we are a reflection of Him so ppl know God is a good God when they see us. Every kindness we show counts. NCC is a church of blessing. We are involved in mission work all the time. We were involved in a medical mission trip recently- Cambodia. Provided meds for 2305 villagers and more than 200 saved again. Now is the time for church to shine brightly for Jesus.
Video- Cambodia trip.
Selling tissue Aunty. Dare youths (a CG) blessed her w dinner and found out more about her, offered to go over to her place and clean her home. That night they led her to Christ, prayed over her illness. Next day, Youth Day went to continue helping her. These are the teens (Sec Sch age). They dunno pastor knows. Pastor thanks them.
Once u are saved and justified by faith, nothing produces more good works. Youths evangelising without trying to evangelise. Helped practically.
Prayer for MH17 passengers and family members.
Bible prophecy- there is a big place given to Russia in end times. Ezek38—> Mi-shek & Tu-bel (phonetic, not the exact spelling) Mishek is Moscow and Tubel is another place in Russia. They will come to invade Israel- according to the bible. The wheels of prophecy is already moving. Russia already invading and taking more territories- a prob today is Russia’s thirst. Even before Jesus, the bible already prophesied this situation w Russia.
Ezekiel 38— not sure if it will happen before or after Rapture BUT what’s confirmed is that Russia will be destroyed, but God loves the Russians and is calling them out to save them.
God is bringing people out of nations for His name. God is not out saving nations but individuals. We are entering evil times. But church gets brighter and receives more revelation as the world gets darker.
God says darkness will cover the earth.
Ps mentioned Isaiah 16 in January and evil happenings this year. Made us all pray Ps91. Wanted to share Ps91 all over again. God preserved our church and people during SARS when we focused on Ps91.
Last Sunday, Ps91 in Solid Rock Mag and the card was given again. Unknown to Ps, he was gonna preach it this Sunday and Ushers giving out Ps91 again.
Ps91:1- 911 speaks volumes of the generation we are. 911 is also the helpline in the States. Bible is practical and advanced. Foreknows.
All the people of the world will see the dead bodies of the prophets in the streets of Jerusalem. — in the bible. Not possible last time but it is today.
Ps blv people who boast above the Word have made their reasoning and logic their deities.
New pastors- Ps Vegard (youth pastor) and Ps Edwin 😀 (my former leader in Funeral ministry)
Security is in the middle of God’s will.
Not all pastors are pastors. Doesn’t mean someone teaches the bible, he is a pastor. Leadership is confirmed with growth and results.
Don’t say Ps Prince yours is quantity and ours is quality. If there is quality, there will be quantity.
If not your calling to be a pastor, move out to find your calling.
Don’t start a church to have financial security. Take it from a pastor who doesn’t draw a salary.
Find your place in the ministry but don’t use the people.
God doesn’t want us to be troubled or fearful.
Jewish rabbi- if one would quote Ps91 seven times, one would have faith.
The Hebrew letter that resembles a crown or Zayim (means sword)– appears most in Ps91. Sword to cut the powers of darkness away from your life.
As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Jesus prayed to GOD – not that He takes us out from the world but that He protects us from the evil in the world.
(Church prays Ps91 together)
V3- fowler = bird trap. The devil comes to traps u with thoughts that there is nothing wrong to watch horror movie or play oujia board etc.
Pastor’s kids are NOT afraid to sleep in the dark. Not exposed to horror movies or use words like ‘be careful it is dark’. Our kids learn from what we speak to them and over them.
A boy murdered his 3yo brother when he used a wrestling move on him in Dallas. As parents we are responsible for what they read/ watch.
Kids are not fully developed until they are teens. Your kids need u to first and foremost be a parent, more than a friend.
V5- missiles= (arrows that fly by day). We also live in a world of ‘terror’.
V6- pestilence (diseases) Genetic or not, we are protected. Amen.
All the things that can cause fear are mentioned in Ps91.
Darkness- noonday = 24/7 protection.
God is running His kingdom but not this world. If He was running this world there would be no sickness, diseases or death.
Fire burns whether u are sincerely good or bad. Sin destroys.
Men fell and committed high treason. Men has fallen.
Prayer is a transaction of covenant. God wants to intervene in affairs of the world but can’t do so without our praying. God is sovereign over those who want him to be sovereign.
V2 – how Ps91 works= speak.
God is our bunker n fortress.
Declaration of faith.
Miracle of Danke:
Nazis coming in to wipe all of the men. Ships and boats came from all directions. And all of them escape before Nazis arrive. They had yelled out Ps91.
London- bombing in the past. One house stood unlike the rest, the old lady came out and prayed Ps91. Rested since God is in charge.
God works the night shifts.
V1- Most High (Elyon), Almighty (Shaddai)
V16- long life, salvation
V5&6- promises us angelic escorts
Progressive revelation:
Something fresh pastor learned in Ps91.
Dwell- rest. Sit down. Make ur home.
Position important w God. Mm
Deut28 promises
And the LORD will set u on HIGH (position) then blessings.
When God raised Jesus up from the dead, far above and set Him at His right hand- we are seated right beside Him and the devil is far below u.
First mention of El Elyon = Gen 14 (meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek.
Gen 14:16- King of Salem (king of wholeness= Jesus.
Gen 14:18- El Elyon first mentioned here.
Daniel 4:30-32—> Nebuchadnezzar = worldly pride.
Most high gives kingdom to whoever he chooses. Even heathen king appointed by God.
Learn to be humble before God. Put yourself down before God. Put yourself up and u fall, the higher u are the greater the fall. Wait for God to raise u up. Before that happens, stay flat down so u won’t fall.
If God gives weight to my mouth, why should I lend my critic my weight. So why worry?
When we address our critics, we give them credibility.
Gen 14:18,20
Possessor of heaven and earth— if it is yours, God will give to u. Don’t have to go to a bookie.
The more Humble u are, the more u will receive.
King (Jesus)— went down to servant good and then gave His life in Cross
For every step down U take, God lifts u upp
No earthly leader reigns
Multiplied five loaves and two fishes. Lord over waters, sea and storm.
Takes humility to receive Jesus.
Gen 14:18-20 first mention of El Elyon
Communion (health) and tithing (wealth) mentioned first time. This is before law was established.
Prosperity has been overemphasised on Christian TV. No wonder people misunderstand.
The greatest prosperity is to know Jesus. Don’t have to hard sell. If we know Jesus, we will be led to tithe.
Gen 17:1
ALMIGHTY GOD – first mention.
Not just mighty. God is ALMIGHTY- all supplying, all providing
Same sequence of mention as in Ps91.
Gen 15:5-6
– quoted in Romans and Galatians as basis of Gospel of Grace. (Justified by faith without works)
Count the stars–> the constellation (not astrology ah… Astronomy) aka stories of the stars
Adam had a brain that wasn’t fallen.
Virgo- start… Ends with Leo
Matthew opens up w virgin and baby. NT ends w Lion of Judah.
That was what Abraham saw: the gospel story in the stars
If u can find what are the two chapt sandwiched in btw the first mention of the two names of God.
Promise of God is for the believer. Non-believers ask where is God when they things go wrong after they use His name in vain & don’t believe in Him.
Sarai and Hagar mentioned in Gen 16—> Don’t put grace back under law. Paul talks about this.
The moment law exalts itself, law is made to submit to grace.
Abraham casted law out, law was trying to steal away the inheritance.
Abraham married to Sarai, not Hagar. Abraham and Sarah= faith and grace. Law and faith not put together.
God waited until Abraham was 99yp— until he had no more power or ability to have a baby on his own. When u cannot, God can. He was able to father children until he was over a 100yo.
That’s the secret place of the most high- lead a life of rest. Where u trust the LORD.
Gen1- Lord -Yahweh not mentioned here. What is mentioned is Creator God – Elohim.
1 God, 3 persons… father son HS
Gen 2- moment men came on the scene, LORD GOD (Yahweh Elohim). LORD= covenant.
When David faced Goliath, he told Goliath, the battle is not mine but Yahweh’s…. Goliath will be delivered into David’s hand so the world will know Elohim exists.
In Noah—> Elohim shut the door of ark. Yahweh brought them in.
Seek Yahweh and Elohim prospers u.
Trust in Him.
YHWH- Yud hei vav hei. YESHUA Hanazari Veimalek Hayahudim. Jesus the King of the Jews—> what the Romans put over his head. The Romans didn’t know it would spell YHWH.
LORD Jesus u are our refuge and fortress— AMEN. I need the LORD TODAY- invite His protection. He can’t force it on us.
Ps spoke to his Israeli friend ytdy, the iron dome intercepted 300 missiles and 1600 were shot. It is a modern day miracle only 2 people died. One missile went into a Jew’s house but didn’t explode. One went into a Bedouin’s home and it exploded. Even though Israel has not accepted Christ as Messiah, God still watching over them. How much more so will He watch over u?
Suicide bomber went into Jakarta restaurant and detonated bomb. People died. Our church member was there and came out alive. She had just taken food and walked around a pillar when the bomb exploded. She saw body parts fly.
Crazy world and Satan is out there. Declare protection and receive it from the LORD.
Thank you so much for this posting….
Hallelujah, Thank you Lord for Your Blood covering us Jesus, let our lives declare Your Greater Glory.