He has the power and He loves to bless. He enjoys it when we receive from Him.
Tonight – a lot in the message
What happened to Moses when he was on the mountain 40d and 40n. New revelations tonight. Ps preached before a long time ago but tonight have new revelations.
Not just went up to get the stones.
Law given to Moses but grace and truth came from Jesus.
You can give to someone but when you come personally, it is v warm.
God came as a man, in human flesh, to be with us. Born in a manger.
Not that law is not true. But the truth is on the side of grace.
Law is the servant- tells you what God wants. But it takes the Son to unfold the nature and heart of God. Reveals.
Today we are under grace.
Contrast and comparison. The people made a golden calf to worship and God was angry. After Moses broke the tablets, had to go up to the mountain again. He went up not sure if he could make atonement for the Hebrews. Jesus went up CERTAIN that He could obtain our atonement. 100% God. 100% man.
Moses had two occasions of 40d. Spent 40d w God TWICE. Jesus too had two 40 days events- testing of the LORD in the desert by the devil. Jesus came out w power to bless. Moses after first forty days came out to show anger towards the people and had no power to bless.
Jesus spent 40d w disciples before Ascension.
40- significance. Every name and number has a meaning in the bible. Depends on how much u wanna go into the Word. Great truths to be had in names and numbers.
Rained for 40d and 40n
Elijah- went for 40d
40 is the number of testing and trial.
Jesus was tested but never tempted. To be tempted you need to have the fallen nature. Jesus doesn’t have the same stirring we do coz He doesn’t have the flesh in His heart- the sin principle. Not born of fallen nature.
Tested the implacability of Christ- not that He would not sin but He CANNOT sin. Like testing the purity of gold. Test proves that Jesus is beyond sin and fault and is perfect.
Some just interested in finding out the way but not the heart. U need to know the heart so can communicate well. If don’t know the person will misconstrue and get angry
Does God judge? Discipline? Yes. Does He punish? Not His children- done that on cross.
Only one chapter to describe creation. 7 chapters to describe redemption.
Exodus- 40d begins at 25 and ends at 31
Deut 9:8-12
God was never angry with them. Period of pure grace. No law. Recalled the covenant cut w Abraham, Isaac and Jacob long before the Ten Commandments. That is why btw Horeb to Sinai, despite their murmuring and sinning, God was never angry. God blessed them despite their sinning because it was dependant on His goodness and faithfulness.
Had they asked God not to give law, He prob wouldn’t have.
Law given to reveal the heart of man.
After Sinai, sin = death. Before Sinai, no death.
First time we also see that God is angry. God was angry at Mara or when they complained about food and water… But the law worketh out the wrath of God.
Beholding His grace, they would have been transformed.
Even today, men doesn’t want grace. Think that keeping the law will make them more holy than those unde grace.
How can the shadow be better than the substance?
Exo 20- 10 commandments issued. Exo19- they said we will do everything the LORD has said.
Thick cloud> dark cloud. Draw near will die. Now we can draw near to Him under grace and experience life.
The Hebrews signed the contract before they knew what it was. Pledged commitment but ended up making the golden calf. The law is designed to stir up the flesh. By the Law is the knowledge of sin.
Without shedding of blood, the people will die when they approach God. The blood of Jesus today provides us eternal redemption. Not the same as blood of bulls and goats. The better sacrifice. God is so satisfied by Jesus’ shed blood that He can make a sinner into His son. The blood has overpaid.
Under law= distance
Under grace= intimacy
Aaron and Moses sat and ate with God.
Deut 9:8-12>> Moses looking back at what happened.
Supernatural fasting. Nothing decays or dies in the presence of God. In the presence of Jesus, death turns to resurrection, the blind can sea, the diseases are healed. Draw near to Jesus.
Draw near BOLDLY- coming boldly honours the blood of Jesus. Come like He is gonna strike u dead dishonours Him. Same as- Partaking communion unworthily dishonours Him.
God gave Moses the tablet of stone at the end of the 40d and 40n.
V17- Moses broke the first sets of Ten Commandments. If he had brought it to the Hebrews (who were in sin), they would have all died. It is the ministry of death. God wasn’t angry that he did that.
In the old Pentecost, God gave law and 3000 died. In the new Pentecost, God gave the spirit and 3000 saved. Time to shift from Mt Sinai to Mt Zion.
Second set of stones were placed under the mercy seat of the ark coz only ONE can keep it.
Exo 24:17- 25:9
First 40d
God’s heart is full of His Son
Exo25:2- Don’t take offerings from people who are giving grudgingly. Instead of giving, they are giving in.
On the night of Passover- transfer of wealth. 3 million millionaires came out of Egypt. Recompensed for all their years of slavery.
The stones on breast plate of High Priest- gentile stones. What’s on Jesus heart today? Us. The Gentiles.
Exo 25:9
Blue (Heaven), Purple (Royalty of Gentiles- King of Kings and Lord of Lords), Scarlett (Blood, Jewish Kings wore red and not purple)
Without the purple, blue and red jars your eyes. Purple is mix of blue and red.
Jesus came from heaven. Took Adam (red blood, red earth). Heaven and earth met and purple came about.
Figures, types and shadows—> glory of God to conceal and ours to seek it out.
V5- Ram= picture of consecration, Talmud says badger skin = seal skin (Takash)- the one on top of the tabernacles, the shoes they wore in wilderness were also made of seal skin)– seals came from when sea opened.
We can’t outgive God. Try to save your time and life, you lose it. You give them to Jesus and He gives you more. What you lose for His sake, you will find it.
Acacia wood- wood that will never decay. Incorruptible like Jesus’ body. Immunity.
Oil for the light- enlightenment by HS
sweet incense – our praise and worship
V8- a house where He can dwell with them = He wants to be with us.
God’s people under the fire- that is why Moses was approached by God speaking from the burning bush. On fire but will never burn out.
Jesus was limited when he was here but when he went back up, he sent his Holy Spirit- no limits. Can be everywhere.
Eph 2:22
Of all the furniture of the tabernacle, God started out with the holy of Holies.
Men usually focus on burnt offering.
25:11- pure gold = deity. Gold = righteousness.
Acacia overlaid w pure gold= Jesus
Cherubim (Hebrew: Care- Ra- Bim) made of one block of pure gold.
First mention of Cherubim at Eden- guardians of God’s holiness. There for judgment.
Once a year, High Priest will sprinkle blood on the mercy seat- sprinkle one time. The cherubims will see blood which means justice has been satisfied, there has been a death.
Sprinkle seven times around the mercy seat- perfect standing before the LORD. Stay in His presence. The blood is there. Come boldly to the throne of grace.
God lays up sound wisdom FOR the righteous. Not from us. God Himself leads us.
Child of God has WISDOM, holy prompting. Better than being street smart.
The Father’s heart is full of His Son- His person and His works.
40d and 40n = these types and shadows of Jesus in the 7 chapt.
Jesus was put in a virgin tomb. From a virgin womb to a virgin tomb.
John 20:11-12—> Mary Magdalene saw the REAL ark. Angels sitting down. Not standing. 🙂 Finished work.
We are blessed to understand what these types portray- Jesus!
Exo 25:22
Jesus loves to speak from mercy. God loves to talk to us from the mercy seat, because blood has been sprinkled there. Not the judgment seat.
After the ark, the table of show bread
12 loaves of bread in the holy place.
(Three furnitures in Holy Place- altar of incense and show bread and menorah).
Show bread at the North side. Prepared every sabbath. Each rep a tribe of Israel. = God finds His food in His people. We feed Him when we come to Him. “I have food to eat u know not of”- Jesus on the woman at the well. This isn’t religion. This is His heart.
Exo 25:24- moulding of Gold- all around. So we will never fall off. No one can snatch us from the Father’s hands. Our salvation is eternal. Not saved today and lost tomorrow which is a miserable doctrine that brings no glory to Jesus
Menorah made from one solid slab of gold (a talent of pure gold), beaten into shape- three point to the centre on each side.
Exp 25:36-39
Jesus was beaten so church can come forth. Jesus is the centre shaft. The three lampstands on either side face Jesus. Remember Jesus is the centre of it all. Put the light on Jesus. All praise is due to Him alone. Always to being forth to His name.
That goes for your wealth, fame and gifts – all glory to Jesus.
Seven churches in revelations- 5 rebuked. 2 were not. Remember lampstand is to bring glory to Jesus. Removing lamp is not losing salvation. Church shut down coz not glorifying Jesus.
The bible talks about the furniture then the table then the menorah. The holy place has three – build ark, table then menorah. Doesn’t mention incense until much later- after curtains and High priest garments etc. Did God forget? No.
Altar of incense appears only at the end in Chapt 30. Why? Because without High Priest, there can be no intercession. Jesus is our High Proest bringing sweet incense to the Father. He is the incense itself making intercession for us.
Copper- metal with the highest form of fire resistance. Like Jesus. Endured all the fire of judgment in His own person for our sins. He remained. Didn’t burn up. Elijah called down fire from heaven- fire took away the offering and the twelve stones- judgment greater than burnt offerings. But now the offering is greater than the judgment.
Jesus rose from the dead coz what He did was accepted.
David man after God’s own heart. Knew how to have r/s w God although imperfect.
Ps 26:6
Jesus – brazen altar absorbing our judgment.
David said “I will surround your altar.”
Revelation – every side of altar has meaning. Will make us an overcomer
Many sermons in a sermon tonight.
North East Sound West side of the altar
North- where sheep of the lamb is killed. Lev 1:11 / our Christian life begins with His death. Jesus not just a great example or teacher or physician. Believe in the Cross in the first place.
Enemies always come from the North. North wind is destructive. God puts His Son’s death right at the North where evil comes. Cross of Calvary has stopped it.
He became poor so you can be made rich.
Sick? Let healing start here. Sickness came because men sinned. Bible says surely He has borne our diseases and carried our pains, by His stripes we are healed.
Smite the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. – when Jesus was arrested, disciples fled so pastors today, we can have a united church
Every need was met at the Cross.
Place of ashes
Lev 1:16
Entrance way as well.
When Jesus consumed all our judgement and said I am finished = ashes. Final form of anything burnt. Jesus’s Work is finished. Ashes.
Rising of the Sun, first place light hits- place of ashes. See the burnt lamb. When offering reduced to ashes = offering is accept
Ps 20:3-4
Accept = reduce to ashes
Remember the ashes when u come to God. He doesn’t see your sins anymore. Finished work.
Ashes–> fatness, anointing
anointing in Hebrew and ashes in Hebrew- Dashem
Fatness and anointing is in the Fatness
Ezek 47:1
Water flowing from south of the altar
Ezek saw the future.
For us it is already true.
After Christ died, now can follow the Spirit (the Water).
Led by the Spirit, not under the law.
If we don’t understand the truth of the altar, can’t follow the HS.
Some people believe the HS tells them all sorts of rubbish. Because have sin consciousness still and they project it into other people. That’s why important to come to place of no sin consciousness because you know the finished work of Christ.
This is to avoid us being misled by evil spirits pretending to be the Holy Spirit.
WEST SIDE- the tabernacle
After the work of the cross and know all your sin is finished, governed by HS and not the law. Law says don’t commit adultery. Grace teaches u how to love it wife. U need the house and presence of God.
Habitation is where the anointing is. Don’t neglect the house of God.
Don’t forsake the assembling of ourselves together.
Something flows – blessing, anointing and understanding- when the church gathers.
Don’t just go with the universal church theory. Jesus believes in the local church. He talked about the seven churches. Seperately addressed each church. Yes we are all part of the same body of Christ but there is also diversity. Don’t condemn that. Don’t say things like you aren’t grace churches too. Not the heart of the Father to say things like that.
Ps 26:6-8 —> David on the dwelling of the house
Don’t neglect the assembling of ourselves together
If you have a bad habit, give up that bad habit for Him. Out of love for Him.
Praise Our Jesus, thanks for posting your notes.
Amen Ps prince
Thanks so much!