My worth is found in the price of Your Son. – meditation at communion
Everyone rejoice it is CHRISTMAS
Grace Revolution church in Dallas just moved to a 2k capacity location.
The wise men when they came to Jerusalem asked where is He born the king of the Jews. Most are born heir apparent. But Christ was born KING.
This King went around doing good. Healing those oppressed by the devil. Loved children. Something about the innocence and beauty of men before men fell. We live in a fallen world and our news today reminds us it is in increasing hostile world. Yet in the midst of this fallen world, God gave us His Son.
Isaiah lived long before Jesus was born. He prophecied a lot of Messianic prophecies like Isaiah 9:6. All kids are born but no where else is a child given. This is Jesus’ deity. From eternity past, he is the Son given.
For unto us, a child is born. Unto us, a son is given. And the Government shall be upon His shoulders and His name shall be called Wonderful, Councillor, the Mighty God. The Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace is He.
– Isaiah 9:6
He promised He will never leave or forsake us and it is wonderful when we can feel His presence.
“Love has come down. Love has come down. Hear the joyful sound. Love has come down.
By Galilee. Emmanuel. And to the broken and humble He taught. In streams of beauty, Man could not see. Angels in glory, they watch over Him.
Love has come down. Love has come down. Tell it all around. Love has come down.”
Whatever chronic condition u have, whatever men say (well intentions but limited), He who is WONDERFUL, the miracle worked- He can touch and give u parts u never have and kill cancer cells. Heaven is right now coming down with the touch of His healing.
Love has come down. Hear the joyful sounds. Love has come down. Every disease that has a name bows n submits to Jesus Christ.
Let Jesus be Jesus. He is the same ytdy, today and forever. He is the HEALING JESUS, the REPAIRING JESUS, the JESUS who LIFTS UP.
John 17- Jesus’ High Priest prayer
V24- long before the foundation of the world, Christ was there
All things were made by Him, says the Word.
Proverbs says Jesus was daily the Father’s delight.
We will never know how much it cost the Father…The pain of the one giving and the pain of the One loving the Beloved…
God is not a spoilt brat as depicted by the current movie about Moses w Christian Bale
The reason God hates sin so much is because He loves sinners. Just like if our kid is sick, we hate the sickness so much coz we love our kids.
Nicodemus- came to Jesus to flatter Him. Was told must be born again from the inside. Regenerated. Given brand new genes- those of our Heavenly Father. Many a times we become so familiar with John 3:16, the impact not there. But picture now u are hearing it for the first time.
Nicodemus grew up and trained to believe God has a love for only a few. But now he is hearing revelation that God so loved the WORLD.
Jesus was sent to die on the Cross. It wasn’t that God didn’t know.
No way else we can be saved. So God sent His Son. Today is born to us a SAVIOUR and not a law giver like Moses.
He will save you – both for your temporal and long term needs.
Majority of the stars are so much larger than the Earth. Many of them, hundred of thousands of Earth can fit into one of them. And there are maybe universes behond universes
Why would God behold u and he attentive to ur need until the point I that He numbers the hair of your head? He runs the entire universe
The death of Christ is the effect of His love. Loved the world before sending Jesus.
(Story of Earnest Lewis)
When people start wrong, all the problems start. Whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life- whoever is whoever. Inclusive.
Apostle Paul: Romans 8:31-32
If God is FOR us then who can be against us?
If the one is Omnipotent and Omniscient and all powerful is for you, then what can be against u? But men sometimes have moments where they doubt. Jesus says God is for us. God IS for is- present tense. Knew Christ would be killed and Christ was born of a Virgin to be sinless at birth and born as a man to die for man.
Sin starts in the blood. When a person dies, the first place they decay is the blood. That’s where destruction first happens. Hence the need for a virgin birth. Woman’s ovum can’t develop blood. It is that sperm that had that capability. The HS provided the blood for Christ.
Mary needs her baby to save us as much as any of us. She was a virgin at conception. She needs His blood for her salvation. Not immaculate. All the blood comes from the father. Placenta take away waste.
Jesus blood is divine and redemptive. One drop is more than enough.
God sent His son un-asked. No one asked Him. Did it out of his own accordance.
Why didn’t He just let all of us perish and spare His beloved Son?
When God reasons, it is always our blessing. God gave us the greatest gift. Gives us the best. Divine logic and surety about His love. Confidence.
Not about what we see and our thought.
With Christ come all things.
If God did the greater, will He not do the lesser? If God gave the greater, will He not give the lesser?
Matt 6:30
If God takes care of grass, what about u? Grass is temporal. U are eternal.
Divine logic argues from greater to the less.
Matt 7:11- note HOW MUCH MORE
It is preaching like this that releases faith to receive what they need.
Catherine California
Heard about Ps from friend and listened w skepticism. But realised Ps word aligned w bible. Was into drugs. As she received grace and love of Christ, lost interest in drugs. Shared her testimony w her drug dealer. Been years she has been clean.
The love of God gave us greatest gift unasked, how much more when u ask?
God doesn’t bless others at ur expense. Remember. Don’t have to be jealous.
Our mentality operates under scarcity. Not how God operates. All these are just a small drop in the ocean.
If we see God blessd by someone, we can receive the same.
Rom 8:32
Spared not His own Son
He never had to recall a word or retrace a step. We all fail but there is ONE who never fails.
Jesus born not in a palace but a smelly manger. Poor parents. Became rich only after the gifts of the magi. The poor will bring a pair of birds and the rich brought a lamb. Mary couldn’t afford a lamb.
Your spiritual needs are greater than your temporal needs BUT He also cares for the latter.
U will never know how much God loves u until u know how much God love his Son.
God’s judgment against all of our sins fell on Jesus. The answer? He gave up His life for US ALL.
For now came our forgiveness but He doesn’t stop there. How SHALL HE NOT in Him freely give us all things. “Shall” = future tense. He will forever and ever supply all that u need.
Freely means cannot merit it based on your own performance.
Do u know why u can’t buy my blessings?
U are far too poor to buy them and I AL far too rich to sell them.
God doesn’t just give. He gives and forgives. Too costly for us to pay for it. No way we can buy it.
Lady from UK. Her hubby’s company closed down. He went to study and she went to work. The harder she tried to get a job, the more it eluded her. Got to the point where they were so poor that might have to remove kid from school. Realised through sermons that God is for her. Realised she has the power of attorney through Jesus. Kept eyes on Jesus instead of circumstances. Offered a role that was v senior despite her lack of experience. Had the provision to pay for son’s education even before she started work. Realisation that God is for her and not against her unlocked the blessings for her.
Good things happen to those who believe that God loves them.
Keep yourself in the consciousness that God loves u.
The death of Jesus didn’t make God love us. God loves us so that Jesus had to die for our sins.
Payment paid so death has no claim on Him anymore and He rose from the dead. Death for the believer now is no longer something we need to fear. It has been conquered.
If there is an iota of sin left in us still, Jesus wouldn’t be able to be seated at the right hand of the Father.
No condemnation in Christ- means completely no in Greek. V absolute.
Praise the Lord Jesus, Thank you for sharing the Word of God. Merry CHRISTmas!