Jesus in his resurrected form expounded to his disciples to edify them. 7miles otw there. 7miles later. Season of encouragement.
Gen 18:1-33
There’s always rest under the tree v4
How do I know Abraham knew it was the LORD?
“Adonai” used. Divine title.
Later on Abraham’s Wife will call him Adon (Lord) but Adonai is reserved for the LORD.
V7- Abraham ran. 99yo and running all the time
Faith- act on the strength and it will flow. Show God your faith and God will show you your strength.
(Reminder- At least walk twice in a given week.)
Three measures- Matthew 13. 3 measures of fine meal. Apostate church of the end times. Same three measures of meal- Father, Son, Holy Spirit in the communion bread.
Frankincense- every thought and word from Jesus is fragrant. What the Father appreciates.
Bread – life of Jesus
The sacrificial animal- Here we have work of Christ.
Always talk about His Son and His Son’s Work.
When we gather to talk about the LORD, God feeds and He feeds us. There is an offeror and an offeree.
If they serve meat in a restaurant in Israel, they can’t serve you dairy. You cannot cook the kid in the mother’s milk. So can’t mix meat and milk.
V8- “Abraham took butter and milk and the calf” … They ate dairy and meat!
Shoov- restoration. I will certainly restore to you according to the time of life v10
V11- old doesn’t mean decrepit. Just means your age is wel advanced. Remain strong and not be weary. Walk and not faint.
V12- laughed within herself (ahm chio) Sarah is 10 years younger than Abraham.
Sarah didn’t say shall I have another baby when I am old? She said shall I have pleasure? Sometimes we want kids and we spend time with wanting kids and they become our idol & it tears ourselves apart when we don’t conceive. Many testimonies about couples who focused on the LORD and not on having kids that resulted in them receiving the promise. Sarah’s focus here is on pleasure. It is when you have pleasure with your LORD that a miracle is birthed. Sometimes it is so easy in married life to get dutiful. Our first priority in marriage is to enjoy each other. Don’t just live through your kids. Romance each other. She will always be your woman and you will always be her man. There is a word for bride and groom but no word for Husband and Wife. In the bible, they are man and woman. Don’t wait for another man to give her attention before u see your Wife as a woman. See your Husband as a man. If there is a lady talking to your Husband, you’d better sashay your way down to your man. He is a man. Sometimes we start out enjoying each other and then the kids come and we take our spouses for granted. Don’t let that happen.
V12- Sarah’s respect for her Husband. Calls my LORD in her inner thoughts.
Sarah was wanted by heathen kings in her 60s and in her 90s. She knew the secret to being beautiful.
In the NT, they zero-ed in on her 1 Peter 3:4-6
Beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit= precious in the sight of God. Submissive and obedient to Husband- Sarah. Not afraid with any terror.
Trust in God and adorned themselves— adorn means make themselves beautiful by trusting God and obeying their husbands. Differences in roles doesn’t mean inequality. We have equality but different roles that God has designed us to do.
Family- head of the household is the man.
Conflict btw leaders happened – made Ps feel very down and felt like it was his fault. Went under Attack. He wasn’t even involved because it was btw the leaders and it was his son’s birthday and he said this for the first time, “Abba is a very very very very very good man!” and kissed him. It is our church and pastor doesn’t dissociate himself with the church. Similarly, our husbands are in a difficult position. The responsibility of the family is upon him.
Adam exercised his leadership by not exerting his authority. When the salesman was talking to his Wife and he had a way of winding his words around her tree, he didn’t take responsibility and stop her. And then humanity fell.
The man is a head but it doesn’t mean the Wife can’t speak up. Sarah spoke up and asked Abraham to send Hagar away. She had good cause and God agreed with her.
What sayeth of scripture? Cast out the bond woman. No place for law. So her word was recognised by the Lord.
Doesn’t mean women can’t have a say but the Husband has final say. Make up decisions decisively.
Sarah honoured her LORD with her heart and God heard it. He heard her laughter too even though she laughed within herself.
Is anything too hard for the LORD?
1 Pe 3:4-6 – Quiet and sweet spirit. Not fearful. Trust in God and not afraid of Husband terrorising them.
Obedience to Husband is still beneath obedience to God. So if Husband ask you to do something wrong, you can refuse to out of obedience to God.
Divine homeliness when the LORD comes to commune with us. Even sharing a joke. 🙂 v15
V19- this in no way touches the righteousness by faith. This refers to if the promise is inline with the promise made to Abraham about having numerous sons.
Known him- past tenses. I have loved him. I have chosen him so that he may command his children- future tense. God doesn’t choose us because our family is in order. He has chosen us so that we can command.
If Wife can see the importance of the LORD in the relationship, she will submit to her Husband.
Abraham also had only one child at this point with Haggar but here it says CHILDREN= plural.
So God chose him so he can put his family in order. Not the other way around
Parents of a rebellious teen-
Sometimes the traditional things written about married life can cause condemnation.
Give him all the time to watch TV For hours, you have a silent teacher guiding him.
You can’t expect a two or three year old to behave like a 7,8 years old.
God knows us first long before we know Him so we will bring divine Govt into our homes.
Our focus should be meditating on the word and focusing on Christ THEN we will have divine help and inspiration to bring about order and governance in our home.
Prodigal Son. Lk15
Two sons. The dad is a pic of God the Father. The two sons= gentle and jew.
He was a good Father but what was the Success rate? One ran away from home.
Even the good Father had a rebellious Son. The other boy how good is he? Jealous and petty. Complained about the fatted calf despite having access to the calf too if he wants.
When the rebellious child returns? Grace has been able to fill the empty spaces of his heart.
Wait for your teen to go to the pig pen for a while. Some pig pen is good.
God is a faith God. He sees our home in divine order. He sees our kids like olive plant. Our Wife is fruitful. He sees light.
God wondered if he should hide from Abraham but came to him to discuss Sodom Gomorrha regardless. Didn’t want to hide the issues from him.
Despite Sodom Gomorrha being around neighborhood, God can still come and have fellowship with u and bring miracles to your lives. God’s heart.
Your heart is where His light dwells. Light that isn’t like natural light.
The temple – Outdoor there is light. Indoor there is no light but for the menorah’s.
Carbon dating for it to be accurate, the earth must remain the same in every condition but we know the earth changed. The flood.
There is a change coming. The world will not get better. God is not out changing the earth and the earth will auto go into millennium. Jesus is returning. We don’t know when or how the rapture happens.
In the day, Lot left S&G the fire and brimstone came. —-> tribulation happens after our rapture
Next week Ps will tackle Lot and S&G and the rapture etc.
God doesn’t need your perfect obedience to bring about blessings. Just need your consent and AMEN.
Thank you LORD that even when we have a laughter of unbelief, you can still bring about the miracle.
We pray that the returning rebellious child will have a greater revelation of the LORD’s love and the love of their parent’s.
Your Word declares You love me.
Yes and Amen Father, Thank You for the beautiful promises you’ve given us through the Cross. Thank you for posting your notes. Have a blessed week.
Thank you!