Palm Sunday today. 6d before His crucifixion.
Rule of Jesus will be one of justice, equity, kindness as seen in Isaiah quote seen in UN. Many have tried from Napoleon to Mussolini but these are just anti Christ.
Prophecy of Daniel
Israel was taken captive and warned via many prophets to stop worshiping idols. They even offered up their babies as sacrifices. And He let the Babylonians take them captive for 70y.
Angel Gabriel was sent- messenger Angel.
Warring Angel- Michael. The commander who didn’t believe in God witnessed with his men a wind blow away a missile they couldn’t shoot down, and headed for a populated area. He went to the synagogue that week. The missile was turned away by Michael.
Daniel 9:21-26
Two lamb offerings offered every single day at the temple. This is Babylon (Iraq).
Lamb is offered in the morning 9am and evening 3pm. Jesus was on the Cross at 9am and gave His life up at 3pm. The moment they crucified Jesus, the shofa sounded. And it was Passover so it would have been blown much longer. It is the most favourable time in that time so people would pray then. For us, we can pray anytime and use our own words and it is effective because of the LORD’s finished work. Pray with your heart. Don’t have to pray perfect prayer. Pastor gets a perfectly written email and a love note from his kid in bad spelling. Chances are he will toss out the email but Kee the note forever.
The Father loves to hear your voice. Just pray. Even if imperfect, He loves it.
All who came to Jesus left with something they didn’t have before. The Leper came to Jesus and He touched him. The words of the King then freed him of his disease.
Song of Songs describe Him as majestic. He wasn’t skinny and weak. He was a carpenter when he was on Earth. Man’s man. 100% God. 100% Man.
Law- unclean make clean unclean
Grace- The Clean touched the unclean and made the unclean clean.
Coming near Jesus= end of your addictions and troubles
Lady set free from prostituiton and drug addiction and love for money. Aborted many times. Her husband shared 1 Peter 2:9- felt was her story. Heard Pastor’s sermon and cried. Restored with a son, now well provided for and no longer addicted to drugs or shackled by prostituiton.
490 y Daniel’s prophecy = 70w (Dan9:24)
— God’s prophetic time table
Clock starts when a command is given.
Mideo Persia- Husband of Esther gave decree in 20y of reign for Jerusalem to be rebuilt. That’s when the clock started. Date, month and year is known. So we can count.
7w and 62w- 483 years
From when the clock started until
490-483= 7 years
7 years of tribulation. Anarchy. Lots of wars and famine and new strains of viruses. They will look for a dictator to lead the nations. Seem like a wonderful man and brilliant person but is the antichrist.
Palm Sunday is the day they pray Ps118:24-26
The day Jesus came as King. If He is king, the diseases and death will go away. Prosperity and abundance on Earth.
We can choose to make decisions but we can’t choose the consequences. U stick finger in the fire, u choose burn. U choose burn, u choose pain. U can’t stick finger in the fire and not choose pain. We have to learn to stop blaming God for everything.
“The woman that YOU gave, gave me the fruit”- Adam. The start of the blame game.
Maybe in your marriage, you give your wife the authority to make a decision coz u were lazy to make it and then something goes wrong because of her choice & you realise it is your fault and not hers, there is hope for your marriage.
A King with all the power in His hands and comes to heal the leper, to raise the dead, heal the lady with issue of blood, and spend time with children… This is our King. Wow.
Ps 118:24-26
Save now O LORD- is your prayer when u are ill or have suicidal thoughts.
O LORD I pray send now prosperity- your prayer when you have financial difficulties
Baruch HaShem Adonai—> blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!
Shouted by the children.
The Pharisees asked the disciples to rebuke the children. Jesus said if the kids keep quiet, the stones will cry out.
When the children praise God, the enemy is paralysed. Can’t move in your life.
Sometimes you pray and have done what u can do, and dunno what to do. Pray Ps 118:24-26. Just keep praying it.
This is the song Jehoshophat put in his soldiers and their enemies fought amongst themselves. And they collected their enemies’ spoils.
Give thanks to the LORD for He is good. His mercy endures forever. His Hesed… His grace… Endures forever.
Luke 19:37-45
Mark 11:17 KJV
BETHANY is Jesus’ home away from home. It’s in Palestine. Jesus went up to heaven from Bethany. Lazarus and his sisters lived in Bethany. It was His home away from home.
V4- when He comes away He will be on the White Horse.
Colt was in a place where two ways met.
As they threw palm branches, they were shouting save us now, prosper us now. The kids, the disciples, those who believed. But the leadership rejected Him.
Any area of saving He has come bringing salvation and prosperity… We are not just talking about financial prosperity… The sort where Five loaves two fishes were multiplied to provide and feed the people.
V41- not in first service. Leadership. When people are praising you, extolling your name, is it easy to cry? But as the young donkey went down the slope, it stopped and He wept over Jerusalem. Two words for Jesus weeping- Jesus wept. At Lazarus’ tomb. Silent weeping. Here it is loud sobbing. He literally wept over the city. Saw what was the result of their rejection.
In Singapore, we will just say it’s your funeral if you don’t believe lor. But to the LORD He will leave the 99 to find the 1. Loves every individual.
This was the day of salvation in Ps118. If only you knew this day of visitation was in store for you… V42, 43.
V43- describes the Romans coming in 40y from then.
We have refuge under His wings today as believers
Matthew 23:37-39
God doesn’t ngeh ngeh lai. Doesn’t force Himself on us. Waits for us to be willing to receive it.
He is saying let Me protect you.
“Pastor I don’t fly anymore.” Not the way to live. Regression. Not progress.
Find refuge in His wings. That’s what we must do.
“The LORD reward you for taking refuge under His wings” Boaz to Ruth… what a God!!
Pastor used to live in Malaysian (born in Singapore KKH but his dad worked in Malaysia for some years so lived there a bit). They had a yard. At first no chicks, the chicken are chicken hearted. But when they have chicks, they are fierce and defend their chicks valiantly.
V44- place where temple once stood, not a single stone left there. What Jesus said came to pass.
Jesus wept. He saw the holocaust as well.
In AD70, General Titus who conquered Jerusalem and later became an emperor… He commanded his soldiers not to destroy the temple proper. Kill if they fight u. If they don’t fight, take them prisoner. Don’t destroy the temple. But because the gold ornaments melted and flowed through the cracks of the stones and the soldiers went crazy and overturned the stones of the temple.
One is the Son of God, one is the future emperor of Rome. Whose word came to pass?
When the world gets darker, we can lift our heads up. The rapture will happen before the worse hits.
Matthew 21:12-16
When the people came from Galilee, the money changers made them change for temple money and cheated people.
Note also- overturned the seats of those who sold doves. Not those who sold lambs (meek) or ox (strong). Doves were for the poor people. The poor brought their doves and those people would force them to buy temple doves instead. Cheating and extorting the poor.
Jesus was a man’s man to be able to drive these cheats out. V13.
Some people think it is wrong for pastor to sell his CDs. But Pastor doesn’t take salary from church. Not the chairman, not a council member. When he made the decision, pastor wasn’t known or well known yet. Wendy kept checking if he was sure it was the LORD’s leading to go off salary. It was tough.
When Egypt had a famine, Joseph sold grain to them for money, then cattle, then themselves. Then later, he told them to sow the seeds for food and 1/5 give to Pharoah. Making money isn’t wrong. The employees became their own owners later. No perpetuity otherwise coz in the long run, nothing left to give and people die and u die.
Pastor hates it when people use religion to make money.
For five days, the Pharisees and Saducees and scribes and lawyers and Herodians examined the Lamb of God. Jesus told the Herodians what belongs to Caeser belongs to him, what belongs to God belongs to God. Saducees asked question about the woman whose husbands died. Far fetched situation. Jesus’ answer showed that they don’t understand the power of God and what Heaven is like.
Pharisees came to Jesus. Asked what is the greatest commandment of all. Jesus answered correctly.
Matthew 22:41-46
V44- Ps 110 “The Yahweh said to my Adoni, sit on my right hand.” V45 David calls Jesus Adonai, so how is He his son?
Matthew 21:12-16
V14- Jesus cleansed the temple so the blind and the lame and the poor could come in & He could heal them
When God is angry, it is out of love. Angry when we worship idols that brings us nothing but trouble. God is angry for us. Jealous for us.
His anger is not like our anger.
Be angry at injustice but in our anger, we do not sin. –> leaders need to know this
1000y ago, Jebusites mocked David. 2 Sam 5:6-8
David got bitter toward the blind and the lame.
V8. One exception- Mephibosheth- covenant with Jonathan.
When U compare David with the greater son of David, Jesus always excels.
Imagine if U are blind- Your belief or no belief doesn’t change what is true and there.
Imagine if U are lame- You can’t even bring yourself to walk to Him.
We can see and we can walk because of His grace!
Drunks act like drunks because they are drunk. A sinner acts like a sinner because he is a sinner. What’s the point telling them that they are drunk/sinners? Preach the good news for goodness sake!
Pastor shared about a Israeli security guard that looked depressed. Pastor knew he was listening and he would use Hebrew terms instead to make it relatable. At river Jordan, shared he is a commander who guards the border. The Hizbollah make an attack on Israel side. Shot down a Humvee and two young soldiers were kidnapped. He was the commander of the two young men and was depressed and blamed himself. Cut himself off from everyone and became a security guard to make ends meet.
Israel released 1000 live captives for the 2 dead soldiers.
The former commander, Rafi, later shared with Pastor that Jesus changed his life. He said he felt the burdens in his heart lift.
This year, a new security guard, called Adam. He was one of the few Israeli Commandos trained under Rainbow Seal Team 6. He was badly hurt. Adam received Jesus at Capernum. 🙂
Praise the LORD. They know the LAW and they see how ONLY the gospel of grace can save them.
Because today we believe in Jesus, today we can cry out-
Anak Adonai Ho-shee-ah-nah
Anak Adonai Ha-see-ah nah
(Phonetic spelling. Wasn’t sure how to spell accurately. ^^)
Thanks Geri for the precious notes!
I am greatly-blessed by His Word! ?
Blessed Message
Thanks for posting your notes