God wants your life to be filled with hope and to be grateful for every day no matter what happens because everything will work out for our good. Circumstances might not always be good, but God is always good. Negative reports and disappointments- He will turn it around for our good.
“All things work together for those who love God and are called for His purpose.”- refers to believers.
What do we do when bad things happen to us? How do we respond?
Many of us, when something bad happens to u, will be to panic. We are good at panicking. When bad things happen to u, in the moment of the emo roller coaster, some might ask where is God in this and why is this happening to me? We figure and reason and think somehow God is not for us anymore or with us and we opened the door for the enemy to come in.
No matter if a situation is good or bad, God is STILL and ALWAYS for u.
God justifies the ungodly. We think God will justify those who are good and holy… But the bible says God justifies the ungodly people like you and me. Not because of our good works but because we believe in Jesus Christ. He sees us as someone who has never sinned through Jesus.
If there is a sin detector in Heaven, we think the detector scans us, it will beep and explode. But when God scans us, there isn’t any reading.
What is the secret of lasting marriage? A man said he sent his wife to a cruise to nowhere on their tenth anniversary and on their 50th anniversary, he brought her back. XD
2Kings 18:3-5
If God saves us through a method, we don’t worship the method. We worship HIM.
2Chron 31:20
Hezekiah did what was good, right and true before God. Sought God first and so he prospered.
After these deeds of faithfulness, we expect to read he prospered even further. But we see the Assyrian King and forces encamped against him.
Unfair, many would cry out. Where is God? What about His promises?
When the devil attacks you, he comes against you but the battle is not lost yet. Doesn’t mean there will be a defeat. We sometimes think the devil attacks u coz u are doing wrong. But it might be coz u are doing something right and the devil wants to derail you from the destiny God has for u.
When the attacks come, fear not. Attacks are here but battles aren’t lost yet.
But why are there trials and tribulations in our lives?
John 16:33- as long as we live in this world, we will have tribulations but be of good cheer, Jesus has overcome the world.
The LORD is for us and with us. We can face mountains and declare we have victory. Victory is a gift God has given us. We don’t have to panic or run away. Run to Him. God is not the source of your problem but the source of your protection.
The enemy will come but don’t be afraid. Look to the LORD.
PARABLE OF SOWER Matt 13:20-21 – stoney ground: immediately the plant springs up upon seed falling on it – receives message with joy. But no root. Endures only for a while.
When persecution or tribulation occurs BECAUSE of the Word… – sometimes when u receive the Word of healing, u fall sick. So how? Endure and persevere despite the contradictions u see coming against the Word.
Guy prayed for healing but didn’t receive it and was angry. Ps L asked when did he pray about healing. Just that Sunday. Believed for the moment and was angry when healing not instant.
Keep on believing. Persevere. Cast not away your confidence.
We do have an enemy who comes against us- thief who comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. But in spite of the troubles, we have a God who is FOR us. Battle not lost.
King Hzkh is a godly king but imminent annihilation was at his door. What did he do?
2 Chron 32:17 — enemy came against King H and mocked God.
Sometimes people will mock and revile our God. What do we do in the face of enemy attacks?
2 Kings 19:14-16
1) King H went up to the house of the LORD. (Come to God. Don’t run away from church. When you come and are in His house, something good will happen to you. Your answer is here- where hope is given)
2) Took the evil letter and laid it before the LORD (surrender your problems to the LORD. U don’t have the power to fight so cast all your cares upon Him for He cares for u. Don’t let it frustrate u.)
3) King H prayed to JESUS (the one who dwells btw the cherubim- refers to compassionate God. He is talking to the LORD of the mercy seat of the ark of covenant- Ten Commandments , Aaron’s rod <man's rejection of God's leadership), golden pot of manna… Priest offers blood of bulls and goats once a year for forgiveness but Jesus came, died on the Cross and His sacrifice which is one and for all time has perfectly forgiven us. We are not making light of sin here but much of Jesus finished work.)
2 Kings 19:16- God who listens to and answers our prayers.
2 Kings 19:35- the entire army was there to annihilate Judah. Angel of the LORD killed 185000. Without a single soldier drawing his sword or lifting his spear against the enemy- in just one night, 185000 of the enemies were slain. All dead when morning came. U will see His great deliverance – better than the enemy never coming against us. The LORD is for us. You will look at the enemies and not fear because of His mercy and grace and love, you will enjoy a great victory.
Our trust today is in the LORD, our God.
God is for you. When we look to Him, He will be our great deliverer.
Many of us, we fail in certain ways and we think our sins causes Him to no longer be for us.
Recall account of Samson- set apart from young to be a champion, one against a thousand with the jaw bone of the donkey, supernatural strength who could do supernatural deeds. Compromised and lived life of sexual immorality. Because of his desire for Delilah, he lost everything including his strength. The philistines forced his eyes out, chained to a mill and imprisoned. Mocked by his enemies. He lost everything coz he compromised. But our God is a God of second chance and redemption.
The world might see u as a loser and failure and no longer worthy, but a bruised reed (worthless and common) He will not throw away and a smoking flax (linen cloth used in an oil lamp but once it gets to the end and starts smoking, people will just replace if and throw away) He will not quench. U think u are useless and worthless because of the sins and compromises in your life and think u deserve shame and guilt for all time- but HE doesn’t think that way.
Samson was blinded and imprisoned but grace shown in the verse- his hair started growing again. His strength came back. Everyone gave up on him but not God. Worthless to all, but not God. Samson asked a little boy to bring him to the two pillars and he prayed for supernatural strength to kill his enemy and die along with them. Destroyed more enemies at his death than in his life.
Pic of Jesus- at His death, He destroyed all the enemies.
Make much of Jesus Christ and His finished work! There is hope for u so don’t give up. God is not over or done with u.
God uses people like Samson, Jacob, Moses, Saul (who became Paul)… U don’t see anything in yourself but the LORD knows ur potential and great worth.
Even in the consequences u face for ur mistakes, God is for u still.
Do u see an angry God or a loving God?
Isaiah 63:1- Watchman scanning horizon for enemies at the wall. Spots a man.
Man is coming from Edom- enemy of Israel, Bozra- capital city of Edom.
Cloths dyed red.
Who is this man?
Our Messiah! But why is God coming from Bozra (stronghold of the enemy)? Is He coming against me? No. Because He has put an end to the strongholds of our life. Destruction of our enemies was at the across by His blood.
Before He went to the Cross, He knew the pain and suffer lying ahead of Him yet He chose to go to the Cross. Willing to suffer the stripes so that with every stripe, we will receive healing. He laid down His life. He had you in His mind.
6th- 9th hour – darkness. Not solar eclipse. Solar eclipse max is 7min long. But 3h supernatural darkness was coz God turned His back to Jesus so today He won’t turn away from us.
Don’t look at your circumstances. Look to Jesus and what He has done for u already.