Only one name God wants to see exalted. JESUS.
It was a statement of judgment when God said my spirit will not always strive and men’s life will be cut short at 120. This was during Noah’s time.
Moses established under the covenant of blood of goat and sheep can live until 120. What more us who are established in Christ? God renews our youth like the eagles.
The food is in his death. He bore all the fiery judgement on the cross. When Israel are roasted lamb in every household, not one feeble person in the tribe before leaving from Egypt. God brought them out with silver and gold n not one feeble. Today we have the substance. If the shadow of the true lamb can accomplish that, what more the true lamb- Jesus. Jesus referred the life that He gives is His flesh & He laid down His flesh.
Our church more than 50% healing comes from partaking communion. To judge ourselves and partake worthily is to judge yourself healed and forgiven.
As often as u do it- communion can be done as often as u want. U can partake as family or on behalf of kids. We are kings and priests. The things of God are so simple and so easy to be despised/ taken for granted.
The lady said the crumb even as it falls off the table is appreciated and her daughter was healed. And we have more than a crumb in Christ. We have a cure all in communion. U have those who think communion is just a symbol and some who say it is just transubstantiation where it says it is literary the flesh and blood of Jesus.
There is a couple from US who wrote to Ps a testimony. In the month of March , the hubby diagnosed with MALT Lymphoma. They heard Ps preach about communion & partook of communion every single day. Cancer got worse and cancer spread BUT they kept hearing the word and partaking. Take here what and how u hear. Nov went back – Doc said: ur stomach looks diff from what we saw earlier this year. What did u do? Praise the LORD! Couldn’t find any trace of cancer.
Romans 1- the gospel isn’t about right bhv. Produces right bhv. It is about right believing. Right believing leads to right behaviour. People preach about right bhv- sincerely want love ones to behave right for their benefit. But if u preach right believing, there will be right bhv. Metanoia or repentance is the renewal and change of mind.
Just because u say repent, it doesn’t mean people are repenting. In our church, repenting- a renewal of our mind- happens all the time.
Obedience to the faith is right believing. By faith.
Righteousness by faith- area being attacked today.
Ps shares how he used to feel he could lose his righteousness by the end of day as a youth. And he would have to got through a process to repent. So his prayer was not bold. Not sure of standing.
Our righteousness can’t be sinned away.
Romans 5:19- BY ONE MAN’S obedience.
How come there are sinners in the world? Is it because many people sin. No, we are sinners because of ONE MAN’S SIN. Adam brought sin and its consequences into the world.
Today we sin because we are sinners. We are not sinners because we sin.
By the same token, by one man’s obedience we are forgiven. One man’s obedience. Not yours or mine. JESUS’S obedience.
When u were a sinner, there are times u do something right. We tend to put thing in degrees. God doesn’t. Sin no gradient. Just like Jairus’ daughter was dead for a shorter while than Lazarus but they are ALL DEAD. God doesn’t go by measures of sin.
So there were times u helped someone, did the right thing u do change ur status as a sinner? No.
When people are unsaved, u tell people “Your good works can’t save u. Need the blood of Jesus.” Now u are saved, do u believe u are saved by works when u sin? Many believe when Christians sin, they are temp cut off until they get right aka can’t prayer for self or folks until they are righteous again. Something is wrong here. We are dishonouring the person and work of God’s beloved Son. The ramification is we are saying thus that the first Adam> the last Adam.
If u know the value and preciousness of God’s incarnate Son, u know Jesus is an overpayment for our sins. It’s like we sinned a million dollar sin and God gave us Jesus- a 100 billion dollar settlement.
What makes u think u can undo your righteousness in a day? This is wrong believing and it leads to wrong living.
Many people preaching right behaviour and turning back to righteousness by work mean well. Stop the wrong and do the right and everything will be all right, they say. But we need to seek first His gift of righteousness. It is a blessing magnet – and ALL these things will be added to u.
We use our faith for a new house, a car etcetera when we wake up. We only need to use our faith to focus on one thing- to confess we are the righteousness of God in Christ. And what we need and hope for is added.
The righteousness by faith is being attacked.
OT- blessings are fruit of obedience
NT- obedience is a fruit of righteousness
There is therefore now no condemnation. There are people preaching against grace with all their hearts and their life is messed up.
Devil wants us to be self occupied so we can be depressed, worried, anxious. Imagine ur child feeling worried whether they are doing the right things all the time when around u? Don’t worry. I love u.
2 Cor 10:45 – focus on His obedience that made u righteous.
The essence of warfare is to focus on Jesus obedience. Bring our every thought to HIS OBEDIENCE. Not your obedience. Devil will always say your obedience isn’t enough. And he will always remind u u are doing all the time. Nagging. And some Christians help him too. :p
Self righteousness is the mother of all sins. When Adam and Eve wanted to be liken God, they forgot they have been made in His own image. Instead of resting what God had made them, they wanted to perform to be what they already are. So fell from grace.
They covered themselves w fig leaves. God said blood is needed so God was the first one to offer a sacrificial victim for Adam and Eve. Clothed them w the fur of animals.
Jesus when he saw a fig tree, looked for early fig. The tree has leaves and should have early fig- evidence of fruits to come. But the tree had no fruit. It had fig leaves (a form of self righteousness) but no fruits. He cursed it then taught us how to speak to the mountains. Unless we curse self righteousness in our life, we can’t move mountains.
The law is not of faith. The strength of sin is the law. The devil had hoodwinked people to say be careful about grace and to hallelujah over law.
Romans. 6:14- sin is a noun here. U can replace it with poverty/ sickness etcetera. We are now under grace! No more under dominion.
Children of Israel leaving Egypt, hadn’t been given law yet and no one died although they murmured. Laden with gold and silver- back pay and interest. Not tempted to build golden calf. At the Red Sea, complained. Brought forward. Not tempted to build golden calf. At bitter waters of Mara and smitten rock and no temptation. Then Exo19- God wanted to make them kings and priests. The people said “we can certainly do it even before we know the Ten Commandments”- smacks of pride. God was so close to them before they said this and even went ahead of them and his presence was close got them. Dependant on His faithfulness then. But at the foot of Sinai, in essence they are saying don’t bless us because U are good but because we are good. They boasted and God told Moses to not let them come close or they will die. Afterwards when they commit the same sin of murmuring, they dropped dead. And after they said we can do it, they broke the first commandment and made a golden calf.
Grace produces true holiness. Will not promote licentiousness.
We all wan our people blessed, pastors and leaders, but do we know what we are putting our people under mixture? Jesus was against mixture. Said either hot or cold better than lukewarm. Under Law completely (cold), will drive u to your knees eventually. Under mixture, u have law and grace and lukewarm so there is a problem.
Like 18- The rich young ruler- when u boast in the law, it will always tell u one thing u lack. Law given and can’t bear to give a dollar. Next chapt, Luke 19, Zachaeus was a tax collector on the tree and Jesus called Z down and dined with him. No laws given and he gave half his goods to the poor and repaid those he owed four fold. And Jesus said salvation has come upon this home.
It cost US400m to pay for The Star and we have paid more than 90% already and by 2014 will pay off everything. During the four years it was being built, we only had one miracle seed Sundays a year and these miracle seed Sundays would have the largest attendance. Why people would come to give and where they came from- don’t know. Ps said he gave us only one week. To many leaders it is a mistake. Never give 1 year’s notice. BUT nonetheless US16.5m was raised in cash and cheque. Not pledges. And it was the best attendance ever. US$400m… Ps has no idea what happened. He never threatens people and preaches Jesus and not giving during the miracle seed Sundays. We are under Melchizedek priesthood not Levithian priesthood. We are not cursed if we don’t give. Diff. We give because of a sense of God’s AGAPE love for us!
In Gen, Sarah laughed when the angels came and Abraham doubted. Yet Paul said Sarah was judged faithful – her laughing was not recorded by Paul.
Romans. 4:5-8
Someone who was godly became ungodly so those of us who are ungodly can be considered godly.
David, although sins were forgiven, still under law. There was still punishment. We are under grace and not law. Jesus took it all upon Him. David envied u. See v7&8 Our sins shall certainly and never be imputed upon us again- double negative. Doubting and fear is sin but when Abraham doubted and feared, God didn’t see it. He praised God, He saw it. When Sarah doubted, God didn’t see it. They were under grace. In the Hall of faith, there is no record of their sin (eg Abraham told to not bring kinsfolk along but he brought LOT along and Lot was a lot of trouble. He also lied. But in Hall of faith, Abraham was judged faithful.)
Don’t try to steady the ark. U will die. God steadies His own ark. Truth will set u free.
Balaam was a wizard. Yet see Numbers 23:19-21
People tend to take this out of context to threaten people and wag fingers at them. But the verse is about blessing that cannot be reversed!
Balaam couldn’t curse the people. God put His words in Balaam’s mouth.
Is there iniquity in the camp of the Hebrews? Yes. They were murmuring against Moses etc. but our security – GOD HAS NOT BEHELD INIQUITY in Jacob.
In the middle of the camp, there is a burnt sacrifice laid on the altar in the centre of their camp and God sees everyone according to the sacrifice of the lamb. What. Balaam saw I the encampment is the cross of Jesus
“The higher u go, u will see My people thorough the Cross. But you can’t see it because you are earth bound.”
Our perspective on the ground is not heavenly and so we find fault with people.
Yes God is Yahweh, El Shaddai, Elohim etc and we think we are deep when we teach on these names. But the name Jesus came to glorify is ABBA FATHER. Jesus prayed for God to protect His people from lost and injury by the name FATHER. Just the name “Father”… Sometimes u don’t have a prayer… U say “Father” and that in itself is a prayer.
God is God to the world. No intimacy. But to us HE is DADDY GOD. The religious gets upset thinking we are making light of God to call Him “Daddy God” but this is the name Jesus came to bring to us.
People think grace, hope and love are basics and law is deep. But what the Jews have is the shadow. We have the substance. Ps talks about how he loves giving substance to the symbols they have.
Gal 4:1-5
Illustration – Baby (Nepios) Justin inherits all the good things from Ps but because he is an infant, he doesn’t differ from a slave in that he can’t drive Ps car or eat Ps food even though Ps friends can do so.
Law- enslaved us. When grace came, Jesus brought SONship.
Grace is not ABCs and law maturity… The devil has hoodwinked us. Law is infancy and grace is maturity.
When Peter first met Jesus and received a net breaking load of fish. He realised Jesus is no ordinary man. Conscious of His holiness so said depart from me, I am a sinful man. But years pass and on the night of last supper, Peter declares he will never betray Jesus. Jesus said he would deny Him and Peter said no way. But he did so with cursing and swearing.
Jesus met w Peter (Cephas) first and then to the rest. Luke 24:34- we were not told what happened when Peter met w Jesus. But restoration must have taken place because when they went fishing and caught nothing all night, Jesus met them the next day. John recognised it was the LORD because of the amount of fishes they caught. Peter dove in the water and swam to Jesus. He was focused no longer on just Jesus’ holiness but His love. If Peter was aware of only Jesus’ holiness still, after what he did to deny Jesus, he would swim away from Jesus. Not to Him.
Jesus – contagious and anointed messiah. Touched the unclean and made them clean- grace. Compared to the law where touching the unclean makes u unclean.
Why people are becoming worldly- if any man loves the world and things of the world, they don’t have the revelation of the love the Father had for them. So we need to preach the love of the Father- this will make them unworldly ‘accidentally’ as they hear it 🙂
Even when angels appears before the people in OT, they would be afraid because they know they are sinful. No sinner is able to say when God appears thank u for loving me. It takes the HS to do this.
U need to remove this idea that grace and love is ABCs and holiness is deep. We don’t know the length, the breadth, the depth and height of the love of Christ yet. Law is easy- do good, get good. U need the HS to ustd that u can receive good u don’t deserve because someone took the bad He didn’t deserve.
No more condemnation now because God is holy. Jesus hung on cross 2000 y ago and received the holy fury and indignation & stroke after stroke of God’s judgment, and yelled IT IS FINISHED. God can’t impute the same sin He punished Jesus for on u today. His holiness can’t judge u. Blood has been shed and you have been paid for. U are blessed not because u don’t sin but because God can’t impute the same sin Jesus overpaid for on u. And now wave after wave of God’s grace is coming your way.