1) Stage 4 nose cancer. Husband went through chemo. Said cancer free. Went travelling. Hubby had throat infection that spread to chest. Inflammation btw area of lungs. Did drainage at hospital. A close family member came and said God disciplining him. He was depressed. She read Unmerited Favour and learned that even in difficult times, God hasn’t abandoned them and can have peace. Shared everything she learned w hubby. Her brother also shared about grace- NCC goer. Husband got better. Chest tubes removed the day after he read the book. A month later, went home for thanksgiving. No longer asks God why.
2) On 9/2- sister attended service first time and healing prayer happened. She felt the healing was for her mum. Mum in Philippines. Mum had low BC count. After CT docs found lump btw heart and lung. Told cyst might be malignant. Sought second opinion. Cyst could be successfully removed and not malignant and mum is now well.
———// sermon starts
God is now opening the door to China, Taiwan, HK.
Gospel began in Jerusalem. Christ died outside the city gates and Paul took the gospel West. Paul tried to go east but doors shut. But gospel has now gone full circle- eg in China, underground Christian movement; Korea has largest churches; then Singapore… Will come back to Jerusalem again so that all will be saved.
Special guest who has been attending our church this year. She wants all to know Jesus Christ is her Lord and Saviour & received baptism… Cecilia Cheung personally requested that we know Jesus is her LORD and Saviour. Brought two friends with her Sharon Tang and Pinky and their bodyguard, Leo. Jason. Ps thanks them for the testimony & for their stand in Christ.
Romans 5:17
Without shedding of blood, no forgiveness of sins… No Remission and cancellation and forgiveness of sins
Why Jesus had to come as a man. He could have appeared as full grown man and step out in power. But he came as a baby born of a virgin.
Medical science knows without any doubt that baby’s blood comes from the Dad, not Mum. Not a single speck of blood transferred from mum to baby. Thus Mary’s sinful blood is not in Him.
Jesus life not taken from Him. He laid it down. He walked right in their midst even when they tried to kill Him. Death has no claim on Him- sinless. Came as conqueror over death. Breathed out His Spirit. Power. Just dying for the unjust. Innocent dying for the guilty. Ultimate sacrifice. No forgiveness of sins without shedding of blood. God has to punish sins hence sent Jesus.
Highest of God’s creation is u and I. Human made in God’s image. Highest creation of God. Clothes in his glory. God never meant for men to die.
Death is total. No one can escape death. If Jesus should tarry and none of us will be alive 100y from now. God counts death as an enemy. Hates death.
Death intro by Adam’s sin. Didn’t stop it because God didn’t make robots. Made men w free choice and can’t influence the choice. Men is free to choose but not to choose consequence.
Adam obeyed Satan and believed him instead of God and gave God up for the forbidden fruit. Result is death. Death came through the loins of Adam. U might say unfair but if your grandfather died when he was three years, u wouldn’t be here. Like it or not, tied up to Adam.
Everything in us rebels against death.
Jesus wept at the funeral of Lazarus. He remembered the Father’s dream for men was for us to live forever healthy, well and prosperous and strong.
“MUCH MORE those who receive’- continuously receiving” abundance of grace and through the gift of righteousness. — how we reign in life
When we reign in life the devil doesn’t, our addictions don’t and we are on top of our circumstances. Not under them.
Devil will attack abundance of grace and gift of righteousness to stop us from reigning in life.
Righteousness is a gift and not a reward.
Singaporeans esp are v bad at receiving gifts. When people give us something, we must decline and go through the notion of heming and hawing. Don’t bring this into your walk with God. A gift is free but doesn’t mean it was without cost. Without cost for recipient but the giver paid. Without shedding of blood, no forgiveness of sins.
All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Ps knows a jogger who seemed fit and one day, there was a clog in his brain and dropped dead. Sin is like that- can’t be seen outwardly but is inside. U go to a morgue and there is a rich man and a poor man- both are dead. U can’t say the guy who is richer or more moral is less dead than the other.
Jesus came to make dead people live! Need to be conscious all the time that you are righteous in God’s eyes.
Power of right believing- to keep on confessing I am the righteousness of Gof in Christ. Learn to confess the providence of God, not the lack or sin.
Receive the gift. U did nothing to receive the gift. Jesus did everything. How can u lose the gift by your works if u didn’t earn it by your works?
Not teaching licentiousness.
God saw darkness and He called out LIGHT BE. Jesus saw the withered hand and called it healed. Always calls forth that which isn’t as it is. So when u see an area of lack or trouble, call out what you want to see.
Confess providence so that HS will match that confession in the Spirit and in manifestation.
Some people think if they pray they are a sinner, it is biblical. If not saved, yes. A sinner. If you are a believer, u approach God as Father. U fail as His child. He is God to the World but He is your Father.
Babies don’t go to prayer school and not taught the steps of powerful prayer. Justin sees Ps as daddy not as pastor prince. When we see God as only God, no power. But when u sin and go to Him as His child, He sees you as His Father. Many a times people don’t feel comfy in church because don’t know how much God loves them so they say a quick prayer and runs off. But He loves you more than anyone else. Always be conscious as u pray to Him, that you are loved by Him.
Let me see your countenance and hear your voice—/ Song of Songs
God wants to see u and then hear your request.
Ps prefers his daughter to come to him and ask him rather than shout it out from a diff room.
Your Father God wants u to come so He can show you how much He loved u before u put your request forth. Then when u pray, and there is power because u know that u have the blessing even before U pray.
Eg if Justin comes to Ps w a soiled diaper, if he cleans himself it won’t be a good job. Only if his parents does it, he will be clean.
How many of us clean ourselves before we go take a bath? We come as we are and then wash in Christ. And once we are given the robe of righteousness, we can’t lose it.
Local brother grew up in a Christian family. Scared God was angry God & confessed everything he did wrong. Decided he would just indulge in sins then confess them later. Became a drinker and decided to give his life to the devil. Failure. Mind went haywire. Overdosed on drugs, limbs started twisting up. Thought he would die. A year later, came to the end of himself. He wanted to return to Jesus but didn’t know how. June 2012, heard Ps sermon on how he is the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Took hold of that truth as His armour. Every time he lit up, he confessed this truth. Within 2w, he lost his addiction and bondage. Today he reigns over them and the work of God in his life continues to amaze everyone. Started preaching good news in Sri Lanka.
How did Jesus become sin at the Cross? He received our sins. How did we become forgiven? We received His righteousness. Divine exchange.
Many have wrong ideas of 1 John 2:1-2
HS knew when He gave this word to John that we would sin. First time we hear “My Little Children” in this book. No mention in Chapt 1
If anyone sins, we HAVE (continuously have- in Greek) an advocate.
Used to think advocate is lawyer. But why would we need a lawyer in the presence of our Father?
Parakletos- also interpreted as the comforter. One called alongside (para) to help u (kletos). Used 5 times and only once as lawyer. Other four times, Jesus applied it as comforter.
Before saved, under law and need lawyer. But now we are children of the Father, in a family scenario, why would we need a lawyer?
Son misbehaves. Father sent him to room. Mum later goes up to hug him and comfort him. Not condoning sin but comforting him. Says to him that the dad loves him and encourages him to come go to find the father together.
We think the devil is accusing us all the time before God like in Job 1. But when Jesus died, He cleansed a place in Heaven. Heaven is holy and perfect. Why does it need cleaning? It was the place of access to God belonging to Adam but he gave it up to Satan who came to accuse us. Jesus went to sprinkle His blood there. Satan no longer has access to the Father to accuse us.
Col 2:9-10
In John, he used a word other gospels don’t use about Jesus miracles – called them signs. Signs point to something.
Science- time, space, force, matter. Founding block of Science
First miracle- turned water to wine. Can water become wine on its own? No. Even if u have a vineyard, it takes years to have good grapes and even more years to have wine and even greater number of years to have good wine. But Jesus turned water to wine in an instance. He is the LORD of time.
First day he flew to Israel for TBN special, Ps shoe buzz. So the security broke his shoe. His luggage didn’t arrive and he had to go shopping etc. Wanted to bath after a long day, water was hot. Not cold or warm. He had already lathered his hair. He was told rooms all occupied. Finally they got him a room. Then got a call that Justin was unwell with a bad cough. Prayed. In the name of Jesus I command this spirit that is trying to stop this shoot and coming against my son, I bind it in Jesus’ name. Usually a cough like this takes more than a week to recover. That night, Justin slept through without coughing. Not all sickness is caused by spirits but in this case it was an attack whilst Ps was in Israel.
A man whose son was ill, found Jesus. Second miracle in John. Asked Jesus to heal his son. Jesus commanded his son healed. The man went home and found out his son was healed at the exact moment Jesus spoke. LORD of space. Distance didn’t matter.
Get up your bed and walk- LORD of Force.
5 loaves and 2 fishes- took the little and multiplied it. LORD of matter.
Ps was a stutterer in Sec Sch. Told Jesus he was sorry that Jesus had a guy like him in His kingdom. Surrendered his voice to Jesus if He could use it anyway.
Col 2:9-10
Even if u got saved this morning, u are COMPLETE it Christ. Religion says u must pray long enough and do ur best so u can be complete. Not the truth. An error. Religion takes the starting post and makes it the finishing post.
U still grow in Christ but u grow from completeness. Like a baby. Baby had everything (limbs, body, eyes, etcetera) but still has to grow and develop.
Once you are complete in Christ, walk out your completion in Him. Pray from victory and not for victory. Rest in victory.
Which is more secure? U holding to Jesus or Jesus holding on to u? Jesus holds on to you. U rest.
Faith is u resting in Jesus faith.
From Honolulu- 1993, lady in an accident. Couldn’t walk. Messed up her lumbar 3&4. Had to go through operations but they did not help… Suffered excruciating pain for 15yr. “Rest in Jesus faith for miracles” – heard it. Ps sermon. She shared it w hubby. Her back snapped and cracked that night. She crawled into bed. The back didn’t hurt. Woke up and the agony was gone! Both her knees and shoulders free of pain as the day progressed and could go up and down two flights of stairs.
If u need faith, rest in Christ’ faith. It is His faith that works. His secret is to learn to rest from the inside.
John 19- IT IS FINISHED – cup of judgment drank completely and drained by Jesus. No more judgment. God satisfied, sin forgiven, devil silenced, men saved.
His Father’s business of loving and saving and healing and blessing and prospering you is finished.
Where He finishes, we start. We start from the finished work.
Christian life starts with that sentence.
Some people are trying to defeat the devil still. Can’t defeat a defeated person. Can only enforce it. Jesus defeated. Our pray is to declare devil is defeated. U can’t try to be righteous. U are righteous already in Christ.
John 20-
Jesus resurrected body is complete and whole. Not ghostly body. Can be felt and touched. That is what we will have one day. Body that transcends time and space. He rose from the dead and showed based on what He had done, peace come unto us. We have peace with God having been justified by Christ. Based on finished work. No longer at war with God.
John 21-
Jesus in His risen form made breakfast for his disciples. With one word, the unfruitful labour of his disciples became fruitful. Asked Peter, “Do u love me?”
When u really ustd his finished work, accept the peace, u can’t help but love him. And once u love him, He invites u to follow Him.
Many pastors go about it in the reverse- begin to follow Jesus, love Him then u can have peace and then it is finished.
Men always think it starts w them. No. It has to start with Him first. It all starts with God. Christian life starts with FINISHED work. God sent Jesus whilst we were still sinners.
The story of Daniel- King Darius loved Daniel who was an interpreter of dreams and a man of wisdom. He wanted to promote Daniel over everyone. Daniel was faithful. Had an excellent spirit. Evoked jealousy of others and the favour he had. The only fault they could find w Daniel was that he prays openly three times a day. They devised a plan and made King sign a law that can’t be altered even by the King- no one could pray to anyone else but King Darius for a period of time. The King was displeased w himself, not Daniel, when the others came to point out Daniel had prayed to God. King laboured whole day to figure out how to help Daniel. Loved the offender but what to do w the offence? Punishment was to throw him in the lion’s den. To love Daniel is to release him. But he couldn’t release Daniel as it would break the law. The accusers came twice. Justice won the day and they took Daniel and threw him into a den of lions. Not little cats. Ferocious lions. King hoped that God Daniel served would deliver him. Had a sleepless night.
Daniel 6:19-24
Daniel was found to be injury free because Daniel believed in His God.
Then the King cast the accusers and their family to the den & they were brutally killed by the hungry lions.
The gospel is hidden in this story.
If the child has cancer, u love the child but hate the cancer as much as u love the child. Similar to the heart of God.
Jesus, like Daniel, went to the lion’s den for us. Sinless but died like the worse sinner on the cross because He stood in our place.
Pretend Darius already threw Daniel into the den already and took him out unscathed. Then the accusers came to ask for Daniel to be punished. Darius can say no because Daniel had already been thrown into place of judgment and came out, can’t be punished twice. King D didn’t compromise and the law was magnified.
Same- Jesus was already punished for us. Justice met. So there is therefore now no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
God didn’t go soft. He is holy. Christ was condemned for our sins and He can’t condemn us today for what Christ was punished for- if not, He will be unjust.
Law of double jeopardy.
God has nothing to judge us anymore. Jesus took our sins from our birth to our present and paid for it on the Cross.
(They once more show the animation of Jesus’ crucifixion…)
Never let that depart from your consciousness. When u forget what he has done on the across, that’s when the devil can accuse us. “I did wrong but my wrong was paid.” Don’t receive the condensation. Jesus never called His Father ‘God’ except on the Cross. God left Jesus at the Cross- as God He turned His back, as Father He wept. So today God will never turn His back on us.
Religion is man trying to reach God. Reality is God came for men and lifting men to where He is. What great love.
Ending prayer –
Protection for this week has been paid of. Stop fearing. Esp those travelling. Fear not. When we ask for protection, God gives us protection.
Deut 28 prayed and declared over us.
Thanks for this sharing this sermon is writting form , as my english not good i always missed out sth when only by listening , now im glad to this so everytime after svc i will refer to this website to understand more by reading it !!
Once again Thanks so nuxh for sharing !!
Im so blessed !!