Mark 5:29-34
Woman was fearing and trembling because she knew what was done in her- healed.
Don’t read into things.
The world will fear and tremble for all the goodness and prosperity of the LORD.
Daughter, your faith has made u well—> she had a wonderful revelation of Jesus. She had a touch of faith. Knew who He was.
Lord hid his glory. Could have come in many ways – emperor, rich man. He chose to come at a time Israel was under oppression and to a place that had no room for Him. Whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.
Doesn’t matter who is right or wrong, if u humble yourself and apologize, you will be exalted.
The Jewish people when they toast, have wine and they say, “Le Chaim!” — to life!
There is a mem at the end = plural
So it means abundant life, full of life, great and wonderful life
Word for death is muth = singular
But when someone dies violently, death is plural.
In Isaiah- The LORD in His death — plural. Deaths.
Violent death.
Manasseh and Ephraim
Ephra- fruitful
Ephraim- double fruitfulness.
Bible uses the plural form to show intensity.
Asher- happy, blessed. Singular.
Asheri- many many happiness. Plural.
I come to give u life and life more abundantly in John 10:10
It’s important we understand hebraism
1jn 1:9
If we confess our sins (plural)
If u are established in the present truth, it is grace. In David’s time the present truth is the law. Peter says in his epistle to be established in the present truth.
Never once in Paul’s spirit inspired letters, did he say confess ur sins.
All the bible is for us but not all of the parts are written to us. Revelation is universal but some parts are personal (eg. A letter is addressed to Benjamin. Then u read it although it isn’t for u. U feel encouraged by it but it isn’t addressed to u. But u benefitted. However if the letter mentions Benjamin owes the author money, does it mean u owe the money? No. Benjamin does. Not u.)
Gal 2:9
Paul’s ministry is to the Gentiles
John, Peter, James’ ministry is to the Jews (the circumcised)
So when the latter three wrote letters, it’s very different.
John opened his letter the way he did because of the Gnostics
1 John 3:15
— so some people say salvation is not eternal because of this. They think brother brother is for Christians only.
Beloved brethren- Christian brothers
Brethren- Jewish unsaved brothers
Hebraism- “if we confess our sins” refers to the intensity of your sins. Not referring to quantity.
Mark 1:5 – “confessing their sins”
How many sins do u think they could confess whilst John was baptizing them? Their whole life? Confessing that they are sinners.
Are these who came to John the Baptist believers in Christ.
1 John 1:9 is present tense. Mark 1:5 is as well. Does it mean they are all still there confessing their sins?
Characteristic. Hebraism of their turning from sin to God.
Paul wrote 3/4 of the New Testament and never once told the Christians to confess.
Spirit soul body- best sex is within the marriage.
World sex, no commitment is not the best sex.
The devil will always come to u and say God is depriving u. But God say u can have fruit from every tree except for one. Identity crisis- u eat this, u can become like God. They were made in the image of God so already like him. They didn’t need to add to it.
It isn’t Jesus plus holiness. Jesus is holiness. Can’t add to it.
What are u looking for? Don’t pursue things that don’t satisfy. Don’t live life making money. There are many great things in life u don’t need money to enjoy. You don’t have to buy every toy out there. When u go for mission trips, The kids are just playing outdoors. No iPad. No iPhone and they are happy.
What has the worldly knowledge done for your health? Stole your time. Your time is too precious.
The way to know God is like this
In Jeremiah 9:23-24
Pursuit of work promotion and material gain whilst not spending time on the family. “One of these days we will go. One day we will do this. Not now.” Like the Cats in the Cradle song. The boy started growing up whilst u procrastinate and then when they grow up, they will procrastinate on u.
Those who know God will be strong and do great exploits. Knowing God is so crucial.
Hebrews 8:11-12
V11- “know the LORD” = ginosko – by experience or by effort. “For all shall know me.” = eido – inward revelation.
The woman eido what was done in her.
V12- because I will be merciful to their unrighteousness (plural).
The new covenant- They will know Him because He will be merciful to their unrighteousness (plural) and their sins and lawless deeds He will remember no more.
Preach the truth. Let the people believe the truth and let the truth manifest. Right believing will always lead to right living.
The sins u commit or the sins in your heart- all covered.
The “remember no more” – double negative. Ume. Never ever ever.
It’s hard to sin against a loving savior.
When the referee issue yellow card, don’t go and argue. Operate with wisdom.
Don’t bring up negative things to the spouse when she is not in the right place emotionally.
In Jeremiah 9:23-24 Jer 9: 23 Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: 24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord. Hallelujah! Thank You for posting! Have a Glorious week!