Special item –
The LORD has given a land of good things
I will press in and make them mine
I’ll know His power
I’ll know His glory
And in His kingdom I will shine
This is living now
You take me higher than I’ve ever been before
It’s your perfect love that sees me soar
God your freedom is an open door
You are everything I want and more
We are gonna pop this year.
POP- possess our possession
1) John from India:
Christian all his life but grew up under legalistic teaching. No intimacy and scared to call God Father and saw him as judgmental. Condemned others and self. Intro to Pastor Prince by a Friend and came to know a Jesus he had never known before. Learned about the divine exchange and received revelation that he is the righteousness of God in Christ. Now experiencing aggressive peace.
Disc protrusion three years, pain in the eyes for 8years. Prayed every day and was fully healed. Fit and fine and delivered from constant fear.
2) Eddy Ongkowijaya
Posted on Pastor’s Instagram. Screenshot.
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The year of POP in Christ.
Year full of good days for you
God is the maker of good days
He that will love life and see good days- good days always plural.
Stand therefore in the evil day- evil day is singular.
Good day is plentiful and evil day is few and far btw.
The world will get darker and the church will get more glorious and just like we learn in NS, in jungle training, the darker the forest, the easier they see the light. The darker the world is, good news for the church coz people will see Jesus better.
Drawing closer to the approaching day- Jesus coming
This is the fallen world and not the way He created it to be.
Three words- blood, fire and flood. Not spiritual. Blood here blood shed. Fire could be oil fields on fire, dunno what’s gonna happen this year. Flood is weather flood.
We don’t live in the world’s economy. Ambassadors of heaven living in the foreign land. We don’t live based on the sponsorship of host land but according to where he is a citizen.
In this world. Not of this world.
The only one thing we are waiting for in this side of heaven- new body
Two parts to his coming- rescue Israel that’s why focus is back on Middle East. Jesus will save them. Jesus will return with His saints – happen so fast, no one will see us go.
We will receive our forever young and healthy body.
100y ago, Israel was non-existent. They existed a long time ago but they were scattered and they were not a nation until recent history.
Some say every generation also claim they are end time generation. But they didn’t fulfill the qualification. Jerusalem was under the rule of Romans, ?, Byzantines etc… Gentiles . Huge hot bed of controversy despite small size. Now Jews back in their land and in the 6 day war, God did something unprecedented. They were attacked and overwhelmed but got the victory in 6 days. Like the war in the bible.
Nations rise against nations. Great earthquakes. Just in recent years, more great earthquakes compared to 50y ago.
Look up, redemption draws near 🙂
Grapes represent joy as does wine. The pleasures of his kingdom is bigger and greater than the grapes of Egypt. Vineyards not existent in Egypt during bible times. When they studied Egyptian pictograms- grapes are tiny. Grapes of God’s land so luscious and heavy that it needs two men to carry them.
If u think u are having enjoyment now, it brings you bondage. The treasure of the world have hangovers and bad side effects. Not good. God’s blessings are huge!
The land is yours & every place you step will be experientially yours. Step by step you take possession.
Sister from Canada- POP in the area of healing.
Lady says her Husband diagnose w testicular cancer twice. Had surgery after first diagnosis. Waited after second diagnosis to see what the docs can do. Trying and painful time. Didn’t share gravity of situations with anyone. Bought Pastor’s books from a healing bookstore- on condemnation kills and on holy Comm. Took communion. Within 3 years, the huge tumour that was the size of an orange fell off his body to his doctor’s shock. Free of cancer. Healed.
“Boldly ask and boldly receive”- why do we need to pray if God already knows our needs?
At Kadesh B, had wandered 40y in wilderness. What did they do that made God upset?
Place of double stress- God delivered them from this.
The Giants and the Devils squatted on the blessed land. Not for them. God meant for His people.
Maybe the devil is squatting on your possessions now, but the devil hasn’t right to be there.
The land is not their’s. God will evict them.
Easy inside. Not no trials. But His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Land flows. Many believers can believe God has good in store for them
God’s will is for us to be well. He delights in us.
God wants us to have big grapes and wholeness.
Blessing conscious- Joshua and Caleb. If God delights in us – knows God’s heart and God’s power.
God never talked about the wall or the enemies but the 10 focused on that.
Numbers 14:6-10
V9- the enemy, our difficulties and stresses
= our bread, food to feed on for our faith
About the disbelievers:
If u tell them bad news, they say u are man of God. Tell them what they are delivered from and their inheritance in Christ, will be stoned.
If you cannot believe God is that good, as you have spoken, it will happen to u. The first to die were the ten spies. V23
V24- different spirit= following spirit
Spirit of faith- believe and speak (not see and speak)
As the people wandered in wilderness, God didn’t leave them. Pillar of cloud and fire.
The disbelievers died and J&C brought the new generation of believers into the promised land.
Now Caleb is in the promised land. Still enemies around and possessions to possess although time had passed.
Joshua 14:7-15
Caleb is 85yo here. See v11. Stopped growing old because he believed God. Not spiritual strength but “strength for war”
The greatest giant of the Anakims lived in Hebron and it was Caleb who took him out at age 85.
Caleb fed off difficulties. Different spirit.
Grew rich in the spirit.
Media full of negativity.
Caleb under blood of bulls and goats. We are under Jesus. What excuse do we have?
Plague in Egypt. Frogs everywhere. Occult of people said they can do the same. Added to their problems by duplicating more frogs. Frog came out of ricer.
Blood sucking lice = Third plague- dust became lice. Magicians couldn’t reproduce this. Said this is the Finger of God.
Devil cannot produce life. Takes life away.
Only God can take dust and produce life.
Faith doesn’t pretend the problem isn’t there.
Humans naturally inclined to the tangible and palpable. Something they can touch, see.
But God lives in the invisible realm. What we go through now is light affliction and only for a moment. And works in us a far more and eternal weight in Glory- 2 Cor 4:17-18
Curse = light in Hebrew
Glory = heavy in Hebrew
The blessing is where we are.
All these blessings work for you when your eye is on the unseen and eternal. What you can see is temporal. The doctor shows u an x-ray and there is a black dot- temporary. Bank account empty? Temporary. Everything that is seen is temporary and all that is unseen is eternal. Blessings, Angels and God are eternal.
What we see are effects of blessings and not the blessings themselves. Blessings are invisible. But we can see the results of the blessings.
Moses walked up the mountain at age 120yo before he died and his eyes didn’t grow dim Nor his strength abated.
Atoms we don’t see are real and eternal. Chairs we see but they aren’t eternal.
Learn to get comfortable with the things that are invisible= real home
Behind the chariots of the enemies, far more enemies of chariots of Fire. The LORD opened Elisha’s eyes to see them.
Don’t believe the devil. The worse kind of persuasion is thst of the religious- that it is God’s will for people to fall sick. Then don’t bring your kid to the doc if unwell since u say it is God’s will.
Hebrews 3:7-13
The Hebrews saw God’s work forty years in the wilderness.
Didn’t know His ways. Didn’t know His rest.
Even though the healing and provision haven’t happened or our kids still giving problems, we rest in the LORD.
V13- thoughts become hard = disbelief.
Hebrews 3:17-4:1
Unbelief is what God hates most. World goes to hell not because of what they did or didn’t do but because they don’t believe in Jesus’ finished work.
Can’t enter rest due to unbelief. God wants us to be at rest because the troubles are temporary
Why many didn’t believe Joshua and Caleb, didn’t mix what they heard with faith.
Believe even though can still see and feel the problem. Believe the invisible and eternal. Believe the two spies over the ten spies.
God already prepared everything before we were born. Parents prepare for baby’s birth, how much more God?
Bethlehem- house of bread
Lechem- bread or feed
Lachem -fight or feed
Why is feed and fight same word?
Feeding is fighting the enemy. We fight by feeding on God’s word and the enemy is defeated. Take time to be with Him and He fights when we feed.
Ps23- You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Whilst the symptoms are in your body? Feed. Whilst the addiction is still there? Feed.
Fight the good fight of faith. Fight the beautiful fight of faith. Only fight is to stay in faith. Thank you Father the battle is yours and you overcome the battles for me.
When we use faith, God loves it.
Five words of grace for us to use. Say under your breath as u look at your problems.
1 Sam 17:42-47
The bible always says leaders like David, Solomon etc are good looking and their wives are good looking. It’s okay to believe that we become good looking as we follow the LORD.
V45- Goliath came with the visible. David came with the invisible.
FOR THE BATTLE IS THE LORD’S- the five words. The battle is the LORD’s. Just like the tithe is the LORD’s. Not for us to touch. Don’t touch the battle. It is his. David believes the battle is the LORD’s- came not armoured and unarmed but for a slingshot.
His arms are bigger than ours. The battle is the LORD’s.
That’s the good fight of faith. Fight by not fighting.
Devil thoughts: there is a place called healed and u must be good or pray harder or be holier etc to be there.
Truth: there is a place called healed and we ARE there. We are already healed and not trying to be healed. The devil is trying to take our healing.
David cut off and brought Goliath’s head to Elah. Buried under a place called Gol-Goliath>>> Golgotha.
The greater David conquered a greater Goliath for us on Golgotha.
2 Chron 20 for a 20:20 vision. We have no might or power but our eyes are upon you. – David’s prayer. I don’t know how my kids can be delivered but my eyes are on you.
2 Chron 20:15
The battle is not yours, it is God
The enemies are coming against u but the battle is God’s. Your flesh says you must worry, how can u not worry? But u do the greatest thing u can do against the problem even though u are in the midst of a trial by not worrying.
We are either in a trial, outside a trial or heading into a trial on this side of heaven.
Complain, spend a night- the word is “Lun”
Complain and stay in the situation one more night.
Complain and remain
Praise and be raised
The battle is not yours.
Testimony of man who was smoking for 50 years
Heavy smoker. 1 pack a day. Decided to quit smoking but efforts in vain. Started smoking after a few days. Son gave him Destined to Reign. Realised this life is about believing and receiving what Jesus already obtained for us. Felt desire to quit. Didn’t fight against the addiction as he knew he couldn’t quit through own efforts. Just trust in the Lord. Not his battle but the LORD’s. Result? Continued to realised he is forgiven and justified. Simply by resting in the finished work, has quit his addiction because Jesus has done it for him.
The bigger the multitude, the bigger the blessing. Send praise and worshippers ahead. Enemy killed each other and the Hebrews picked up 3 days worth of spoils. Valley of Blessing (Barakah).
2 Chron 20:17
1) position and 2) stand still and 3) see Jesus
Aleph Tav found here in this verse. Aleph Tav = Jesus
When Israel arrived, it was a finished work.
The people cried out to Moses and asked if they came out to diE
Exodus 14:13-14
1) Stand still
2) See the salvation
3) He will lachem for you and you will hold your peace
Hold your peace. HOLD YOUR PEACE.
If you think need you to help God, then God will hold His peace. If God gets all the glory, let God do all the work.
The fight of faith is beautiful. Battle belongs to the LORD. Battle is not mine. Look to the one who sees everything.
The disciples when fishing all night and no results. Maybe u tried and tried w your teenage Son or Husband but no results. Then they were told to throw their nets on the right side and had a huge catch. And got to land and found out someone had prepared breakfast.
After eating breakfast,
John- no begetting. Highest gospel. Sees Jesus’ diety. Eagle gospel.
Raised from the dead. Glorious and can still make breakfast and come into our lives to feed us.
God is supply oriented. Whatever he asks of you, he supplies first. He feeds first then demands.
He loves to feed. He feeds them and asks them to feed. Feed not beat.
Feeding of the five thousand happened before the storm in the lake of Galilee.
Before the storm, he feeds u. During the storm, he feeds u. How do u win the battle? U feed.
Feeding is fighting. Feeding is possessing.
Everything inside you cries out that u must do something but hold your peace.
The walls of Jericho fell after 6 days of SILENCE and on the seventh day, the lofty walls fell flat with one shout. The LORD will fight for u. Your place is to fight not to fight and labour to enter the rest.
Your only labour is to be more restful. U can’t do that feeding on newspaper and world’s food. Feed on the food of God. When u feed, u possess.
Thanks Geri for the notes. It will be good if you can indicate which service at the beginnning of the notes for our reference.
The Lord will evict the enemy from my land, the battle is the Lord’s. Thank you for posting.