Ask in Jesus name. Ask that our joy may be full. The LORD’s prayer is not asking in His name.
In the things of God sentimentality is not enough. U want answered prayers or not? U cannot apply basketball rules to football. Diff rules. Even in Old Cov there are prayers. Lord’s Prayer is not Old cov or New cov. It is an interim prayer before HS was given. John 7:39 Jesus had not yet been glorified. HS came on the disciples but not yet in dwell them. The LORD’s prayer is perfect for that season. For the earthly ministry; given for that time and season. Perfect then.
Once the HS comes, we don’t pray the same old prayers. We have no problem declaring THY WILL BE DONE. But we need to pray according to the HS- tailor made prayers.
In the time of Christ, Christ had HS but the disciplines didn’t have the HS inside them yet.
We no longer prayer prayers from the book or a bulletine. Today if u want answered prayers, listen to what HS is saying. Long prayers impress men but not HS. U will be surprised how short HS led prayers can be.
OT prayers— David himself prayed. His psalm is inspired. But doesn’t mean it is inspired means it is applicable for us today. Ps preaches from OT but draws Christ our from the shadows of those text. But there are many things from the OT that aren’t for today.
There are messianic psalms that are still applicable to us today.
Surely= Only… Goodness and mercy shall follow = Pursue, hunt me down… All the days of my life.
Ps23 is after Ps22. How does Ps22 start? My God why have u forsaken me? Ends with He has done this. Finished work. And after Ps22, is Ps23- the LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
Ps24- Lift up oh you gates… Return of the LORD.
Messianic psalms:
Ps22- psalm of LORD’s sacrifice and finished work
Ps23- present day
Ps24- coming of the LORD
– inspired for its season BUT not applicable in our present time.
Sermon of the mount- constitution of the Kingdom of heaven, not the church. But we can draw principles from it. Overcome evil with good. If your enemy is hungry, feed him. We don’t pray about our enemies if he is thirsty… let him burn… in hell. We are trying to get ppl out of hell and to put them in Ps23.
Jeremiah’s prayer is another spirit inspired prayer but not for us today. Jeremiah 18:20-21. Jeremiah is a prophet and the prayer is recorded for us to read BUT it was for that season. Although this prayer we feel tempted to pray it because of the brutality we see in part of this world today, it isn’t for this season.
Elijah spoke fire from heaven. Possible coz spoke in line with God at that time. Fast forward to Jesus’s time, disciples wanted to call fire down on the Samarians. Jesus rebuked James and John- U do not know what spirit U are of. Jesus is here to save lives.
Pastors or leaders who pray judgment and implicatory prayer over people. That is not right. It is witchcraft today to pray for sword to cut people down and Fire to come on them. Calling curses down is so wrong today. During the time of Elijah and Jeremiah it was right. Not now.
God only sees ONE church when he looks at all the churches. We can meet in diff places but we are ALL one church.
There will always be people who will be vindictive and hate you. Some are jealous about our growth, some want to sell their books when they come against us publicly.
Paul told the disciples if it is not of God, He will overthrow it. If it is of God, be careful U don’t come against it. Let the fruit speak for itself. May the LORD enlarge your ministry and don’t force it down people’s throats.
“Forgive us our sins as we have forgiven our debtors”- leaves doubt in our heart if u don’t understand the new covenant.
John 16:23-24
“Until now you have not prayed this kind of prayer.” —> means LORD’s prayer isn’t that kind of prayer.
Many of us tag Jesus name at the end of our prayers after we pray for material things. Not right.
The disciples on the other hand pray for wisdom and revelation for what has been given.
Some say Pastor preaches so much from Paul and not the red words of Jesus. After 3.5y, Jesus explained He had many things to tell us but they are not able to understand. Means all he had said so far was MILK. Why? Because HS has not in dwelled them yet to receive and understand.
MMLJ – are words of Christ on earth.
Epistles and before revelations- words of Christ after His finished work to His secretaries.
Paul reminds us to receive the words as from the risen LORD for that reason.
Jesus said when he was in the world, do not go to the Gentiles first but to the chosen people BUT today he says to go to the Gentiles to provoke the chosen people to jealousy so they will turn to Him.
Doesn’t mean u tag Jesus, “in Jesus’ name” means U have it. The prayers of Paul, U cannot find a single prayer that goes “in the name of the LORD Jesus.”
It is okay to pray in Jesus’ name – let signs happen in the name of Jesus. Command demons in the name of Jesus is okay. Asking the Father in Jesus name – why no record anywhere of “we ask all this in the name of Jesus”?
Ask the Father in My name. – what does it mean? U are not going as yourself. U go as me.
If your gov sends u out as an ambassador of your country, U go as your country. If u are assassinated, it is war on your country.
Ask the Father in My name- to have nearness and know u are accepted and love and a son as Christ is. You stand in conscious nearness so U are ready to ask in His name.
Don’t come to God fearful. U need to come to the Father in the Spirit of SONship. We haven’t received the bondage again to fear, but we have received the SONship so we can call Abba, Father.
Slavish fear— not right approach. Some just throw their prayer real fast and get out. But if u like someone, u can talk for hours with the Father. Always good to stop and speak to Him.
In the OT “thou shalt fear the LORD” was translated by Jesus to be “thou shalt worship the LORD”
Gal 4:4-7
Love’s nature is to give. Painful for love not to be able to give. Imperfect parents if u feel this way towards your kids, how much more the perfect love of God?
If u ask who made God? Then that someone is God. And then who made that someone who made God? Silly questioning. Come higher in your thinking.
When u think about the moment of love. It is the extreme moment of love that life is created. God could have made it man slap woman three times and she slap back three times and the wife gets pregnant. But he designed it for a moment of closest intimacy and greatest feeling of love that life is formed. That makes sex in marriage a sacred and holy and beautiful thing. God is not a joy killer. He knows sex is more than body to body but soul to soul and spirit to spirit. If u aren’t prepared to spend time with a person for life, then don’t. Every time u have sex, u leave a bit of U behind. If I pass U a piece of paper and paste it together, and I ask u to tear it apart? Can’t. Sex is more than physical pleasure. It is a oneness so we don’t give it around to anyone.
God designed sex to be maximum body soul spirit. Devil perverted sex but doesn’t tell u everytime u have sex with someone U leave something behind with the person.
We can understand truths without the spirit of SONship
Phil 4:6-7 – “be made known” = passive voice and not active voice.
By the prayer and supplication –> the same Greek expression is in Eph 6:18
There is a prayer I can pray that surpasses understanding and receive the peace of God.
What is praying in the Spirit? Bible must interpret bible
1 Cor 14:14-16- When we pray in tongues, we pray in the Spirit
When we pray in English we pray for our understanding. We pray what we know with the English that we have.
The part of me that is limitless and born in the spirit- Prays in the spirit. I don’t understand but the Spirit is praying about. If I understand might cause me fear or I try to pray agains it, but we pray with the Spirit IN tongues. We sing both in the Spirit (tongues) and in understanding (known language).
U truly give thanks well when u do so in tongues, BUT when others are around, interpret, pray in understanding so they know when to say amen.
If your interpretation of praying in the Spirit is praying led by the Spirit, then what is praying in understanding? Not led? No praying in the Spirit when u go by context, is praying in tongues.
No one could pray in tongues until Jesus’s work was finished and He was glorified at the Father’s right hand. All the disciples prayed in tongues in the upper room.
Your understanding could be limited but when u pray in tongues U can pray for things U dunno about before they happen (eg. Loved ones gonna be in danger)
Time for us to pray in tongues. Powerful powerful prayer. It is not temporal or for that time. From the Holy of Holies. Jude 20 says it is the most holy prayer.
Secret language and deep language only the Father knows.
Supernatural life courses through us and supernatural results as we prayer and receive of the heavenly language.
Open your mouth by faith and speak out to praise in the Tongues if you haven’t received it yet.
U can tell when it is prayer in tongues when u can consciously stop. You speak and it flows and U can stop anytime. When u stop, U stop. When u pray, U pray.
When u hear the devil saying stuff to U- stop it, U are making it up. It is gibberish. Why does he say that? He can’t understand it.
Praying in tongues- it is the season and hour for it.
And when u pray in English, remember to have the conscious nearness. Accepted w the same acceptance as Christ. Love w the same love as Christ. Be conscious then pray.
I can never be far away again from U, Father.
Shalom, please send today sermon notes 15th Feb 2015. Thank you.
Looking forward always to your sermon notes.
Praise the Lord!