Rock Kids testimony:
On 16/10/13, Edison was diagnosed w Stage 4 neuroblastoma. Huge tumour above left kidney. Given 40% chance of surviving. Wanted to pray but didn’t know the bible so didn’t dare to pray. Her friend was asked to pray instead and her friend encouraged her to attend NCC. Edison had super low immunity but was v eager to attending RK. Brought him to church whenever possible and Edison never fell sick. He had to attend a scan and refused to be sedated but asked to play a Christian song RK played and dozed off. Edison’s wound raw and bleeding asked mother to pray to take away the pain instead and no pain indeed. Now he has been declared cancer free.
God still heals today. Dunno what the doctors have told u… we thank God for docs but they can only go so far. If anyone u know have a negative report, believe that God is a good God and believe He wants them healed more than we want them healed.
When men rebelled against Him, He went around healing and restoring and yet men took perfect goodness and put Him on the cross as if they didn’t need Him. When Christ hung on the cross- u might reject Him and not want Him but I am going to change this wicked act into the v act of redemption. Redeemed and translated into the kingdom of the SON OF HIS LOVE (Greek).
Aren’t you glad God isn’t like us yet how sad we charge God with things we wouldn’t do to our kids. Don’t think you are better than God.
Good master what must I do to inherit eternal life? — rich young ruler. Focused on performance hence was told the law. Jesus wouldn’t have spoken to him this way had he received Jesus.
When u boast in the law, one thing u lack… Law is to bring out what u lack, not what is your strength.
Rich young ruler’s possession had him. He was a poor rich man.
Some people think Jesus asking why people call him good means he isn’t perfect. No he means if u believe there is none good like God, then acknowledge He is Him and rest and let Him take over.
Matthew was a tax collector who dropped everything to follow Jesus.
When Jesus asked to go eat w Zacchaeus, people were prob shocked- traitor to the Jews. But no laws were recited at the end of the dinner. Z didn’t give up or restore to set things right w God. Salvation came to him first and led him to repentance.
When we preach the goodness of God, it leads people to repentance.
Rich young ruler Lk 18 could hardly give a denarii despite the law was shown to him. Z’s (Lk 19) wallet, his family and home was all opens to the LORD in the face of grace.
RYR and Z story not chronologically ordered but HS put it side by side to show law can’t bring results but grace can.
Ps reminds us that he isn’t the one who came up w the concept of grace.
Remember we are the 11th hour generation. Since the end of WW 1, when allied and Germany met and signed the armistice – 11th day of the 11th month at 11am in the morning in 1918. Beginning of a new century. Prophetically moving into the 11th hour.
Call for bridesmaid came at midnight when the bridegroom is coming.
All true believers are going up. Based not on your faithfulness or goodness but his faithfulness or goodness.
Rapture is secret coming of the LORD. Second coming world will all see Him come.
Scriptural posture is not looking forward to death but to the coming of the LORD.
We who are alive and remain will be caught up.
New tide of opposition against gospel of grace. But there is a whole move right now- pastors by the multitudes are on fire and have a vision. Many who have given up on the pulpit are coming back w a fresh understanding and instead of preaching law, preach grace and see their church members coming alive.
About to reign in life. Amen.
Rom 6:14
For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law, but under grace.
Devil wants to prevent enjoyment of the victory.
Logic- devil will say you are taught and keep the law, so sin shall have no dominion over u.
Set of rules. This ‘sin’ is a noun- everything related to sin and the author of sin- has no dominion over u.
The more U teach the Ten Commandments, the more people will be holy?? No.
The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law.
Death is an enemy. Not part of God’s plan.
Adam sinned against God. If God knew then why let Him sin? Foreknowledge isn’t control. God gave free choice so if he violates the free choice by forcing men to make a decision, then it isn’t free Choice. Men is faced with the consequence of the choice Adam made.
When men sinned, in came sickness and poverty. Yes poverty is evil. Money is not the root if all evil. The love of it is. It makes people give up their kids for prostitution, steal, make people to covet. Prosperity with a purpose- not prosperity until you don’t know what to do with your riches.
Heaven is not heaven without our LORD Jesus.
Why is it that we cannot understand that the sting of death is sin?
Death came into mankind because of sin. What strengthens sin? The dunamis of sin is the law.
Those preaching we are not under the law but under grace = freedom from the power of sin. Not saying free people from the law and not put them under grace. Grace is the best teacher.
Romans 7-13- Paul brings up the truth of Romans 6
Woman married to man. As long as law is established, she is an adulterer if she marries another man if her husband is alive. If her husband dies, she can remarry.
God gave the law- many think it is given for humans to keep. 1 Cor 15, Romans 6— how to walk in freedom. Justified and sanctified by grace. Not by the law.
When God gave Ten Commandments on Sinai, it was interpreted as a marriage. Sinai was a Hupa.
God gave the law on Sinai and not when he took them out of Egypt. They forgot God but He didn’t forget them. Remembered the covenant with the forefathers. But God brought them out based on His goodness and not their own- by the blood of the lamb on the Passover. They were still murmuring and complaining but killed none of them.
Rosh H this year is 5775 –> sch-mi-tta. (Year of sabbath rest – debt is cancelled and year of the LORD’s release)
Adam ate of the law (not from Sinai but knowledge of good and evil). We have warped ideas of what is good and evil. Only God knows and we are to depend on His revelation.
After Sinai, murmuring and complaining = sin & leads to death.
God doesn’t grade on a curve. Sin is sin.
God sweetened the bitter waters of Mara by throwing in a tree. No on died. From Egypt to Sinai – period of pure grace. The people complained every step of the way. Fresh murmurings = fresh grace.
At Mt Sinai- they proposed to God before hearing the T&C of the covenant, told Moses whatever God asks us to do, I can do it. Bring it on. What must I do to be holy and get eternal life? I can do it.
Law meant to bring men to the end of themselves. Not for men I fulfil.
Outwardly people do stuff right for fear of punishment but inwardly? God wants heart transformation and not bhv modification.
God was with the Hebrews as a pillar of fire and pillar of cloud. He was leading them and protecting them all the way. So close to them. But the moment they boasted in their performance, He told Moses to tell the Hebrews not to come near Him.
Instead of saying grace brought us out so grace will bring us in… They are saying they did this and that. Being involved in good works is due to life of Christ inside. Dead works are done because one thinks it gives him or her right standing with God.
Never read bible? Should feel hungry and not guilty.
The focus of Ten Commandments is no longer on God’s goodness but on the way men behaves. Thou shalt not. They were proud and asked to be treated based on their goodness and not His goodness.
There are still pastors preaching the Ten Commandments and putting people under the ministry of death.
2 Cor 3:5-9
Letter kills but spirit gives life
Ten Commandments is ministry of death.
The most sick people are in church. A pastor that used to be a famous DJ, had women’s attention. Healthy.
But moment he got saved and the focus on you must and focus on self righteousness, fell sick.
If the world is healthy we should be even healthier.
God doesn’t exempt us from bad events but promises us that e can us peace that the world doesn’t have.
If u have been listening to grace but are self occupied- still under law. When Christ occupied, under grace.
Under law – demand
Under grace – receive
We limit the supply when we say it is enough- not just financial but supply to overcome addictions etc
Grace allows our life to be a life of thanksgiving and rest.
The more u rest, the more He is pleased with you. If u are still trying to finish what the He has finished, are u am saying u are a Saviour?
Some says not under law means we are not under ceremonial law anymore. Law is Ten Commandments, ceremonial etc —> it is all of it The Law. Ceremonial laws were never written on the stones. Ten commandment was. Letter that kills refers to ten commandment. Law is perfect.
Pharisees able to beat Jesus and spit on him but wouldn’t step into Pilate’s hall to avoid being defiled. Christians who are into religion can be mean.
In James, states that if you break one law you break all.
A woman is married to Mr Law who asks for perfection and if she doesn’t perform she will die. So one day she meets this guy and falls in love but she is married. This new lover is perfect. Whatever he demands of her, he does for her. But if she marries him, it is adultery. Mr Law cannot die. But what it the woman dies? If she dies and is resurrected? Death annuls. So how does she die? Cross provides us w the death we need to become Jesus’s bride. Cross not just to pay for our sins.
Jesus told Pharisee that it isn’t just jumping into a bed w a woman that makes u an adulterer. Just thinking of her makes u one. Brings all to despair. Come to end of self.
Jesus is no ordinary rabbi. Law says don’t touch don’t go. But grace is aggressive and moved amongst sinners & maintains purity. Touched leper and the leper became clean. Life and health is contagious under grace. Under law, sin is contagious.
Rom 7:1-13
V4- if Mr Law cannot die. U can be dead to the law in the body of Christ. When the bride was married to Mr Law, no babies coz he won’t touch her as she was never clean enough. But touch grace and will be fruitful.
Inward rest even though working outwardly.
Law is like a mirror. It reflects back truthfully. If the mirror says ugly, u don’t break the mirror.
Believers are married to the resurrected Christ
When we pray in the name of Jesus—> power of attorney. Dependent on him. Not whether u prayed enough or not.
One is a true antinomian if not preaching why the actual reason law was given – bring us to end of ourselves. One is an antinomian if one says the law is something we can keep.
Your flesh wants a law to arouse it. A glass of water w dirty sediments. U let it settle and the water looks clear. The sediment is still there. As long as the sediment is down there, they feel ok. Not a murderer, decent guy, not ISIS, not a thieve… Don’t see need for Jesus outwardly. But law was introduced- spoon. Spoon stirs the water. Nothing wrong w the spoon but when the spoon stirs the water, the sediment goes up. The spoon didn’t bring about the dirt but the spoon draws it up.
U are in a hall. All the doors are the same but for one door which has warnings on it. Nothing wrong with u. But then curiosity rises but law stirs it up.
Parents we got to be careful our parenting is grace based so as not to arouse the kids to sin. Strength of sin is the law.
The Hebrews produced the golden calf with the gold they had all throughout the wilderness- never made any idols. The moment the first law was given, next thing u know there was a golden calf.
Context is king >> v7
The spoon and the stirring cannot go together.
Delivered from the law clearly refers to Ten Commandments and delivered from them so now we serve and are not under obedience to old code, but we are under the promptings of the spirit.
The Spirit will never prompt u to do wrong. It may prompt u to address an area that will resolve the issues in another area. The Spirit is amazing. Listen to it.
When free from the law, Spirit is active. When Law is activated, dependent on it and won’t go by the Spirit.
Apart from the law, Sin is dead. —-> note
Devil tries to reintroduce the law.
Rest and base our performance on the Spirit. Whatever our issues are, pray in the Spirit.
Don’t pray for kid not to be rebellious. Ask the Spirit for prompting. Maybe it is a diff issue causing it. Spirit will identify it. Pray about that and the dead leaf will fall off.
The more u say don’t do this, the more they think about what they shouldn’t do.
Life of rest is not an idle life. Life of right place and right time. Moves in rhythm of grace- never accomplish more than when we do so. When we rest, He works. When we work, He rests.
Three years ago, lady from Ohio diagnosed w dyslexia from 8yo. Couldn’t pass each grade of school other than to cheat coz she couldn’t learn. Was afraid after she had kids, was afraid they will find out and be ashamed. Joined intensive course but no use. Was recommended Ps message by a friend. Started listening to Ps message and received healing and see faith pictures and able to help her kids with their studies and her one shattered marriage was healed and her family also received healing- husband and daughters were ill and her son who also had severe dyslexia jumped levels in school.
Sin becomes exceedingly sinful when we preach the law. Causes us to focus on ourselves. Need to focus on Christ.
The love of God paid ransom to the justice of God on the Cross… not paying ransom to the devil.
Everything we need is at the Cross. The old u has died and the new u is alive.
Now a question of how good Jesus is. Measured that way..
Marriage is oneness. We are one w our heavenly bridegroom.
Who we are today is based on what He has. He took our condemnation and gave us His rest and peace. At the Cross He bore your diseases & gave you His health. On the Cross, was forsaken by God so that we will never be forsaken by our Heavenly Father. Divine substitution.That is love and grace.
Thank you, and God bless you richly!!
Thank you