Lord doesn’t always use repent. Can change their minds without using the word repent. Something is happening.
Disciples- fearful in upper room.
Thomas – said unless he sees the wounds, he will not believe. One week in unbelief.
Two groups- fearful and unbelieving.
Jesus appeared amidst them and showed Thomas his wounds. Didn’t ask Thomas to confess his sins. Tom didn’t go to him. He went to Tom. Did Tom ask to be forgiven? No. Called Jesus Lord and God. And Tom became not unbelieving.
We are under grace and not law.
God returns us to the days of our youth. Flesh will be fresher than a child. —> promise in Job. God’s promise to Job. “I have found a ransom. I have an atonement… Flesh will be fresher than your youth…”
Receive it. Teaching today is to do with health and being returned to the days of our youth.
Turn to Hebrews 10:2-4
Some think if they finish preaching and ppl have sense of sin, they will become holy. Pastor begs to differ.
V2- once and for all purified. If there was a blood sacrifice that really worked, the worshippers would have no more sin consciousness. All the bloods of bulls and goats are like credit cards. So there is worry about sin debt. Jesus blood is the real payment. No more worries. No more sin debt. No more consciousness of sin. Honoring the blood of Jesus
V3- reminder of sins every year is opposite to once and for all payment of sins. Remembering the sin is still in need of payment= dishonours Jesus finished work. Saying His blood could not sufficiently pay for your debt.
If the debt is paid for and u still worry about the debt, u dishonour the person who freed u of it to the creditor. Be SON conscious and not sin conscious.
Ministry – focus on sins paid for based on the righteous foundation purchased by Christ’s finished work.
Right believing produces right living.
There is no more cleansing to make you re-forgiven or re-righteous. There is a cleansing from sickness.
John 13:1-12
Jesus last words. Sermon of the mount is for the kingdom that he will come to establish. But the sermon for us was on a diff mount- the sermon in he upper room establishing the new commandment, the LORD’s supper, talks about HS. All church truths.
V1- loved them to the end means loved them to the uttermost
V2- supper is going on in the Greek. Some translations wrongly say supper ended
V3- prophetic in the act of Jesus washing feet of disciples. Not against foot washing symbolical act however this is not what he is talking about. Not physical washing only. Did Peter ustd the physical act? Yes but Jesus said they will ustd later- so it is symbolical
Rise from supper- risen from dead. Gird towel, wash feet- what’s happening in Heaven: Jesus glorious yet girded in a golden girdle – glorified and still a servant.
Matthew- Son of David. Son of Abraham. Why David mentioned first? Genealogy of the King. Genealogy of the Jewish King.
Sermon of the mount- sermon of the King.
Jesus uses His Words and power to cleanse and bless.
Mark- first chapter skipped genealogy- don’t ask servant for his pedigree. Straightaway and immediately used – tireless servant. Christ as the servant. Lord in Heaven still working at the end.
Luke- birth of Jesus. Trace all the way to Adam. Christ the Man.
John- no birth. No parents mentioned. The Word of God became flesh and dwelled amongst us. Didn’t focus on Jesus ascension to heaven. Still giving his great commission.
A lot of people think of Jesus demanding- give me worship, give me money. Not supply minded. Don’t think of what He has done to keep supplying us.
After washing, Jesus went down on his knees and dried their feet.
Lampion- linen cloth. Pic of righteousness. Linen worn by High Priests.
Dry their feet with righteousness consciousness. After washing feet, use the linen to dry their feet – linen He was girded with.
Last time walk outside in sandals. Feet dusty. So lowest of servant will come over and wash feet.
The LORD himself did so for him.
Isaiah’s 11:5— righteousness girdles Him at His loins.
So after pastors preach, make sure congregation leave with righteousness consciousness.
Peter pic of flesh here. V6, 8 and 9
Our flesh is like this- either too forward or too backward. Too courageous or too cowardly. Lord I will follow u unto your death. Too courageous. Denies Jesus before cock crows three times. Too cowardly.
Don’t be comfortable with your flesh. You think u can restrain but will find yourself fallen into temptation.
Jn13:6 – u don’t understand now (so not talking about physical washing coz if it was, it is easy to ustd)
Jn 13:8 – No ‘part with me’ and not ‘no part in me’. Saved already. In Him already but be washed coz want to flow with Him.
Jn13:10- bathed already (washed in the blood, salvation). U can’t be rebathed but u still need to wash your feet
Eg go beach w kids. He will bring a bottle of water to wash feet. So in the past, they will go public bath to bathe. Then walk about and dirty their feet. Will go home and wash feet. Not take bath all over again.
We are saved once and for all BUT we still can contract defilement. Be affected by wrong believing or things in the media or by what the world says which produces unbelief. So we get defiled but doesn’t change the fact we are forgiven and still righteous (bathed) but we need to be washed by the water (like washing of feet).
V10- we are COMPLETELY cleaned.
Everyday, as you listen to a sermon or read the word, you’re feet is being washed. Feel refreshed. Feel washed by the Word of God. And not only that feet has been dried with the righteousness of Jesus.
Need to only wash our feet.
There is a sacrifice in the OT for feet washing. In the book of Leviticus… All the offerings that typify the offerings of Jesus are detailed in the nuances of the OT.
BUT there is an offering not in Leviticus, but in Numbers when ppl were walking in the desert…
Why not in Leviticus? This talks about daily life and not priestly sacrifice.
Heifer- female cow. Most sacrifices are male – bull, goat, sheep. Heifer is female sacrifice.
Male- active application
Female- passive application
Jesus washed the feet (active) but Peter didn’t wash own feet (passive).
Even if u don’t actively read the Word of God, Jesus will find a way to speak to u. Eg. Ps was poor last time. Didn’t have money for school fees. But saw birds feeding and felt HS remind him of how the LORD will feed him more so if He feeds the birds.
Numbers 19:1-3
The only thing stopping Jews from building the temple? Waiting for an entirely red heifer to be born. Can’t even have white hair or blemish.
But Jesus is unblemished inside and out. No defects. No spot.
V3- Jesus suffered outside the Jewish Camp. Golgotha was outside the camp. Eleazer- why him? Every detail is significant. His name means helper. Type of HS. Eleazer didn’t slaughter the heifer. The heifer was sacrificed for him. They did not kill Jesus. Jesus offered His life as a sacrifice.
Sprinkled blood 7 times. Perfect atonement.
Num 19:26-18 – everyday in our daily life we touch death. The world is dead. Jesus came to make dead ppl live not to make bad ppl good.
Joy within. Like a ball- can’t push it into water. Ball will keep rebounding up. Death outside. Joy within.
Ps read a book on psychology. Thought it was not bad then put it back. Had a headache that whole day. Lord impressed on him that he had touched death and allowed it to affect him. Reminded to wash in the water of the Word.
When we touch death in the world- feel cold and frigid. Need to get into the water of the Word.
Running water. Ashes. – Num 19:17
Ashes burned until can’t burn anymore. No more judgment. No more condemnation. Death is finished.
All the judgment Jesus took is no more.
Running water is living water. Hyssop. Clean person sprinkled the living water on things affected or in touch with death—> cleaned… Cleaned in your feet.
When feeling affected – not to take in a reminder of 1Jn 1:9. Instead, reminder of what Jesus is and what He has done for u. How complete His Work is.
Martin Luther- every day I must preach myself the gospel of grace because every day I forget.
Even the penalty of your sins, Jesus took. The penalty is disease. And Jesus took the fire of your penalty and it has become ashes.
Every Sundsy is vital. You are all dusty.
God told Satan- dust u will eat all the days of your life. Dust- devil’s food
Even pigs also know evil spirits don’t like water. Pigs ran towards the water.
Uncleaned spirit come out to find dry places.
God raises pastors and evangelists. We need the body of Christ. The ministry of the preacher opens up the Word for us.
One of the times pastor was with the LORD, He shared with him. First miracle that happened in the bible is water into wine but the very first reported one is that of the Leper being cleansed.
There is an entire chapter on cleansing of Leper that Jews can’t used. When Jesus cleansed the leper, told him to go offer the two living birds – no one has ever done it before. One killed with water. Scarlet, hyssop and cedar. The one alive (resurrected Christ) is dipped in the blood of the dead bird (Jesus at the Cross) and sprinkle Leper seven times (perfect atonement) and bird is released (Jesus ascension).
Lev 14:7-8
Tahir (cleansed) if it has a ‘cull’, cleansing of physical disease. ‘Pi-el’= pronounced ceremonially clean
V7 is Pi-el
V8 is cull – comes by washing of the Word
Jesus pronounced people ceremonially cleaned and physically cleansed.
Jesus did it all- Took their feet, undid their sandals, washed their feet, dried their feet.
When u don’t listen to the Word, Jesus will find a way to bring the Word to u
Ashes and living water must be applied. When we listen to today’s sermon, we have ashes and living water applied. Not every sermon out there has ashes and living water.
Your part is to stand there and get it applied.
In the upper room, Jesus said this
John 13:12-15
V13- Peter kept calling Jesus LORD a lot. When we address Jesus, it is good to call Him LORD. One of the twelve didn’t call him LORD- One called him rabbi. Nothing wrong with calling Jesus Jesus. But some preachers forget to call Him LORD.
U never know the timing of a message (bible verse) you send to someone- they needed to hear it. Sprinkle the ashes. Kid doesn’t want to come to church or read bible, u can wash his feet with the Word. Take it to them.
2 Cor 7:1
Spirit is righteous and glorious in Christ but defilement attached to it. Still righteous.
Having these promises—> the Word of God. New Testament ministry.
Gold medallion in mud. Dirty. But still gold. Dirty but the value hasn’t changed. Just wash it with water and the defilement is washed away & it will shine with its true value. That is the true ministry of the New Testament ministry.
God bless you, and thank you very much for today’s sermon notes!
Thank you, so blessed by this!
Missed church yest, and CG leader was saying Ps sermon was so gd, so I was watching your space for sermon notes 🙂