It’s so tempting to look at the bite or wound. But look to Jesus and receive healing. Look to Jesus and know He is personally here for you.
Barukh sheim k’vid malkhuto i’olam valed…
Pie Jesu Domine
Dona eis requiem
Sempiternam requiem
Pastor (first service recording)
We have gone through a very church in the hustings so whatever and whoever and whichever party you vote for, it’s time right now to put everything behind and trust that what we have is God’s will. Time to pray for your leaders and honour and stop complaining.
(Pray for leaders) God is the only one that can govern the affairs of the nations. Bible tells us that there will be two major empires. Revived Roman Empire and United States of Europe. God raised up kings in Israel and His choice was David and not Saul but people chose Saul. But David became king eventually and was promised the throne forever. Israel blessed to have breakthroughs for betterment of human life- the Jewish although they are the minority race, have won more Nobel prizes for science and medicine and other fields than any other race. Done it in a fallen state. God’s dream is for them to do it in the fullness of blessing. He wants the whole world to be blessed through them. God wants to bless the nations through Israel. Sampling of this seen in Solomon’s reign. Kings and Queens came from all over the world to hear the wisdom that comes from Solomon. Was the richest man that ever lived. Typifies the millennial rule. But rulers after him worshipped idols and became so evil they would sacrifice their kids to Molech. It’s an idol with hands outstretched, mouth breathing fire and they would put the babies on the arms whilst it was red hot and roll into its mouth. God said stop it. Compassionate God who didn’t like child sacrifices. He told them through so many prophets to no avail. So God allowed Nebuchadnezzar. Conquered Israel and empires after empires came about… Jesus born under Roman rule. But a kingdom not built with human hands will come about and destroy the worldly empires.
50- number of Jubilee. The powers that be are ordained of God. Let every soul be subject to higher powers. When Paul wrote that, was writing about the Romans who were very cruel and vicious. Our govt isn’t cruel.
Prayer for govt that it is established of Him. Grant Solomonic wisdom to govern the land with equity and integrity. Protection from harm, ill health and danger. Years of good days, health and life for Singaporeans. Prayer for unity of being one people. Let your gospel have free rein and let it not be hindered in Singapore. Amen.
Not every decision is perfect. The man is the head but doesn’t mean tyranny or boss-ism. Means he has the final accountability before God. An officiator or facilitator. The leader. Doesn’t mean he is more equal or higher. Equal standing before God with their wife. Women made to function in roles different from men. More intuitive. Men are more logical. Women supposed to inspire men towards the tree of life. Eve led Adam to partake of the wrong tree and men fell.
No one is perfect. Why is no one perfect? The highest creation, men, is not perfect. We have fallen.
Our expectation is for perfection but we are fallen.
Missionaries have gone to tribes and questioned leaders about morality and they have never heard of the gospel or Ten Commandments or from civilized men…. What is wrong is to kill another man, to take the other’s wife, to not be truthful to your word—-> hey isn’t it the ten comm? So law is written in every man’s conscience. God will not judge these tribes on whether they accept Christ because they don’t know of Him. So will be judged on whether they have followed the light of their conscience. God judges u based on how far u follow the dictates of your conscience. That’s when we know, we need a saviour.
God is more just and compassionate more than we can ever fathom.
A lot of ignorance still- thinks they are doing God’s service by preaching and saying things they know nothing of. Everyone knows what is right or wrong.
Abraham had a friendship with God. Relationship with Him. Confides in you about everything. Didn’t know about ten comm yet then. So it isn’t that u can’t walk with God if u dunno the ten comm. Abraham was even willing to sacrifice his son if he had to. God did not take his son.
Man needed the law to know sin by.
Romans 5:20
The law entered that the offense might abound.
Entered- came in by stealth. Not the main agenda. Main agenda is grace.
God brought the Hebrews out not because of the ten comm- by Abrahamic covenant. Didn’t kill them when they complained. Bitter waters of Mara- put wood in and the water became sweet. Rained manna and not judgment. Every fresh murmuring led to fresh outpouring of grace. Does it mean God liked their behavior? No. But being under grace would help them change as they see the goodness of God.
Rom5:20- the law didn’t come in so holiness night abound but so that the offense might abound. Men doesn’t know how bad he is until he tries to be holy.
Does this mean the demand imparted the sin to men? No the demand shows the area of lack, the presence of sin.
What does the law serve? Added because of transgressions. Gal 3:19. Added alongside. To annex. Added to the main agenda which is Grace.
We have sinned but we have not transgressed.
Sin is in us. But the law highlights what sin we have. Eg. We speed. It is not right but only break the law if the law regarding it exists. But did we speed? Yes.
The tenth commandment – the tail like a scorpion. Paul could keep the rest but that last one. Men can don’t kill but they want to kill. Eg. U never commit adultery but u lust for another person.
Perfection or else- that’s God’s requirement. Those who preach upholding His law has no respect for it because bring it to man’s level. Those who preach we cannot uphold it, respects the law because see that it is beyond man.
Gal 3:24-25
Bring us to a place of maturity with Christ. – Law is a tutor. Once faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. So have faith come. Have we been justified by faith? Yes.
Are there no commandments in the NT? Yes. There are.
1 John 3:20-24
Pastor struggled with the term unpardonable sin and felt he had committed it. Believed he had lost his salvation. Felt if one unconfessed sin would get him out of communion with God, had to confess every sin. When he was in NS, totally angry and bitter and would be so upset with those in charge and think bad thoughts of them. He would still confess as much as he can because he needed God. His bunk mates gossiped about him and his religion. Felt he was pitiful. Realized something was very wrong with his testimony. Almost lost his mind then. Had terrible dreams and a famous deliverance man summoned demon to come out but Pastor prayed in Holy Spirit so called on Michael the Archangel down and he tongue got more fluent. The minister believed tongues no longer existed. Tired so he had to take a break and one of his fellow ministers looking around- one of them heard Ps say Shechinah. Pastor didn’t know it was. The guy said it means GOD’S GLORY.
So what works?
A brother was in a 5 year immoral r/s he knew was wrong. Burdened by guilt and ended the r/s. The feeling of guilt and condemnation hung over him still. Heard Ps preach all our sins have been forgiven past, present and future.
Christ’ death on the cross and it’s finished work lifted that guilt from him. Realized the grace of God could produce a godly life.
Attended NCC & got together with a lady. They had little savings but God blessed them with favor for work so they could get married.
Don’t understand the mathematic of heaven even today. By being obedient through believing right, God is now a friend and not a discipline master out to catch him doing wrong. God has given him 120%.
1 John 3:22—> commandments. If we had stopped at this verse, the legalistic ones would say u see u see keep Mosaic commandment.
But if u read in context, go to next verse- the commandment is to believe on the name of Jesus (John 3)
New means new. U cannot read the ten comm into this.
My best cannot cut it under the law. If u steal a bread from a shop here. “I tried my best not to steal the bread.” The judge won’t judge you based on your motive but your action. They judge the deed. The rest are subsidiaries.
Moses came down w Ten Commandments – one tablet is love Me with all u can and one tablet is love your Neighbour as yourself (and they mean love their Israeli Neighbour, not the philistine or ammonite…)
This new commandment is LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS I HAVE LOVED U (v23)
It behooves us to find out how much He loves us or else how can I love u?
God bless every ministry that unveils the love of Jesus as they help u fulfill the new commandment. The world should know is by the love we have and not by the cross we wear or the forms we fill. Didn’t say love one another when we share the same truth. It just says love one another.
It is sad where we are today as the body of Christ.
We should unite around our love for Jesus and not focus on our petty differences.
Believe on the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Love one another as He loves us
The passage mentions commandments four times. Moses’ first tablet (Love Me) vs new commandment (believe in My love for u)
The John who wrote believe on the name of His Son, Jesus Christ = the same as the one who wrote the following…
1 John 4:19 – We love, because He first loved us.
See it is opposite of what Moses says.
Demand is from Moses. Supply is from Jesus.
We love God and each other because He first loves us. When we know His love, we will end up loving each other.
Keep yourself in the love of God. The more u keep yourself in His love, the more He will answer our prayers.
Ascending love< descending love. God loves u more than u know
You value the object as much as u give up for it. Eg. When U value the dress more than $500, u happily part with the. money for it.
God gave up His Son whom is ALL His delight… They stripped him of his clothes and scourged Him…
Isaiah 52- as many as were astonished at u, his visage was SO marred more than any man, his form more than the sons of man. Can u imagine what a grotesque sight he was after all the beatings? His beautiful face marred beyond recognition. That's the love of God.
So before u point fingers at God, stop for a while. We aren't here to tell people about morality. Morality is important but what's more important is knowing the love of God. Knowing it creates love in your heart and leads u to be moral. Old commandment– do or die. New commandment– I love you, sleep. I love you, eat.
1 John 4:10- love defined.
V10- first part of new commandment (not that we love but he loved and sent His son)
V11- second part (He loves us so we love one another)
John just told us love is not us loving God. Mosaic law, love God with all our hearts = key. But John just said this is love- not us loving God but Him loving us. He sent His Son. When no one cared, God cared.
God could have come with thunder and lightning and aim fireballs at people and tell them to go to hell. He has all the power. But how did he save us? By coming down, down, down… even to the depths of the cross.
We learn love from our LORD. Conquered not with force but with love.
1 John 3:10-12
"Practice righteousness"? Isn't it supposed to be a gift (Rom5:17)???
V12- why did Cain murder Abel? Because his works were evil and his brother's righteous. But what did Cain do? Commit adultery, dishonor Adam and Eve? Why was Abel righteous? What did they do?
Some grumble how come God can be so cruel just coz of one fruit. How about we see it this way- men gave God and everything up for a fruit. We don't see ourselves. God clothed us with clothes of skin. The first one to kill an animal… The first sacrifice.
Cain brought an offering of fruit from the ground.
Faith comes by hearing. C&_ would have been told of how no shedding of blood, how thorns came about from their sin last time no thorns, forgiveness of sin coz A&E clothed by skin of animal. C&A would have been told how the ground is cursed.
God dwelled at the entrance to Eden. That is where they brought their sacrifice.
Cain brought works of His effort. The first murder is about approach to God. Nothing has caused more blood shed today than religion. Cain's works were evil and Abel's works were righteous.
What did Abe do? Abel brought a lamb. The firstborn of his flock. Brought the fat also meaning blood was shed. No shedding of blood, no forgiveness of sin.
God cannot bypass sin or impute on sin but He can forgive sin through the shedding of blood. Innocent for the guilty. It is your lamb. Your offering. Your presentation. The divine exchange. You laid hands on the lamb and now you are the lamb and he lamb is you. Pointing to the time when John he Baptist cried out "Behold the Lamb of God!"
Look in context. Trust in Christ and not own works.
Cain had no blood offering. Brought own works. So it was viewed as evil.
Practicing righteousness is putting trust in the blood of Christ and not trust in your works, efforts.
God came to Cain. God respected Abel & his offering because Abel came the way he did. Abel didn't trust himself. Trusted in the death of another to atone for his sins. Cain instead said he would do his best and here is my best. Trusted SELF righteousness. Felt he wasn't that bad.
Not a sin of morality but sin of approach.
Even when Cain was angry, God spoke to him. Don't need seven steps to hear God.
Gen 4:7 if u offer well will u not be accepted?
Sin-offering is crouching at the door. Like an animal at the opening of the tabernacle. The animal is in female tense, the crouching is male tense.
God brought a lamb all the way to the door of Cain. It's desire is for u to sacrifice it. It is crouching at the door. U will rule over it. It won't run away.
Check out YLT bible for this verse. Young is a Hebrew scholar.
Is it so hard to be saved?
The word of faith is near you even in your mouth and in your heart… Confess and u will be saved.
Cain's approach is I don't need your sacrifice. I'm good.
The blood, the sweat, the tears, the pain has all been done by Him on the cross. For u it is so easy.
Now Cain talked to Abel – talk here signifies that they had quarreled.
What is practicing righteousness? Trust His grace and love. Not your own efforts. Believing right live right. But trust accomplishment and seem okay and morally right outwardly, when u find out God favors people who trust grace, u get bitter and angry and jealous. Believing own efforts produce the opposite fruits of believing God loves u… His love and His grace.
John trusted not in His love for Jesus but rested in His love for him. The only one who stood at the foot of the cross. Peter said he would never forsake Christ. Boasted of his love for Jesus. John called himself the disciple whom Jesus loves. Guess what? He was the one who was able to serve Jesus at his time of death- Jesus trusted his mum to John.
The disciple whom Jesus loves appeared five times. The more conscious u are as the one Jesus loves, u will love Him most
No wonder 1John is full of beloved beloved beloved. Agape.
Remind ourselves, each other and our kids and spouse we are loved. Be patient with our spouse. Husbands love your wives doesn't mean being romantic only. The first definition- love suffers long and is kind. Suffer long and be kind.
I trust in Christ, not my own works. Thanks for posting.