Pray big prayers. God will exceed what u pray for.
Scarce resources- econ of the world
More than enough supply- econ of God
In the same lake that they caught nothing the whole night, when they gave the boat to Jesus (lost time and revenue), He rewards and the boat became a fish magnet. Riches and honour comes from God. Unearned and undeserved favour. When we use the grace God gives us, He rewards us for using the grace He gave us in the first place.
Luke 5:1-10
God will bless u so much it overflows to others. —> They had to call other boats for help.
It is the goodness of God that leads people to repentance. Jesus just blessed Peter. Didn’t go to their boat and started pointing out his sins. Why don’t we just pray for people? Then tell them u are praying for them to Jesus and that if they see answered prayers, to know it is Jesus.
From now on you will catch men. Don’t be afraid. Of what? Of God judging u as sinful.
How can we believe believing the truth will lead to sinful lifestyle? When we believe right, we will live right.
God is such a good God he will use every excuse to bless u
Matthew 10:41-42
If u receive a prophet. U bless the prophet. U won’t receive your reward. U will receive His reward.
Whoever gives one of these little ones, only a cup of cold water- something so basic and domestic and simple- he shall by no means lose his reward. There is a reward for every little act of kindness. He will find every excuse to bless u, even if it is a cup of cold water.
U can write songs? Trust me that grace comes from God.
Your doing something is not ur first move. God moves first. Then u do something with that grace and then he rewards u.
Esther and Ruth.
Ruth- Moabitess from a land across from present day Jordan.
There was a famine in Bethlehem. Instead of enduring, Naomi’s hubby moved them to Moab. The men died. Ruth told Naomi she would follow her and worship her God. (Check out the love story of Ruth teachings by Pastor Prince- he expounds further in them).
After the harvesters harvest, Ruth gleaned and picked up after the harvester. Lowly task. Boaz saw Ruth. Told her (Ruth 2:9-12), drink from the vessels drawn by the young men.
Before going to the field, declared she will find favour with the boss. Now when she receives the favour, she asks why. Lol that’s how women get their guys. 🙂
Ruth 2:12
Reward from God for running to Him for protection. What a God! This is your God! There is a reward for even running to Him for help.
God is a rewarder (- meaning here is paying wages)
Heb 11:5-6
Draw near to God
Pastor explains how High Priests had ropes secured around their ankles in case they die as they are unworthy, he can be pulled out from the temple.
Sin is no longer a problem. A sinner, a leper, a tax collector can be in front of Jesus and not fall dead. Today the veil has been torn.
Many religious Christians are afraid to draw near to God. No favour consciousness. No close to God consciousness. We can go to Him for every need.
The root word for ‘offering’ in Hebrew means ‘drawing near’ in Hebrew. He has drawn near to u and now wants you to draw near to Him.
Heb 10:18-25
No more offerings of sin.
New and living way- in Hebrew means freshly killed as if Jesus just died just now. Live life as if Jesus jus died earlier and live in the freshness and reality of it. God is outside time.
The stronger and younger u get as u draw near to God. The more u come, the more u live. Talk to God all day long.
Only loving fathers will teach u character. God loves u and builds character in your life. When u meet with tribulations, remember u need character or else the promotion will destroy u. He builds your character and loves u.
U can leave other kids alone but u discipline ur own kids. So if God disciplines u, it is a compliment.
You will be in heaven because of Jesus’ work on the cross but ur position in heaven will be based on the grace u have used.
Heh 11:24-27
He looked to the reward
Endured (remained the same) because he saw Him who is invisible.
Look to Jesus as your rewarder.
When u are good, Abba loves u. When u are naughty, Abba still loves u. But those who do the right do get rewards.
Talk to God all the time. Even in the toilet. U are living as u draw near to Him. Draw near to Him. That’s the living way and He rewards that.
Sometimes bad things happen. Thank God we can’t figure Him out completely so we can worship Him BUT we know He is a good God and it is not His fault. Pastor and Wendy went through a miscarriage where they lost a daughter. Spoke to God out of raw, extra virgin faith. And believed in restoration. Asked for a sevenfold champion boy.
David lost a child. The child can’t come to me but I will one day go to my child. These kids are in heaven growing and waiting for us. Learning from the best and never hurt, never sad.
David’s next child was Solomon. The wife he lost the baby with was the mother of that sevenfold child.
Whatever you have lost, God will reward u. He loves u and will recompense u beyond what u lost.
Talk to God all the time. Even in traffic jams.
God I know U love me. U are building endurance in me.
God u want me to healthy more than I want to be healthy- 3John2. Thank u for being a God who loves me so much.
Psalm 127:3-4
Children are a heritage from the LORD
Fruit of the Womb is a reward
Heritage- bestowed to us. Our blood bought inheritance.
Kids are both inheritance and reward.
2 Kg 4:8-17–> Shunammite woman
Alvin and Lauren from our church had no kids. Then felt led to tell her that exactly the same time that year, they will have a child. In May, before Pastor told her that, Justin told her as they were playing that she was going to have a baby.
Power of spoken blessing. Devil wants to curse u he will bring someone into your life. God wants to bless u he will bring someone into your life. Don’t look to men. Look to God. Looking to people frustrates us. When we look to man instead of God, He will frustrate our plans and is wiling to be misunderstood by us as long as He can show us how much He loves us.
If spouse having an affair, don’t pray for vengeance. Pray for hedge of thorns around the woman and your husband so when thorn and thorn meets, they will be torn apart.
Mordecai and Haman
Haman had build a gallows to kill Mordecai. But King had a sleepless night and asked to be read chronicles. The servant happened to open to the page about Mordecai’s saving the King life. God’s hap happening like how Ruth chose to glean on Boaz’s field.
Don’t look to man. Look to God.
Just one sleepless night. Nothing forgotten by God. Mordecai received his reward and was also in a place to save his people.
Exo 1:16-21
God’s women are lively compared to the women of the world.
V21- they feared God so they prepared reputed families for them. God will not forget your work and labour of love. God is not unrighteous to forget. Even a cup of cold water given in his name.
Story of Samuel
– Hannah was barren. Grace. Sometimes grace is slow. Other women were popping babies. Hagar gave birth first compared to Sarah. Grace might be slow but the blessings from grace are quality blessings.
Power of spoken blessing
High Priest spoke blessings over her. She had 5 more kids after Samuel.
Both riches and honour & even the breath we breathe are from the LORD. Even the desire we have to do something that brings us to our rewards are from the LORD.
The reward He gives us is from the grace He first gave us.
John 21:3-6
The resurrected Jesus after conquering death, made them breakfast 🙂
V10- all night without Him they caught nothing. He gave the word of power and the fish came to them. And yet he said to them to bring the fish they caught. He gives u the credit for something He gave u faith for.
Your faith made u well
Bring you now the fish that you caught
Actually it is not your faith. It is His faithfulness.
No wonder in heaven, we cast our crowns before His feet because we know from whence our crown came from
Never think it is you. Always give Him the glory. Amen.
The greatest thing u can do is to believe u have a good God who will even risk being misunderstood by you because He loves u. Believe He is a God who will not abandon u.
This sermon is so on point, my family and I have been praying big prayers and God is exceeding them. My family has been sending me praise reports of the Lord Jesus goodness and answered prayers. Yes, He will find every excuse to bless us. He loves us and He is causing all things to work together for our good. Thank you so much Geri for posting your notes.
Amen to God’s 7-fold blessings! Thank you very much for taking the time and effort to record these golden nuggets of wisdom down for all of us to enjoy. 🙂
Praise God!
Thank you, and God bless you His way!