Pastor Prince
In Hillsong Europe for the first time, Ps saw so many young people. More than 50% were in their late teens to early thirties & they were hungry. Ps hasn’t seen this in Europe for a long time. So those who say the young are hardened against the gospel in Europe, you’re wrong. World is ripe for the gospel of grace- believing right which leads one to living right.
God’s grace is His best for men’s worst. He gave us Heaven’s best. The value of the object is determined by how much you are willing to give up for it. It is seen in the object of desire. God gave us His Son because He saw how precious we are and how we are worth His son despite our unworthiness. We have infinite worth as a result.
Wealthy man cannot redeem his brother no matter how wealthy he is. Only blood of Christ can redeem souls.
When u believe right, u will live right.
Ephesians 1:7-8
People are so afraid when you preach this, u will cause a lying lifestyle, licentiousness. What do we have? Redemption and forgiveness of sins. We are not trying to get it. We have it. This forgiveness and redemption God makes to abound towards us in all wisdom and prudence
A wealthy man was interviewed. Gave a lot away for philanthropic causes. “I have never regretted giving but I have regretted giving without wisdom.” In some cases gave out of impulse and caused more harm than good.
God is not like us. Doesn’t give based on impulse. He gives us with all wisdom and prudence.
If u believe the truth, it will have a powerful and sanctifying effect in your lives.
Some parents give the latest and best things to kids but without wisdom and prudence. But Daddy God isn’t like that.
The forgiveness of sins is our redemption and in Greek it is in present active indicative. Must relish and enjoy it right now. We aren’t trying to get it. We don’t confess to be forgiven. We confess eh cause we have it. According to His riches, not out of His riches. According means he gives u all, give out of is give from that total amount but not all.
Testimony – Lady was a 34y alcoholic. Love God but mind and body not in agreement with her. Was drowning in condemnation.
The world is trying to get out of their sin, not drown in their sin. Trying to find a way out of bondage and sin. Not trying to find an excuse or a way into sin- same with believers. We need to change our perspective of people before we can stand in the pulpit. How can we preach John 3:16 if we don’t believe eternal life is eternal life and think they can undo that everlasting life with wrongdoing? When u are born again, u are born again forever. Never perish means never perish. Not talking about those who say they are Christian but not born again. Those of us who are born again are born again forever.
One day the lady was in a hotel and turned the TV on and it happened of be turned in to Pastor’s sermon. Although she was physically in horrible pain, she couldn’t eat or drink over guilt after her last bout with alcohol, but really enjoyed the sermon. The word grace never had a fighting chamce to free her because of the legalism preached from the pulpit of many churches. Her mind, spirit and body felt free when she realized Jesus’ work on the cross is finished. Been sober now for more than 16 months. By now she has led 4 young women to Christ and baptized them in the sea & wrote and publish a book based on her experience.
Redeemed means to buy back. U think u are lost but not lost as long as u have a redeemer. Think what Naomi said to Ruth.
Kinsman redeemer- kinsman redeemer is a relative redeemer that can buy u back from slavery. Kinsman must be related. Redeemer must be wealthy, able and willing. This is the wonder of our LORD Jesus Christ.
Why did God come as a man and not save from Heaven? Only as a man can He be a kinsman redeemer.
Of all the term the LORD uses, the most frequent title he used = Son of Man. Wants devil and angels to know He has come to become our relative redeemer.
Leviticus 25:25
If one of your brother has become poor… = means nation of Israel has violated the commandments.
If u have troubles, does the LORD leave u to yourself?
Even when u have lost it & all of us have forfeited out inheritance… Adam and Eve had no lack. Everything was theirs. Forfeited all their inheritance because of one sin. Men became poor not because God changed his mind, but because men forfeited all his inheritance. Men not born naked. God clothed men with glory and honor. And had dominion over the animals. Men spoke and all obeyed. But Adam and Eve sinned and fell short of the glory. Forfeited the glory. So for the first time, looked for something from outside to clothe themselves.
Whether rich or poor, death is imminent. Believer in New Testament has something else- looks out for the appearance of our LORD Jesus Christ.
God became men in human flesh so He can be our relative redeemer. We have lost everything. Some are rich in wealth and think they have everything but when God sees us, He sees how poor we are.
God can actually forget about us. The way we grumble about Him or to Him, He can don’t care, wipe us out, ignore us but He still came to men and love us. God’s best for men’s worse.
He is rich and able and mighty.
Lev 25:47-49
Sold not just possessions but self. Still can be redeemed.
Free thinker? No one is free to think as they are mentally bondaged. But in Christ can be free and free indeed.
Look outside ourselves for redemption
Our relatives – we can’t choose them, but Jesus chose to become our kinsman. He chose to love us and come to save us.
People are sold to debt, to addiction, death, sickness and disease. We were not made to die but because Adam fell, we have death. But we have the gift of eternal life in Christ.
V49- or if he is able, he may redeem himself…
Men tries to depend on self
Christianity is not part God and part me.
Grace is the only thing that is heavenly on this side of existence. Trusting in anything else for salvation is not
PriJudges, Prophets, Kings, Priests all failed. Samson was a judge. He failed and he was blind. The last king was taken prisoner by nebuchanedzer. Exchanged Gods by not offering burnt offerings to God and forfeiting their protective covering. Didn’t listen to Jeremiah whom he imprisoned. End of kings, the king was blind. Priests? Pharisees. Christiandom who boast of denomination, Laodicea? HS called them blind.
Men supposed to be more modern now but sinking. Human slavery, modern terrorism at an all time high. Accept that only God is able to save.
In Heaven, this is what happened- a lot of the judgments and catastrophes = church is not subject of the catastrophes of end times. Only appear first two chapters then raptures. The believer looks forward not for death but gonna be snatched away from this earth.
Rev 5:1-5
God the Father = sitting on the throne. Scroll is written inside and outside. In His right hand.
V2 – this cry has gone out since men fell
Redemption – ability to sing a new song in our hearts. Health.
Take communion with trust and revelation in His redemption. Health comes from redemption. Fitness from creation. Fit doesn’t mean healthy.
U can’t get from creation any redemption, it is all fallen. Since u know put ur trust not in creation but in redemption.
Rev 5:3- no one heavenly, earthly or demonic could open the scroll.
Scroll closed and sealed = men still lost, no redemption= bad news
V5- Jesus has prevailed to open the scrolls and loose the seven seals.
V6- John turned to see the lion, and saw a lamb. Jesus conquered as a lamb on the cross. Lamb here is diminutive term- little lamb. Like the one used as a burnt offering during the Passover. Not a ram. Evidence He had been slain= paid the price of redemption. Redeemed from every addiction and curse and physical and spiritual death
We are redeemed and let the redeemed of the LORD say so. The world will not say they are redeemed.
He who knows not and knows not = no hope
He who knows not and knows they know not= hope to be redeemed.
First recorded song in the Word = song of redemption
Final song in the Word = song of redemption
2 Cor 4:4- devil is the small god of this world who is blinding the people of this age.
If a girl walks by and your wife covers your eyes, it is because the girl is beautiful. If it is an old lady, no need to cover your eyes.
Ditto, the devil tries to blind us so we can’t see how beautiful the light of the glorious gospel of Christ it.
Jesus wants to be in the middle. Go about life by seeing Jesus in the centre of everything. Rev 5:6
Think of how the LORD loves us when we aren’t having the best day. That’s where we draw from to love those in our lives even when they aren’t lovable.
Jesus asked an infirmed men, “Do you want to become well?” Possess your redemption. Some people don’t want to become well becaus they enjoy sympathy.
The king threw Jeremiah into prison when he needed to hear God’s word.
Jeremiah 32:6-15
Hanamel, child of Shallum, will come and say the Babylonians are coming but buy my field anyway.
Hanamel- God’s favour
Shallum- payment (root word of Shalom- shalom comes from payment. No payment. No shalom.)
Anatoth- answers to prayer (Anatoth was in the country of Benjamin)
Jesus has redeemed for u the place of God’s favour where all your prayers are answered. Jesus paid for it.
17 shekels of silver
V10- deed signed and sealed
V11 – purchase deed (title deed, evidence deed). Faith is the title deed of things u hope for and of things not yet seen.
Mortgage- pledge (mort = death, gage= deed) mortgage is a death deed. If u don’t redeem something u mortgage by certain time, it is dead to u.
Thank God for our redeemer.
Some say Jesus died to pay the devil.
Wrong. The payment is btw God and Jesus. Grace of God making payment to the justice of God. Jesus owes devil nothing. Devil is a squatter. Uses God’s name to oppress u.
Baruch- blessed one
V14- earthen vessel
V15- houses and vineyards etc will be restored.
Jesus prophecied Peter’s victory ahead of time.
Heaven is praying many steps ahead of us and for more than we pray for. We pray for 100%, heaven intercede in prayer for 120%.
Jesus’s blood redeemed it all. We will reign on the earth- a different earth. Rev 5:5-10
Why did John wept much when the scroll was sealed? Coz when the seals were broken, bad things happened to those on earth.
Each seal represents a false teaching and evil spirit over your life.
When it is unsealed, the horsemen will come to destroy.
But we will see redemption by power.
There is firstly redemption by payment and then redemption by power.
Devil refuses to budge after Jesus paid for our salvation through redemption by payment. So will have to evict him using power.
We can be sealed by Holy Spirit. People of the world can be sealed by evil spirit.
We are now sealed by His Spirit and not by spirit of infirmity or generational curses.
Read the book of revelations in the right spirit and context.
Ephesians 1:13-14
Rapture- receive brand new body 🙂
Our future is as bright as the Word declares it to be
Romans 8:23
Healing for those with old body
If have new body, no need healing.
That’s why we take communion- showing the evidence of redemption. Jesus is the OPEN evidence taking the sealed evidence and came in an earthen vessel.
Redemption by payment has taken place.
Now redemption by power. Some preachers misinterpret it then as healing is not God’s will. Now cast out in Jesus’ name. The sickness has no right. Not hope so. You have the title deed. Jesus has the open wounds to show it is PAID FOR.
Stand up for what He has redeemed you into. Persevere and declare victory over any affected area. It has to yield.
New perspective of God’s Grace
Oh this is sooo good. Thank you. God Bless You Beloved Geri.
Thanks so much Geri for the detailed notes. Was serving n missed out a whole lot of the sermon, but am so blessed and nourished after reading the notes! 🙂
Thank u for sharing your gift that Abba has so blessed u with.
Keep it up! ?