God is continuing his healing. Ulcers being sealed up right now. Share testimony to encourage others. Your healing is not just for u to keep quiet about. Tell your friends what are the great things you LORD has done.
Ps Mark’s English might not be perfect but the anointing of the LORD comes upon him. Some people have proper English but their preaching dries u up inside.
Not just the cold intellect or logic or the ability to reason things out that matters. Look out for someone whose heart burns for Jesus.
Mary Magdalene- Jesus cast out 7 demons from her. She was at the tomb and saw two angels sitting at the head and foot of where Jesus had pain. Saw the actual ark of the covenant. Mercy seat. Angels didn’t interest her. Turned her back on angels. Seeking Jesus. Didn’t recognise Jesus at first. Thought he was a gardener, she is not wrong. Adam was the first gardener. Jesus is the last.
Love knows no logic. Asked gardener where Jesus body was hidden so she could take him away. Heart was right although doctrine was wrong.
The way Jesus called her name out, she realised who He was. Jesus called his disciples brothers for the first time. Nothing btw us and God after He paid for all our sins. Everything is paid for. My father and your father. My God and your God.
Jesus first ministry from the dead was to heal a broken heart.
First missionary in the world was a woman- sent her w the good news that He is risen.
Our resurrected body is tangible. Not some airy fairy body. Tangible body but can transcend matter.
Rapture- Jesus will call us up and we will transcend matter as we go up.
Our bodies will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye. A body that will no longer he subject to pain, illness, old age or death FOREVER. A body that has no fear. Can’t feel bored- boredom is part of the fallen nature. Part of the flesh. In that body u can never die.
NASA has found an opening in then north side of the universe. Can’t find reason for it but it is v v beautiful. God resides in the North side of Zion. Prob gonna be raptured through that hole.
When men fell, every thing fell with it.
This is a fallen earth. Tragedies are not acts of God.
On earth we are like an embassy. Our bible is our constitution. We are ambassadors and we live on the riches of the country that sponsors are. On this earth but not of this earth. Sponsor is our Father in Heaven. We subsist on the riches of His glory.
Good news- God is no longer angry with u. Jesus was like a lightning rod on the across whilst we are the house that was preserved. He attracted all the judgment belonging to us to Him. God planned it. Jesus took it all on Him and shouted FINISH. God can now accept us with no condemnation because He was condemned. Not that He has gone soft.
If God punishes sin twice= unjust. Jesus was sinless and perfect. Jesus absorbed all of our curses and judgement and sickness until He cried finish. All finished. None left for the believer.
Today He tells u and I that we aren’t perfect yet but until then there is no condemnation for us. Produces victorious life not licentiousness. Guilt feeds addiction. More condemned u are the more likely u will repeat defeatist behaviour.
V4- ‘god’ = small ‘g’ = devil.
If our gospel is mediocre why would the devil blind people’s minds from seeing what the gospel is? Because our gospel is the glorious gospel.
Every pastor should not preach themselves but Christ Himself.
God says this year is the year of greater glory in Christ. The light turns on in the inside and u begin to see it. This light doesn’t come by studying or education. Comes by the HS.
Light (Jews desire light) of the knowledge (Greeks sought knowledge) of the glory (Romans sought glory) of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Pharisees had knowledge. David had light (through meditation). David didn’t say he has more knowledge but that he has more light. Sanhedrin= if the OT removed from the face of the world, these Sanhedrins could rewrite OT word for word. But didn’t recognise the light when He came. They went into Karbala and even communicated to the dead, couldn’t hear what Jesus says. Many people go into mystical and the new age- they say Jesus is good teacher but will never declare the blood of Christ has washed their sins. Can’t declare because devils fear the power of the blood. How can u find light in the darkness?
Listening to the Word = light is cast in your life.
Ps recalls as a young boy, he saw a boulder at a beach. Pushed it and found small scorpions under it. Screamed and ran to his mum. Broad daylight. Bright sun. Was curious after a while and went back to check. No more creepy crawlies where they were. Coz the light shone in.
Instead of being fearful, turn on the light. We fear what we can’t see. Turn on light. When there is darkness, there is depression and sadness and fear. Turn on light.
The life of Jesus is the light of man. Jesus is the light.
So the Jews want light and revelation. Greeks wanted knowledge. More knowledge is more power. Some blv the whole purpose of life is to get more knowledge. Educate kids as much as possible where knowledge can tKe them thinking it will give their kids a happy life. Their marriage will be successful if they have PhDs. Is this true? No. We know people who are knowledgeable but can’t have a decent relationship. No EQ and can’t handle life. When bosses employ, they don’t just employ people who are book smart, but those who can problem solve and resolve issues.
Education is important but it doesn’t promise u fulfilment or blessed marriage or… What are u raising your kids up for? PSLE (a crucial qualification exam for primary school kids to go secondary school)? That’s a very low ambition. So what after PSLE? A’levels or degree? Thermometers have more degrees than some. Thermometers go into hot, become hot. Thermostat in comparison, walks into a hot situation and changes things for better/ adjusts. Jesus is a thermostat. Are u a thermostat or thermometer? Remember the latter has many degrees. Lol. 🙂
Then we have glory. Who wants glory? Romans. Conquering nations for glory of Rome. Stupid, no knowledge never mind. Die for glory.
We laugh at this but how many of us when we post on social media, bother about how many likes we get?
Our identity is Christ. What fulfills us deep down?
God breathed into us a life that cannot be satisfied with light, worldly things but heavy and weighty glories of His.
In tabernacle of old-
What light is in the outer court? Sunlight. All our education, knowledge and books put together = natural light. Who made natural light? The Son.
Without Him was nothing made that was made.
God gives light. Merciful.
Go beyond the Sun to the one who made the Sun.
Within tabernacle,
Where does the light come from here? Lamp stand.
The lamp stand symbolizes the church
Why sometimes a child of God who isn’t as knowledgable as some people has greater wisdom than people of knowledge.
Some people speak as if their smarts or paper qualifications or career are their identity.
But what if those are removed, what are u now?
U are a child of God and ur identity is in Christ. He taught us our worth when His Son went on the cross.
Holy of Holies
No light or lampstand in here. But there is brilliant light here. Where from?
Shekainah glory. Glory from the mercy seat.
What is the mercy seat covering.
What is inside the ark? The two stones- 10 commandments. The mercy seat or grace is thus higher than law.
The mercy seat light is the light of the glory of grace. Where God wants us to live.
– natural light
– light of the church
– light of the glory of grace
Only one who can handle glory is God. Only safe place to give glory to.
We who are nothing like to make ourselves everything, but Jesus who is everything made himself nothing… The God of the universe chose Bethlehem. The God of the fullness of Godhead chose to come as a tiny infant baby. He who holds things together became held by a Hebrew virgin. A God of eternity came into time.
The bible says everything depends on Him. He can lift a finger and our breath is gone. Won’t even have time to complain about Him anymore. He holds our breath in our nostrils. Raised us up and can put us down.
We boast but we are nothing.
When Jesus started His ministry at 30yo, turned water into wine. If Jesus had PR consultants, they would have recommended the biggest event at the most prominent venue ever. Aren’t U glad He didn’t consult such people? He chose Canna, a v v small town that is insignificant. But that is where Jesus did a miracle for a peasant couple not even mentioned by name in bible. Came not to show off. Came to bless and to heal.
Ps was driving to Malaysia. Fellow shopping w The Lord. God told him small things carry most powers. A baby’s tears transformed a nation. The mother of Moses placed him in the basket. She trusted God- u have to. Crocodile filled Nile river. And God directed the basket to pharaoh’s daughter. The baby wept. And this transformed the course of a nation. Baby grew to lead the people to the promised land, sponsored by the enemy. Mother got to nurse her baby and paid by the enemy. Good things come in small packages.
Where did God appear to Moses? Not in the palace but a small burning bush.
If u are truly burning for passion for Christ, will burn up but not burn out. Only burn out if serving through pride.
Moses was taken aback. Stammered and stuttered. God used Moses’ rod cut off from a source to show Him His power.
John 8:12-
Why THEN starts the verse?
Go back to John 8:1-12
Early in the morning, Jesus wants to teach u. Do daily devo.
Woman caught in adultery and wanted to test Him so they could accuse Him
Some people talk about the law but not concerned about the law. Wanted to test Jesus.
Do u think for one moment they thought Jesus would say stone her? No. They knew He was a grace teacher and the Pharisees call it hyper grace. They knew His kindness. If He cries stone her, people will accuse Him of not having the grace He preached.
If He cries don’t stone her, will accuse Him of not upholding law. These were the experts of the Law but not with the Law giver.
Today the conflict of holiness and grace are still ongoing. Some make it sound like holiness and grace are a conundrum.
Did Jesus justify the woman’s sin? He stooped down to write on the stony ground (temple precinct is paved by stone, not sand). Not to buy time to answer, but giving them time to change their mind.
Where was the adulterous man?
Wrote on stony ground to remind them who wrote the Law. Exodus 31:18. Prob wrote the Ten Commandments out for them.
They thought they got Him. They turned the searchlight on the woman but He turned it back on them.
We were saved by His stooping down.
V8- stooped down again. What did he write next?
First time Jesus wrote- they said they knew the commandments
Then he said let he who is without sin throw the first stone. Only one person there had no sin. He could but He would not. They would but they could not.
The second time, God revealed to Ps that He wrote their names. One by one they left.
How do we have confirmation of the above? See:
Jeremiah 17:13- those who depart from me will be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living water.
John 8:11- no condemnation then can be empowered by His love to go sin no more. Church has it backwards.
Who paid for her to have no condemnation? The One who did not condemn.
All these healings and forgiveness are like visa charges that were put on Christ. Not free. Put on His tab for Him to pay.
Jesus = light. Don’t go live under the boulder again w the creepy crawlies. Stand in His light so He can show the world His glory and perfection working in our lives.
John 8:54-59
The Pharisees had stones in their hands in the start and end of the chapter. First against the woman then against the LORD.
How did he hide himself from them? Blinded. Cursed man cannot see when good comes. The LORD was able to walk through the midst of them.
Why midst?
V3- set woman in the midst
Last chap? Jesus walk through in the midst.
Some preachers put sin in the centre. But what God wants is for them to put Jesus in the centre.
Very Blessed. Thank you!!
AMEN To God’s Greater Glory!!