(FYI: I’m sorry but the notes are not in full. I missed the earlier part of the sermon as my son is unwell.)
Never judge your standing by your behaviour.
Plenty left over and much more because of the overpayment of Jesus.
No longer defensive when we know our sins are forgiven. We don’t mind confessing our sins to each other because we know we are free. It is when we are not confident that our sins have been paid for that we are defensive and fight back. It is okay to confess if you know you aren’t confessing to be forgiven.
If we are under Grace, when people condemn us we don’t condemn them.
Believe right, live right.
We fight to bring Ten Commandments back to public schools in the States but we should be fighting to bring back John 3:16
Works of the flesh- under law- adultery, bitterness, etc (the golden calves)
Fruits of the spirit- under grace- love, joy, peace, gentleness, faith, meekness, self control
Grace brings about fruit. Lord we cannot, u can. Christ confidence
Law brings about golden calves. Bring it on Lord! Self confidence
Heavy laden with gold since leaving Egypt, even as they walked through Red Sea, were at bitter waters of Mara—- no temptation to build golden calves. Temptation came only when they felt they can uphold the law.
Restore the gospel to the pews, pulpit and church.
2 Cor 10:4-5 KJV
WARFARE is to bring every thought to the OBEDIENCE OF CHRIST.
Not bring every thought to obey Christ. We can never fully obey and that is the point that The Accuser will use to accuse us. Devil comes in the personal pronoun. He will give you the thought like u are thinking it and when u accept that thought, he has gotten u. Devil plays mind games with us.
The bible says as Jesus is, so are we in this world. Jesus was here for thirty years but with the Father since then for 2000 years. What is He up to?
Hebrews. 1:3
He sat down at Father’s right hand because He has purged our sins. His efficacy is forever. He sat down not just because He is the Son of God, but because He has purged us now and always.
Jesus is there for our benefit. Hebrews 5:1 tells is Jesus was appointed our High Priest for the benefit of men to God. Prophet is for God to men. Jesus is not a prophet at Father’s right hand. He is a High Priest at Father’s right hand.
How good the High Priest is how much the LORD will accept the people.
When HP dies, drought and bad year expected. When HP comes out of Holy of Holies alive, a good year of fruitfulness lies ahead.
Today we have a HP forever, in the order of Melchizedek. JESUS!
If He is good u are blessed. If He is accepted I are accepted. Our joy is forever and our peace is unceasing.
If peace in our lives is tied up somehow to our behaviour, it will be broken one day. But because it is tied up with our HP, Jesus, as He is so are we in this world. 🙂
Is Jesus prosperous or broke at Father’s right hand? Is He healthy or sick at Father’s right hand? So are we! NOW in this world.
Some say they still feel the pain despite this.
Nothing is greater than the Truth. Pain is a fact but the Truth is more powerful than fact. And the Truth will set u free!
Our place is to behold Him and HS transforms us as we behold Him. When we behold Him with unveiled face (not under law… law is he veil), we are transformed from glory to glory.
Jesus took your beatings for u. Stop beating yourself. Stop hurting yourself and your family/ loved ones. U don’t have to pay the price. He paid it all. Receive it. The most humble thing u can say is Jesus took the beating for me and I will receive the good He bought for me. I will stop hurting myself and others consciously or unconsciously.
As long as Peter beheld Jesus, as long as Jesus was above the storm, so was he. Above the troubles. Then the devil came and reasoned with him using logic. The way of the LORD is not logic. It is faith. It is not oh you of little works/ learning…
What is faith? The hand that takes. Why do u take so little from Me? That is what He means when he says “Oh you of little faith.”
Logic that Moses should be the HP since he delivered the people out of the land. But God chose Aaron- Why?
Moses lived as a Prince through the people’s suffering. But where was Aaron? Aaron was living amongst the people. He sat through and suffered what they did. The HP MUST sit where we sat, go through what we go through.
Exo 28:38- in our greatest performances for the LORD there is still sin. But we don’t stop and worry about it because it is on the forehead of our HP. As long as our HP thoughts are holy, we are accepted (in the Hebrew Razon- pleasurable, delightful to the LORD). Then when we come in praise, worship, service, no longer worry about our thoughts because Jesus thoughts are ALWAYS holy so we will ALWAYS be accepted.
29yo NYer with martial arts background thought that his self discipline could help him overcome his porn addiction. But as he kept confessing I am the righteousness of God in Christ, he one day felt the desire left. Grace is the key to overcome sin was his testimony at the end.
A lady in the States with similar condition as NCCer who had lumps in her breast and who testified years ago. This lady also began confessing as Jesus is in this world so is she. Jesus has no lumps so she doesn’t have any. Her doctor also found no more lumps in her!! Praise God!!
Maybe I have been receiving all these negativity as my identity. From now on JESUS is my identity. And the bondage will be broken because right believing lead so right living.
The truth and not the law will set u free.
The Son of Man had no place to lay his head. The word lay here in Hebrew appeared also when Christ bowed his head. Lay and bowed both are REST in Hebrew. Jesus found His rest in our redemption after He cried IT IS FINISHED!
Thank you for sharing. May Yahweh Rapha heal your son. Amen
Thanks so much, John. Amen indeed. 🙂
Thank you so much for the notes.
Now concerning your son.
I’ll tell you what the Lord Jesus told me.
“You shall see the power of God through healing of these hands.
with simplicity of words. According to the Word of the Lord that through your(Jesus)stripes be ye healed. And they shall be healed.”
Obviously I can’t be there to lay hands on your son But there is no
distance with God. So Father we agree that through Jesus stripes the boy be healed. I thank & Praise God for your son’s healing in Jesus name before I see it because our Abba Father deals in Faith (the unseen) realm.