God loves using the small to confiund the mighty.
Pastor has been using teleconferencing to teach or counsel other leaders overseas.
It’s an honor to serve the LORD. We get to do this. God could have raised someone else. This is a privilege to be able to serve Him. Many Grace gospels going around the world but some aren’t right by saying God’s wrath didn’t pour out on Jesus etc. Just stick to the biblically correct gospel of Grace.
Ps doesn’t draw a salary from church and to be rich he could have accepted all the invitations to preach overseas. Being rich is not the point. He believes God wants to provide and supply BUT frowns upon thinking of money all the time. It is nauseating and wrong. Jesus never sent anyone back with a financial testimony although he had twelve basketful leftover and healing and deliverance testimonies. We cannot always be talking about money as Christians. We believe He is a perfect provider. We are a JESUS CENTRED church. We don’t preach money centered gospels all the time. Very very seldom does pastor touch on finances for a whole sermon yet God provides. We only had 4 miracle seed Sundays in 5y and we have already paid for 90% of The Star. The last 10% will be paid off by end of this year. And on each miracle seed Sundays we only preached JESUS CENTRED message. Not about money. And in these 4 miracle seed Sundays, only ONE person donated $1m. The rest comes from the entire body of church.
A v successful businessman, v experienced in fundraising, told his wife- no one hold fundraising in one week- one week notice… Either God led or Ps will fall flat publicly. The next week the church attendance was highest ever and we had the largest amt raised ever. And no one is forced to give. If u can give, if u can’t it’s okay, you will be blessed to give next time. When Jesus is preached, the supply will come.
John 15:1-4 upper room discourse (for the church. The sermon of the mount is for the Jews)
I am the true vine and my Father is the vinedresser
—> the gospel of John has seven miracles or signs recorded in it. These signs are for the nation of Israel. John said not every miracle Jesus said and did is able to be contained in the bible. But the HS chose these 7. The first sign- six water pots number of men and Jesus turned the water to wine. Judaism is like water but Jesus grace will turn the water into wine. Celebration and life. First plague turned water to blood. Death. Son> Moses. Life> Death.
Ps80:8- U have bought a vine out of Egypt… Israel is described as a vine. But Israel failed. So the TRUE vine, Jesus, came.
We are all branches of the living vine. The prob is many of us want to be the vine. Which part of the tree does the fruit grow from? The branches.
The vine tree is not like a trunk with branches. Vine is the supplier, we are the fruit bearing part. U are not to be the producer or supplier. Ur part is to just bear it. The life and the Sap and the riches comes from the vine. Courses through the branches.
He who abides in Me, and I in him, heard much fruit.
The verses repeat the words ABIDE. Abide means STAY. Abide is not a place u are trying to get at. It means stay as a branch. Just stay where u are at.
Who is responsible for the fruit? The vine.
Branch = restful attitude. Remain as a branch. Just remain where you already are. Not asking u to make an effort to go from one place to another.
Meno (Greek)- abide.
1 Cor 1—> “Of Him, you are in Christ Jesus”
He caused it. Not you.
Supply constantly flows. We rest and let the vine be responsible. All the care and responsibilities come from the vine
We will trust the vine to produce the leaves, the bark, the fruit. If no rain, will trust the vine to carry water to me anyway. The vinedresser will not blame the branch for presence of fruit. All the responsibilities is on the Vine.
Facing stress? “Lord, your peace.”
Facing questions? “Lord, your wisdom.”
Facing exhaustion? “Lord, your rest.”
Life of rest. Let us labour to enter the rest. Work at not working. Outwardly working but inwardly be at rest.
More restfulness and deep restfulness.
Vine has a zeal that isn’t fanatic. Doing not expiring. Burning but not burning out. Connected to living vine means u can’t be exhausted.
The more u struggle the more u hinder and resist the sap and it can’t flow.
Live by grace. Rest. Not by law. Performance of His good pleasure. Gives you performance like good desire. Work out coz God works it in you. Gives you the ability to perform and the good pleasure.
Gal 5:4 NASB- seek to be justified by law= fallen from grace. Grace is high ground. You don’t fall from grace by sinning. Pastor is against sin but long before someone sinned, already fell from grace. The Isrselites when they depended on self, fell from grace. The next thing that happened? Golden calf. Idolatry. Sin.
A lady growing up in Texas grew up in church background. Went into marijuana and fell into the habit, fornication and abusive r/s. She was given a huge opportunity one day, but coz of smoking she lost her voice and had no more offers to sing. Felt bitter about being left behind. The more she struggled, she fell. Then heard the message of grace. Since quit smoking and found true love, Jesus. No more abusive relationships. Lord healed her voice and blessed to work w a good talent manager. Now 36- restored her soul and youth & given her a fresh start.
This is what the vine life can do.
Sinners could touch Him and receive. He was of effect to them. The ones who couldn’t receive were the Pharisees. Touching and taking from the law.
The world is full of people doing things without Christ. So how can the LORD who can’t lie say without Him can do nothing? But what does it pertain for them at the end? Comes to nothing. But those done for Christ, lasts forever.
Without Him can do nothing of value, substance or eternal quality/ consequence. That has results in this life and the life after.
As long as we abide, the responsibility is with The Vine.
Wrong thinking- when I am in church or giving charity or reading bible I am living righteous but when I am brushing teeth or driving car isn’t righteous act. Coz we are in Christ, EVERYTHING we do is righteous act.
If the tree is good, all the fruit is good. If the tree is bad, all the fruit is bad.
Everything in your life permeates with the life of Christ. The way your face shines or your gestures speak volumes about Jesus to people observing u.
Some people think they are separate from God- so they are themselves, God is God. And then praying from a distance to Him to receive.
No. We are already connected.
Not try to be a branch. YOU ARE A BRANCH.
Lord I thank u the same wisdom that flows in u, flows in me. The same strength that flows in u, flows in me.
Don’t feel it? That’s not the point. Christian life is not founded on feeling but on truths.
When u are on a cruise ship for weeks, then u disembark, will feel the ground is heaving and moving. Is the ground moving? No. What is? Feelings.
Be in the realm of FAITH and not feelings. The same life, strength and health flows in me right now. Amen.
Life of rest.
The LORD can expose the branch anyway and we will be okay. Just rest and let His promises flow.
Do u feel if u don’t do this or that, everything will collapse?? You go up the plane and you feel you must help the plane fly- u feel if u let go of the arm rest, it will fall from the sky. You feel when u hold that arm rest, until ur knuckles are white, you help the plane take off. Your whole life is about I am responsible.
Don’t work to abide. Just abide. Rest.
When someone says, I am trying to believe Your word.
These people sit a plane and they hear a voice and don’t know where it came from… For all u know it is not the captain who is concussed somewhere… U just believe him and relax. And we don’t even know who the pilot is or care. We trust the man’s word.
But then we have trouble believing God’s Word.
U either believe or don’t.
God can’t fail. Pilots can. Of coz pls don’t be afraid to fly on planes. Some people avoid Japan coz of radiation, some people avoid France coz of terrorism…
Without God’s protection u can die anytime. U can slip in the bathroom or whilst walking to market. When u go up in the air, there is radiation.
Have the Ps91 attitude and live the life of a branch. Fear not. What’s the worse that happens when u die? U see Jesus’ face to face.
Many of u are afraid to travel to Israel.
God never mentioned the problems or Giants or obstacles to the Israelits but said the land is flowing with milk and honey. He has given the land. 2 of 12 spies said we can well conquer the land. The 10 said didn’t u see the Giants are so big?
With God ALL things are possible. Not some. ALL.
Some are afraid of ISIS, this or that to visit Israel. But Israel is very safe. The devil wants to bring fear right to your doorstep. He wants you to be fearful coz of what u see and hear.
God wants u to have the attitude- a thousand may fall by my side but it will not come near me.
Abide in the living vine.
“Every branch in me who does not bear fruit, He will take away…” – many in the 1800s believe people who don’t bear fruit will pass away, be taken home.
Takes away is AIRO- to be lifted up. Pic of trellis. Vine branches on the ground and not on the Trellis, cannot bear fruit. Must be lifted up to do so. The enemy has caused many to be cast on the dust- dries up. Philistines – people of the dust. Vine tree branches cling on to something. They will twirl around each other. Like all of them holding hands. Like the nature of the church- interdependent on each other.
Jesus cared for the tears of the sick and the grieving. Raised Jairus daughter. Raised Lazarus. Casted out demons from the boy and lifted him up.
When u don’t bear fruits, He lifts u up. Not casts u away.
AIRO- elders threaten the apostles and asked them not to preach the message, they AIRO their voices… Jesus AIRO His eyes to the heavens.
A sermon should AIRO and not leaves u sin conscious.
Fruit, more fruit and much fruit…. Much u can’t count no more. So be patient with yourself. If u start a company, it takes time. Three years. Root system going deep and move far out and strong so when the grapes come, the water is able to reach and the sap flows.
If it is from God, it WILL bear fruit.
Three years- grapes. Not qualify grapes for wine production. Then 5 years- wine grapes. And then the older the wine is the it gets better.
He didn’t say I am the durian tree and u will best thorny fruit and some will love ur fruit and some won’t. Thank God. Lol.
Jesus turned water to wine. Compressed time. Wine takes time to become good. But Jesus made that new wine which was the best wine.
He is the LORD of time and space. He can compress time. He can do in an instant what takes men a long time.
Vine produces fruit. U bear it.
Vine life doesn’t flow then stop. It flows consistently on a continuum. Even right now it flows.
When u feel tired, declare “Lord, your strength. I m not tired because I am a branch of the living vine.”
One of our leaders was supposed to go for a preaching engagement. Threw his back. Worried he couldn’t go. The lepers in the bible, were told to go show themselves to the priests. U can only go to the priest when cleansed. AS THEY WENT, they were healed. Acted like the responsibility is His. Based on what the living vine said. Ps told the leader to just go. And he later testified, as he went, he was really healed.
Panadol removes the pain but doesn’t remove the root of the pain. Use medicine but depend on the LORD.
AS HE IS SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD- the 9 most important syllables in this world. 1 John 4:17
Do u suppose He is healthy now? Have u heard of God coughing or angels having a raspy throat whilst singing God’s praise? There are no sickness in heaven!
No one says to be sick is to fail God. Prob is the devil wants preachers to preach lower standard so they can’t be transformed to something better. Preach God’s standard so we can be transformed from glory to glory.
As He is, so am I. Devil wants us to be in the realm of fear. God wants us to be in the realm of faith.
Michelle from Minessota. Diagnosed with throat cancer. Tests showed it was clear. But sept 2014, docs found a mass of Cancer cells. Heard in pastor’s message about the testimony of the lady in our church who declared 1John 4:17 over her condition, wrote “Does Jesus have lumps in his breast? No. As He is so am I in this world.” The lady didn’t need any surgery in the end. No lumps found. So she took hold of this truth for herself like the lady in our church. Hung on to the Words although fear nagged at her. As she was preparing for surgery, asked if she had anything to say. She declared when the doc comes in he will say she didn’t have Cancer and won’t need survey. True enough the doctor came in and the biopsy showed no Cancer and the operation was cancelled!!
Just keep confessing. Don’t put your complete trust in the doctors. Use medicine but trust Gof. Thank God for doctors and their know how BUT put your trust in the LORD.
Even faith to believe He supplies- need faith? Lord, your faith.
Prunes- we think vinedresser is cutting and it is painful chastisement. Comparing this to normal gardening. Must compare to vinedressers in ancient Israel.
Kathairo- cleanses with water. In those days, they would pour water to get rid of insects or moss. Literally wash the branches. To make sure nothing stops it from bearing more fruit. John 15:2
John 15:3- clean (Katharos)
We are cleaned by His Word that washes over us and needs more fruit.
John 13- Jesus washed his disciples feet. Not about literally washing feet. Physical symbolizing something greater. —> John 13:20 bathed (saved). Bathed (lu-oh) can’t be re-bathed. Just need to wash (nipto- wash one part. U only need to wash your feet everyday with water. Get into the Word. Must have at least a daily devo. Grace centred. Jesus centred. Just listen and as u wash u will bear more fruit.
Faith comes from hearing. Not from having heard. I can’t psyche yourself out of fear but can hear your way out of fear (hear edifying word).
Isaiah 40:28-31
Many are studying the word HEALTH in the bible. Appears only a few times. Health = medicine- same word. So not many. Study instead STRENGTH. What is sickness or weakness or growing old? Losing strength.
V30 don’t envy the youths. The youth can faint
Wait on the Lord—> QAVAH (bind together, rope, intertwine, hope) bible hope is not the way we use in English vernacular. Bible hope is CERTAINTY of good happening in your future. Put on your helmet of hope. I may not know what to do but will stop and remember I am not the supplier but the supplieee. The responsibility is on the Lord.
Israel’s national anthem = The Hope (noun for QAVAH)
Rahab’s red rope – Hope!
The LORD renews your youth like the eagle’s. We will mount up with wings like eagles. Stay close and stay in touch with Jesus and u will soar and then u will run and not be weary, walk and not faint.
The world has it upside down. Walk then run but never soar.
We start from the heavenlies. We will soar first. And when we RUN we won’t get tired. Walk and it faint.
Example of this? CALEB!! M
Declare difficulties as food for me because I am connected with the living vine. Tell the devil, go check with Jesus. Devil might say, “If you don’t do it, it will fall.” Let go. When u let go, it won’t fall. God has it.
Joshua 14:10-13
Don’t forget you are NOT of the world. If u hear declarations of illness on radio, turn it off. Meditate on how u are NOT of the World. Don’t be sickness conscious. Health and strength comes from the LORD.
V10- 85yo
V11- as strong this day as the day Moses sent me (40yo). Doesn’t read the health articles and magazines we do… Caleb isn’t lying. V serious to lie in those days. Physical and not spiritual strength. Literal renewal.
Count God faithful. Even when u haven’t faith, He is faithful. See that HE holds on to you. He won’t let you fall. If u hold on to Him, u can let go.
V 13- Caleb casted the Giants out as he said he would
You are different. U are connected to the living vine. U are bearing fruit, more fruit, much fruit so the devil brings the accusation. Brings u to notice this and that- menopause, mental pause, feelings. Know we are sons of Abraham and daughters of Sarah. Do not give yourself over to hysterical fear. Why daughters of Sarah and not Esther? Only one who had youth renewed and menopause reversed.
Thank you. I’m staying connected to that the Vine and resting in Him.
God’s rich blessings upon you all at Grace United blog!
thank you! grace to you