Don’t need to know the seven steps of how to sleep. Just need to know mummy’s presence. Ps91- snuggle up to Him.
Ps showed when Ps L came close to him, his shadow is on him. But when standing far away, not much shadow. Sprinkling. That’s why asked to go under the shadow or closeness of God’s wings.
Relationship and closeness. Nt about reciting Ps91 three times. Not mechanical. Relationship thing.
Matt 23:-37-39
Look at the pathos of his words. God will not force His love, salvation and blessing on you. He will also not force His protection on you. He gave us free choice. The result of our choice remains the same.
Jesus foresaw the coming of the Romans and the Holocaust
Even though partially blind, yet God is working behind the scenes. More than 2000 rockets have gone into civilian places yet casualty is v low. Iron Dome brought 300 down but compared to the number of the rockets…
“Their God turned our rockets in mid-air”
We are not justifying the casualties and don’t want any child to die. But it is not about the numbers. Israel wasn’t in the wrong. Right to defend their country.
More Germans died than Americans for WW2. Does it mean America was wrong?
Supernatural hatred against Israel that’s why no peace yet. That is why Hitler hated them. Supernatural hatred.
Jesus didn’t say he made their house desolate but that their house is left to them desolate. Their choice.
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD- moment He will return.
Ps91 is all about r/s.
Yeshua came to redeem one name of God- FATHER.
John 17:11-12
Keep through Your name— how the disciples are protected? By the name “Abba”.
Your Heavenly Father knows what u need before u ask Him. Sermon of the mount — he used the term God the “Father”
Don’t worry, your Father WILL… When u don’t know how to pray, confide like a little child in your Heavenly Father.
Abba Father.
Bob Fitts wrote a song that starts “Father in Heaven how we love you…”
Jesus came to emphasise the name FATHER for those with the Spirit of Son-ship
Some have had absentee or abusive Dads, God is not that sort of father. He is a father who loves u.
Jn17:12- Jesus kept the disciples in the Father’s name.
Pastors by mentioning the name Father God, protecting your congregation.
V20- the prayer is for ALL of us believers and not just His disciples. Jesus saw us. Not bring us out of the world, but keep us from evil though we are in the world.
Enjoy the Father’s love the way He walked through this earth enjoying it— that’s Jesus’ heart for us.
V21, the more u say Father u will experience the same love Jesus experienced. There is protection in that name.
The very first time LOVE of Ahava was mentioned in the Word, was the love of the Father for the son. Gen 22:2
Longest chapt in Gen is Gen23- Father sent his Servant to find a Bride for His Son. Rebecca never saw Isaac before but said YES to being his bride. Rebecca is us. Servant is unnamed because calling attention to the Son. Servant is HS.
Golden bracelets – gift of healing
Nose rings- gift of discernment and word of knowledge
Ten camels- whatever state u were, u don’t marry from the status of ur father’s house but into the glory of the LORD.
Story of Father’s love for Isaac was told to Rebecca & she loved him before she met him.
Rebecca fell off her camel- swept off her feet. Rapture. No more tears, boredom, diseases, death etc forever.
Before the bride, the story of the Son.
Why did God say what he did in Gen 22:2? Illustrating His sacrificing Jesus for us.
Worship has got to do with the Cross. Father took the wood and laid it on his son. And the son took the wood and went up the mount.
The fresh revelation Pastor had this time (he has preached the above many times) is as follows:
V6,7- the two of them went TOGETHER. The Father was with Jesus all the way to Calvary. He was the Father all the way until He had to pour his wrath on Jesus.
“Where is the lamb?” – v8
The answer came many years later when John the Baptist cried out BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD
Again in v8, we see they went together.
God never wanted a human sacrifice. He spared Abraham the pangs of his son’s death but didn’t spare His own heart.
We know He loves us because He didn’t withhold Jesus from us.
There is no other way. U can blaspheme God all u want. All ur blogging will be over. Do not boast against God. This God could have destroyed us long time ago but He loved us still at His own cost. Gave up His Son for us. We will never know how much it cost Jesus. To become sin at the cross- the very thought of it- He who is thrice holy bled in His sweat. Under extreme duress. That’s just under anticipation. How much more when He had to bear our sin.
Thicket- interwoven branches.
It is not about me seeing Abraham, Abraham saw my day… Before Abraham was, I AM—> Jesus to this Romans.
Mt Moriah and Calvary same range, similar height. When Abraham looked to see the lamb, mint have seen Calvary.
A ram is mature and smart. Won’t go into thicket. Jesus went into the thicket knowingly for us. Was caught by its horns and not fur- coz if caught by fur, would not be a perfect offering.
Chapt24- love of the son for the bride.
Why does Gen 22 end with ‘your brother has a son’??
Because from then on, the focus was on the church (Rebecca).
Bob Fitts sings “Sacrifice” in our church service. He didn’t know Pastor was gonna preach on the above when he chose the song.
Whosoever believes in Jesus= everyone. No one is left out. No matter how far into sin u have gone into, His love reaches further and deeper to u. This is not religion. It is love. Embrace a saviour who gave His life for u and a Father who loved u before u came to Him.
Don’t let the fires of God’s love in you grow cold.
I thank Our Heavenly Father for His Love!