Emo and physically we are self centred. We look for ourselves in a group photo. That’s ok but shows we are self occupied. We judge everything based on the wrong compass so everything is wrong. Eg when they used to think earth was flat, they had probs navigating. Even though book of Job and Isaiah said Earth was round. Before Galileo Galiliei. The oldest book says moon doesn’t shine before science found out about that. Focus not on creation.
Centre is right everything is right. Jesus has to be the centre. Marriage is suffering? Jesus not the centre. Feeling split up? Jesus not the centre. U aren’t even focused. Can’t even concentrate. Everything starts with Jesus. Gospel is there to help us get back our great moral centre where everything else flows from.
Gabriel told Zechariah he would become dumb until the things happen as prophecied
NT opens with dumb priest and ends with the reaL high priest blessing us. Sad day to have a dumb priest.
Pastor has been preaching about dumb priest for so long. Yet have new revelation
Luke 1:62-64
“So they made signs to his father—what he would have him called. And he asked for a writing tablet, and wrote, saying, “His name is John.” So they all marveled. Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he spoke, praising God.”
Luke 1:62-64 NKJV
They made signs to Zechariah—> he wasn’t only dumb, he was also a deaf priest
But our high priest today blesses and speaks and HEARS OUR CRY!
“His name is JOHN”- Jehovah is grace
The moment he said God’s GRACE, his mouth was loosed and he couldn’t help but praise God!
When grace impacts our life, we can’t help but praise Jesus.
First mention of writing tablet in the word was in OT – exodus32 Ten Commandments. Law. God’s demands of men.
First mention of writing tablet in NT- happens with GRACE. God’s supply.
People want to come to church when they encounter grace. It’s not because of fear that they come. They come because it brings them joy. Don’t use stress to make people come to church.
Before men bit into the first apple, God already came up with the tablet. Why does the apple logo have a bite in it? Hmm lol.
The last verses of Luke 24:50-53
“And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven. And they worshiped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple praising and blessing God. Amen.”
Luke 24:50-53 NKJV
Jesus led them from mount of olives out to Bethany. Bethany is Jesus’ fav spot. House of the early figs. House of the poor. House of the suffering.
He lifted up his hands and blessed them. Something Zechariah couldn’t do. Jesus’ hands are lifted up and blessing u today
Company of priests in the temple praising and blessing God continuously —> how Luke ends. No mute priest. 🙂
We are no longer in the OT, we are in the NT
No longer under law. Under grace.
The OT unveils Jesus
NT opens with two witnesses of the baby and ends with two witnesses who saw his resurrection.
Moses first five books- expound things concerning himself
They were depressed so the way to release them from it, to take them out of themselves by talking about Himself in the bible.
It’s more important for disciples to see him in the scriptures at that point of time to give us equal chance to see him in the scriptures too.
Faith is not what u look at. Faith is when u look at Jesus. When u look at faith, faith sprouts wings and flies away
““Command the children of Israel that they put out of the camp every leper, everyone who has a discharge, and whoever becomes defiled by a corpse.”
Numbers 5:2 NKJV
Defiled by a corpse
-Jesus cleansed the leper.
-Jesus cleansed woman with issue of blood. Stopped her discharge. He was going to Jairus’s house
-Jesus raised the dead
Death cannot remain Death in Jesus’ presence. That’s why during the rapture, we will be raised to everlasting life.
Jesus’ presence is LIFE and FULLNESS OF JOY
Can you read Num5:2 and say we are still under the law? If we are under the law, we will be put out of the camp.
Hebrews 13:13
Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp—> Jesus is outside the camp of the law, crucified outside the camp—> let us go to Him —> not to code of law but to Him—> bearing His reproach.
As Christians we get reproached by men but who cares about that when we have God’s favour. The one who loved me gave Himseldmfor me.
Hebrews 13:13 has 13 words.
“Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach.”
Hebrews 13:13 NKJV
The middle word is HIM
See Him and you will be blessed. See Him and you will be healed. See Him!
Deut 34:7
“Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished.”
Deuteronomy 34:7 NKJV
What was Moses’ secret?
Hebrews 11:27
“By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible.”
Hebrews 11:27 NKJV
The secret is that Moses saw Jesus.
The Greek word for endurance is used only in this verse. (Ekarteresen)
Kratos- power –> is the root word
Moses remained strong and powerful by seeing Him who is invisible.
31/10 – Halloween
– also the REFORMATION DAY (made righteous by grace not law)
Hallowed means holy
But the devil hijacked holy and make it Halloween
People can wear all kinds of masks and costumes but are still suffering inside. Still hurting and empty inside.
So let’s go beyond the visual to see what the devil is trying to cover up
The devil blinds the minds of people lest they will believe the gospel
If the Gospel was so mediocre why blind people’s mind? Why cover it?
What’s the devil afraid of? The gospel of Jesus Christ.
Never stop believing God has the best for u. Pastor believed some years before he got healing for himself.
Pastor saw a man in LA. holding a picket and shouting for people to repent or burn. quoted scripture but not the gospel. Quoted judgement. Yes. Quoted God breathed word inspired of God because every word is inspired of God but NOT every word is gospel. Eye for an eye is God inspired and given during Moses’ time but NOT the good news. Pastor felt sad. If we just have our worship leaders singing His praises, shining His glory, people will come and be drawn to Jesus even without shouting.
If we have the power to turn will we need Jesus? No. We need Him. When we were los sheep, He carried us on His shoulders (the world’s govt is on His shoulder. But when it comes to redeeming us, He gives us BOTH His shoulders). He found us not us who found Him. But He has more joy over one sinner who repented… how so sheep repent? By consenting to be saved, to be loved by Him.
1 John 4:17
“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.”
I John 4:17 NKJV
Jesus is always God. But as High Priest he is there to represent Man, aka you and I. God wraps us up in His Son. Judging us based on Jesus. Not ourselves. Not about introspection, or trying to figure ourselves out. Taken our eyes of ourselves and place them on Him.
As He IS at the Father’s right hand, glorified, so ARE we
God is not looking at our thoughts now to judge us. As Jesus is under God’s unclouded favour, so are we.
Let’s not limit the holy one of Israel. Let’s not limit Jesus. As He is righteous, we are righteous. As He is holy, we are holy. As He is healthy, so are we
If you really see Him, you will have the faith to believe.
Some healings are instant but some aren’t. But what can u do?
Lord Jesus as you are sitting right beside the LORD right now, u as you are free of this condition, so am I in this world.
Behold Him and He is the one who does the miracles.
Pointing people to Jesus helps them more than U know.
Page 91 of Pastor’s Ps91 book
Lady from Minnesota diagnosed with throat and neck cancer. Docs found a mass in her throat 2y after an operation. Heard about the testimony of a lady from our church who took the word 1Jn 4:17 and believed on it and was healed of breast cancer. Just before she prepped for operation, they asked her if she had anything to say. She declared the doctor will come in and declare her free of cancer. That was exactly what happened! The doctor declared her free of it and her operation was cancelled!
Jesus life permeates every cell of our body. We should reckon ourselves as resurrected beings, not people moving towards our grave. We are walking out from death, it is behind us and we walk out on glory.
Throne attitude.
Doesn’t mean u won’t meet with challenges. Don’t give up. Look more at Jesus and continuously.
Sermons are not enough. Must be sermons full of Christ and the gospel of Grace.
Luke 18&19
Not in chronological order but put there by HS
Luke 14- Jesus not at home in the midst of self confident and self seeking people. The people came not to use Him but came out of curiosity. Man’s world. Prideful.
Luke 15- tax collectors and sinners drew near to
Him. They said they need Him. We see His heart open up
Luke 18- Jesus gave rich young ruler the commandments because of His pride. Jesus only told this to the guy- sell everything- coz he said he did all ten Comm said. This is because Jesus was using the law to test him and show him. Not applicable to all of us but some people use this wrongly and apply to everyone.
Luke 19- Jesus went to eat at Zacchaeus’ home. Jesus didn’t command for the repentance. Jesus showed grace and he opened up his heart. People fall in love with women.
Woman who washed Jesus feet with her tears and hair. Kept kissing his feet. The Pharisees didn’t take well to it. Jesus told the parable of who will love Jesus more. To rightly judge- know that those forgiven much will love him much.
Jesus looked at her and couldn’t see what Jesus saw. Jesus didn’t look at her but saw what they couldn’t see.
Wash My feet- to bedew/rain on My feet
He turned to her —> means Jesus wasn’t looking at her.
To Pharisees he said she did this she did that
To the woman he said her faith saved her
When u believe Jesus’ blood saves u.= Faith
Jesus doesn’t see sick people as condemned people. He sees them as Oxen that fell into a pit. Oxen doesn’t purposely fall in a pit. U don’t blame the oxen.
Keep watching and keep hearing because anointing not just in notes. Repeatedly hearin and watching, u catch things u didn’t the first time around. 🙂
Fantastic. A few things here I’d been thinking about through the week. Thanks for the notes.