeon later received the scanning report and confirmed that there is no lump but just a bit of fluid buildup. Hallelujah!
My wife said she had heard a number of lump disappearing testimonies in NCC over the years and wanted her own. Thank Daddy God that she now has her very own testimony while I have a Happy Birthday! 🙂
‘God’ is miracle!