Gathered unto the name of Jesus. Not any man or location. We are nothing but instruments. Vessels in his hands. When blessed remember it is the LORD JESUS. If not just speaking empty words into empty air and have empty results. We are gathered unto Him. Jesus appeared in the centre of the church, crucified in the centre of the thieves, where two or three are gathered in His name, there He is in the midst of us. Father wants Him to always be in the centre. Living off each other drains each other. Jesus must be the centre and the superglue.
Maybe you have come to church for financial or parenting or medical help… The answer is found in the LORD. HE IS THE ANSWER. Sounds simple but it really is so.
The two angels were otw to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham was fellowshipping with the LORD. The LORD had come to visit him with two angels. Abraham was sitting at the tent door during the heat of the day. During the times of pressure, sit down and she will come.
Abraham ran when he saw the LORD. He was old then but supernatural physically. When u see the LORD, something powerful always happens to u. We see Him in the scriptures today although not physically.
Mr Cleopas and another disciple (his wife) were walking and looking sad- the LORD restrained their eyes from seeing Him in person on the same day He rose from the dead. Why? It was more
important for them to see Him in the Scriptures than in person. The LORD expounded things about himself in the Word and their hearts were strangely warmed.
For the LORD in the economy of things, more crucial we see Him in the word
Oh foolish and slow of heart to believe- foolish is lack of knowledge…
Emmaus Road – Sunday. Pattern for pastors that every Sunday we open up scriptures and unveil to Cheist to the people
Partaking in a meal with Jesus when He disturbed. Something happened to their bodies. Received strength. Even youths shall utterly fall but they that wait upon the LORD shall mount up with wings of the Eagles… We shall run where others walk and fly where others run.
Caleb – as strong today as he was the day Moses sent him
Try to see Jesus in the sermon. Transformed by beholding the glory of the LORD. Transformed from sickness to health. All the change is effortless changed. Maintained not by your effort.
2 Pe 1:1-2
‘Like precious faith’ – same precious faith as Peter
Power of God shown through Peter’s shadow- his shadow cast over others brought healing
We have LIKE precious faith. Not faith diff from them. Same.
U might think u need more money or breakthrough- but what u need is more favour aka more grace
Joseph- slave to co-ruler w Pharoah. More favour
Esther- of all the beautiful women of Persia, she atood out. God gave Esther favour with the king
More favour. That favour can be increased and multiplied. Don’t be satisfied w the level of favour u now have. Believe for it to go up exponentially.
Ps was w Wendy in the bookstore. A Christian book said Joseph prospered due to his intelligence, wise planning and business acumen. Maybe he did but the Bible says Joseph was given more favour from the LORD in the eyes of the Pharoah. We need more favour
More favour in business and with spouse and with kids. Pray for our kids to have more favour with us coz sometimes they fall out of favour with us.
Favour is from Him – Jesus gifts it. We receive it. Unearned and undeserved.
The NOW word is GRACE.
The LORD wants Pastor to tell us about the present truth and it will cause confusion to dissipate and light to come.
2 Pe 1:12-15
V12 …established in the present truth
Not past or future truth.
V2- Grace and PEACE multiplied to u
Peace- would have been SHALOM in Hebrew.
Shalom= harmonious, complete, whole, contentment, peace, prosperous
Elisha’s servant asked the lady whose son just died how were things in her home. She only spoke one word- SHALOM = it is well. Everything is gonn be alright.
Grace and Peace not about doing more or sacrificing more. It is about seeing more of Jesus.
Knowledge – not head knowledge (causes one to become puffed up, prideful). Epignosis. Reaches your heart – humbles u. God gives it to your heart. Makes u thankful- result of Epignosis.
See him more. More shalom and favour. More Charis and Irene.
Favour that people can see the beauty in you.
V13- tent (physical body) Peter and Paul knew when their time was up. Death wasn’t sudden for them.
V15- these things = present truth.
God made man last to enjoy and receive and be the beneficiary of all His creation.
If Adam didn’t fall, death decay disease aging wouldn’t have entered. God counts these as enemies. Not His plan for men.
Present truth of that time. Imagine if Adam didn’t fall. “Of EVERY tree in the garden, u can FREELY eat:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”
Gen 2:16-17
Every tree for just one couple
FREELY- the attitude, to enjoy
Free choice – no choice if every choice is good.
Jessica doesn’t like spinach or tomatoes – Ps and Wendy gave her a choice btw both. Bath now or bath ten minutes. Kids like to get to choose. Parents give them boundaries to choose within. Give kid sense of ownership. But still our choice.
But God gave men gift of free choice.
As man increases in evil, the earth reacts. All creation groans and travails. Creation groaning is not act of God. It is reaction to the fall of man.
Hebrews travelling to promise land.
Pillar of cloud by day
God’s people kept cool by His presence
Pillar of fire by night
Kept safe by His presence
Hebrews to God- all u ask of us we can do so bless us based on our self-righteousness
Not a Jewish problem. It is an every man problem.
Tell them don’t come near me if u want me to treat u based on ur goodness. Stay your distance. I will now have to bless u if u obey and curse u if u don’t. Ten Commandments then came about.
Present truth at Sinai- 10 commandments.
Rabbinical teaching- God wrote on sapphire stone.
Under intense heat, a stone can be changed into sapphire
The stones turned to sapphire in His presence
Ananias and Sapphire (grace of God married to law) = death.
Another Ananias in the scripture, no Sapphire wife= No death.
In the law- Obedience must be inward and not just outward. Present truth then was keeping of law outwardly. Not necc inwardly.
That was THEIR present truth in OT. Not ours in the NT.
Daniel confessed his sins and those of the whole nation for forgiveness- present truth then.
Grace and truth came by Jesus, the SON.
Never put the servant above the Son. Servant is Moses. Christ is the Son
Law is true but not the truth that sets u free
Grace and truth are ONE. Grace and truth came through Christ, sets people free.
What’s the present truth? After Christ died, we are now grace
Under Law- not everyone can come to his presence and only once a year. Must have no blemish.
Now- come boldly to the throne of God to rcv grace and mercy (if need mercy – means u are sinful) to help u
Feel condemned? Run to Him to get what u don’t deserve.
Philippians 3:9
My own righteousness is from the law–> old truth
Righteousness from God which is by faith in Christ. —> present truth
See OT through present truth to see Jesus.
No more far away from God.
If we travel back in time, the present truth pastor would have to preach would be “have u circumcised your kids beginning with u father…” Altar call with knives to circumcise people. Altar fall and not so much altar call. Cannot wear wool w linen- don’t sin with your clothes. Clothing adultery. Cannot wear bacon or eat animals that don’t chew cud. Food adultery.
( Actually- Wool and linen can’t mix because wool causes sweat and linen is cool. Sweat or self effort and grace= cannot mix both. Animals that chew cud- rightly divide what u consume sermon wise and meditate on it)
Hebrews 8:7-13
The fault of the Old Covenant= it is too perfect. If a perfect woman marries an imperfect man = that by itself is a problem.
V8- God found fault in the ppl because can’t keep laws
V9- Ten Commandments. This new covenant is NOT according to the Ten Commandments
God works the desire and willingness into your heart. God won’t ask u to serve in Children’s church when u don’t like kids.
V10- if u are poor, and I am ur God, u won’t be poor but will be a blessed
People. If u are sick and I am ur God, u won’t be sick but will be healed
All the knowing of Him is intuitive – new covenant
U might be a new believer but when u hear grace, U know this is IT. Know intuitively coz HS in in you.
John would write to people not coz ppl dunno but coz they know- confirmation I what u have
Let God’s will grow inside of u. Not always a yes and no answer. Supernaturally natural knowing what the right decision is.
God won’t come to u and say no one wants to marry her so u wanna marry her. Will u sacrifice to marry her? That’s not how he works.
V11- u feel like the least in your church, God will reveal to u
All of these happen coz of V12- For I will be merciful… (for = hoti)
Knowing God is merciful to our unrighteousnesses, all our sins and lawless deeds God will never ever remember to visit or punish your sins again. Double negative. Coz Christ bore ALL our sins on the Cross – sins across our whole timeline
It is His holiness that says He can’t punish us anymore coz Jesus was judged in our stead already.
What is our part? Nothing. Our part is just to believe HE WILL.
The issue is NEW COV is based on believing.
Behold the days are coming when i will make a new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31 onwards…)
The more u know God has taken care of your sins, the more u come to love him.
Secret of the double portion
Under law we confess sins to be forgiven. Valid and stored in the bible. Under grace, we confess and are frank about our sins because we are forgiven. Ps not against confession of sins but important we aren’t confessing to be forgiven.
If someone owed a lot of money, he won’t wanna look at the ledger which is in the red. But if someone pays that debt off, he would look through the ledger to marvel at how much has been paid off.
When u know u are loved, u will hear the heart of love when ur spouse speaks to u. Won’t snap back.
If we are confessing our sins, He is faithful to forgive and cleanse us
Those who are forgiven are confessing but they aren’t confessing to be forgiven
Forgiven is once and for all- perfect tense. John wrote. Starts the sentence with my little children – so is this parental or judicial? Forgiven is forgiven.
Some parents say won’t talk to the kid until they say sorry. When did Cain hear God’s voice? After he killed Abel. God spoke to him right after the wrong is done. Not wait for our kids to say sorry then talk to him. Must correct the kids right away and guide them. Prodigal son’s father, did he say must apologise first then talk to him? The elderly man saw him from afar (waiting and looking forward to seeing him), picked up his cloak (unheard of) and ran to him. That’s the kind of love daddy god and Jesus has for us.
Gal 4:6-7
The name by which God wants us to call Him today is ABBA, FATHER, DADDY GOD. Intimacy. Closeness.
Almighty God – respect but there is distance.
Teenager’s drug addiction and depression left him when he called God, ‘Daddy God’. A testimony church received.
Jeremiah 3:19
Once u call God, FATHER, He will never turn away from u. We can have the greatest heritage when we call Him, Abba. Wants to demonstrate to us how loving and caring a father is. Protects and cares and provides.
Jer3:18- Jewish are returning to Israel. Two fold prophecy. Then and now.
2 Kg 2:8-14
Elisha’s request for double portion of his spirit to be upon him. Elijah say if u see me as I am taken from u, it shall be so with u.
Elijah called out MY FATHER, MY FATHER… V14- same anointing
Elijah -14 miracles
Elisha- 28 miracles. 28th miracle, when Elisha’s dead body touched another dead body, the other dead body resurrected.
Jesus has ascended and given us the right to cry out to God because 2000y ago, He called His father, “MY GOD, MY GOD… Why have u forsaken me?” The loneliest cry so today we know He hasn’t forsaken us and we also have with us the chariots and horsemen (angel armies).
If u see Jesus and if u call out to DADDY GOD, u will receive.
Lord increase Your favor in every area of my life. Thank you for posting your notes.
thank you for these. Grace to you!