Sermon Note (Pastor Mark)
God wants us to focus on Resting. Concentrate on the right believing. As we rest, He will work. We focus on restoration, focus on Rest.
We are in sin, we come short from the glory of God but God lengthen us for His glory! God lengthen us. Whatever we are short of, God lengthen us!!
God comes to restore us. Let Him restore us.
Whatever we are been shortchange, focus on the One who is able to lengthen us!
Because of sin we are short life but Jesus come that we can enjoy long and abundance life!!!
Restore my love back to me. When we ask for restoration, we ask for restoration for the years, the emotions, the health we have lost. We are looking for people to restore, but it is always pain. People can’t restore. Only God can restore. Human being are all weak. We look for man to restore but man can’t.
We are looking, be it family or any area of our lives, we can’t get restoration from human.
We look to man, it is very painful. When we look to man, we become very angry. We think think think, we become angry.
Look to God.
1 Samuel 18:8-9
Then Saul was very angry, and the saying displeased him; and he said, “They have ascribed to David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed only thousands. Now what more can he have but the kingdom?” So Saul eyed David from that day forward.
When we look to man, we always compare. We forgotten we have a God who look after us. We must have good opinion of God.
Genesis 31:7
Yet your father has deceived me and changed my wages ten times, but God did not allow him to hurt me.
If he calculate that, he die already.
We have a God who take care of us! We have Jesus in our lives. God is looking after us! We don’t have to watch our back. Jesus is looking out for our back!!
You thought evil against me, but God is for us no one can be against us!!
Genesis 50:20
But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.
Learn not to fight and let God supply!!
God really love us so much. He don’t want us to fight for our lives. The battle is His.
He came down already. God don’t take away good thing. He wants to restore us!! Let God restore us!
Psalms 69:4
Those who hate me without a cause
Are more than the hairs of my head;
They are mighty who would destroy me,
Being my enemies wrongfully;
Though I have stolen nothing,
I still must restore it.
God is a good God. Live your TODAY. We are inside Time. God is outside Time. God is outside Time and He can take our past and do it for our good!! God uses all His power to protect us!! God is in us!! God is in me and He wanna bless me!!
Rest to let His restoration happen in our lives.
Jesus comes to cleanse away.
Fight by believing right. Guard our mind and heart that God wanna bless us.
Guard our heart!!
If ur heart is not guarded u will lost all years youth.
Worry never q up!
That is in our mind. We can’t control worry and we become paralyzed. God gives us a very easy solution.
2 Corinthians 4:13
And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak,
Romans 10:6
But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’ ” (that is, to bring Christ down from above)
The power to speak. Speak right.
Speak I am the righteousness of Christ Jesus.
Today i shall receive good because today God is good!!
When we say that, we are receiving blessings into our lives.
2 Corinthians 10:5
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
It is not thru my obedience that i am saved. Is the obedience of Christ!!
God will surely bless the righteous! Receive the abundance of grace!! reign over sickness and disease!
Romans 1:5
Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name,
The gospel is the power of God unto salvation! Is thru Christ being right that inputed to us that we receive! Once we believe that, the power of God is on my life!!!
Romans 16:26
but now made manifest, and by the prophetic Scriptures made known to all nations, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, for obedience to the faith—
My obedience is to believe Jesus has made me righteous.
You want money don’t pursue money. Pursue the right believing.
We pursue right believing, we pursue Jesus! When we know we are righteous, God will add to us in our lives!!
God will use all His power not just to save us but also to bless us!!!
God always say He loves us and we are pleasant in His sight.
Pray and bless and not nag. Life transformed.
Self-effort ceased. Use the greater power. The power of tongue. Pray and bless.
This result in holy communion with God. We partake the holy reunion.
God wants us to be as family. Family is the most important in our lives. When we have Jesus we can rest.
Draw near to Jesus. When I have good opinion of God, allow God to bless me and protect me!
As my days so shall my strength be.
To draw near when we are close to God
Without Christ, we will lose our temper and ourselves.
Genesis 45:10-11
You shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and you shall be near to me, you and your children, your children’s children, your flocks and your herds, and all that you have. There I will provide for you, lest you and your household, and all that you have, come to poverty; for there are still five years of famine.” ’
When the Lord is my Shepherd, there is no lack in our lives.
When we have Jesus, we can peace.
We fail big time, but come to God.
It is not how good we are, come near to God. It is not our completeness, it is the completeness of the finished work of Jesus!!
When the son comes back, the father did not let him complete his “repentance” speech on his sin conscious. The father put on the rode of righteousness on the son.
He who knew no sin became sin for us. It is thru a paid price! He paid so much for us. Come boldly!
He know we need Him. He wanna restore for us. Our heavenly Father wants us to receive from Him.
When God don’t remember our sin, don’t be sin-conscious. He can mend our past for us. For God so loved us, He give us His Son.
2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
As we draw near, we become like Jesus!!
This is God destined for us to become like His Son.
God gives us heavenly language. Pray in tongue. Tongue is natural by-product in our lives. God wants us to draw near to Him.
The devil wanna us to be fearful. God gives us not a spirit of fear, but love and sound mind. Don’t look at perfect storm, look to perform Jesus! Perfect God! No matter what i am facing, look at perfect God!! The gospel is the power of God!!
I am the righteousness of Christ Jesus!!
God wants to do all for us because He loves us.
In life when i become fearful, the thought that always guard my mind is I am the righteousness of Christ Jesus. My path shall become brighter and brighter!!!
Believe right and everything will be right!!
When you only got one car in ur life, u will take care of the car. Imagine ur car, u don’t take care of ur car and it is overheat, everyone comes out.
When u r always angry, no one will come near u.
Ask yourself this question, every year u look forward to this Chinese New Year, are we happy?
Happy is waiting for things to happen than u r happy.
God’s power is for us. Restoration can come but it does not make u happy. We are looking for another restoration
The greatest restoration, when we face the sin when we know we going to lost everything, the biggest fear is not about all these. When we know the Lord will look after us, this is the most important part.
Psalms 51:12
Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
When David found God he was so happy!! He got nothing but he is so rich.
Only God can satisfied us. You pick me up and anoint me as king. Love of God for me. He cast out every fear.
Restore to me the joy of my salvation that I know You.
Pursue. Go back to my first love. Do the first work.
Believe in Him. When we believe God loves us, we know God will always look after us. He is our security. Look to Him. Come to God like David.
When we seek Him, we are lack of no good things. Everything in our lives will be restored.
Look, behold Him. When we seek Him, all that we seek for, come to us.
I am more than conqueror in Christ.
M”ark” – i am marked for success. All that missed the mark become remarkable!!
We are able to do all things thru Christ who strengthens us!!!
yes Jesus is our everything.
The Lord is my shephard there is no lack in my life.
Thanks for the notes!
Wow! Truly a blessing!
“Use the power of the tongue: pray and bless!”
Praise God!
Thank you for your time and care in taking notes!
Thanks for sharing!! It is such a powerful message!!