Coat of many Colours- special favour
Stripped off Joseph when he was faithful and loyal to his Father and put up for sale.
When u have nothing, the LORD is with u and u will get it all back and more.
THE most important person with u is the LORD.
Gen 39:2-6
HE WAS A PROSPEROUS MAN- the LORD was with Joseph and caused him to be successful.
The LORD can cause u to be a success
He had no connections. Slave. No one knew him but the LORD was with him.
What’s there to prosper? Bumper crops, ability to give good counsel. Potiphar put him in charge of other stuff coz things he was in charge of prospered
The people who aren’t Christians can see that the LORD prospers u.
If u see the value of yourself in His payment on the cross, u won’t devalue yourself so easily
It’s all grace and favour in His sight in the passage.
We cannot redefine what has been established.
Romans 11:6- definition of Grace
Grace is not something we can redefine. Grace is not an empowerment. It reproduces empowerment. Wrong teaching to say grace is an empowerment.
If it is of grace, not of works. If of works, not grace. They are antithesis.
Joseph was given favour not because of his looks but God’s favour. Don’t depend on the flesh – obstructs favour. Joseph’s looks only mentioned later in V6. Not in the earlier part so we know the favour came from God.
Your Organisation is blessed because I are there. Our nation is blessed because we are here. Forget about God only blessing Christians. Potiphar is Egyptian. God blesses whoever we have contact with.
How can I commit Kadol-Ra- (phonetic spelling… big evil) with u? – Joseph to Potiphar’s Wife
There are measures of SIN. If a leader has bad temper, he will be confronted. If a leader commits adultry, will lose position.
If you are comprising & conniving and you prosper, that’s not God’s favour. God’s favour is not about the flesh.
How come trouble happens to believers? The trouble is designed by God as a stepping stone.
The trouble brought Joseph from standing before Potiphar to standing before Pharoah.
God prospering whatever we touch= doesn’t mean no trouble… BUT when the devil throws lemon, u make lemonade.
If Joseph’s Brother didn’t betray him, it wouldn’t have set forth a chain of troubling events that would, at the end of the day, put Joseph in the position to save his family and the nation.
One thing that will stop grace from flowing.
Great power and great grace go together. God is restoring that.
Solomon said u have shown great grace to my Father- said it twice in his prayer before he asked the LORD for wisdom.
Great grace produces the wisdom we need. Solomon understood this and there were no limits what would happen in his life.
Favour- unmerited but empowers us to go and sin no more.
What stops grace will stop the good things from happening in our lives.
Unmerited healing and gifts flow freely when people receive it understanding it is from charisma (grace gift) and not from working for it.
God is after fruit and not works.
God is not intimidated by Sin. Grace is greater than sin. So what stops grace? Self-righteousness.
Just because people are prospering financially, doesn’t mean it is he favour of God BUT favour can cause us to prosper financially.
Jessica did well for her exams but usually does worse in her studies. And she got good grades for her O’s. She attributes it to God’s favour.
The devil will tell u hey do your best, do your best to keep the ten commandments and that will cause you to fail.
Following The Spirit u will fulfill whatever the righteousness of God wants u to.
All of us have failed Ten Commandments- some not if deeds but inwardly.
I AM THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN CHRIST confessing through and through. If u think u aren’t that bad, u will fall.
All of us have the flesh. And what God wants us to learn is our flesh is really bad. We are not our flesh. Just like a splinter in our finger doesn’t make us a telephone pole. The flesh is like as splinter that hurts.
Don’t be confident in your flesh and don’t say “I can handle this”. No one wakes up in the morning saying, “I wanna commit adultery today.” If you do, u aren’t saved. It all starts with confidence in the flesh.
God is rescuing you but what stops grace is your attempts to justify yourself. The moment I are self righteous, u have fallen from grace.
Grace is higher that is why u can fall from it.
Israel fell from grace before the golden calves. When they confessed all law He gives them, they can keep.
2 Cor 6:1
Don’t receive the grace of God in vain. = Nor producing results in our life
The verse starts with “We then…” So we need to check the preceding verses
2 Cor 5:21-6:1
Learn to receive His righteousness completely. Not that you are half bad and half good. Don’t say it like it is some magic chant.
The greater wonder is God can look at His Son and find sin at the cross when before He found no sin.
He took your place that u might take His place. I am the righteousness of God in Christ.
Those who believe they are half bad, be prepared for a fall.
The moment u say, “I won’t do that again” u are in position to fall
But say, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ” and take His place because He took your place. That gives Him the greatest Honour.
Rom 5:21 KJV
Grace reigns through righteousness
What the devil means for evil fails because u treasure your gift of righteousness even more. Grace only starts reigning in the area when u confess over it
– self righteousness
– pride
– superiority complex
– relies on self effort
– conceit
-Inferiority Comples
2 Cor 4:13
U believe it, u speak it out
Don’t just say I believe it
I believe it therefore I speak
We have the same spirit of faith as Caleb, Joshua, Moses…
That u are surprised u are capable of something bad is because u believe you are half bad. Believing u are half bad sets u up as a fall. If u fall, it isn’t all bad because now u know u can’t trust your flesh at all
Phil 3:1-5
V3- no confidence in the flesh
Wrong is wrong but we can show compassion. Favour only reigns through the channel of the gift of His righteousness.
God I thank u – that’s ok
God I thank u I am not like other people- that’s not ok.
Care and worry are found in areas we have not trusted the LORD with
Abraham had a secret root in his heart that God showed up to him. He couldn’t trust God about his Wife. Got her to lie and all.
God is almighty so He had to wait until Abraham came to the end of himself (old age) before he could bring about the blessing (Isaac).
Don’t have a superiority complex. Give all glory and praise to Jesus.
Shame and condemnation is what the devil wants u to have. This is not godly sorrow. Not looking at His grace but looking at self and trying to find a way to make up for it.
Ps51- against you, you only have I sinned.
David killed Uriah and committed adultery with Bathsheba but he told God all sin is done against God.
Our wrongdoing shows us why Jesus had to die on the cross for us.
A church goer was in prison for ten counts. Was suicidal. Our pastors were called down to minister to him. He received Jesus and his family too. He accepted that Jesus is his righteousness and he has none of his own. And it went from ten counts to six counts to three to just paying a fine. No prison time. Now business prospering, family blessed, radiant and serving in church.
Your family is surprised, your friends are surprised but God is never surprised.
120% restoration in the area where u lost.
Isaiah 61:7
In place of ur shame, u will have Doublr Honour
Isaiah 30:15
I shall be saved from my shame no matter what the consequences are
In quietness and confidence shall be our strength = Chris occupied
Pride and shame- looking at self
-Quietness and Confidence
Q&C will replace all pride and defensiveness and our trying to atone contour sins.
David declared the LORD delivered me from the lion, the bear and from Goliath- quietness and confidence in the LORD and not self-confidence
Flesh is such that it will never say sorry. Blames everything and everyone else.
We think if we don’t defend ourselves the person doesn’t love us anymore BUT when our loved ones point out our vulnerability it is because they care for and love for us. But when we keep hitting back, it is ugly. It is our flesh.
When u feel shame and guilt, don’t commit suicide. God loves u. U have the potential to use the right response to be a stepping stone to a 120% restoration and double Honour in the LORD.
There by the grace of God go I-
We are where we are because of God’s grace
Peter’s love for Jesus is genuine. But the devil saw that his security and confidence is in the fact that he loves the LORD. The LORD came to Peter to let him know that the devil wants to Attack him but the LORD told him that He has prayed for him.
John boasted of Jesus’ love for him (grace)
Peter boasted of His love for him (law)
– Peter fell asleep when he should have been praying
– sat with the LORD’s enemies
– Cursing and swearing upon being identified
Peter’s root is exposed. The first of the twelve Jesus appeared to, was Peter. The meeting was veiled from us. The LORD appeared to restore him.
Jesus rose. Told them to go to the mountain to wait for him but Peter and the disciples went fishing. Caught nothing. Jesus asked if they had any food, didn’t ask if they found fish.
“Cast your net on the right side, and u will find”
Did not say fish. Said food. Preoccupied about feeding them.
If u understand your righteousness you will find whatever u are looking for after a fruitless life.
People who boast of God’s love for them is always quickest in their discernment.
Restored in your conscience>> restored in your heart.
Jesus never corrected them until He fed them. U have no right to correct someone u have never fed.
Jesus asked Peter if he loves him with self sacrificial love. Peter humbled himself and said his love was on the level of I like u. Even at the level of I like u, Jesus trusted him to feed his lambs. Jesus asked again, Peter said I am fond of u. Feed my sheep- one step above lambs. Jesus asked do u like me, Peter said u know everything and u know I like u.
It’s not your love for the lord that ultimately matters but His love for u. Keep your eyes on His love. Your love will change but His love will never change.
Peter, follow me- Jesus last words to Peter. A restoration of position. What he started for Peter, he ended with Peter. People say a bird with a broken wing can’t fly again. God says He makes the bird and He makes the heights and the bird can soar higher than before.
The LORD will restore what he did not take away. It’s not the end of your story. Learn to respond correctly and take Jesus as your confidence.
The life of quietness and confidence.
Joseph never felt that God let him down but he was glad for the times God said no.
A job can fail u. A child can disappoint u. But Jesus never will.
thanks so much!!
Thank you lots.
In quietness & confidence in the Lords’Grace upon me is my Strength. Thanks for your notes ?. May God’s Grace rest richly upon your heart.
Thank you for sharing. Have a blessed and favors filled week ahead.
I really want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for faithfully taking the notes and sharing them every single weekend. I have attended NCC for the last 20+ years and recently moved overseas to Australia. I miss Pastor’s sermons a lot and to be able to feed on it weekly from your sharing has blessed me tremendously. God bless you all dearly!
Amen!!! Thank you so much for sharing. God bless pastor Prince and his ministry