“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life”. John 3:16
The above verse must be one of the most familiar verses in the Bible.
How did God demonstrate His love for mankind? He GAVE.
Giving breaks down barriers. Giving connects. Giving sets in motion.
But that’s not all. What is being given takes the act of giving to another level.
That mouse the computer shop gave you for buying a notebook would probably be tossed aside…. unless that mouse personally belonged to Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. Then the gift increases in worth and value.
How did God demonstrate the EXTENT of His love for mankind? He gave us Jesus His Son, His only Son, the Son that He loved so dearly.
We in GRACE UNITED understand how giving breaks down barriers. How giving connects. How giving sets in motion.
We also understand that what is being given takes the act of giving to another level.
And that is why GIVEAWAYS define who and what we are. We will never be able to give to the extent that God gave, but what we can and will do is to give out materials that point to what God has done:
- The Father giving His Son to us;
- The Son giving up all that He deserved in the divine exchange so that we get what we do not deserve, and;
- The Holy Spirit giving us His constant companionship, peace and guidance.
And what better way to kick this off than by giving away 25 copies of Ps Joseph Prince’s newly-launched book “The Power of Right Believing.”
Readers of GRACE UNITED can expect many more giveaways to come in the weeks and the months ahead:
- books by Ps Joel Osteen
- sermons by Rev Reuben Ng
- posters, magnets and water bottles with verses affirming our position in Jesus Christ
Personally, I have given out materials by Ps Prince and Rev Reuben before.
A montage of these giveaways that took place between Aug 2007 and Aug 2012 can be seen below. I am humbled to know how many lives have been touched by these materials. In fact, God even used them as a means to establish connections between other like-minded brothers and sisters, several of whom now form part of what we call GRACE UNITED.
Having said that, the Lord recently prompted me that if such giveaways are done collectively, with my 11 other dearest brothers and sisters that make up GRACE UNITED, how much greater the impact will be.
Thus henceforth, the giveaways will be a joint effort via this platform, and my personal blog will focus purely on discussing tough questions that seekers have.
Today marks the start of an exciting new journey, and an equally exciting way that some of the giveaways will be done. We call it “gracing it forward”, and you can read about that here
God is Good all the time !!!!!