For the last enemy to be the last enemy, all the other enemies have to be put under his feet before His return. The church can only get healthier and better.
Without the LORD u can die from a broken toe nail but with the LORD there is safety.
Joshua and Caleb spirit- the Giants are bread for us! Our difficulties are our bread. The rest say their Giants will eat them up and were eaten.
God will renew your youth. Sarah and Abraham -‘something must have happened to their bodies. God literally renewed their youth.
Something about being the DOS. You ought to be loosed from your infirmity. Lady bound for 18y, Jesus spoke that she was loosed and she stood straight. Ought not this daughter of Sarah be loosed from her bondage?
Israel didn’t see Jesus when He first came. Joseph type of Christ. Loved and favoured and given special gifts not for his own sake but for his brother’s sake. Their rejection became the bread of of life to the gentile world. The church, the bride = made up predominantly of Gentiles. At the second time Joseph met his brothers, he revealed themselves and they wept. Until then, Joseph bound one of their brothers (SIMON- hearing) until the youngest brother was brought to him. There will be no bread until Benjamin is released. The brothers were born of Leah but only Joseph was born of Rachel and Benjamin was later born to Rachel too. Same Heavenly Father and heavenly mother Leah= bond woman or law, Rachel= ewe or grace.
Our problems come from those with same Heavenly Father but not the same mother.
Joseph’s words to Benjamin- “God be gracious to you.”
Joseph say his brothers down according to age. When he sat Benjamin down, gave him five times more food and five times more change of clothes than the older brothers. Joseph with all the power he had, used it to forgive them. Waiting for the Benjamin generation- five times more spiritual and physical blessings.
The only message that will touch Israel is the message of grace. The law is the shadow. Pastor brings Wendy’s photo everywhere he goes and kisses his wife’s picture. But when he goes home and meets Wendy, and if he kisses the photo and not her, she will ask for it back. The photo is a shadow. Wendy is the actual person. Same. The law is just the shadow.
The apostle Paul preached to the Jews then to the Greek
When the door opened for Pastor’s preaching to be played in Israel, he was overjoyed. Received testimonies from Jews being saved even the Orthodox Jews. There’s an old folks home and they are watching Pastor every night.
This guy pastor met in London. The guy told pastor that this kibbutz he was at for a few nights was watching Pastor on TV. Didn’t recognised pastor when he told pastor about this and confirmed it was Joseph Prince they were watching.
A bruised reed he will not break. Reeds used to make music. Bruised reed can’t make music. But even then he will not cast away.
Pastor shares with his leaders and security team in Israel. One of the security members was depressed but listened to him preach and pastor saw the light on his face as he understood the message. In 2006, Hizbollah in Lebanon attacked the petroleum guards at the border. Five were killed and two were taken captive. Those killed were under this security guard’s command. Felt guilt for years. As he listened to Pastor preach, he felt the load lifted off his shoulders and now knows Jesus as his saviour. Israel released 1000 prisoners before they released the 2 guards but the guards were released dead.
Rafi- the security guard
There’s no other gospel. Grace is not a teaching or a topic. It is the gospel. Grace came with Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17
Righteousness is a gift. U receive it. U can’t obtain it. Abundance of grace and gift of righteousness causes us to reign in life
Why don’t we see the believers reigning? The Devil attacks these two truths-attacks abundance of grace being preached = call it too much grace; attack gift of righteousness = call it licentiousness.
When u reign in life, circumstances are under your feet.
A man wrote to Pastor that he was bound with addiction to Pornography, was told in the video to just keep confessing he is the righteousness of God in Christ. Seek first His Kingdom… His righteousness… And all these other things are added unto you. Your human will power can only go so far. He kept confessing and confessing and one day he woke up and his desire to watch porn left him. Free of that addiction now for years.
Righteousness is the root. Holiness is the fruit.
Paul wrote not to go back to the law. Having begun in the spirit, why are U going back to the flesh? Receiving miracles is it by works of law or hearing of faith?
God works miracles in and through U all the time. Is it by works of law or hearing of faith?
Galatians first four chap talks about law and grace. Galatians then talks about fruits of the spirit and works of the flesh. Works= effort… u work by own effort, Jesus is the vine. U just are. The more as a branch U try to tighten up and try try, the sap can’t flow. It’s not try, it is trust. It is about rest. The more u rest, the more He works. The high priest are dressed in linen clothes, because won’t sweat in it. Don’t sweat for it. Your sweating is hindering.
Luke 19- Jesus gave law to the rich young ruler and he could not give. Luke 20- Jesusbpreached grace to Zacchaeus and he gave all he could. The two incidents didn’t happen chronologically but placed side by side for a reason.
Pastor and his leaders took a night ride once, a storm came in suddenly. So he knows what it feels like. The disciples on the boat during a storm- experienced fishermen- cried out n they saw Jesus walk on water and Peter, as long as his eyes were on Jesus, could do as jesus did. Transformed by Beholding. Devil wants us to focus on self. Peter took his eyes off Jesus and saw the natural around him and suddenly remembered he was defying the laws of physics and sunk into the water. The media makes us look at the storm. Look at Jesus. In the midst of the storm, look at Jesus. Not that there is no storm. There is a storm but focus on Jesus. Don’t look at each other for answers. Answers aren’t available horizontally. Available only vertically. We are seated with Christ. How well we seat is how well we walk.
Salvation begins with sitting. Sitting at the right hand.
Walking. How well U love ur spouse and treat others, affects how u walk. If the devil can affect your sitting, he can affect your walk and your relationships
New covenant prayer is praying from victory and not for victory. Once u do the latter, fallen from grace.
What are U going to do? That’s not the question. The question is what is Jesus going to do!
That’s why the bible says in 1John 4:17
Boldness in the day of judgment because as HE IS, so are we in this world
As HE IS- Jesus is seated with the heavenly father in heaven above all principalities and power.
U are sick?
As HE IS, so are you in this world. Is Jesus sick? And this healing is it for the sweet by and by? No. As HE IS, so are you in this world.
The devil will always want u to look at self. Look to Jesus. Every which way we see Jesus, we see His excellencies and glory.
Hebrews 5:1
High Priest taken from men… for men… to God
Prophet rept God to people
Bible didn’t call Jesus our great prophet, called him our great High Priest.
When David went to valley of Elah- went as Israel. So when he won, he won for all of Israel. David is a reflection of Jesus.
If HP dies in the temple, people of Israel could expect a bad year. If lives, can expect blessings. If people are bad, HP is good, blessed. If HP is bad, people are good, people cursed. Because all the blessings are related to the HP. No security. But our High Priest today guarantees blessing and there is security
Exo 28:36-38
Iniquities and sin still present in our greatest worship and good deeds. HP wears this inscription on forehead in relation to our thought life.
Jesus thoughts are always pure and holy so we are always accepted.
Right believing will always produce right living.
God accepts us not based on our thoughts but on His thoughts.
Rom 5:19- by one man’s obedience = Jesus; by one man’s disobedience= Adam
We sin because we are sinners. We are sinners because of Adam. We don’t become sinners because we sin.
We are made righteous because of Jesus. Not because of whether we obeyed enough or not.
2 Cor 10:4-5 KJV
Capture every thought to the obedience of Christ
That is spiritual warfare- bringing our thoughts to the obedience of Christ.
Bring every thought. This is warfare.
Our Christian life can only be lived by one- Jesus. Our part is to rest in Him
Exodus 28:11-12
Onyx on shoulders. Shoulder speaks of strength. Inscription of the names of Six tribes on onyx on each shoulder.
Luke 15:4-7
No shepherd will leave 99 to find the missing 1. Only ONE shepherd does that.
Don’t give up on your teens or husband, Jesus will find him. Jesus won’t let go until He finds him and he will lay the lamb on his shoulders
Isaiah 9:6- in Hebrew it is one shoulder. Govt of nations needs only one shoulder. Redemption needs two shoulders. With u, He spares no effort.
And He will rejoice!
Under grace, this is repentance. How did the sheep repent? The sheep was lost. The shepherd found, saved, put on his shoulders and threw a party to rejoice. What does the sheep do? It consented to being found. Consented to being carried.
Repentance is a change of mind. Metanoia. To see God is for u and not against u. That is true repentance.
Exo 28:29
Bear the names on the breastplate of Judgment over his heart
Where are we today, we are in his heart.
How are we presented? As precious stones on his heart. Not pebbles or normal stones.
When we shop for gems, they are presented to us against a dark background.
When Jesus comes to God, the beauty of the gems shine out. The more we come now, the more we live. The new and living way. In the past, going before God = death.
God wants us to enjoy His Presence. Not just throw our request and run away in case our thoughts are bad. Jesus’ death tore the veil
Jesus cried out MY GOD MY GOD why have you forsaken me for the first time at the cross. Throughout His ministry, He has always called Him His Father. Jesus took the separation so we can be joined with our Father & say My FATHER MY FATHER why have u blessed me?
Bells and promegranates represent the fruits of the spirit
Urim and Thummim
– it is in the breastplate Exo 28:30
John in the upper room. Leaning on Jesus’ bosom. Leaning on Jesus’ love for him. It’s hard to lean on your own bosom.
Takes the HS to preach the loveliness of Jesus. U don’t need the HS to preach do good get good, do bad get bad.
When u depend on His love for u, u are listening to the heartbeat of heaven.
Love is the greatest holiness there is. When u love Jesus, u aren’t conscious of how much I love Him because U are focused on how much He loves u.
Radaph רָדַף
-to pursue
Lo- no
David approached the HP and asked if he should pursue their enemies
The alphabets spelling Radaph glowed.
How did they know Achan sinned? Through the breastplate as well
Today we have better. Jesus. Keep our eyes on Him. What is the part of Jesus that’s most dear? His love.
U want guidance? Focus on His love. All are precious stones to Him regardless of denomination and character
As long as u rest and depend on His love, U will always have good guidance.
The girdle of Jesus. John saw Jesus with a golden girdle.
Rev 1:13
Girdle- garb of a servant
Jesus is high and lifted up today but still desires to serve you
To minister to u and not be ministered unto
If I don’t wash your feet, u have no part with me – Jesus to Peter
Jesus wants to serve u
We act like we are so full.
Martha went to prepare food. Mary sat at Jesus feet. Martha was angry and asked DONT U CARE MY SISTER ISNT HELPING?
She forgot Jesus and the five loaves and two fishes. Mary saw the fullness and drank it in. Martha is careful and troubled of many things. Mary drew from His fullness. Did the right thing and the right time. When we depend and rest on His love, always right hap. Only woman who anointed him before he died. Some women came to anoint him after he died but were too late.
John 13:3-5
Only the humble can serve. The proud aren’t able to serve. Only the humble and stoop down and wash others feet. The proud are too insecure.
Allow Him to minister to u.
Where are we today, we are in his heart. When I depend on His love for me I am listening to the heartbeat of heaven. Thank you for posting your notes Geri. You and your family have a blessed week.
Many, many thanks for yr faithfulness in transcribing. Be blessed. SHALOM. Pete.