Sermon note (4th svc)
The Glorious Good News of the Happy God.
The Lord has sanctified Sundays. He met the disciples when He rose and came back sundays to sundays.
Thomas did not attend one sunday and he did not believe Jesus rose and He appeared to Thomas on the following Sunday, and not on wed or thurs.
The smallest majority is 2. Jesus confined it to where 2 or 3 gather together.
Whatever you need, there Jesus is.
Where 2 are gathered, the Lord is there.
1 Timothy 1:11
according to the glorious gospel of the blessed (happy) God which was committed to my trust.
Blessed (happy) God
God wants us to know when comes to the gospel He is a Happy God!
Stop fighting over the gospel and start preaching it! Start getting result and see the world saved!
The gospel of the grace of God.
Show your faith by your works. The result is God-like. Show the testimonies. When we are saved there is no compromise of God’s holiness.
When people put themselves as a judge, they forget the bible judges them.
In the beginning God created heaven and earth.
There is certain demand placed to children because they are their parent’s.
The world is bigger than us. The knowledge of God is the greater knowledge to have.
The greatest knowledge that gives birth to all other knowledge is the knowledge of God.
He that boast let him boast that he knows Me.
These things I (Jesus) delight(s) in.
Jesus has 2 aspects of the knowledge of God. Jesus knew completely the love heart of His Father.
Jesus knew like no other angels, the love heart of God.
Jesus is the Only One who fully knows the righteousness of God and how great is our offence towards God.
We think we have all offended God but we do not know how.
We measure based on our thoughts. God’s righteousness must be measured by His level.
God has this righteousness that has to be met. We have all offended God.
All of us come to the end of ourselves and see Jesus as our Saviour. Those that think they are forgiven little love little.
Is our conscience a safe guide? No, it is measured by what we know.
In the OT, if someone sin without knowing, he has to send the sacrifice for atonement.
But how can he send the sacrifice when he does not know he sins?
Sons of Saul was killed (that was in the OT where David was under the law. )
After the sons were hung, the first drop of rain came after the famine.
This is a picture of Jesus. He was always with the Father. There are things about God we don’t fully understand because He is God.
Jesus came into time and into space. While He was helpless He was holding the world together.
When Jesus came, He died on the cross for our sins! No other blood will do. Our blood are tainted with sins. It must be divine blood from sinless Man. Jesus came for the sole purpose to die.
Dying on the cross was not normal in the jewish. Curse is anyone who hangs on the tree. Jesus’ blood did not just redeem us from the sin but also redeem us from the curse and every curses!!
Jesus has to fully meet God’s righteousness.
He fully met it all! It was not just mere payment.
Jesus holds all things together!! He came into time. God live in timeless zone.
God created time. God is outside His creation. Jesus is timeless in time zone. He could reach out to the past and to the future because He is in timeless zone without past and future!
All true science point to the truth of the Bible
Man prophesying themselves to be wise become fool.
Light according to science is still expanding in the Universe. The universe is still expanding because we are going to play in the universe! God said light be and did not say light stop!
God does not want to condemn you. God loves you. At the cross all the claims on you and on your family is all fully met in the cross of Jesus Christ!!
John 13:30-31
Having received the piece of bread, he then went out immediately. And it was night.
The New Commandment
So, when he had gone out, Jesus said, “Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him.
Jesus knew where Judas was going. Yet He said now the Son of God is glorified. He is talking about the cross. He fully met all claims and overpaid at the cross!
God is glorified!! We are not under the law because Jesus fulfilled the law! He came not to destroy but to fulfil!
At the cross the law is magnified and fulfilled by Jesus!! The law was given by Moses and grace and truth came by Jesus Christ!!! Came is so close! Is a family word!
Came is a language of love!
Only the Son can reveal the love nature and the heart of the Father.
Grace and truth are on the same side. What God has joined together let no man separate.
The law that was given is not the truth. It is the general truth. But is not the truth that God wants you to have to set you free! Grace and Truth!
Live in liberty and set free!
Look at Jesus as a Saviour. The main relationship Jesus wants us to have with Him is He is our Saviour!
Don’t lose your life because of technology.
They are not coming to learn but to be saved and to be embraced.
Luke 15:1-7
Chapter 15
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him. And the Pharisees and scribes complained, saying, “This Man receives sinners and eats with them.” So He spoke this parable to them, saying:
“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!’ I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.
The ones that you are concern about are people who said they are not sinners. There is no problem confessing we are sinners. We were once sinners. Jesus wants to be our Saviour!
Jesus is not compromising His holiness. We are missing the gospel of the Happy God. What makes Jesus happy are the sinners who comes to Him and see the need for Him.
Jesus came to be used. He wants us to use Him. Everyone who came to use Him, He loves it! He came to be used. One time He was tied and sat at the well, a sinner came and used Him and He was energised!
John 1:16-17
And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
Fullness! Is not littleness! Is out of His Fullness!
Is GRACE for(anti) Grace! Anti here means in place of. Grace in place of Grace!!
One wave in place of another wave!! So much grace!!
Before you leave your house you are conscious of grace upon grace! Favor upon favor!!
Look at His grace and faith will be there to stay!
Jesus found us. We were lost not Jesus.
No real shepherd will leave 99 protected and healthy one for one sheep that is lost.
Jesus will find us! He will hear the cry. He sees our hearts. He sees the broken pieces.
He loves me because He knows me more than anybody else! He goes and search UNTIL He finds it.
When He founds it, He lays it on His shoulders, a gospel of grace, the real Jesus!! Rejoicing! No word of scolding. He rejoiced!
The prodigal son who came back, the father spent some more to celebrate!
Jesus came to transform hearts!
Let the world be saved! Let them be saved inside!
Why fight when we can preach?
Jesus always exceed our expectation.
Jesus embraced the lost.
He does not answer our prayers. He answered us exceeding abundantly above ALL we can ask or think!
God knows what we need 10 years from now. Trust Him.
Of His fullness we have all received! In my Father’s house there are more and to spare!
The prodigal son came back because of the bread. He only thought of food but he received an embrace. He thought to be a servant but was given a ring and reinstated.
Heaven rejoice when one sheep is found. It was the shepherd who found the sheep, put the sheep on his shoulder and call for celebration. The only thing the sheep did was he allowed!
The Lord is out to get you in His arms!
The law demands righteousness and rightly so. How can He demand from man who is spiritually bankrupted.
Jesus came and overpaid! We have MUCH MORE! It is full payment! The whole system has changed because of the cross!
The grace impart righteousness. Law is demand, grace is supply!!
To try to keep the law when we are under grace, is like going out there in the sun with a candle.
Luke 15:20-23
“And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
“But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry;
All you see is SUPPLY!
Out there was a brother who never left home. He worked very hard in the field. He heard party the sound of music and dancing. He asked the servant what is this. The language of music and dancing.
Of His fullness have we all received.
Casting means throw
1 Peter 5:7
casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
Cares are like burden on us.
The word care literally the word distracted. When we are distracted we are in the state of cares, worry.
What happened in the first garden, where Adam sweat to get bread, Jesus in the last garden sweat blood to redeem! He sweat blood to redeem us from the curse of sweat!
Sweat – own effort, own striving
God wants us to be cool! Linen clothes, linen underwear.
God wants coolness in your service.
In God’s divine plan is not an accident.
God sent His Son and He knew fully well what is going to happen.
Let’s celebrate in the house of the Lord!
Let’s go for the souls! It is about reality!
Thank you for sharing. God bless you.
Woohoo!!!! you’re awesome and you’re are superb fast. Thanks so much for sharing the notes…
Jesus came and overpaid & I thank Him. Praise You Savior! Thank you for to your notes. God’s Grace & Peace be with your hearts.
I’m so grateful that Jesus was willing to die as me on the cross . No one else could or would do that for me. I needed a Saviour and Jesus found me! God my Father is a happy God! I have to meditate on this true. It is so new to my thinking of God. He provides grace abundantly for every situation that comes up throughout each day for me. This to I must meditate. His love for me is overwhelming! Thanks for sharing your notes. I look for them each week.
Felecia (same person. moved)
Southfield, MI, USA
Yes, thank you for taking down the notes and sharing. Be blessed and great weeks ahead.
Thanks for the note , appreciate it ! 🙂