Jesus blood sprinkled around the altar- the blood has fully met the judgment for our sins.
Israel was feeding on the roasted lamb in the house and came out of Egypt not one feeble- refers to leg conditions.
If what they had is the shadow, we have more. The LORD’s supper is powerful. U don’t need a religious leader. U are a New Testament priest.
Esteem pastors highly for their work sake BUT they are NOT the mediator between u and the Father.
Partake and believe u are getting better and better and better. Partake every day and see yourself getting better.
Leviticus 6:4-5
5 offerings in Leviticus. This touches on Trespass offering.
Pastor is against SIN but doesn’t mean that you preach against sin, you produce holiness.
Someone has sinned either by stealing, injuring or robbing of someone of what they should have. On day of trespass offering when he brings the sacrifice, he should restore to its full value, add 1/5 more to it and give it to whomever it belongs.
Restore 120% more.
This is not about you. God putting the trespass offering here is talking about Jesus. He will restore that which He didn’t take away.
Psalm 69:4 KJV
Hated me without a cause (Messianic psalm) —> restore that which He did not take away.
We have injured men, stolen from them- economically, emotionally, etc
Jesus can restore that which He took not away.
At the cross when He hung there, He took the place of the injurer. He became liable to restore that which He took not away.
The 2 thiefs crucified on either side. He was in the midst of them.
He is always in the midst. Always put Jesus in the midst, the centre of your lives.
How is the atom held together? Science can’t explain it. Colossians 1 says in HIM, all things are held together.
Thief = has stolen.
Jesus didn’t tell the thief he had to do restitution before he could be with Him in paradise. Not about us.
Jesus became liable to restore the 120%
Towards God, Jesus restored on our behalf 120% more worship and praise and Honour what we offer the LORD. Towards us, He will restore to us the years the locusts have eaten.
When God restores, He always restores greater in quality, in quantity. Not like man whose restoration is sometimes not as good.
Pastor and Wendy lost a baby to miscarriage before Justin. Not lost but the baby can’t come to him, but one day he will go to the baby. There is a kid in heaven waiting for them. Justin is their restoration.
Have u ever done something stupid? Jesus took your stupid place.
Exodus 22:1
God has reaped a richer harvest from the fields of redemption than he did from creation.
The redeemed will sing a new song, a song the Angels cannot sing- amazing grace how sweet the sound.
Because you have lost. The very area sin has robbed u from, that very area will experience the Much more restoration. If u are perfect, this isn’t for u.
David has many sons because he had many wives & concubines. He had 20 sons. Of all the sons he had, God chose Solomon born to Bathsheba. Sin is Sin. David was under OT and was watching her bath. David was punished. Abraham lied but was not punished. Why? Under grace. We are also under grace. We shouldn’t be expecting what David experienced. We are not where David was. No wonder David was in envy of the generation who God will not impute sin to them. Doesn’t mean the Gen is without sin. God is thrice holy. He certainly not impute sin to the believer because He is thrice holy …because the holiness of God punished our sins in the body of Jesus Christ.
Every sin will be punished is the truth BUT the gospel truth is every sin was punished in the body of Jesus Christ on the cross.
If God doesn’t impute sin on me because I didn’t sin—> where is the glory?
Glory= I have sinned but I look at the Cross and see His finished Cross redeeming me from my sin.
Romans 5:20
Law entered so that sin will increase.
Men doesn’t know they have sin so law enters to show them where they are sinful.
Sin abounded- abounds (in the Greek)
Grace abounded- Super abounds (in the Greek)
The earth only receives a fraction of the heat and the Sun. Ditto with us. God has more grace for us to receive.
The very area that falls short, God restores.
Eg. Pastor was a stutterer and Devil tried to rob him from there but today he preaches and impacts many people’s lives for Christ.
God could have chosen Abigail’s son but God chose Bathsheba’s son. Where sin abounds, grace Super abounds. Note not saying that what David did was right.
Romans 6:1-2
Died to sin… Thus impossible for a believer to live in sin.
We might still sin but we don’t live in it.
When we were sinners we made excursions to righteousness but we are not righteous
When we are believers we make excursions to sin but our standing is righteous/ because of Romans 5:19
If I believe that, right believing produces right living.
My standing is righteous because of what Jesus did. God will only see me as righteous. Settled, eternal and divine truth
My behaviour fluctuates but can never touch my standing.
Measure our behaviour by our standing, and never our standing by our behaviour.
Eyes of God recognises that which is born of the spirit and not the flesh. That’s why acknowledges Isaac and not Ishmael (born of the flesh)
We get confused because we still have self righteous. It is the worst problem and Mother of all sins today. There are people killing themselves and others because of self righteousness to try to get closer to God.
Men presumes and assumes of their own righteousness even before the Ten Commandments. Try to use the Law to get right with God. The law is righteous but cannot make you righteous.
The law is holy but it stirs us up.
Instead of fighting to get Ten Commandments back in public school, fight to bring John 3:16 back. That’s what the young need to hear.
There’s no such thing as the message of grace. There is only the gospel of grace.
Acts20:27- preach the whole council of God
3 verses before that, v24— refers to the gospel of the grace of God
Paul is telling them to not just preach the law but to preach the gospel of the grace of God
Go to V32- grace builds us up.
The HS abides with us forever. (Even if we Chee gum in church. 🙂 When Jesus was preaching those possessed were screaming, babies cried, Hawkers hawked, disciples oozed BO and the anointing of the HS abounded regardless!)
Ezekiel saw the shekina glory of the LORD, His HS, above the Temple Mount and then the eastern gate and then the mount of olives. Each time lingering and lingering before it left. Reluctant to leave. OT.
Compare/ contrast-
When seen in the NT, HS is seen as a rushing wind, rushing to fill us. ABIDES IN US FOREVER.
The HS doesn’t convict u of sin. U know when u sin.
John 16:7-11
V8- HS will convict the world of sin, of righteousness and judgment
V9- OF SIN, because they DO NOT believe in Me
Only one sin- singular.
He was talking to believers. He will convict the world, not the believer, because they don’t believe in Him
Believer confessed I am the righteousness of God in Christ even as abusing drug but as he confessed each time, the addiction got lesser and lesser until it left him completely.
Never ever heard a testimony where people testify that losing grace has transformed their lives for better.
Righteousness is the root
Holiness is the fruit
Don’t worry about holiness
U will be holy by accident
Where did it show Jesus as angry? Incidents are mentioned but no anger recorded. ONLY ONE PLACE it was recorded Jesus was angry
Mark 3:1-6
Pharisees watched Jesus closely not because He can’t heal but because He can heal. They wanted to plot against him for healing on a Sabbath.
Jesus asked the guy with a withered hand to step forward
V5 – looked at the Pharisees with anger and grieved at the hardness of heart
This was the ONLY place Jesus was noted down by HS as being angry & aggrieved- because of lack of grace. What grieves Him back then grieves Him today.
V30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God [do not offend or vex or sadden Him], by Whom you were sealed (marked, branded as God’s own, secured) for the day of redemption (of final deliverance through Christ from evil and the consequences of sin).”
Ephesians 4:30 AMP
Eph 4:30- starts with ‘AND’ so this means u need to read the preceding verse.
Let no foul or polluting language, nor evil word nor unwholesome or worthless talk [ever] come out of your mouth, but only such [speech] as is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others, as is fitting to the need and the occasion, that it may be a blessing and give grace (God’s favor) to those who hear it.
– Ephesians 4:29
Verse 29 talks about how we need to speak words that impart Grace.
We assume He was angry when He overturned the tables in the temple but HS never noted that anger down. U can overturn tables without being angry.
Capernum- woe Matthew (11:23)
“And you, Capernaum, are you to be lifted up to heaven? You shall be brought down to Hades [the region of the dead]! For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have continued until today.”
Matthew 11:23 AMP
For rejecting Him even though He performed so much amongst them (eg Jairus’ Daughter, woman with issue of blood etc
Their sin of rejecting grace is greater than the sin of morality
The key to reaching out to them- with mighty works. Ask the world for their prayer requests. God loves to work amongst these precious people.
Luke 4:19-20 compare to Isaiah 61
“To proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord [the day when salvation and the free favors of God profusely abound]. [Isa. 61:1, 2.]”
Luke 4:19 AMP
“To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord [the year of His favor] and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, [Matt. 11:2-6; Luke 4:18, 19; 7:22.]”
Isaiah 61:2 AMP
Preach about the acceptable year of the LORD then Jesus closed the Book and didn’t mention the Day of Vengeance
Where Jesus closed the book, that’s where we must close the book. There will be a day of vengeance but now is not it.
Abraham was corrected but not with disease and violence. There is correction in grace.
When devil accuses u of trespassing, bring Jesus your trespass offering before the LORD & declare your 120% restoration.
Amen and Amen!! Thank you 🙂
Thanks for the awesome notes. Should the date of the sermon in the post title be Nov instead? 🙂
Amen and amen…Jesus my trespass offering.
He holds everything together.
Thanks and appreciate your notes