Wrong doing has to be punished. Imagine if sin isn’t punished in the courts of law? Judgment must exist for order to exist. Or a football game, if it hasn’t boundaries and rules, it will not be a football game anymore.
Sin is like a cancer. Eats u up on the inside. The sin is in the sinner. God loves the sinner but hates the sin. How much do you hate cancer in your loved one? To the degree u love the person, u hate the cancer. God loves u so He hates sin.
The cross is the answer and lays the foundation for men’s salvation. Being saved begins when u confess not what u have done but what He has done, trusting not in the D-O and the D-O-N-E
Acts 1- Paul spoke about things Jesus began and is still teaching, still doing in our lives right now.
There are still things God is doing in our lives. Even as u sit here, even after service, God is still doing for u now.
1 Thess 5:8
Armor also mentioned in Eph6
War against principalities and powers.
Helmet first protects your thought life. Hope of salvation.
Once u are saved, u can live life with hope (Elpis- confident expectation of good).
In the world, hope is may or may not be.
Bible hope is diff. Always confident. Confident expectation of good.
Faith is a confident expectation NOW. By His stripes we are healED. The healing God is doing now is based on the ‘healed’ from 2000y ago.
Feelings come and go. Don’t be defined by your feelings.
U are on a bus. U see something nice. Moves off. U see something ugly. Moves off. That’s like feelings. Comes and goes. Feeling angry doesn’t mean must punch someone in the face.
Learn which feeling u don’t want to indulge in. Negative feelings will come. Repression will cause it to stay longer.
Feelings follow our thoughts. When two people talk about u and u don’t know, it won’t hurt u. But what u know hurts u.
Devil comes to u and applies the personal pronoun. “I am ugly. I am unloved. I am this and that.” And if u accept that thought, it affects u.
Protect your head from receiving depressive bad thoughts by putting helmet on your head.
When we accept Christ, we have justification by faith and peace with God. Past tense. Aeorist tense.
The moment u accept Christ, u receive right standing with Him.
Romans 3:23-24
Some people only memorize the sin part v23 but the next half of the verse v24 should be memorized too.
Active- what u are doing
Passive- it is being done to u
Participle- ‘ing’
Present active indicative
Present passive participle= even right now God is imputing righteousness to u.
The moment u receive Jesus, JUSTIFIED FREELY by His Grace. JUSTIFIED- just as if I never sinned
If someone is doing something good to u, u say thank U. Thanksgiving is releasing faith that God is doing something good for u.
Sometimes in English, we can have the word justified and it is past tense but u see Greek is a very exact language.
I love the apple and u throw the apple away. U turn to spouse and say I love u. – English
I Eros the apple (physical love). And to spouse, I agape you (highest kind of love). – Greek.
People sin without license. They don’t need license to sin.
Right believing will produce true holiness, right lifestyle.
Abundance of grace= ability to reign in life—> Rom5:17
Reign over our habits. Not have habits reign over us.
V17- receive ( present active participle) keep believing you are always seen righteous in His eyes. God is constantly and continually imputing righteousness to u. Your part is to constantly believe. That’s where the constant fight is.
Many testimonies from people with addiction to porn issues who overcame the addiction by believing they are the righteousness of God in Christ
God will move the insurmountable mountain for u when u believe because u have favour with God. Ur prayers are powerful. Ask. Ur prayers are powerful. Have not because ask not.
Not just say God should know what I want. Ask him.
God who can do no wrong, make no mistake esteemed me righteous.
What else u need to know God is doing for u right now. — Phil 2:12-23
Cesar Milan, in most of his episodes, he will say u are creating a negative energy and the dog is reflecting it.
Calmness that the dog responds to. — Cesar
Owner- excitable. Not calm. > dog becomes aggressive.
He will tell the owner they have to change themselves first for the dog to change
Parents, we demand obedience sometimes but we got to make sure we are calm so our kids know they are entrusted to God and are is His responsibility. Kids don’t want to be fawned after. Be cool and they will obey
Years ago, after Ps preached in a church, another pastor came up to challenge him. Asked about work out for your salvation. Pastor pointed out to the latter he misquoted bible. God works in the salvation and we work it out. He works it in and we work it out. How? With fear (respect, awe) and trembling. Not slavish fearfulness and trepidation. Awesome sense of being overwhelmed by His goodness. Always about something good that He is doing. Woman with chronic bleeding touched Him. Feared and trembled knowing what is done in her. Healing done in her. Fear and trembled because of His goodness.
God works in u the willingness to do something and the performance or doing part as well.
If u use the gift He first gave u, He rewards u for using the gift He first gave u.
V13 – present active participle- work. God is always working in u. Never a time He isn’t working in u.
Parents- u can pray that God works the desire to be tidy and clean and to bath at least once a day.
Prayer is a co-worker with God. God is doing it but He wants us to cooperate with Him.
New covenant life is not about praying for a spouse and then God tells u to sacrifice yourself and marry someone u don’t love as a sacrifice. God working in u the attraction for the person. God in His perfect time will get the right person to love u.
Prophecy today is confirmational and not declaration.
If God calls u, He will work in u the gift.
There are times u don’t have the gift yet, then God drops it in.
Learn to walk and follow His rhema word. U will be surprised.
Some have the willingness but not the performance. He will work in u the performance of His good pleasure.
If spouse or kid has no desire, pray for them to have the desire.
It is very hard to direct a parked car. HS can’t guide u if u don’t take a step of faith. Start moving and the HS will bear witness with your spirit. Bear witness to an action already executed.
If u want to be attached, go to a place where the people are attachable.
God leads more by red light than green light.
God is working already. Not about praying for something to start.
2 Cor 9:6-8
Gets misintepreted as if u do this then God will do that. Sowing bountifully comes from the spirit
V8- “God is able to” still in the realm of potential. NKJV. The “is” is in italics. Added in. Not there actually.
AMP version – every favour and earthly blessing
Able to (present active indicative) – God is powering all grace towards u, all favour and all earthly blessing.
2 Cor 8:9
– don’t let people tell u this is spiritual. The context here and in chapt 9- materially. Abundantly supplied with leftovers to give.
When u realized He has provided, u become generous.
Joseph came from rich family. Was sold and became a slave. He had nothing but He had favour powering towards him- every favour and earthly blessing. Fast forward a few chapters- richly robed.
Grace comes to u long before the blessing manifests. Happens constsntly. That’s why we can be cheerful givers.
U cannot stop birds (negative thoughts) from flying over your heads. BUT u can stop them from building a nest.
Testimony from Mississippi USA, Henry
Wondered why prayers he prayed for others were answered but not those for himself. Realized he always judged himself whether he is worthy to receive. We are the ones who get in the way of receiving. Grace to receive salvation and answers to our prayers. Our Father delivered him from a 20y smoking addiction. All his past efforts of wearing patches only worked temporarily. Had a bad lung issue, never asked for healing but received it. Looked 22y older than his actual age. The Father worked a tremendous miracle in one week. Cleared all the scar tissues. Lungs look like he has never smoked. Doctors were shocked. Now he is an ordained evangelist.
Not about feelings. Phooey on your feelings. Go by the Word of God. U might not feel like grace abounds to u but it is. This is your RESPONSE-ABILITY
Galatians 3:5 AMP
God is constantly supplying the HS. U cannot “leak” away the HS in u.
Constantly supplying and working in us and amongst us. Constant supply of favour. God is supplying constantly to u and through u to all those around. Know that and u can lay hands to declare healing over loved ones.
There is a hell to shun and a heaven to gain. Don’t be misled.
Thanks Geri, your notes are succinct!
Grace comes to u long before the blessing manifests. Happens constsntly. hallelujah Praise You Lord Jesus! Thank you so much for posting.. Confirmation! Its DONE!
Yes and amen!! =D
The (present active indicative) God …thank You, Lord Jesus. It’s all because of You that we are surrounded with the Unmerited Favor of God and we can and do expect Good to happen because Good is happening (to God’s children) ALL the time!
Thank you, Sis, for the notes! God bless you always!
Amen! =)