My Grace story by Kevin Ofware
As early as 13 years old i had heard about Jesus and I wanted to be saved. The only dilema I had was that the gospel, which is not even the gospel that was presented to me was one that told me to quit every bad thing, stop listening to every secular music be good then come to Christ for salvation. I tried so hard to stop doing these things, I tried so hard to stop listening to secular music but my efforts only lasted for less than a day. In frustration I tried fasting and praying, I made several promises to God but still no help.
After trying desperately but failing terribly I gave up and even hated church. Whenever my mum tried to persuard me to go to church I would always make sure all my clothes were dirty so that I didnt have to go. I would remain in the house and enjoy music till everybody else came back home.
In 2011 God started stiring my heart and I suddenly developed a love for Christian programmes. Unfortunately all the programmes on Christian networks were law and works based. Some were so bad to the extent that they would be teaching on demonology. But God was working something good. I kept listening to all the stuff on T.V. Then one day when I was away from home enjoying christian programmes a saw a young looking preacher who said he will preach nothing but Jesus. Immediately I was hooked. I kept watching his programme destined to reign every saturday but because all the programmes were teaching on the tabernacle I didnt understand alot. But one day he taught on salvation by grace through faith and the righteousness that is by faith apart from works. The teaching was so radical that i thought he was one of the false preachers that Jesus warned us about. But something miraculous happened before the end of the sermon, pastor prince said if there is anyone who still does not understand what he is teaching they should read the Bible starting with Romans, then Galatians.
The following morning I read the Book of Romans keenly as if to prove him wrong, i read Romans 1,2 and by the time I had finished verse 3 i had believed the truth and had come to realise that he was teaching the truth. I believed and was saved. From then until now I have grown in Grace and in knowledge of Jesus. Life has never been this easy.
Kevin’s testimony is so inspiring. I wish he could talk to my son Robby who has separated himself from me because I have heard the truth and been set free. My son thinks I’m in some kind of false doctrine. Won’t even talk with me and puts down Joseph Prince like he’s the antichrist so sad. But I know one day he will see the “Light”!!! Hallelujah!!!
In Christ my heart goes out to u, because I am in ur place with my youngest son, who has dis-owned his family. In the Old Testament it says “The seed of the righteous shall be delivered” as well as “The seed of thr righteous shall be blessed.” Being in the OT, that was future tense. But under the New Cov, it IS accomplished. The Bible says to ‘Seek first His righteousness & all these things will be added to u.’ My addition for u is to learn of Jesus’s perfect love toward u personally. ‘See’ Him on the cross loving u. Spend time with Him – whatever that looks like to u. And as His Word has set u free, His love – He Himself – will calm ur soul (ur mind, will & emotions), & quiet the thot’s of “Why? How come?” Etc. PRAISE THE LORD FOR HE IS GOOD! OUR SONS ARE DELIVERED, BLESSED, WALKING IN INTIMACY WITH THE LORD & IN THE RADICAL GOSPEL OF GRACE HIMSELF & RESTORED FOR GOD’S GREATEST GLORY & OUR GREATEST GOOD!