Ps Prince @ Lakewood- Sermon Notes
Peter Wilson (worship leader)
Prayer changes our focus. Acknowledging that there is a God and He is able to do what we cannot do. Prayer changes our perspectives. Our problems are earthly and thus temporary. Prayer takes our eyes off the temporary on to the eternal things.
Maybe life was going normally and then something negative happened that u didn’t expect & threw your world into a storm. the disciples were in awe of the storm and frustrated with Jesus – the only one who could do something for them. They were fearful for their lives but he was sleeping. He was in the same situation with them but he wasn’t stirred. Jesus is still on the throne and not shaken by your situation today. “Master don’t u care for our lives?” The one who created life spoke one word to the storm and there was calm and perfect peace. In that moment, the disciples’ perspective changed. Instead of being in awe of the storm, they were in awe of the one who can do the miraculous and who can open doors u cannot.
“Take this life delivered
A vessel of your love
Wholly now devoted to see your kingdom come
thank you Jesus
You set me free
Christ my saviour
You rescued me “ – worship song
“You’ve given me life, you’ve opened my eyes. I love you LORD. You’ve entered my heart, You’ve set me apart. I love you LORD.” – worship song
There is something about the presence of the LORD. The first time Bethel was mentioned – first mention of the oil, the tithe, angels going up and down. Where the visions of a wonderful future is. Do not neglected the service. Thomas missed out one service and became an unbelieving believer
The LORD has ordained Sundays. The days He appeared to the disciples after His death were Sundays. He has been a high priest for 2000 years
Aaron was the first high priest. How come Aaron and not Moses? Where was Moses when the people of God were ensalved and building breaks and without help & suffering under the whiplash of the task masters? Moses was in a palace and Aaron was suffering with the people. To be a high priest, had to suffer alongside the people. Jesus was tested in all points like we were but yet was without sin. He wept and rested and came to sit where we sit. Feels how we feel. he doesn’t look from afar. Feels how we feel. Standing of Israel is wrapped up in the HP. Prophet represents God to people. HP represents people to God.
Explains Yom Kippur and how if the HP dies, the country meets with terrible situations. HP comes out alive, can look forward to hope. Hope comes from HP coming out. Our HP arose from the grave. Jesus did not arise the grave because he is the son of God. Payment was done at the cross but resurrection is the divine receipt so u are no longer in your sins.
12 stones on HP breast plate = 12 tribes of Israel
Jesus wears us on His heart of love today to the Father
His shoulders also has 6 gems on each shoulder. Today we can rest because He carries all the weight of our burdens. The shepherd that carried the lamb upon his shoulders.
John is the disciple that Jesus loves. Said that in his gospel.
He loves all of us but John knew and believed it.
Rest in your HP’s strong love for u.
He is holding u. Not u cling onto Him. when u rest GOD works. when u work God rests. Let go and let Him take over.
Let go. He will catch u.
God is looking to HP and not to u. Your right standing is wrapped in Him.
U are a priest forever under the order of Melchizedek. – Hebrews 5:10-13
Melchizedek- King of righteousness
Who specializes in saving u? JESUS. Rest in Him.
Lot was a lot of trouble. Abraham should not have brought Lot with him. Abraham went after four kings and slaughtered them all. At the King’s valley, a man met him. Melchizedek. Pre-incarnate appearance of Christ. Type of Christ.
Gen 14:18-20
King of Salem aka king of shalom. He is the king of your health and wholeness. The Shumamite woman said SHALOM when asked if all is well.
Abraham met Melchizedek with bread. Mixed and proofed and kneaded and beaten and baked. Like Jesus. Also met him with wine. Grape that has been stepped on and crushed. Trampled by sinful men. Imagining God sending his Son and we put His Son on the cross- not worthy of heaven and earth so suspended him btw the heaven and earth.
Communion. Judge our body whole by the broken body. By the shed blood, judge ourselves righteous. Don’t partake unworthily. Not don’t partake because u are unworthy.
Some teach wrongly so people don’t dare to partake communion because they think they can’t take communion as they are unworthy. Communion is the means u can prolong your life and not be weak or sick or die prematurely.
Some years ago when to Israel with his pastors as an advance party. This Feb 22 will go to Israel with TBN and preaching on site. Spoke about our church goer who suffered from DVT and collapsed after reaching Israel. Doctors couldn’t find the clot and were concerned. They went to the hospital to find her. Before going there, got some communion elements. When the devil sees u holding bread and wine, it is greater than nuclear weapons. The lady was bloated and in a coma. Terrible sight in ICU. Partook communion and trusted God. A few days later, the situation turned around. Came out of coma. The following day she got better and joined the next coach that arrived, finished her tour. Today she is a mother of two. Strong and healthy.
Even a crumb that falls from the master’s table can drive the devil out.
Every single day after a church goer went for operation and the family took communion, he got better and better.
Take it twice a day if u have to. Will grow younger and younger. Bible says do it AS OFTEN.
Melchizedek is only spoken about here in OT yet this was mentioned many times in NT.
Abraham gave him a tithe of all.
Tithe= maaser
Mem + Aser (rich)
Health and wealth is not in the gospel. No such thing as prosperity gospel. The gospel is the gospel of grace and peace but it produces health and innovation and prosperity.
Romans 11:16
First fruit set apart, rest is set apart
Don’t tithe if u have no revelation. Tithing is a revelation. If ur first tenth is set apart, the rest is holy. What is holy, the devil cannot touch. Tithing is not a formula but a revelation.
A lady in our church was an orphan but received revelation on tithing and when u sit with her she will tell u of the importance of tithing. (the boss of Hyflux)
At Bethel, gave a tenth. Came back years later w an entourage. Was made wealthy
Hebrews 7:8-10
Tithe to show him how great He is.
Here we tithe but THERE he receives- still receives. When we tithe here, He receives it there.
Joseph used all the power he had to forgive his brothers. Then told them to get their father.
Gen 45:26-28
Sometimes people doing believe because U tell them
But when Jacob saw what Joseph asked them to bring back, his spirit was revived. His name went from Jacob to Israel.
When Jacob wrestled with the LORD, said his name is Jacob but God called him Israel. Not a cheat but a prince. What you call yourself matters!
When u take communion it is for ur body. When u tithe it is a testimony that Jesus is alive in your life!
Levi’s priesthood is inferior to Melchizedek priesthood. Abraham tithes to Melchizedek and Levi was in Abraham’s loins when Melchizedek met him.
Even when u tithe, u are blessing generations not yet born. Levi was in him and Levi became a priest of the law. How can law be greater than grace? The lesser tithes to the greater.
Your tithe blesses your kids and your kids’ kids.
That is why many Jewish people don’t know this. They have a disproportionate ability to create wealth. They are like Joseph’s brother who found wealth in their bags and don’t know where it came from. It came from their heavenly Joseph who will one day reveal himself to them.
If the Jews today can have a trickle down blessing, u and I we are the seed of Abraham- the fullness of it. We should be prospering in every way.
When we see Jesus as the HP, we partake of the LORD’s supper with reality and revelation. Take it like medicine if need be, three times a day.
But not everyone has that instant faith, sometimes we take communion believing everyday believing we are getting better. Still faith but getting better incrementally.
A tenth represents all. When Abraham sent a servant to find a bride for his son, took ten of his master’s camel (gen 24:10) and it represents all the master’s wealth.
Give of a tenth of your brain to the LORD and all will be unlocked.
Don’t tithe still righteous and won’t go to hell. God will still love u. Tithe is for our benefit, protection & only should be done with understanding.
Thank you very much for the notes.
God bless you all precious people.
Every time I watch a sermon, any Of Pastors sermon I make notes. It just blesses me to go back to what I heard and meditate.
I have notes on older sermons which I can share if you would like?
I have download the app. Thank you once again.
BTW I am from India and have visited NCC@ STAR in 2014/15.
We were tremendously blessed.
Love and Grace,
Thank you for the notes!
Can’t wait to receive the ministry of your Pastor live here in Brooklyn, NY, my hometown!
God is Good! Praise the Lord!