The times of the gentile coming to an end.
Let’s go back to the time of Daniel.
Up to 600 over BC before Christ came, Kings of their own nations = have. No king of kings. The first monarchy (empirical)- Nebuchadnezzar. Why did God raise him up? Israel was disobedient. Times of the gentile stretched on from then until now until when Jesus returns
Nebuchadnezzar built the hanging gardens of Babylon. One day he slept and woke up with a start. Had a dream that troubled him. Couldn’t recall the dream. Called for all the new agers in his kingdom (stargazers, fortune tellers, astronomers…)
Daniel 2- futility of human wisdom.
Need to pursue divine wisdom.
The decree that all the wise men will be killed since no one could answer the king’s request for his dream to be interpreted.
Daniel spoke w counsel and wisdom. Had a serenity of faith despite the hasty nature of the king’s decree. Daniel asked to see the king to speak to him. Daniel 2:24-30
Daniel went to his friends and they prayed. When you face trouble, go the church. That is where u go to receive. Takes revelation of his grace to know how and what u can receive from God. I need new leg, new body parts, ask- He is willing to give.
The womb (place of nurture and comfort) of the mother, the mother’s compassion for her baby= how God loves us. (rachem)
Come to God knowing He has this heart for you.
They slept and that night Daniel received a vision
“I have found a man…”- Arioch … Men likes to claim credit and discredit the church. V25
V28- there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets
V30- Daniel’s humility. When God gives u influence and good success, learn to hide behind the name of Jesus and lift His name up
‘For our sakes’— for the Jewish people that the secrets are being revealed.
Jews are heading back to Israel now. French Jews flocking back. They have wealth.
Compare to when Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem due to the decree of the Roman Emperor for the census. Emperor didn’t hold the census knowingly for Jesus. God did it for His own purpose, so the child will one day grow up and say to the world, Behold I come to give u life and life more abundantly.
Daniel 2:34
Stone not made of humans coz cut without hands— Jesus
Stone became a great mountain and fill the whole earth.
GOLD HEAD- Babylonian empire
The world knows the what and u know the why. The world knows the dream, u know the interpretation. You know the HIS story behind the history.
SILVER- Medo Persian empire
Deterioration of the empires. Everything of men deteriorates and disintegrates. Everything of Christ doesn’t.
Song of Songs- the women asked the bride why is your beloved greater than the others? She replied he is and ruddy (100% men). Groom head is MOST FINE gold (100% deity). Not just gold. Song of Songs- hand are gold and feet are like marble set in sockets of gold. Gold top to toe. Compared to the statue of Nebuchadnezzar.
Jesus has the golden touch. Touches and life comes out of it. Put your life and relationship and career and family etc in his hands. He never deteriorates.
We are what we are and we have what we do because of His grace. Remember how Nebuchadnezzar forgot the glory of his empire was now self creation but God given & went mad and lived like an animal. Sanity restored after 7y and bless the most High God.
Mene mene- measured.
You have been measured and found to be short. Your kingdom will be split up.
Esther, Daniel —> happened during Medo Persian empire (represented by the ram- wore ram’s fleece)
Note how Darius didn’t have complete sovereign power. King must abide the law. Nebuchadnezzar wrote the law. So can see the difference btw the two empires- deterioration
When Daniel interpreted this- he was foretelling the future. No MPE or GE yet. Alexander the Great not existing yet and lived only 300y or so after Daniel.
BRONZE Kingdom —> Greek Empire
The Spartans lost to the Persians (remember 300?) Alexender’s army represented by the goat (Aegean)
Dan 8:5
Goat- Grecian army
Notable horn- Alexander
V6- Medo and Persians. Two horns (v7)
V8- in the prime of Alexander’s life (32yo), he died. No one knew why he did. When he became strong, the large horn broke. He died. He had no sons. His big empire was divide by the four generals.
How did Daniel know all this? Not happened yet! History confirms Daniel’s divine prophecy.
IRON- Roman Empire
The empire still exists
Solid until go down to toes- ten toes. Europe nations united as one state
Democracy – clay
Sovereignty – iron
Can’t mix.
Russia not part of RE
Will come to destroy Israel and God will destroy Russia with hail stones (nothing to do with amarggedon).
Wherever the Romans conquered, will revive. Will come back to power.
America not in the European States and united Europe.
So where does America come in the pic?
Rapture would have happened already so a lot of the movers and shakers of America will be raptured.
Europe moving v fast to get off USD to use Euro currency.
As long as we are here, the antichrist will not reveal himself.
V44- Kingdom of Christ. See v35 again. The kingdom of heaven was at hand coz the king was there. Book of Matthew – all about the King.
Repent from your unbelief and idolatry. Kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Sermon of the mount – manifesto of he kingdom
King used power to cleanse, heal, bless and the kingdom was here
The greater prophet is here but they rejected him
The greater than Solomon is here but rejected him
The greater priest is here but they rejected him
Rejected Jesus in all three offices
Continual rejection of Jesus- the sin against the HS
ISRAEL isn’t cast out. Cast aside. Then for two thousand years, God focused on the church but in due time, rapture will happen and focus back on Jews.
Matthew 21:42-43, 42-46
Fall on this stone- broken… Brokenness is good- place of humility
Only one kingdom can never be toppled- HEAVEN ON EARTH. Jesus will rule from Jerusalem
Tribulation- we are not a part of this. Raptured.
Daniel 2:35
Ps was playing with his 3yo son and mused out loud about which sermon he should preach coz he had a few messages in his heart. Justin clearly said Abba preach Jesus build the tallest mountain
Justin knows nothing about Daniel other than Daniel and the lion’s den- Wendy’s bedtime story to him.
Ps and Wendy were shocked. Justin was asked a few times and he always replied, Abba preach about Jesus building a big tall mountain. We always hear about removing the mountain but never about God building a mountain.
So Ps knew this is the message for us.
“Jesus build the tallest mountain”. Praise God, thanks for posting your notes