There is an ending but no separation in Jesus. With Jesus so there is always a beginning as well as an ending.
Isaiah 12-14
Ps 48:2
Mt Zion= church
Satan is an usurper. Wants to sit where Jesus sits.
Satan likes to mess with our Alphas, but tries to mess with our Omegas most of all.
Have to be careful not to let him affect our Omegas or we won’t get the Alphas Jesus purchased for us.
So make sure Jesus is sitting in our ending. By doing so, we also get a new beginning.
Jesus is Alpha and Omega simultaneously
Satan only brings endings and if u let him sit in your ending will end up with hopelessness, fear, bitterness…
Jesus wants to be active in our Alphas and Omegas. So what we want to do today is to have a sensitivity in our lives to these beginnings in our lives.
Isaiah 46:9-10
I AM Yahweh… Declaring the end from the beginning.
He declares the end from the beginning. Why? MY COUNSEL/PURPOSE SHALL STAND AND I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE
Purpose – his design, plan, will for your life will come to pass because he declares your end from the beginning.
He can do because He is the beginning and the end.
Everything Jesus begins, He already has a purpose and when that ends, he has a beginning prepared. Our lives is a series of beginning and endings with Christ.
Zec 4:10
Do not despise (disregard/ not pay proper attention to) the day of small beginnings.
God is in love with small beginnings.
Why give birth to Jesus in a small manger when He could have dropped Jesus in at the finals of the World Cup & we finish it all in 3 minutes?
God’s ways- small beginnings. Focus on Him.
One grain of wheat- the whole kingdom of God today began with one grain of wheat.
So we need to pay attention to the small alpha beginnings in every area of our lives- work, family, marriage, health etc.
Jesus is in your beginnings and already knows where this beginning is supposed to end. Because He is Alpha and Omega at the same time, Jesus knows what beginning u need to get to the ending He has purposed.
So be watchful that you take care of these small beginnings.
The LORD led Pastor Nieman to do a detailed teaching on King David. Focus is on 1) the whole thing with Bathsheba 2) The incident with Goliath.
You’ve read this many times but read it now with fresh eyes- the LORD to Pastor Nieman
Prophet Samuel came to anoint David. The prophet come and tell u do something, u do it. Jesse brought out all the kids but left David out.
In Israel at that time, servants/slaves took care of sheep. Not son. Put in a place of servitude which is not a place for a son. Dangerous and mind numbing. David treated like he isn’t a son.
Questions about the legitimacy about David’s birth which prob influences his decisions later
After he was anointed, what did Jesse do? Send him back to the sheep. No respect. Nothing.
David sends food to his brothers in the battlefield. David connects the dots when he sees Goliath- I will kill him like I kill a lion and a bear. In the book of Judges, there is a group of men called slingers- accurate to the breadth of a strand of hair. 6-7 hundred revolutions a minute and when it hits the target, as good as using a small hand gun. David learned all of these whilst sitting with the sheep fold. Years later, David was reminded by God that He was with him in the sheepfold.
So whilst David was sitting with the sheep, God must have put a thought in his head to practice slinging. All there is at the mountains = stones. So he got good at it. Then one day he realised getting good with the sling wasn’t for lions and bears, but to conquer Goliath.
Power of preparation. Learn in the small beginnings. There might be power in size and strength but there is also power in preparation.
We have a tendency to despise our small beginnings. Imagine if David just gave the sheep to the lion and bear all those times? We would have never heard of David today.
There is purpose in our small beginnings.
God doesn’t give the final glorious vision but he gives us the small beginnings.
Started with 12 high school kids in a house and not 90000 church parishioners. He knows where it is going to go but He doesn’t tell us.
Toughen go butter cup.
Till this day we are still naming our sons after David because he was faithful to his small beginnings.
Job 8:7-
(KJV) Though your beginning was small, yet the latter end should greatly increase.
(MSG) Even thought you’re not much right now, you’ll end up much better than ever.
We are not much right now but we are gonna end up better than we could ever imagine.
Matthew 25:14-30 (KJV)
We are His servants- purchased by Him.
We are delivered unto them His goods
Told what to do- given talents and told to produce. Some given larger beginnings and one was given a small beginning. All called to produce.
Those with more talents- Faithful over few, given charge of many things
V23- in the Greek : you have been faithful in the small, and because you have been faithful with the small, you will be given more
God didn’t want them to have 5 and make 5, have 2 and make 2… Wanted them to ENTER INTO HIS JOY.
If you’re faithful, I will cause you to stand in my enjoyment for a long time.
You didn’t get the marriage you wanted because you didn’t take care of the small. The hardest thing in the world is to be faithful in the small. It is easy to be faithful over much. Much creates energy to make u want to be faithful over it.
Pastor N was going to eat steak before going to watch an Eagle concert and there was a queue of 15 people. A black on black Aston Martin pulled over. And everyone stopped talking. The driver saw everyone looking and he slowed down. Pastor N says if someone gave him an Aston Martin like that he would clean it all the time… faithful to it coz much makes u want to be faithful to it.
What was hard was when Pastor N had only 12 members in his church, not difficult to pastor the many.
People have been faithful to hundreds and thousands of smalls and much exists that’s why our church runs smoothly.
Some say they want a great marriage, great kids, great business— but are they faithful over the small? You have to take care of the smalls.
A lot of the times you can’t tell and sometimes you can.
Pastor Brian Houston asked Pastor Nieman to cover him because he was ill. Pastor N prepared intensively a sermon he had preached many times before as if he had never done so before. And that small beginning promoted him and gave him the opportunity to preach at Hillsong Conference many times over.
If your wife texts you, don’t just blow her off because married for so long. Be faithful in the small.
Even if you lost a contract, the new beginning is there. Know He is faithful and the small beginning will one day bring about a great moment in our life.
Though our beginning is small, our latter end shall be great. We will begin to confess this over our family and lives. Amen.
Hallelujah to the Alpha & Omega, Beginning & the End. Thanks for posting.