Jesus is always in THE MIDST of us.
In the midst of the thieves
In the midst of the disciples in the upper room
What do U think will happen when u put Jesus in the midst of the various areas of our lives?
Scientists can’t explain why atoms are held together Colossians 1 says all things are held together in Christ. Christ holds us together.
The greatest holiness is grace, hope, mercy
In the biblical times, if we are asked which is the holiest nation? Israel. Holiest city? Jerusalem. In the city of Jerusalem, the holiest location? Temple Mount. In the temple, the holiest of holiest – the centre piece= mercy seat. Right in the heart of God, the holiest thing is mercy, grace and hope.
Joel and pastor are not touching on peripherals but on the very heart of God itself.
If it doesn’t produce faith hope love= dead ministry. Lives not saved or transformed.
The greatest of the three is love
Revelation 2:1-2
In the midst of the 7 golden lampstands
The LORD said he knows the church of Ephesus has
Perseverance (patience)
But something is missing
1 Thess 1:3
Work of faith, labor of love and patience of hope
Church of Ephesus is missing faith, love and hope. They had work labour perseverance but not revealing Christ. Dead doxology.
Romans 1:16-17
All encompassing salvation.
The power of God unto salvation is not more praying and fasting BUT the POWER of the gospel of Christ.
Make sure u have the right gospel
The righteousness of God is revealed- and not sinfulness of men- in this gospel.
Jesus when he is firm not hurtful, kind but not soft. A man’s man. Eyes burn at evil and injustice. But the same fire beckons sinners- fire of love.
Whoever u can pin up in your room- they all have clay feet. With Jesus he cannot and doesn’t know how to disappoint u. The desire of all nations, the lion of the tribe of Judah is also the lamb. Meekness and majesty. Approachable holiness. The Pharisees hates that. Jesus made God approachable. Sinners touched him and He didn’t get what they got but they got what He is. Grace is greater than sin
If sin can stop at revival, then won’t need revival to start. Revival happens because of presence of sin. What kills revival, introduce lion of the law
2 Cor 5:21
What are u today?
The Power of I Am
I am a sinner, I am an addict…. I AM THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST.
How can I say I am the righteousness of God having done no right thing? How did Jesus become sin having done no sin? He was made sinful apart of performance so u can be made righteous apart from performance.
The pleasure of the giver is to have u receive and enjoy it. Stand tall and say I am the righteousness of God in Christ. Be thankful.
Video to show divine exchange- priest examines lamb and not sinner. Sinner lays hand. Lamb takes on the bad and the sinner takes on the good. Attracts favor now that he is good.
Believe right. Live right. Holy by accident.
Seek first the kingdom of God & His righteousness (the righteousness that comes from the inside out- His righteousness and not your own) & ALL these things will be ADDED unto u.
Righteousness by faith. U might not feel righteous but u are righteous by faith. God didn’t make believe Jesus carried our sins. He carried our sins.
A God honoring life is not looking at your behavior. Never judge your standing by your behavior. Always judge your behavior by your standing.
Even if you are addicted to something, u are still the righteousness of God in Christ.
If u have a bondage to smoking, say you are the righteousness of God in Christ. Pastors are afraid of this saying people still do it. No, speak what you want to see happen in your life.
A brother during the very moment of drug abusers said I am the righteousness of God in Christ. Ridiculous it seems but as he kept confessing it, the desire left him completely. Now lives right. To God be the glory. One of MANY testimonies of the deliverance from addiction.
Everything inside you will scream hypocrite. The devil will scream the loudest. But if you are able to confess I am the righteousness of God in Christ, u will be set free.
Truth always sounds like heresy to the one who are religious when it is the truth that sets free
U shall know the truth and the truth will set u free- Jesus
He wasn’t talking about the law. The Jews already know the law from age 5. Talking about grace.
HS has come to do three things according to the LORD Jesus. Some are afraid of HS- he is the warm friendly voice inside that guides and teaches u to safety. Not a nagger. Some people have wrongly typecasted him as a nag.
Isaiah 45:23
Philippians quotes the above verse
Confessing Jesus Christ as LORD= confessing that He is our righteousness
Surely in the LORD I shall have righteousness and strength – Isaiah 45:24-25
Isaiah saw a generation of people who will confess they are the righteousness
U are either righteous or u are not. No practical and positional righteousness. There is practical holiness but not practical righteousness
Romans 10:2-4
Paul’s chastisement – Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to those who believe.
U aren’t seeking righteousness. U are righteous.
Christianity is not hoping to be righteous some day. U start from the finishing point. U start righteous and victorious and u walk it out. U start seated then h can walk worthy. Seat well= walk well. Rest well= perform well.
Many Christians try to walk that they might sit someday.
We walk in victory and power because we start from the day of rest.
The very first place redemption starts- garden of Gethsamane. Where Jesus sweat blood. By the sweat of your face u will eat bread. – God to Adam. But today, because of the second Adam, Jesus sweat blood to redeem us from the curse of sweat.
The HS is in the life of the believer to convict them of their righteousness.
John 16:7-11
V10 – He will convict the world of 1) sin (singular) and of 2) righteousness and of 3) judgment
Jesus explains what the HS means by this
V9- the only sin the HS convicts the world of- unbelief in Christ.
Once u believe, the HS convicts u of your righteousness – He is risen so we are righteous
Becoz u are righteous, the ruler of this world (Satan) is judged
Not us who are judged. HS not judging us.
Every day the HS convicts us of our righteousness. We need it because of the way we stumble every day and feel bad about ourselves. Reminds us the enemy is defeated.
Very first mention of HS- Romans 5:5
Hope does not disappoint because the LOVE OF GOD… = HS comes to tell us how much God loves u!! Not “love for God” but “love OF God”
Acts 10:38 sermon ended this way:
Acts 10:43-44
Through Jesus’ name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins. While Peter was speaking these Words, the HS fell—> God confirming the promise of His grace. Last line of Peter’s sermon.
Fell- same word used when the Father embraced the Prodigal Son. The HS embraced those who heard the Word
If these words meant so much to the HS 2000 years ago, how much more so today.
The CEO of Pastor’s hair salon happened to be at the salon when he went for haircut, by the end of the haircut, she was saved. His usual hairdresser felt the warmth of the HS when he preached and asked him what it was. Wonderful when baby Christians ask such questions.
If I give u a car, don’t ask how much u should pay. If it is free, it is free. Receive. Don’t insult the giver.
U don’t shower before u take a bath. If u are clean, u are clean.
Some people say things like HS is grieved when someone stepped in to the room. The HS isn’t grieved. It is your jealousy speaking.
The only time the word grief is used? Any word that doesn’t minister grace grieves the HS. If the HS is grieved by non-gracious words, He is full of joy when u speak grace to someone. Unearned, undeserved favour.
Hebrews 10:15-20
What is a witness? A witness testifies the truth.
God loves us so much He sent Jesus to die as our substitute. Stroke after stroke fell on Jesus until He yelled FINISH! And today our sins, God will remember no more.
We are aggrieved about everything we aren’t happy about. That’s not the grief of the HS.
Matthew 12- judgment of the Jewish leaders because they rejected Jesus as prophet, priest and King (His three official glories). Unpardonable sin is knowing full well who Jesus is and still rejecting Him.
Unique for them because they saw Him in the flesh. It is an unpardonable sin that can’t be committed today. Can’t be committed by believers.
Video (animation)- Jesus on the Cross, His crucifixion & the divine exchange that took place.
That’s how much Jesus loves us. Rejoice. This is your saviour, your king, your God. Hallelujah!! 🙂
Thank You Lord Jesus, My Savior, My King, My God!
Thank you Geri for your labour of love and your faithfulness using the gift God has given you. We are always so so blessed devouring the sermon notes! 🙂
Our Awesome GOD rocks!!! 🙂