Holy Communion w Ps Lian:
JESUS ALONE is what you need to focus on
Don’t consider the worries and anxieties and problems, consider Him alone. He alone is enough. Every mountain will be brought up and every valley be brought down by Him alone. Your mourning will be turned into dancing and your lack will turn into abundance. Look to Him alone. He has the first and final word. Consider Him alone.
Testimony with Ps Gabriel-
Mdm Hong
19/2/14- at RK servers meeting. Ps Lian declared “Arise shine and the LORD has come…” Received word from son in UK that a van reversed into the bus he was in. He was meditating on the LORD’s Word and none of the shattered glass touched him because it was like a shield was shielding him.
Our prayers are powerful and Jesus transcends time and space to protect our kids even if they are overseas.
Dominic composed a song to honour Mr LKY and he posted this on 15/2/14. Ps Prince had told the youths it has always been on his heart to have a song honour LKY & Dom penned the song. Favour upon our youths. Blessed to have a pastor who teaches our youths to have a spirit of honour.
—— Ps Prince preaches>>
We live in a world today that has forgotten honour. Many think it is cool and hip and stylish to addressing elderly by name instead of titles, to speak disparaging of our parents. Worldwide problem. We think we can take pot shots behind pseudonyms.
Honour separates men from beast.
In Nazareth, they dishonoured Jesus and He couldn’t do any miracles in their country. Not many got save. Not many were touched.
A culture of honour benefits u. Calling someone sir and madam shows u to be of good breeding.
What is not cool is to be like everyone else. Stones and pebbles are cheap- common. Dare to be different. The world will say things about u but they are like those crabs where u put them in a a rattan basket and when one rises, another pulls him down.
Diamonds are rare. May God raise people of honour in our church.
Even in our family, don’t forget the discipline of saying please and thank you. Don’t true it for granted.
The focus in the media today is on the Middle East. What is God doing in His prophetic timetable? Why is Israel in focus in the News and the Word? Panoramic view.
Word of Wisdom gives u view of what is in the future. Word of knowledge gives u view of what is happening in the present time.
Eg praying for someone then word in the heart says “5 years old”. Jus that. Not a paragraph. Sometimes just a word. And turns out the person might have a bad memory from 5yo and pray over the memory & resolve it as it still affected the person.
Hitler exterminated 6m Jews. Extreme hatred. Why is the devil so resentful towards Israel? Despite the Jews being sent away by force from their country, 15/5/1948 came back together as a nation.
God called Abraham and said he would make a great nation from him. Why? Is it coz better in their DNA? No. God loves the whole world by set Israel apart to show that the true living God is the one who can bless u.
Up until the sixth day of creation, everything was only said to be good. Men created and God said it was very good. Men made in His image.
Adam took from the wrong tree and Adam fell and his body began to decay. Started to ache, age and die.
God is against sin because it destroys the abundant life that He had meant for us.
Why didn’t He stop Adam? Because of free choice.
Men is adverse to sick and disease but religious teaching makes men think they will fall sick because they are sinful
Tilted earth not meant to be. Happened due to the flood during Noah’s time. Four seasons came about due to the tilt. Froze waters of the flood in the poles.
Jesus came and healed all oppressed of the devil. God wants you well and prosperous. The gospel produces prosperity, peace of mind, health, a person who is integrated and poised and peaceful.
The world became wicked and God chose Abraham to call forth the nation of Israel.
Ancient maps found on mosaic floor- America didn’t exist then. Israel was a land bridge connecting Europe, Asia and Africa together- the then known world. Every one had to cross the land bridge to travel. So people had to travel through and see God’s blessings on them and want to know Israel’s God.
Rahab spoke of how they heard of how God dried Red Sea for the people of Israel and the people of Jericho were afraid. Irony is Israel took so long to attack them because they feared them.
Marco Polo crossed through Israel and wondered about the swamp land with malaria infestations that was once glorious & wondered if God can bring life out of barrenness? Yes. Israel’s land blossomed again.
Jonah a prophet was asked to preach repentance but went Tarshish (Spain). Went E instead of W- against God’s word. Went down and down to the water and down to the whale’s belly. When u move away from God, can only move down. A storm arose and all the mariners screamed to their deities to save them. Jonah slept through it. Jonah said this storm happened because of Him. He had disobeyed Yahweh- God of land and sea. Told them if he is thrown overboard, storm will stop. Sailors threw everything off boat and captain prayed to the LORD in the end and then they gently threw him overboard. Storm stopped. The whole boat became believers and worshipped God. If u don’t wanna be a positive testimony, u will be a negative one and a testimony nonetheless. Jesus authenticated the story of Jonah.
God wanted Israel to be under grace but they boasted of self righteousness. Had not heard ten comm yet and presumed in their own strength. Said they can keep all that God commands. Right after that- golden calf. Intention is right but result is wrong. Law demands righteousness from sinfully bankrupt men. Grace gives righteousness to sinfully bankrupt men. Law- water to blood due to judgement. Grace- water to win due to grace. Letter kills. Spirit gives life.
Sin shall not have dominion over you when we are under grace. Being under grace is not practicing lawlessness.
Under law, the best of us failed. Grace saves the worst of us.
Idolatry was committed. Exchanged the true God for an idol & Babylonians and Nebuchadnezzar were brought in. God can use secular authority for His purposes.
Even in captivity God has mercy and in Daniel’s book, he could interpret what Nebuchadnezzar saw. Wisdom is being able to interpret what u see.
We are now in the last empire.
Gentile empires- Babylonian, then Persians which conquered Greece, and Daniel saw that from Greece a goat w notable horn would come out- Alex the Great.
Daniel saw Alex happen 300y ahead of its time. Alex named the sea Agean (Goat) sea. Alex conquered so fast like feet never touched the ground. Suddenly at 33, he died- horn suddenly cut off and nations divided into four. Alex’s 4 generals split up.
Daniel saw Romans and the end times- revived Roman Empire.
Alex the Great died in india. Fought against Indians on elephants.
Devil hates Israel so so much because chosen to testify of His goodness and to shine Bis light
Christ was born during the Roman Empire.
The people of Israel wanted priests, prophets and kings and all failed. Then Jesus came w his threefold ministry.
Matthew 13- left the house and preached the 7 kingdom parables.
House rept Israel always. Every detail in the bible is full of significance
Seaside rept nations of the world.
Matthew 12 – tells us about the leadership rejecting Jesus. Blasphemy against the spirit. Said he was greater than the temple (priest), greater than Jonah (prophet), greater than Solomon (greatest king). The leaders rejected Him in His threefold glory.
Jesus wasn’t exactly preaching grace yet as hadn’t died but preached the kingdom of Heaven – raised the dead, healed the sick, came to bring light into the darkness and to bring plenty into the little. King of shalom.
King of (enter title)- means master of it.
King of shalom- Jesus can adjust your spirit until it is so full of tranquility and be so full of life.
But they rejected Jesus. That’s why when he was crucified, Pilate labelled him “King of the Jews”
No one can take Jesus life from him.
They came against him w weapons and all these strong soldiers fell in the garden when they asked for Jesus and He said, “I AM” (the name of God).
On the cross, God gave Israel another chance.
Jesus wasn’t a martyr. He is a predetermined plan of salvation. Became the sin offering based on His knowledge and not our own meager knowledge. He didn’t leave one sin out. Many people think if we confess base on our knowledge and are ok, but we confess only big sins but there are many small ones we leave out and our conscience is plagued. Peace in our conscience knowing we are forgiven based on His knowledge.
Righteous wrath, holy vengeance all fell on Jesus. Only one who can absorb all the punishment. Jesus addressed God as God, not as Father. God had to turn away from Jesus when all sin fell on Him but as a father, He was never more pleased with His Son. When He became sin, it was a most holy offering.
Ps has a prob w people who said Jesus became a murderer and rapist etc etc on the cross. He bore the sins but was not the sin.
Cried out father when it was all punished on Him and it was finished & no one could break a bone in his body. Forgiven on a foundation that no one can dispute. Somebody paid for us.
Revert it back to the Cross- we are punished because He loved us sooo much and died on the Cross for us. If we realise how much He loves us, we can’t bear to live our old ways.
The pulpit is where we unveil things so people can believe right and live right. Don’t be shocked when sinners act like a sinner. A kid growing up in a slump and hearing profanities will speak profanity. Don’t judge a sinner because he grew up w wrong believing and thus, wrong living.
God didn’t sweep things under the carpet. Jesus died in our place.
Many of us feel a need to punish ourselves when we do wrong. Some youths self mutilate and cut themselves. Payment must be made if something wrong is done.
That is why need to look to cross and see THERE is your punishment and beating and judgment so that you can see that there is now no more condemnation in Christ.
Amazing grace.
Why did Jesus pray “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”?
The thieves jeered and asked Him to come down. But He didn’t because if He comes down from it, we can’t go up.
Jesus feast on their not knowing. Put them under the levitical law of ignorance where if one sins out of ignorance can just bring a lamb.
A verse says if we sin willfully, there is no more sacrifice for sin. In book of Hebrews- about those who know of Jesus (came close to receiving salvation) but rejected Jesus to go back to the blood of bulls and goats, there is no salvation.
The love of God- Jesus was perfect love nailed on the Cross. He was the lightning rod that took away judgment for the most wicked deeds from us and to draw it upon Himself
Jesus said He would draw all judgment on Him on the Cross and finish it. (Jesus didn’t say ‘draw all men’ – ‘men’ was added in.)
Where else can u find such unconditional love that takes the most wicked thing u do and turns it into a blessing for u?
The fears most people have is rooted on fear of death. Not the fear of flying. Fear of death. God hates death. Death is His enemy. Wages of sin is death.
Can’t have sin and not have death- can a finger be put in fire and not be burned? If we put our finger in the fire, can we blame God and say He burned us?
Sometimes we need to hear things again and again. Can’t say we hear once and don’t need to hear again. Eg. U eat ice cream. U eat once and it tastes good and u want to eat it again. U don’t say I ate it once I don’t have to eat it again.
U are not healed by having heard. U are healed by hearing. Keep on hearing.
Peter preached on Pentecost and 3000 were saved. A few chapt later 5000 were saved. Then Stephen came and full of grace and did great signs and wonders & preached to the leaders.
Remember where the leaders go, the people goes. God goes by leadership. The twelve spies- the leaders testimony prevented the people from entering promised land. Which leader u come under is v impt. U rise and fall based on the leadership. U can’t rise above ur leaders so pray for your leaders. The technique of the devil is to attack the leader.
Stephen addressed the leaders in Acts7. He spoke of how the GOD OF GLORY appeared to Abraham. His face shone like an angel= End of the dispensation of the law. When law was dispensed, Moses face shone too. Stephen said he saw the heavens open and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at God’s right hand? Why was Jesus standing? The offer of the kingdom was still opened to Israel who had still not receive Him. They were so close to receiving Jesus. They stopped their ears and removed their clothes at the feet of Saul (before he became Paul), and stoned Stephen. And Stephen prayed the same prayer as Jesus- lay not this sin on their charge. Didn’t feel the pain because His soul was taken before the stones hit Him. Believers don’t die. We fall asleep.
Saul was the Pharisee of Pharisees. He was consenting unto Stephen’s death. And God made the chief of sinners, the legalist of legalists into the greatest apostle of grace.
Noah’s sons repopulated the world.
Ham- Egyptians came from them. Canaanites. Also.
Shem- Semitic tribes.
Japheth- Europeans (expansion)
Ethiopian eunuch – Ham
Paul- Shem
Cornelius- Japeth
All ethnicity saved.
Israel held back. Kingdom was held back. Can’t have kingdom without the king. 2000y suspension.
Eph 1:22-23
Jesus raised far above all principalities and powers and might and dominion and names.
LORD over all things for the benefit of the church.
We have the Power of attorney.
When we pray for the sick we don’t pray God heal the sick, we command the body to be healed – applying the power of His name. Don’t speak to God about our problem. We speak to the problem. Rebuke the problem in Jesus name
We can pray for wisdom for caring for our kids, but we don’t ask God to do something about the sickness because He sent Jesus and Jesus has done it all! If someone delivers snakes to your house, u slam the door in the person’s face. Not “Oh, come in and put the snakes here.” Speak and command over the sickness.
Not about who u are. It is about who is behind u. Use the name of JESUS!
U don’t converse w demons. Don’t engage in conversations with them. What kind of conversation would u like to have with them?
“What’s your name?”
“Are u telling the truth?”
The demon is confused that u are confused. Don’t talk to them just cast them out.
Church is not organ music or a building. Made out of living organisms that Christ has redeemed. Filled w the goodness of God.
When u are sick, find someone to pray for u. When u are confused, come to church. The fullness of Christ is here.
Hollywood can only dream of a hero who wears his red underwear outside that is a fantasy. But we have a real hero.
The gifts of the HS is all in the church.
Devil’s strategy is to bring people away and alone from the church- cut off from the power of the HS.
One of Jesus’s name is mighty God- in Hebrew it is El Gi-ber (MIGHTY HERO)
Embrace not religion but the ultimate super hero of the world.
daisy chan says
Hi Geri, thank you so much for your sermon notes. Me and my family attends first service and sometimes I dozed off a little and missed parts of the sermon and your sermon notes are GOD sent! I also love to read what’s being preached at second service. I share your notes with all my friends even though they also attended church but we all have made it a point to read your notes after service. God bless you!! 🙂
Geri says
Hi Daisy! Am glad to know that the notes have been helpful. 🙂
Shalom and may you and your loved ones grow from glory to glory this year!
God bless!