(Been having trouble with my notes. I lost almost whatever I typed on a sermon 2w ago after my app shutdown on me 3/4 way during the sermon. Couldn’t undo. Then last week, I was trying to copy my notes over and I lost my notes too but hubby retrieved it. He couldn’t retrieve it the last time though. Feels like an attack coz I haven’t been able to take down notes and put notes up for a while. This is what I have from last week… )
Remember Absalom. Worse kind of death. Same like cross
2 Sam 18:18
Absalom pillar. Children come by and their parents will tell them about the consequences of rebellion. Kidron Valley. They will throw stones at it.
After the victory, many people enter into a time of depression.
kidron = darkness
what do u do during a time of darkness? Feels like an attack.
You have received bad news? Answer is in this story.
Garden of Gethsamane- near Kidron. Where Jesus first shed his blood.
Also where Melchizedek brought bread and wine. Gen 14:18
in your darkest moments, don’t forget communion.
Communion proclaims His death.
Tithe is to declare how great He is. Proclaim He is alive.
People will see the wagons in your life (see story of Joseph and his brothers) and say the heavenly Joseph is alive!
Melchizedek refreshed Abraham with bread and wine and his first word to Abraham is BLESSED. Cannot receive communion without being mindful of His favours (aka give thanks). Take communion with revelation and spiritual intelligence. Not as magic or legalistic manner. Tithe with a spirit of gracefulness.
A guy who got promoted at work became proud. Told pastor he is confused. Was it God’s favour or his hard work coz he worked hard. Pastor told him v easy to make it less confusing. Will pray over him to remove all favour and intervention so he can see clearly if God is behind it. He backed off. Lol
always be mindful of His favours
gen 14:20- very clear it wasn’t Abraham who won victory over the four kings
Kings don’t give tribute. U give to the King. But this is a different King who gives so u receive it. He brought bread and wine- health. Abraham gave a tithe- wealth. Health and Wealth isn’t the gospel. Grace is the gospel. But health and wealth is the result – not being materialistic though. Materialism is not good.
The devil doesn’t mind u being wealthy but he says give me the persons. Give your souls, your loved ones. Money is to be used to love people. Not people to be used to love money. v21
V 22-
the same words Melchizedek used against the devil is what Abram said too. We are taught by the LORD and devil comes too late to tempt us. Arram knows he will be made rich. Didn’t want glory to go to King of sodom
The enemy is there. What did Melchizedek say to him? Nothing. Ignored the issue which is a big issue. I am blessing don’t distract me. I am being blessed. I won’t get distracted.
People want u to address this issue and that issue but not giving it attention is powerful.
Aser is in the Maaser – rich is in the Tithe
Jesus was trodden on so that he can become wine to us. Fermentation of juice to get wine. Leaven represents evil. Jesus came in touch with our Leaven and his blood became wine. To cleanse us.
John 6:51
gave his flesh for the life (zoe) of the world.
– life here isn’t eternal life. It is the same as the life breathed into Adam.
John 6:55- not transubstantiation. That will be crucifying Jesus again. Power in receiving with revelation. All the virtues of the broken body and blood are released.
eats – some folks think this is asteo but it is trogo v 56
trogo is not spiritual feeding. Two different words were used to emphasise the difference. Trogo is to gnaw and crush.
My blood abides —> active tense. He abides in us in a most practical way.
He who chews on Me will live – that puts communion in a different light.
Our church member had deep vein thrombosis upon touching down in Israel. Died but was resuscitated. Unconscious for 6 days. Pastor returned to Tel Aviv and felt the Lord say that they should take communion over her. Swollen and bloated in the natural. Declared by the broken of Jesus life is released into her.
it is not in the name of Joseph prince that things happen btw. It is in the name of Jesus. Our groups are led by leaders and believers who know how to play.
The next day, they heard she woke up. Tested and couldn’t find any trace of the major clots in her organs. Continued to go on the tour after that.
Mark 11:24- God has different delivery systems. Some believe the surgeons will be helped. Some believe with each communion taken, that it will take them closer to healing. John G Lake says the non-instantaneous healing is more needful for us. Builds us up.
communion- God’s way of using things that appear weak to put to shame the things that seem strong. Some wonder what can a small piece of bread and a small child do.
Aaron from West Texts- docs said retinas detached. Officially blind. Everything behind his eyes were in disorder. Docs couldn’t explain why this was so. Was told he would have to be on medication. Prayer and believed for good report. Mum felt led to take communion before appointment. Took it. Went to see doc- retinas reattached and was shocked. No one ever received such fast healing. Sight restored to full. No medication needed.
Not every healing is quick. But persist and take communion.
Early church would break bread house to house. Much emphasis.
Acts 20:7-9
The disciples came together to break bread.
Pauline revelation is needful. Neglected.
Communion is a priority and not a preliminary.
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
every synoptic gospel talked about communion
but Jesus saw it important to emphasise it in the letters
Let communion be taken in remembrance of HIM. Conscious sins are remitted. Not remembering your sins or condition. Do not let it become a ritual.
Victory is accomplished and favour is shown when sacrifice was made at the altar OT- every TIME we proclaim the LORD ‘S death, we are victorious.
Discerning- make a difference between the body and the blood. Not lump together. Body is for healing. Blood is for remission
corrects us so we will not be condemned with the world. Not condemnation as in eternal condemnation but falling sick etc
1 Cor10:17
every time u take the body and blood, partaking in the blessings.
Body and blood are His.
Daphne Taiwan
– 85yo Dad had back to back surgeries. Many issues. Sent to ICU due to drug overdose. Resuscitated and kept alive on life support system to say final farewell. Daughter wrote that they took communion over him from what they learned from our Pastor. After first Communion, kidney function restored. Second communion- heart and? restored. Third communion- could breathe. Fourth communion- vital signs all restored. Sixth communion- eyes opened slightly. Seventh communion- able to open eyes wide and turn head toward voices. Eighth communion-?? Then started bleeding profusely- sometimes this happens because the enemy is fighting back. They said they didn’t know what to do but to take holy communion still. He stopped bleeding. Tenth communion restored bowel movement- happened during partaking of the communion. All the unclean blood was excreted out. At the 12th communion, their dad spoke. Again and again the LORD demonstrated his healing power through the communion. This lady btw used to be anti Ps Prince and anti grace due to rumours from others. Ps Mark brought our materials over to Taiwan to leave with them. A typhoon hit the country after Ps Mark left and they could go no where so they gathered to watch Ps Prince’s materials and their lives changed after that. After 50d in the hospital, her dad was released. Recovery is a miracle according to Doctors.
Thank you so much for posting your notes. PraIse our Jesus!