Not about u. It is about Jesus. After Jesus came why is the devil still hellbent on destroying Jews? Coz of Israel.
Russia will come down according to Ezekiel. Russia was then small tribal groups. Not a super power. So when prophet Ezekiel prophesied it was about our time.
When Ps preached to keep a sharp look out at Israel this year on 5/1/14. He saw a year w a lot of chaos and mayhem. January was peaceful. No planes crashing or ISIS or Israel vs Hamas etc. can’t test a sermon until part of the year has passed.
Ps never said he is a prophet. He is a pastor. He feeds his flock to fatten them so they cry out “Abba Abba”. 🙂
How can u tell if someone is speaking for God? Pastors are all delivery boys. Authenticity is shown in speaking things before they happen.
Ps also spoke about a virus that is coming. He prays before preaching that he is scriptural and also as an oracle to God.
“Regarding the strain of virus that is coming this year, that u will keep your people immune…”
No Ebola then. But Ps saw that strain of virus that is coming and he started praying against it. Let the LORD lead u in the details even as u pray the general pray.
People that pray in a group there is also a corresponding amen when u pray as a group.
God will bring us to areas we are not comfy in the flesh – areas we are weak- so we can see His fresh supply. It is God strengthening us. Feel loved. There are higher hands leading u and loving eyes watching u. He will expose us more and more to areas we are not comfy in the flesh. Grace is supply but if u are constantly exposed to areas u are supplied, not open to more supply and therefore, no growth. U are maturing and God is growing u.
Whatever u are going through this year, remember not here to use God but for God to use us. Omniscient One should be the one leading us not other way around.
The first time we are exposed to things we like, sometimes we don’t like it. Eg the people hiding in the caves in Okinawa, they were told lies about the American soldiers. When they came out of the cave, not used to the Sun and went back into the cave.
True freedom comes from Jesus who emancipated us completely.
We might be in a place where we are comfy in bondage. Humans can be in bondage and be resilient to adapt to many things but forget to call upon God.
Pastor saw his neighbour decapitate a chicken when he was a child. The chicken was still flapping around even headless. Poor chicken didn’t get a revelation that he is dead. Shows revelation is not from the head. Lol.
The devil wants u to be familiar w the darkness and that ur world is very big inside the cave so don’t go out. Adultery for eg, world shrinks coz got to be carefully not to be caught.
For 135y they were in bondage… from when Joseph had favour w Pharaoh and brought his family… and they they grew and multiplied more than the Egyptians… Then the bible says there arose a Pharaoh that knew not Joseph.
Through the cross, the Father crossed his hands>> Like Jacob blessed Ephraim and Mannaseh.
Ps103- God satisfies our mouth so that our youth is renewed like the eagles.
We don’t read about the Hebrews complaining coz got used to being in bondage.
Nation after nation have conquered the Jewish people and disappeared. Romans and British empire for eg. The latter boasted the sun never sets on their commonwealth. But Israel was the first one under them to go. The point is those who bless Israel are blessed. Those who curse are cursed. British empire fell.
Pharaoh hated the Hebrews supernaturally.
God wants u to say I cannot before He says I can for u.
Gary from USA, lost pharmacy licence and loved ones due to drug addiction. Prayed to die as he went in and out of rehab and jail. Saw Ps message and was set free from addiction. Clean for two years and got his family and licence back. Thankful for Ps ministry.
We don’t have to defend our pastor. Just tell those people what your pastor said before we discuss about grace. Don’t play games w the pulpit. Don’t rehash messages. No sermon should have been reheated. Should be fresh. Shouldn’t be paying people to give us food that has been pre-cooked and microwaved. No two chefs are the same. U are right to ask for accountability of the pastor. Pastor is here to serve the people. Not other way around.
Ps gets people to park his car so he can focus and go preach sermon and not be looking for parking lot. There is security because there have been threats made.
Even Jesus avoided some situation. It is wisdom.
Ps gets angry when his other pastors serve him coz they are friends. Lol. He can take care of himself 🙂
U need to know a pastor’s role. When someone is light up w revelation, like a lit candle. U don’t hide under the bed. U put him where he can light up more spaces
Taiwan has never had televangelists but Ps is gonna be the first one because the people are pushing for it. The message has revolutionised the churches there because Jesus is revealed.
Remember we are the donkeys serving Jesus. The donkey better know the Hosannas are for Jesus and not the donkey although its hoofs are walking on the red carpet.
God works w the weak and insignificant.
Gideon was the least in his family and he had to cut down his army. 300 vs a multitude no one could number. Won w shofars and earthen vessels. The enemies fought each other.
The Christ crucified is greater than the wisdom of men.
There was a man named Yabin. Intellect from the word binah.
A woman killed a male enemy who was running away. She knew who he was and smashed his head and all Israel won. The victory and credit went to a woman. God uses things that are weak
A smashed skull tells u it is the end of all human intellect and wisdom.
This Book (holds up bible) judges u. U don’t judge it and exalt ur intellect. The end of all your intellect is your skull. Why do u think Jesus died at the place of the skull? God’s intellect is above men’s.
It took 5 loaves to feed 5000 and later 7 loaves to feed less people. Bigger the problem, it is easier for Him to resolve.
Finally Exodus 2 happened after 135y. They finally groaned out and cried out to God. Groaning isn’t a perfect prayer. Out of pain. Not a pretty prayer. God heard their groaning and God remembered. They were not speaking in tongues btw.
Just a groan will reach the throne. (Preached on it in 2004)
A groan is a prayer so deep that it makes nothing of men’s eloquence and shows his utter need for God.
God had a covenant that needed to be activated by their crying out for Him.
A rebellious son? The sigh we sigh out of frustration is stronger than a pretty prayer.
People wants us to be strong but God wants us to be weak.
Salvation is Jesus. People think salvation is something sent by Jesus. Like a parcel sent by a friend from overseas. Righteousness is a parcel apart from him— WRONG.
Luke 19:5—- scandal of grace. Jesus said He had to live at Zacchaeus’ place. Necessity of love and salvation for Zac.
Jesus is the ark. Doesn’t matter what happens outside. Safe in the ark.
Jesus ate w Zacchaeus. Goodness of God came before he repented.
Jesus is salvation. Luke 19:9
I am the righteousness of God IN CHRIST JESUS. It is not about u. It is about Him.
U are u. That righteousness is Jesus.
I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me.
Don’t try to adjust ur weakness. Allow God’s grace to come on it
He is strong. We are weak. If we are strong, we repel the strong. Positive repels positive. We need to be weak to receive the strength.
Jesus HIMSELF is salvation. Not Jesus brought salvation.
HIMSELF bore our sins in His own body that we might live unto righteousness by WHOSE stripes.
By His stripes I am healed is NOT a mantra. It is a revelation.
Jesus HIMSELF drew near to his disciples on Emmaus road. How he uplifted them? Expound things to them concerning HIMSELF.
Heaven isn’t heaven without Jesus.
It is Him.
Mark 3:14-15
Appointed His disciples that they might BE WITH HIM in order that (hina) He might send them out to preach and cast out devils.
Exodus 2:23-25
Groaning activates the covenant. Don’t have to go find a place to pray and think things through. Just groan out. Will release u from stress and depression. Don’t let the new things coz u to put up defences. New truths must be studied in context and multiple places in the Scripture
God had respect into them when they groaned (KJV).
Murmuring and complaining won’t help. Diff from groan.
Exo 6:5-8
7 things happened when they groaned. 7 “I WILL” all because of their groan.
Even a sigh is powerful.
Some people think powerful prayer is praying loudly. But that is just ur earthen vessel making a lot of noise. And some are so strong they don’t groan or even shed a tear. Cry. God won’t disown u. He loves it when u are being yourself. Those people are so strong and silent they end up in the special box still strong and very silent. That’s why women live longer acc to stats lol. They talk about the things that bother them.
Jesus sighed. Sighing- only love can identify w people who are suffering. Love does that. Love cares for the pain. Love takes on the person’s suffering. Feels the pain. U can teach and counsel people professionally but our High Priest can be touched by the feeling of our infirmity. That is our Jesus.
Mark 7:34-35 – sigh = stenazo.
1 Cor 15:51-58 (Rapture being described)
The truth about learning about the rapture doesn’t make us lazy. Not looking forward to death but to the redemption of our body.
Therefore because of knowing of the rapture u will be steadfast and immovable and always abounding.
2 Cor 5-
If U are conscious of the LORD & sigh during the challenge, it is a v deep prayer.
When believers heart stop- to be absent in the body is to be present in the LORD. Will be even more ALIVE.
Upon rapture, our body is renewed and transcends matter.
The rapture doesn’t wait for any sign to be fulfilled. Imminent. Can happen anytime.
The second coming of Christ is not the rapture- He comes back again for Christ. The rapture we will meet Him in mid air.
The devil preparing people to dismiss rapture with more and more people believing about aliens.
2 Cor 5:2— we are groaning and earnestly desiring…
There is so much sickness in the body of Christ because not enough being taught about the rapture.
Romans 8:19-26 KJV
Do pray before u eat. It is the blessing of the LORD that makes it good. Look to the LORD and not the thing
The earth is groaning hence earthquakes.
We are groaning also- earnestly waiting for the SONship and the redemption of our body.
Why groan? It has an effect on your health.
Our new body will no longer subjected to ageing but will be forever young. No more sickness, no more boredom. Energetic forever.
Many don’t believe in healing and skips this verse
Romans 8:24
We are healed and saved (sozo- also means healed, delivered) by grace through faith.
So here the sozo means not eternal salvation here but our healing.
Prophecy is not bad. 1/4 of the bible is prophecy.
Romans 8:26
Infirmities- used 24 x in NT. 50% of the time used for physical sickness.
Spirit makes intercession for our physical symptoms w groanings. Tongue has a place but groanings too.
There is a prayer that is ready. Groan. It means I am desperate & only He can help me. Don’t have to wait to find a room and find words to pray a pretty prayer.
2 Cor 5:3
Those who died w Jesus, naked in the sense that not clothed w the post raptured body. With Him in spirit now.
V4- groan coz we want to be further clothed so that our mortality is swallowed up by life.
Lazarus just died. Messenger came to Jesus to let Him know. Jesus groaned in the spirit. It is a strong groaning. John 11:33-41
Death is not natural. When we attend a funeral we attend for the living and not the dead. No one likes to be reminded of death because deep down u know God meant u for life. God hates death. Last enemy to be out under his feet. Wages of sin is death but gift of God is eternal life through Christ.
God never made men to die but men sinned against God. Men had been given free choice. Men chose sin and thus chose death.
Jesus groaned again in John 11:38
V41- “Father I thank u that u heard me.” What did God hear? In the context of this chapter- 2 records of Him groaning. Sigh and groan if u need to. Don’t be strong in yourself.
90% of the church doesn’t understand this kind of prayer. Remember this, when u don’t have a prayer and all u have is a sigh, just release that. Groaning is diff from murmuring. It is releasing your burden to Jesus.
Ps remembers when Jessica was sick. Pastor bound and loosed and claimed but nothing happened. And all he could do was cry. And deep down inside was a groan, a sigh and he just let it go. V personal cry. That night, her illness turned around.
When man is at his end, God is just beginning.