Your bondages whatever they may be will bow at the name of Jesus.
Be thou be completely healed from the crowns of your head to the toes of your feet. You are free of the bad habits that have held you bondage over the years. Tonight is the beginning of a victorious name because of JESUS! Mountains have been removed!! Write to the church once you know the deliverance has been effected. From your body to your soul to your mind. At the name of jesus, every knee will bow. At the name of JESUS (not at the name of God). That is why the world when they cannot find a greater expression to describe something they use His name. There is power in that name. Every knee bows. Angels come to your aid. Things on earth will bow. Every knee whether here or in the nether regions.
Even if they argue with you about God’s existence, one thing is for sure. Their breath will come out of their mouth when they pass away.
God’s plan wasn’t for us to die. He wanted us to be forever young and free. The Father never planned for man to grow old, be decrepit and die. Death is an enemy. The bible tells us one day our LORD Jesus will return to earth and set things straight. You will have chariots of fire. How fast will u go when u know u cannot die anymore? You will have health forever. Forever is a long time. Make sure of your salvation tonight because He is returning soon.
Oh trampled death, where is your victory?
Oh death where is your sting?
Oh grave where is your victory?
Those alive & those dead – the two groups when Jesus returns.
Praise the LORD for He is good and His mercy endures forever. His HESED endures forever. His anger endures for a moment. His mercies are new every morning. Why? Because every morning you fail. Sometimes you fail before the morning comes.
if you look at KJV, they are not settled on how to translate HESED. One place calls HESED as mercy, another as good. Same hebrew word. When you realise translators have a hard time translating the word HESED, it is because it has immense meaning that can only be understood through the coming of Christ.
Ps’ friend is Jewish and uses a Hebrew New Testament. Grace and truth–> Grace is translated as HESED.
The law was given – can give from a distance BUT Jesus Christ came. Let us come BOLDLY to the throne of grace.
Mercy is not getting the bad thing or judgment you deserve. Grace on the other hand supplies us with the blessing we don’t deserve.
Every time we come to him, we are protected anew.
High Priest used to enter the Holy of Holies and have a thread tied around their feet in case they die and need to be pulled out. But in Christ, going to the Father is a NEW and LIVING way. The more we go to Him, the more we alive we are.
What does the LORD require of us? To do justly but to love mercy. Your heart should love grace even as your hand executes discipline/ doing justice. (Micah)
Isaiah 28 – God’s judgment and anger is called “strange work” === not His nature. God is love.
God took time with Abraham before judging Sodom and Gomorrah because He knew Abraham would intercede for them. God said if there are ten righteous I will not destroy the city. Pastor wishes Abraham had boldly gone down to 1 because there was 1 righteous there – Lot.
Those who say God is judging a nation. Are you saying that there are not 10 righteous in that nation?
God has anger but you cannot find a scripture verse that says ‘ God rich in wrath’. Bible says ‘God rich in mercy’.
Rich young ruler was boasting in his deeds so Jesus reflected the Law back at him and when we boast about ourselves, he will say ONE THING you lack. Luke 18.
Jesus saw Zacchaeus in the tree. Jesus called him by name, No commandments unlike when he spoke to the rich young ruler. People began gossiping. Scandal of Grace. Luke 19..
Grace does not lead you to licentiousness. Zac at the end of dinner returned what he owes fourfold etc. Salvation came to his home. Jesus name is YESHUA – salvation. Salvation in every form. God chose this name for His Son. ZĀ opened his home, his heart, his wallet. Became generous in the face of grace.
John 3- Nicodemus was a master rabbi. Not just a rabbi. Chief theologian. in John 4, the woman’s accomplishment is that she had 5 husbands.
Zac came looking for Jesus by night. In John 4, Jesus looked for the woman in broad daylight.
He needed to go through Samaria. Jesus was in Judea. The most common way the Jews travel – to avoid the Samaritans- is to bypass Samaria in a round about way to get to Galilee.. He needed to go through Samaria due to the need of Grace, not the need of geography.
Most women would draw water in the morning when it is cool. But the woman came alone at midday and Jesus was waiting for her.
In John 3, Jesus told Nicodemus that everything about him had to be born again. But He never said that to the woman in John 4.
Theologians want everyone to fit their mould.
Jesus told the woman you are looking for satisfaction in all the wrong wells. Jesus used old testament symbolism and quoted scripture to Nicodemus. Jesus used practical illustrations to the woman at the well.
And that is Pastor Joel Osteen’s ministry. Practical illustrations. Not a traditional preacher.
The common people heard Jesus gladly.
The theologians of Jesus were not too happy with Him.
Is this happening to you too? Welcome to the ministry of Jesus. The ministry of grace.
The first ministry of law was judgment. Turning water into blood.
Under grace, first ministry was turning water into wine. Rejoicing.
Under grace- our sins are remembered no more.
God has moved mountains. Are we still stuck on the old mountain? Not at Mt. Sinai. Now on Mt. Zion.
The LORD our righteousness. You are not your own righteousness. jesus is your righteousness. Jehovah Tsidkenu.
1 John 4:17 – Love has been perfected amongst us that we might have boldness in the day of judgement. As He is crowned with glory and honour right now at the Father’s right hand… in this world, so are we.
As He IS … present tense.
If you change by your effort, you have to maintain the effort. Change to be real change is not behaviour modification but heart transformation. From the inside out.
The High Priest represents the people to God. It is not a question of how good the people are but how good the High Priest. Their standing is wrapped up in the HP. No matter how bad the people are, if the HP is good, the LORD blesses the nation. But HP are mortal so their salvation is never sure and secure.
But the bible says we have a HP who lives with the power of an endless life. Our right standing as a result is forever good with the Father. It is about how GOOD Jesus is in the Father’s presence. Is He accepted? So are you in this world.
The devil will point you to you and make accusations. Look at yourself. Be introspective. Nothing more painful than to be introspective.
To the degree that we are self occupied, we are in pain.
When we look at a group photo, whose face do we look out for first? Your face.
Even if you do right, the devil will come to you can make light of what you do and it is never enough. You pray for 10 mins, he will say someone else prayed for 30 mins and make you feel bad. Feel adequate.
The HS convicts us of righteousness even when we fail because we are the righteousness of God in Christ.
Testimonies come in every week. People delivered of addictions. Habits can only be removed at the Cross.
Today is not about your love for Him but His love for u. We love because He first loved us. The sum total of the Law is thou shalt love the LORD with all your heart and soul and might…. under law, there are no degrees of sinfulness, you break one you break all. Composite whole.
God gave us the 10 commandments to make us realise we are sinners and cannot fulfil the law on our own. Not given to justify men by. Law gives the knowledge of sin and not righteousness. The strength of sin is the law- 1 Cor 15
To remove the strength of sin, u remove the law. When u remove the law, the HS manifests.
Those who fight for the law, they don’t know the law by heart even.
The HS never gives grace to memorise the law. But the HS gives grace even to little kids to remember John 3;16
You can don’t commit adultery not because you love your spouse. You can keep the law for all the wrong reasons. Love is the fulfilling of the law. We love our spouse and the very thought of being unfaithful makes us feel bad. That is the HS leading, grace oriented.
Demand oriented = under law. Sin around the corner.
Wake up and supply oriented. Believe God is causing His grace to abound towards u. Present and continuous. Constantly powering all grace and favour towards u. That is why you can afford to be generous. People don’t know why they like u. They just do.
U have the good opinion of God. His mercy. His grace.
Some say grace is good but u need law but Jesus said you cannot put new wine into old wineskin. Grace is robbed of its goodness and law is robbed of its stern-ess.
God made Jesus to be sin for us who knew no sin. He became our sin at the cross with our sins. He did not do sin to become sin. He took our sin.
By the same token, we are near to Him and we pray from victory and we are righteous and we are there not because we worked for our righteousness. We receive righteousness.
When Jesus received our sin, did God treat him like the worse sinner? Yes. When we receive His grace, how will God treat us?
When you are stuck in a bad habit (eg smoking or watching porn)- confess “I am the righteousness of God in Christ”
Testimonies of people who confess their righteousness even as they struggle with their sin. Giving greatest glory to Jesus because righteousness is not maintained or obtained by our works. Many of these people overcome their bondage as they confess so.
Do good get good. Do bad get bad. That does not take the HS to teach. Every religion has the law. Everyone understands karma.
But how to receive good they don’t deserve, needs the HS.
If you were living in the OT and Pastor asks u who is the holiest nation, u will say Israel. Which is the holiest city? Jerusalem. Where is the holiest vicinity? Temple mount. Of the three parts of the temple, what is the holiest? Holy of Holies where Ark of the covenant is. centre piece of that is the mercy seat. Blood is shed there.
The holiest of holy is MERCY. True holiness is preaching from the mercy seat and produces TRUE holiness.
Before 2000 years ago, before creation… God foresaw the need for our salvation. He had a choice to love us or let us perished. Chose to love us. He gave us the greatest gift in the form of His Son. Wont know how much god loves u until u know how much God loves His Son.
When Jesus was baptised, God called him BELOVED son. When he went to be tried by the devil after that, the devil dropped the term “beloved” and called him “God’s son”. Why? Because when we know we are God’s beloved, the devil’s plan cannot succeed.
(Video of Jesus on the Cross done by NCC. Can be found on youtube under New Creation Church)
Today, God is righteous in declaring you righteous. Praise the LORD.
This morning while i was reading, the small voice inside me makes me realise when Jesus says you need to be born again, He is saying start afresh and unlearnt and relearnt! When a baby is new born, all his habits are taught by the parents and he became who he will be just like his parents. The saying of the apple doesnt fall far from the tree? Its like bruce lee says you need to give up what you have to take in what i am giving you!
Love this sharing =D
Wont know how much god loves u until u know how much God loves His Son. Hallelujah. Thank you for posting your notes.