Before Communion:
All it takes is that one encounter with Jesus for a wayward child to come home, for the sick to be healed.
There is a Sec4 girl (Evita) in Dare. The enemy gave her a death sentence (Cancer) some time ago. Doc/ Men said it was impossible. But we hear what Jesus says. (YouTube video- available on NCC channel).
You are gathered here to Jesus, to Him. This is our moment with Him. (communion)
Dare, Arrow, Varsity, Gen Rev —> youth ministries. Looking for servers btw age of 17 to 120 🙂
2007 first big scale youth outreach. Pastor preached to 7000 youths and in that night alone, hundreds of youths gave their lives to Jesus. Gospel is powerful and reaches out to every generation.
——>>> Sermon starts
You are a child of destiny. 🙂
When our PW goes up, His blessings come down. Anything is possible. If u have a long time chronic illness or lifelong habit, you can be healed/ free. And whom the Son sets free is free indeed.
Just one word from God can change your life forever. When God speaks it changes your life for time and eternity.
God isn’t here to be a spectator or to see u from afar. He is so close he wants to be your best friend. He knows everything about u and still loves u deeply. Loves u the deepest. He is here for u and not against u.
Important we ustd our destiny for time and eternity. There is a God who loves u with an everlasting love. A love that won’t let u go and even when u turn ur back on Him, His love shines on u and waits for u to turn around. That love will transform u. Not outward bhv mod but inside out heart change.
Charisma. Greek word. Charis- favour (orig favour that God gives) God wants to give u charisma.
In life u make sure u bring ur spoilt stuff to authorised dealer coz he has the orig parts and official accessories . Ditto with our problems in our lives. Go to God. He made us and has all the orig parts and can bless us w new gifts we don’t yet have.
God loves to put his anointing and charisma and grace on people who seem weak. In ur area of weakness God’s strength can flow.
Pastor was a stutterer as a youth. Years later, his teacher came to NCC and wrote him a note that what God did is a miracle. Your disqualification is your qualification in the LORD’s eyes.
God loves to find people weak in themselves. When u think u cannot, He can be your everything. But if you are proud and think u are v smart, He will not inspire you because you do ur creative thinking on your own. In your very weakness, His strength can shine forth and that gives us all hope.
Rom 5:17 >> every time u pass by a funeral possession know this isn’t God’s will. When He made Adam and Eve, God never meant for men to die. Meant for us to live forever and to stay young always. Didn’t mean for us to age and grow ill. MBR even a red us to have a pimple or a flaw on your physical body. But sin came in and destroyed the beauty of the LORD & the wages of sin is death. Sin corrupts, mars and destroys = God hates it.
Death is an enemy of the LORD. GOD hates death and Jesus came to conquer death- the final enemy.
God didn’t make us as robots. He doesn’t force us to love Him.
Men was created last to be the crowning creation, the best God has made, to enjoy the things made earlier. Everything He created was good but when God made men, we were described to be VERY good.
God didn’t make us from chin pai see (chimpanzee or very bad in Hokkien)
God didn’t make us losers. Made us to win.
Death reigns ever since Adam sinned but there is so thing greater than death itself. See Rom 5:17— reign in LIFE (not death) & note the words MUCH MORE before that
Receiving God’s charisma and gift of righteousness= REIGN MUCH MORE IN LIFE
IF you REIGN, EVERYTHING is UNDER your feet.
Destined to reign
God is never depressed or under the circumstances. He is a winner. We are created in His image.
Heroes on Movie screens aren’t real but a lot these days coz everyone is looking for a hero.
Superman might save a city but Jesus saves throughout time and eternity. Superman’s story is a copy of Jesus’s story. A Son come to earth to save… Someone copied someone.
Superman has X-ray vision and Jesus can look into people’s hearts and love people despite their faults.
30y of working w primitive tools as a carpenter- Jesus is a man’s man. Not weak and pale. He walked past the fishermen (ah bengs of the day), he said two words the US Marines copied (follow me) and they left everything and followed Him.
Jesus spoke two words- I AM- to the soldiers here to arrest Him at the Garden. I AM is His name. I AM THAT I AM- is your blank cheque. I AM your peace, healing, every need. The soldiers fell before Him when he said I AM. Such power. He waited for them to get up to arrest Him.
Jesus was not murdered. Came to lay down His life. Jesus said He has powers to lay down His life and to take it up again.
Touching a leper was prohibited by law and common sense. U become unclean. Jesus touched the leper and the leper got what Jesus have, not the other way. Jesus didn’t come to give u a Christianity where the surroundings affect u. He came to give u a Christianity where you affect your surrounding.
Can’t just say sin is sin and sweep sin under the carpet. It is still under the carpet that way. Someone has to pay for it. God loves u and hates sin. Eg. U love a person and the person has cancer. U love the person but hate the cancer in the person. God loves u with an everlasting and passionate love.
How do we reign in life? At the cross, Jesus took all our sins on Himself. BIBLE says SIN MUST BE PUNISHED. God is love but He is also just. John 3:16—> how God reconciles that love and justice. Our sins have been judged completely in Jesus body. So God being righteous, He cannot judge our sins twice. So stop punishing urself. U can never justify or cleanse yourself. Jesus died on the Cross to do it for u. His blood washes sin completely away- whiter than snow. Which is more powerful? Your sin or Jesus’ blood?
One drop of His blood will wash u whiter than snow. Not asking u to clean itself first before u come to Jesus. That is like saying “Let me clean myself before I shower.” Come to Jesus just the way you are. He is the bath that will wash u clean a whiter than snow.
If someone isn’t reigning in life, doesn’t ustd these two things in Rom 5:17— abundance of favour and gift of righteousness.
In the bible, Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar. Joseph had no wealth or connections. But ever since he was in the house, He had so much favour, He rose to the top of the house. God’s favour helped him make the right decision w regards to Potiphar’s wife.
Just one hour in the presence of Pharoah- won him the favour of the LORD.
World says u need this outfit or education to succeed in life. Outward. Favour is all u need. It is of the LORD and from the inside. Joseph only had a lion cloth and no money. He had favour. Was given power and position but this focus was the LORD & not these things.
Esther obtained favour- received abundance of favour.
U can receive now. Receive is not achieve (effort).
Pastor had a sadist in the army for his Encik. Inflicted emotional and physical pain. (15/6/2007- date of this service)
Prayed a short prayer. Give favour to me LORD. Next morning he told them he had a dream. One of their faces appeared in the dream and he felt very bad. Whose face? Pastor’s face. Lol. From then on, no training instead of crazy painful training; allowed them to pluck fruits which was not allowed.
The favour of God can change things. Don’t have to be smart or rich. Just receive the favour of the LORD.
One drop of God’s favour is worth 10y of labour.
Don’t try to achv it. Rcv.
If someone buys u a gift and u offer to pay for it, u are insulting the person. Say thank U – the best thing to do when someone gives u a gift.
We are lousy receivers.
Say thank u when receive from the LORD and the gift will transform u.
Righteousness is like a white jacket from the LORD- each pocket has a gift.
Righteousness = right standing with God is a gift. Shalom etc
Not obtained by long prayers and things u have or haven’t done.
Receive the gift and it will transform u.
2 Cor 5:21
Jesus became u at the cross so u become
him before the Father. God turned His back on Jesus at the Cross so He could turn to you and receive and accept u.
He was rejected so u can be accepted. Judged so u are not judged.
You don’t pay the price. He did.
OT is illustration of what God will do when Jesus comes.
Priest in OT represents GOD before the people. Sinner brings lamb to the priest. Who does the priest examine? Sinner or lamb?
Some people think when they go church, God examines their sin. God knows why u go to church. U have sin. So He examines Jesus- Like the priest examines the lamb for blemish and faults. Question is no more is the sinner good. The question = is the lamb good?
Sinner lays hand on the lamb. All the sin transfers over to the innocent lamb. All the innocence and purity transfers to u.
Then the sinner kills the lamb. Put on altar and burnt as offering & the smoke goes up as sweet smelling aroma to remind God of Jesus’ death on the Cross.
Sinner knows the lamb’s death is his death. Knows he can now expect good in place of the bad because of this divine exchange.
The gospel is so simple. It takes some bible teachers to confuse us. 🙂
All His glories and excellence and blessings He deserves has been transferred to you today. All the punishment u deserved and all your shame was transferred to Him. Jesus took our place.
His final cry- IT IS FINISHED!
What is finished? Our sins are forgiven. U don’t have to so anything to add to the statement. Jesus paid it all.
There was a safari guide on a horse in Africa when he realised a large part of the field he was on was on fire. Wild fire. Caught in the middle. 2/3 surrounded by fire and horse was disturbed. He got off and burned the dry grass in front of him. The fire burned all the grass in front of him, then the fires met. He stepped in the smoked and burnt grass- stood where the fires met and the wild fire went around him. The fire cannot burn where it has burnt.
Jesus on the Cross cried- I thirst- burned by the holy fire of God for our sins. Because our sins have been burned in Christ, we can stand in the place of no condemnation because the fire cannot burn the burnt spot again.
When we know how much He took upon Himself for us, we cannot help but want to live right.
No one can force u to receive a victorious life. U must receive it.
Hallelujah! I am the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and I receive all the favour, blessings, excellence..He died and rose for me to have. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you for posting Bro. Geri.