So let the cold winds blow
And let the storms rage all around
I’ll trust in You, Shepherd of my heart…
giver of this life in me
you’re what I’m living for
For all my deepest gratitude
You love me even more
So as I walk through the valleys
Listening for the master’s call
I’ll trust in you, the Shepherd of my heart…
I can rest within your arm
I can know you’re loving ways…
— special item song
Pastor Prince comes on stage- He is the wonderful shepherd. Read the word. Bible never says when he leaves the 99 and finds that one sheep, there is no record that He ever puts it down. Most ppl think he picks us up for a bit and then puts us down and asks us to walk the rest of the way. No. He says we rest and he will carry us. We rest all our cares (work, kids, etc) on his strong shoulders. He knows the way.
We have no excuse to say we are old already when we meet Dr Hickey who is 83yo. God leads her to places even strong young men are not led to go. Iran, Pakistan… Not just a place men can’t go. Women can’t go too.
She shared that when her hubby passed away. Sowed her hubby’s insurance payout and sowed into the kingdom. How did the LORD reward her? God opened the door for her to Iran. Boasted not about financial gains.
They were out when she passed by a man in a wheelchair. Not bothered whether they were believers, offered to pray for the man. What a lady.
She teaches ppl how to Jesus in the bible. That’s the way the bible should be taught. The same day Jesus rose from the dead, Himself drew near to the two disciples who were on their way on the road of Emmaus. Expounding in the scriptures things concerning Himself. Their heart was on fire for Jesus and it strengthened them.
Dr Hickey comes up the stage.
Has known Ps since 1999. Very exciting to see what is going on here. His prog in the States is changing their nation. And feels fed by the sermons preached by Ps Prince.
We need to see Jesus.
MH got hooked on the bible v early in life. Found Jesus in every book. We are changed from glory to glory as we behold Him.
There are 66 levels of glory. 66 books in the bible.
Exo- without it, u can’t ustd 1 Cor 11
Hebrews- Jesus the great high priest
Passion of her heart to get people to be hooked on the bible.
Bible- this is truth. God is looking for this in your heart. Not just in your hand or coffee table. Will make the truth into wisdom up here (brain)
Simple plan to read bible every year. 2 chapt of old, 1 chapt of new for 6 days, 7th day= 3 old, 2 new.
For thirty years, she put together a book on seeing Jesus in the bible. Many times we don’t recognise Him because we don’t read all of the bible. When u see Him, He transforms u.
Reminder- Pentateuch, History, Wisdom, Prophets.
Most Christians don’t read the Prophets. But these are full of Jesus. When u don’t read the Prophets, u are Prophet-less
Jesus in Malachi- messengers of God. 5 messengers. OT closes w curse and NT opens w blessing.
NT- breaks into 4 segments
Gospel, Acts, Epistles, Revelation
7 room house >> book of a Revelation
Read bible and use study guide.
Pastor asked Dr MH to speak on Joshua 1:8
Key to success and prosperity in Joshua 1:8… Through the Word
Meditate- to chew (eg Cows and the way they chew using multiple stomachs to get optimal nutrition)
Heard about a man who was a low grade retarded. Teacher got him to meditate on the Word. And he became a valedictorian. When no time to meditate, grades went down.
Memorised book of proverbs, 50 psalms…
It is like Wisdom reading you.
Joshua was busy when he was asked to take care of the Hebrews
If you are too busy to meditate, you are too busy to he successful and be prosperous.
Everyday she would take a verse from proverbs and say it out ten times in the morning. She would recite it throughout the day and before she sleeps, another ten times. Next day she took the same verse or move to new verse. But more she said it, it would crack open and she would receive revelation. Like the bible read her.
What did Joshua meditate on? The Pentateuch. Proverbs and Psalms not written yet.
Joshua was 80yo when he started meditating. So don’t say you are too old. She is 83yo and she meditates all the time.
Joshua had to go in to take the promised land.
Sent in the two spies. They went to Rahab’s place. She said something so key- we have heard of your God. Faith comes through hearing the Word of God. When they heard and feared, wisdom began. She confessed Him with her mouth. She heard. She believed. Feared the LORD. Confessed the Word.
She said what all new converts said- wanted to bring all her family and loved ones in.
Marched around Jericho. God held her wall up. Everyone else’s wall fell but not hers. She had Jesus.
Her act of faith brought her into the genealogy of Jesus Christ. 5 women and one of them was her.
In Joshua 3 & 4- had to cross the Jordan River. Manna and water stopped. Shoes started to wearing out. Had to fight for the land.
God do call us to do something at the worse time. Sometime she goes on conferences and is jet lagged and has so many to pray for and talk to. Tells Jesus she is tired. He says He isn’t. 🙂
How the Word works- take the ark of cov. Let the priest carry. Step into the water. The water rolled all the way back to the town Adam. The river bed is open. The priest standing in the middle and people passing quickly but must keep eye on Ark of Covenant (the Word is in it). Pass over. Tell the priest that the they had to take twelve stones they stood on to put on shore of other side. Then pile up twelve stones up there & put on riverbed. And then they stood on shore and the water from Adam rolled back over. Told to tell the kids about it.
12 stones- promises to the twelve tribes.
12 stones in riverbed- God covered our failures and took it back all the way to Adam. And gave us a new beginning.
You need to go home and read the book of Joshua.
Traveling along. Told not to make a covenant with any of the people there.
The Gibeonites (deceivers) said they wanted to make a covenant. Joshua didn’t pray and entered into a covenant. And they blew it.
Have u ever blown it? Jesus never gives up on us and doesn’t cease to make us a success.
Dr MH went to a small country by Ethiopia. 5000 ppl. Said she was there for 6 nights and invited people to receive healing. Was told not to pray for sick because it is offensive there although okay to talk there. HS told her to cool down. She says she never found it offensive because the Word demonstrates. They said ok. She was led to pray for those with their hands and wrists. People stood up. This tall African guy ran up to the platform. He was the number one war hero. Was shot in the wrist and it was frozen close. He was healed. They told her to pray for the sick every night.
Meditate on the Word and it opens up the way to success.
Memorising, speaking the Word of God makes me a success in every bars.
Listen to the HS and keep your confidence in Jesus even when things don’t look good.
Felt led to pray for ppl w warts, growth and tumours once. Her favourite area to pray for. The audience was so cold then and it was like coming against a wall. She was training her daughter. Disheartened coz no one stood up w testimony. Sarah questioned her. HS told to be careful because training her. “Sarah, they will all come tomorrow night. It is a process miracle.” Spoke faith. Next day people came. A lady w a freakish growth believed. Went home. At night she went to bed. Felt wetness. Turned light on. Growth had fallen off.
(Check the growth later) — prayer for growth. Neh1:9
Sometimes not immediate because process miracle.
People angry with the Gibeonites. Wanted to kill them. They came to Joshua for help.
They went out to fight. God sends a hailstorm. It was a discerning hail. Knew who to kill and who not to. Such a miracle.
The Sun started to going down. Needed to win the battle before day ended.
When u meditate on the word day and night, it makes u successful and prosperous. Joshua who was meditating on the Pentateuch. He says, “Sun stand still. Moon stay in the valley.” Bible says we can speak to the mountains.
Joshua meditates and speaks the Word day and night. Word has creative power and creates our day.
Does what the Word says.
Joshua said- give me the city on top—> double portion. God didn’t make the nice houses and cars for the Mafia.
Joshua is so busy. 6.5y away from the family, u would think family is a mess. But the men who meditates on the Word day and night is also successful with his children. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. So success in the home.
Secret to any success she ever had- meditating on the Word. Began when she was 42yo. More u meditate more it reads u
John 8:12- she was meditating on this. She thought this is beautiful how the woman for set free. Whoever calls on the name of the LORD, is saved. The lady called on Jesus as LORD. HS spoke to her- this is what u want happen when u meditate. “u are so happy about this but I am not totally happy.” “Why?” “i wanted her accusers as much as I wanted her.”
Jesus submitted to his parents and grew in wisdom and favour.
Samuel submitted to Eli and his sons and he grew in wisdom and favour.
If you can take a promised land at 86yo, that is good success.
Meditating brings special revelation for you.
God put into MH heart to go Sudan. They said she can’t get it. God thinks you can do anything. Amen.
She started getting opportunity and she met a man who knew someone and they got in.
A 12yo girl dreamt the sun had a dark ring around it three times in Sudan.
Day time meet leaders. Night time pray for healing.
Went out from under the tent. Got excited. There was a dark ring around the Sun.
10000 people and praying for the sick. Suddenly they got up and started running. She asked her staff to find out what happened. Told to look at the Sun. Dark ring around the sun. They saw JESUS! She had an altar call and they all got saved.
The Word demonstrates.
2007 did meeting in Sudan in a stadium. VP came. A lot of saving and healing. Not a Christian gov and want her to come back. It is the word of God and the power of God’s Word.
Woman who couldn’t stand without assistance for 5y- jumping around. Healed.
Welcome dinner for pastors and leaders. 4 days for pastors and leaders. 4000 of them anointed personally by her.
First time ever, meeting held publicly in stadium. Thousands received Christ and baptism of HS.
WOMAN with huge growth on her arm saw it completely disappears. Woman w hearing loss 2 years ago healed. Young man deaf for 4y healed. Woman could bend and sit with no pain after suffering for 2y. 10yo suffering kidney prob for 7y healed. Man deaf for 33y healed.
This is the same Jesus here tonight.
Healing is the bread of the children. Want u to get desire to pray for the sick. He wants u to be involved in healing the sick- send the word, lay hands, prayer cloth, anointing. He wants His people whole. Can’t be healed this way but can be healed another way.
Look for your miracle and not your illness.
Joshua meditated. Went over those verses. Repeated them. Sometimes u say it and don’t get very much out of it, then one day, u get so much out of it suddenly.
Take one psalm and memorise it or 1Cor13. Say it and say it…
makes Jesus manifest in u.
Find a partner you can say it each day and share your revelation.
Read it is good. But meditating on it makes it alive to you.
Subdued kingdom, obtained promises and closed mouth of lions—> grows our faith. Faith.
Told to stand up and challenging us to be successful in every area of our lives.
Meditating on the Word helped MH marriage. 57y
U need to see Jesus in every book.
Ppl think MH has crazy faith. Jesus gives us crazy faith. We believe the impossible is made possible, and see wonderful things through the goodness of Jesus.
Receive what He has done.
When she was 16yo, a minister spoke. She didn’t know she could have Jesus inside. She heard of Jesus being spoken about before but didn’t know she could have Him in her heart. He has never left. Feels His presence even more now.
Thanks so much. We can never have too much of His word!!! Your time and effort spent in penning down the sermons have blessed many!! Shalom!!!
Thank you so much
Thanks Geri for midweek post i did not attend but when i read i can feel the hope that Dr MH is talking about 🙂