Lady struggled w drug addiction for many years. Lived in condemnation and guilt. Would read Shen 6&10 and felt no hope for her as she thought there was no forgiveness for those who sinned willfully. (Pastor talks about his “What about” series of DVDs/ sermons that explain the difficult verses in the bible according to biblical context. And he spoke about these two verses that are misused by the devil to sow fear into the hearts of people). The lady was born again so many times until she lost hope. Then one night she heard the message, Jesusm gift of righteousness makes u the heir of the world. All her good deeds can’t make her righteous so all her bad deeds can’t make her unrighteous. Because of one man’s sin we are sinners. (Adam) We are righteous because of one Man’s obedience. (Christ) Pastor says it doesn’t honor Jesus and honors Adam if we think Adam’s work can overcome what Christ did on the cross. Since receiving that revelation, she has been freed from drugs and have never used drugs again. “Thanks for being a faithful voice crying out in the wilderness.”
This is the year of His restoration. Sometimes bad things seem to happen but it is part of the process of restoration. We want the best Carpark lot closest to the lift. But we don’t get it. Maybe He wants u to walk to exercise coz He sees your artery is clogged up. Then u walk and complain.
Don’t expect favour to turn up the way you expect it too. U pray to be w a BF but maybe end up breaking up. U feel sad but God might know he has an addiction u don’t know about and He is protecting u from it.
Whenever pastor is overseas… He doesn’t like cold weather but his family members love it. In cold countries, even though it is sunny, the winds are cold. He walks through some buildings and they are shadowed, he things it will protect from the wind. But it is very cold. But when he steps out of the shadow and walks into the Sun, it is just nice- warm and still cool.
STAY IN THE LOVE OF GOD- apostle Jude.
We can stay in the shadows or step out into the sunshine of His love. It is by faith. Believe God loves u even when things go wrong. Devil’s objective is to make u think God short changed u. What are u that God will want to short change u? Devil will always makes u feel insignificant. JESUS said even the hairs of your head are all numbered. He cares for the details of your life. If it matters to u, it matters to Him.
Leviticus – guilt offering (aka sin offering) = for what u are
What we are is sin- because our nature is corrupted after what Adam did.
God put the sins on the lamb and we become new creations in Christ.
We can still sin. The principal of sin is still there. Don’t think you are beyond sin.
Your nature is a sinner but your standing is still righteous in Christ.
The bible wants us to judge our state (which is always changing) based on our standing and never the other way around. It is necessary and healthy.
It’s okay to judge your state coz once u know the problem is u and not others, u won’t blame others.
Don’t remain bitter- it is a poison u prepared for someone else but u drink it. Poison will only destroy u.
Trespass offering or guilt offering or Asham is for our wrongdoing.
All the offerings point back to Jesus, the perfect sacrifice.
Restore- biblical principal that is applicable for whole Christian life
Once you have stolen, and you are guilty of that, then u restore what u have stolen or extorted or the lost thing u found or what u have sworn falsely, restore full value and add 1/5 more to it. Lev 6:4-7
The wronged party becomes more blessed than when he was robbed.
Have u been cheated or lied about? Have u been persecuted? Spoken falsely against? Slighted for someone else? Don’t be bitter. Rise up and take advantage of the fact that Jesus is your trespass offering.
Bitter will say I I I I I I … Hey u have a savior who died for all these things.
Not just pay back monetarily, must also find an unblemished lamb (Jesus). We are all fallen. Jesus is perfect in figure, face, form. Thou art fairer (most beautiful) than the children of men- psalmist. No trace of aging. Isaiah 53- face became so deformed after being beaten and spat on and abused and stripped. Jesus was stripped so we can be clothed coz Adam was stripped of his glory when he sinned.
See Jesus carrying your shame. Thank Him. See you carrying His glory. Honor Him.
Church can ustd Jesus took our sins and shame. But refuse to let people know we have been given His glory.
He has given us who believe of Him.
Something about a person of glory, steps into the room and feels like along heaven stepped in. People start coming in, there is a peace…
If u have no respect for your eternal glory but would rather respect the earthly belongings & live life in sin, can never walk in th glory of God
By the grace of God, Pastor can look his wife in the eye because of his clear conscience.
With Jesus there is always hope.
JESUS came not just to demonstrate His power and glory. God gave His power and manna but that’s not enough to know He is a God of love. That part was revealed when Christ came as a man. When he came as a man, came to take our place.
Messianic psalms- quoted in NT
JOHN 15:25
Law- Ten Commandments and also the first five Books of Moses. Pentateuch. Psalms is also part of book of law. Torah.
Who is the one to restore the value and add 1/5 more! Not u.
God wants to show men cannot. Law is to point people to Christ.
When Jesus came to the trespass offering on emmaus road, highlighted the restoration.
The person who has been lied about has greater blessings compared to those not lied about.
He gives back to us.
If the world speaks evil about u, position yourself for that 120%.
Praying- state of the heart, not your physical state.
The accuser accuses without going into detail.
Parents be specific. Don’t just say they are careless. Explain and be specific.
Devil will call u names and say u are in for bad days. So what should u do? Come to the Father. “Father I’ve messed up and I feel constantly something bad will happen (conscience- fearful expectation of evil). I present Christ to you as my trespass offering and He has restored to you more glory and go our than what I have robbed u of. I thank You that Christ has restored to God 120%’of what praise I robbed u off. I was made His sin and He was made my righteousness. Thank you that
God has honored you first and maintained your righteousness.
Jesus was worshipped as creator and LORD but not always seen as saviour.
Thank you that Christ has restored to me 120%. He turns the whole thing around to glorify the redeemed.
Your kids will be cursed
Thank you Jesus u have restored 120% more well-being to my family and kids.
You will age fast coz u sinned
Thank you Jesus you have restored me 120% more youth of the Eagles to me
Romans 6:2 – how shall we who are dead to sin (not that we can’t sin, but it refers to the state we are in— in Christ now)…
What if u have been accused falsely? Or cheated?
The average person gets bitter and guilty and angry
Now it is not u sinning. Now it is u who have been sinned against but he trespass offering still applies.
I am not going to fight but trust u. I know I lost one cow but Christ will restore to me 120% more. (Eco 22:1) lol it is better to lose you know? Haha.
If sin never came in, (Ps hates sin and disagrees with sin but… What God is showing is that He sees everything working for His glory.
Adam only saw God has forbidding him before. But after he sinned, God gave coat to cover him with blood sacrifice. God could have whacked him but God clothed him. Adam sees His love. Creator before sin. Saviour after sin.
Crown Him with many crowns but the crown of redemption will not be on His head if sin never came in. God uses the dark background of sin to throw into relief His purposes of grace and love.
When u shop for diamond rings, they will put the diamond on a dark velvet background so your diamond will sparkle. Not on a shiny satin background.
What sin God cannot overlook and bypass, God can forgive through Christ being our savior.
The 120% restoration might come from the one who cheated u or someone else, but the LORD will return that 120% and now u are in a different place than from when u were first robbed.
Where sin abounded, Paul said by inspiration of HS, grace abounded much more.
In Greek there are two words for abound.
No grace without sin. Grace is the only antidote to sin. If someone preaches grace devil must assassinate the person’s character in a religious setting. Coz one grace sets in, it swallows up sin.
Our values need to change. In all of Jesus’ parables the least seed is the master seed. If u have faith like the least seed, u can move mountains. Why we don’t use faith? Maybe coz we think we first need to have big faith.
The Prodigal son received a better knowledge of His Father’s heart.
I have what I have from the LORD. And if what I don’t have, wInask and receive from Him. And if I still don’t have it, maybe because it is a gift not for me.
God makes more than is needed. Eg. The Sun. The Sun generates more supply than what earth needs. Given oversupply as a creator and in the natural. How much more in the spiritual?
Opened Blind Bartimaeus eyes and Jesus told him to go his way. He followed Jesus. His way became his way. Jesus becomes the centre. Serving Him frees u from everything else. When u don’t serve Him, u become enclaved by other bondages.
Stop running after gold which is what the pavement up there is made of.
But to know Jesus is more precious than gold.
Identify urself as the one whom Jesus loves. Not by your titles.
Matthew- for the Jews. So we see the genealogy.
Mark – the servant who failed. Later restored to write the gospel of the servant who cannot fail.
Matthew 1
Mary is from Nathan’s line and Joseph is from Solomon’s line. Both N and S were David’s sons.
Double claim on David’s throne.
David promised His seed will sit on the throne. Abraham was promised possession of the land.
David begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Uriah
There are four women mentioned in the genealogy. Abraham to David 14 generations
David to ??? 14 generations
From restore land to Christ 14 generations
Matthew from Levites and left all and followed Jesus and brought His sinner friends to Jesus. Used his gift for counting coins for Roman Empire at first. Now use it for the Kingdom of Heaven. Eternal things. Get involved with souls and the preaching of Jesus Christ.
Thamar, Rahab, Ruth and Solomon’s mother (David had 8 wives and 10 concubines… Like porcupines always stabbing away at u, no rest), Bathsheba.
How come these women have dark background?
Ruth is virtuous but under the curse on her race Moabites, can’t enter promised land if God followed the law to the tee.
Tharmar married Ur and Ur was a wicked man. God slew him and he died. Then Onan destroyed the seed. Judah thought she was a jinx… Parents pls don’t always solely blame your DIL, be mothers in grace… So he kept his youngest son from Thamar. She dressed as a prostitute and seduced Judah. Gave bracelet, signet ring and staff that she kept as collateral. These are precious to man in that time. She got pregnant and when about to be burned by Judah, presented his stuff to him and was acknowledged. Gave birth to twins- one of them brought forth the line Jesus would come from.
No matter how messed up your past is, when u come to Jesus as your saviour, He can turn your background around to be the tapestry of a beautiful future.
Rahab helped the spies. Her non-collapsed wall still exists. In Palestine part of Jericho. Prostitute but believed in God and lowered the spies by the red rope (pic of Christ sacrifice). Is the red rope in front of your house?
Jesus is coming back not as Saviour next round. Coming as a judge to purge the world of evil. God loves sinners. If u are a sinner, u qualify to be saved.
Ruth- virtuous but cursed due to her race. Under law can’t be Jesus’ ancestor.
Bathsheba- bathing under the house of David. Bathing publicly. David had 8 wives and 20 sons. God chose Solomon- magnifying His grace. God hates sin to the measure He loves u. Of all the wives and sons, He chose Solomon. Abraham begat Isaac. How? Sarah. She was virtuous. Not mentioned. Rebecca and Rachel and Leah all not mentioned.
The four women mentioned have bad backgrounds but aggressive faith. The fifth woman was Mary. And God’s salvation came through His grace.
All things cannot be good but all things can work together for your good. Forgive those who have hurt you and believe and trust God can give u back the 120% you have lost.
All things cannot be good but all things can work together for your good. Praise Lord Jesus!Thank you for posting.
Oh! LORD, I know, I am the righteousness of God all things are working out for good.
Everything I lost is restored of 120% increase in my life for His grace is upon me, Amen.
Very helpful notes to refresh memory of sermoms. Only regarding faith is as a grain of mustard seed. Keep up your good work. Be bountifully blessed always.