Jesus’ help is not based on how good u are. He helps u not because of how good u are. Helps u without cost or price. We cannot outsin the mercy of God. Today u are loved by God. Always have and always will. Jesus paid the ultimate price at the cross for your sins.
Ps103- Bless the LORD oh my soul… and forget not all His benefits. Who forgave ALL my iniquities. Who healed ALL my diseases. Every sin and every sickness settled because of the Cross. This is why we praise and we worship Him. We don’t even know all the dangers He has protected us from. God is a good God. He FIRST gave to us. Our role will always to be a receiver. Today we give Him not to receive. He already gave us. We give to worship Him.
Mirrored the glory of the LORD
You arose you arose
Death has been destroyed
In you I live Jesus glorified
Every tongue confess
Knee shall bow
Jesus u are LORD!
As I cleaned the fields of mercy
Of the kinsman who redeemed me
I will run into yours arms
In the world today, many natural disasters and new strains of disease are on the rise, even terror. More than we have ever seen twenty or thirty years ago. But our eyes are on the LORD. He who sits in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of His wings.
In your presence I am content
In your presence I am content
In your presence there is light
Expressions of your life
Revelations of your power and might
In your presence I can bring
My love song offering
I’m in the presence of the King
See His glory x2
See His glory now appear
See His glory x2
See His glory now appear
God of light
Holiness and truth
Power and might
See His glory
See it now appear
Now we declare our God is good
And his mercies endure forever
Now we declare our God is good
And his mercies endure forever
God of light
Holiness and truth
Power and might
See His glory
See it now appear
There’s a sweet sweet spirit in this place
And I know it’s the spirit of the LORD
Don’t you feel like worshipping some more? 🙂
Pastor is preaching at Lakewood next week. The sermons will be broadcast here the week after. The anointing of the HS isn’t time sensitive. So you will receive similarly here.
The LORD never leaves nor forsake us. Wonderful when He manifests His presence to us. Sometimes we want to sense His wonderful presence.
Jesus isn’t about saving you from hell to heaven but also to bring heaven into your hell now. Salvation or Sozo in Greek means save, heal, protect, deliver and preserve. Yeshua means salvation, healing, deliverance, protection and preservation.
The angel probably spoke Hebrew to the shepherds. “This day is born to you, Yeshua!” Not a judge or law giver but a saviour. There will come a time when we will stand before God as judge & believers will stand before the Bema seat of Christ- after they have finished their sports, the winner will sit before the Bema seat where they receive their rewards. In the Greek, it doesn’t say judgment seat but Bema seat.
None will be sent to hell at the Bema seat. It is for believers. To reward us for good stewardship.
For non-believers, God judge base on not just actions but also what goes on in your head. Judge based on what they believe. If they believe in morality, then judged by it.
That’s why we all need a saviour.
Dead is dead. There is no such thing as more or less dead. Sin is sin. No gradient.
Men judge based on outward appearance. God sees the heart. His standards are high and that’s why Jesus needed to come to die.
The most dangerous ones are those who dunno how much they are forgiven. The sinners know they are forgiven much so love Him much. Those who think they are forgiven little, love Him little.
Pastor’s wife showed him her white hair- black at the roots. White at the tip! Resurrection life. 🙂
The Hebrew language – secrets about healing
Finished studying on healing in Hebrew after last two years, suddenly experienced redness and patches like allergic reaction all over himself. Had his blood taken, ECG taken… Thyroid, cholesterol etc all normal. Wendy felt it is because he is gonna share something powerful. Spiritual attack.
Dead spots come alive with resurrection power.
Prov 4:20-22
This is a message to His family of believers – “my son”
Give attention to His Words- health to ALL our flesh.
Medication we take today- u heal one area but then there are side effects elsewhere.
We thank God for medicine and doctors. But natural medicine is not as superior as God’s supernatural healing- no side effects, overdose on His healing.
Is it part of your flesh? His word is health to ALL your flesh.
Health here “Mar-Peh” (sounds like, not the actual spelling) = medicine
God’s Word doesn’t have contraindications with each other. Unlike medicine.
“Incline your ear”- The fact you value God’s Word will bring you to a higher place. Wisdom will always promote u.
Jesus rose on a Sunday. Rested in the tomb on a Saturday.
World’s system –
Work hard then rest to be effective.
God’s system-
Rest in Him so our work is effective
Incline your ear to Him. Don’t incline ear to the haze or to an organ recital (I got pain here and there) but to listen to God’s Word. What you hear will affect what you see and affect your heart.
Watch your ear gate. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Fear comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of man.
Hear the expert of all experts- God knows things long before.
Eg. Don’t eat anything with cloven hoofs. Found out that a zebra when killed the same way u would a cow, the zebra will feel pain and go into shock and toxins go into his brain and into the bloodstream. For cow, it doesn’t release toxins into the bloodstream. So the meat is good to eat.
Pay heed to His words
Prov 4:21
Watch our eye gate. Careful what we see.
We are flooded with images. It affects our heart. Keep His Words in the midst of your heart.
Open ears to His Word
Open eyes to His Word
See yourself under the shadow of His wings, a tree planted by the water. And this will be life to those who find the visuals and health to all our flesh.
Parables are for people who are hungry.
Matthew 13:15-16
If they have ears to hear and eyes to see, I SHOULD heal them. No reason He should not. Obliges Himself to heal us. Affects heart and healing comes.
Hebrew of Proverbs 4
Revelation 1:12-1
7 golden Menorrah – Jews light up the Menorrah every Saturday (7 branches. Hanukkah one is 9 branches)
In the midst of the seven lampstands- One like the Son of Man (Jesus)
3 shafts on either side faces the central shaft – Jesus
Jesus wants to be the centre of the church. The Grace revolution isn’t about any man or woman or movement or church. It is to glorify Jesus.
Picture of Menorrah is picture of the church. Centre is Jesus.
How did God make Eve? Took from ADAM’s ribs for him to love. Not from his head for her to Lord over him. Not from his heel for him to step on her.
Menorah beaten and made by hammering one solid slab of gold. The church came out of the beating of our LORD Jesus Christ. He was wounded for our iniquities, the chastisement for our sins fell upon Him. Nothing added to the Menorrah or attached to it.
Whatever vocation u are in ask to be filled with His wisdom that goes beyond what we our degrees and education can show us.
Whatever anointing and favor God has given us is to bring light to Jesus and not to a pastor or to a person. It is for Jesus.
There is a church amongst the seven churches that was told that if it refuses to glorify Jesus, He will remove the candlestick. The people are still saved but the testimony is gone.
Always Jesus is the centre and glory is for Him.
Luke 5:25
“However the report went around concerning Him all the more, and great multitudes came together TO HEAR AND TO BE HEALED by Him of their infirmities”
Hear and be healed. What we hear is important.
Luke 6:17
“… who came to HEAR HIM AND BE HEALED of their diseases”
Hear to be in the position to receive
If u read the bible or a Christ centered book, u can hear Him. If u read and feel more joyful and shalom filled, hear and healed.
Prov 4:20-22
In the LORD, believers have both supernatural and natural. If God leads, go ahead. World only has the natural.
Hebrew reads right to left like Chinese.
The name of God, we say Jehovah or Yahweh
It is made of four Hebrew letters- Yod Hei Vav Hei
God has two Hei in his name.
Jewish language is a pictogram. Every alphabet is a picture and a number.
Hei- 5- Grace (open window)
The fifth time Noah was mentioned in the bible, “Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD”
Ruth- fifth time it was mentioned, she talked about grace
David- fifth time his name was mentioned, David found favor in his sight
Sarai and Abram- God came to them close to hundred years old. Changed their name. God breathed Hei into their names. Sarah (dominating became princess)- the very next year this 90yo woman was pregnant, Abraham (father of many)- the next year, became fruitful and had Issac.
That’s grace.
Aleph- Ox pictogram
Ox is a sacrificial animal. Largest burnt offering is Ox.
Bet- House pictogram
Bethlahem – house of bread
Bethesda- house of grace
Bethshemesh- house of the Sun
Gimmel- Camel pictogram
Spoke about David Yao who has extreme gastritis and he would see David downing milk for relief. Pastor used to live with him before he was married. One day, David was reading the Word and saw something that impacted him and he received. And he was healed. He wasn’t even reading on healing. But the Word dispenses healing regardless.
Dalet- Door pictogram
Hei- Open Window pictogram
Window is for u to see. Revelation of Grace. Grace came with Jesus Christ.
Prov 4:20
(The sentence in full Hebrew is flashed on screen. U can see this in website)
Principal of counting in Hebrew letters
How many letters in Prov 4:20? 25 letters in Hebrew. The middle letter is BET.
Ya/ Jah- name of God in short. (Yud Hei)
Hallelujah- Praise God.
BET comes from the Hebrew word ATTEND
Where do we get His Word from? His house.
Right side of Bet is Yud
Left side of Bet is Hei
The house of God.
What do u find in the house of God?
Bread and enough to spare
Abundance of supply, of healing, of joy
Attend church
Revelation of health and healing happens in the House of God.
Some say don’t need church. That is spiritual pride. Forgotten Jesus the centre shaft and the other branches to fellowship with.
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” But what is the verse before that? “How shall they hear without a preacher?”
On The left side is HEI- what makes a church a church and not a synagogue? Grace. It is a house of Grace.
So Bet is flanked by Yud and Hei
Ananias came to Saul who later became Paul
Ana-Yah –> God’s grace (like Hannah, Johannan)
The first thing Saul saw when he became Paul? God’s grace. It is because of God’s grace that we see.
Prov 4:21
A prefix- letter at the beginning of a word. A suffix- letter at the end of a word.
In the Hebrew, there is a letter that makes it yours.
Hased- Grace
David says praise the LORD for His Hased is new every morning
Hased came with Jesus Christ
The Messianic Jews will tell u it is Hased.
English says love, mercy but it is more than that, it is grace and grace is the person of Jesus.
Kaf- placed at the end of the word Hased – makes it yours Hasdek
Prov 4:21 also has 25 Hebrew letters
The middle alphabet is Kaf.
Whatever that Word is, it is YOURS.
Kaf- from Your Eyes
What your hear preached affects YOUR sight. Doesn’t matter what others see. What matters is what you see. Not about what others say about u. What matters is what you say about yourself. In other words, must be your revelation.
The righteousness of God is now YOUR revelation.
To get healing for your body, it is important what YOU SEE
See yourself well and don’t let periodicals u read to programme your future by Worldly facts that they print that puts fear in you.
Caleb- have the spirit of Caleb. Let that become your revelation.
Worldly facts- u have this but also might have that. Knowledge of good and evil.
Be careful how the news and media affects your sight. If it is fearful, will affect your heart.
It is not what pastor preached but what do u see for yourself? OWN YOUR SIGHT.
Prov 4:22
7 words- picture of a Menorrah
This verse is the clincher. Life to those who find them
And healing to all their flesh- found here!
27 Hebrew letters.
God said His Word is life to those who FIND them
Middle word is FIND.
Middle word has 7 letters. Perfection. 7 is the number of perfection. Menorrah within a Menorrah
7 colors in the rainbow
7 cycles in the body
Every 7y your body renews/restores itself. Whatever cells u have now are from 7y ago. Every 7y, should have a fresh revelation.
God rested on the 7th day- completeness and perfect
And the middle letter is Aleph.
Picture of Ox (sacrifice)
If u want to receive healing and walk in health make sure what u hear and read is centered on Jesus Christ the person and the work. No other personality.
Christians get disappointed when we look horizontally. But we won’t be disappointed when we look vertically upwards to Him.
Jesus Christ the person and Him crucified- aleph and sacrifice
27 letters from start to end. Middle letter of the verse is HEI
This is the central theme of the church.
In our marriage, we shouldn’t feel we have to be the one encouraging what other. We are not meant to be drawing from each other. There is a middle party who is the super glue who holds our marriage together.
An atom is held together by what force, the scientists can’t tell u. Bible says in HIM, all things are held together
When He is in the midst of our marriage, He holds your marriage together. When Jesus is in the midst of your health, He holds your health together.
Coli- illness
Raphe- relaxed
Raphah- healed (HEI!)
Grace is at the centre of a ministry that brings life and health.
Why is it 27 letters?
Jews don’t believe in the 27 books of the NT. The NT is what brings out the life and health. OT is 39 books. NT is Jesus revealed. OT is Jesus concealed.
ABBA (father’s house)
Right of Aleph (Father) is Yud Hei (Jesus, Yah)
Left of Aleph is Mem (water, The Holy Spirit)
Triune God is involved in giving you life and health to ALL your flesh.
Don’t look to tarot and fortune tellers but to Jesus.
If anything u don’t feel like doing that u must do, do it as unto the LORD. Make Him the centre in everything.
Praise the Lord! Thank you very much! God bless!
Awesome Geri! !!! What I needed……everything including the worship songs lyrics. …God bless you I all that you put your hands onto!! Thank you!!☺
Thank you for the notes, it is so refreshing to read over and over again. Awesome. Would love the last prayer from Pastor Prince blessing everyone before the service ended. ?
Thanks very much for recording and posting such.. V highly valued (saves me doing; p) (you do a much better job than me! :D)