Seed doesn’t have S. It is singular. Rept Christ. Every word of scripture is inspired. Not the ones added to the bible in brackets.
Hebrew and Greek are inspired. The translations… Certain expressions in italics… Sometimes it is hindered. All scripture in original language are HS inspired.
What a homely and comfortable picture shown last week – the saviour at home with Abraham. Others had to enquire who he was but Abraham instantly knew who the visitor was. 100yo man running. Your body will know it’s maker and redeemer.
As long as Peter’s eye was on Jesus, he could do the supernatural. The moment his eyes were off, he became natural.
The greatest superhero – Jesus Christ. He did everything for us and today, we, his bride wait his arrival.
The Jewish today don’t mix dairy products like milk, cheese with their meat. That’s their rabbinical law. Here we see Abraham giving meat and yoghurt, butter and cheese. There was a death- young calf had to die for reconciliation. Blood had to be shed.
There are already a lot of teachings where His judgment and His anger is an emphasis.
What is God? God is love. Who God is? God. And because He is God, He has to judge. If He doesn’t judge, sin will be rampant. Imagine you have a six year old daughter repeatedly raped and the perpetrators release her a week later, dead. Imagine the judge says he understand their broken family background and acquits them, how would u feel about that? The part of man made in His image rebels against such injustice. But God’s nature isn’t to judge.
To do justice, to love mercy, to walk humbly with God… Advice to leaders of God’s people and to all judges, magistrates, police force… It’s not easy work and there are some bad hats but they are doing God’s work to execute justice on evil. Try one day without the police and see if u can walk down the street. But u shouldn’t love judgment. Do justice but love mercy (Hesed, grace). We do justice to our kids but love mercy as parents disciplining our kids. How fast we are to go to them when they are sorry.
Some sentimental parents love mercy and show mercy. Our kids need us to parent them. To be their father and mother. Don’t rob them of that discipline. They aren’t orphans.
God eats and celebrates with Abraham and Sarah & gives them the wonderful news about their coming child.
12 disciples walked with Jesus, followed Him… but few communed with Him and knew Him intimately. The centurion didn’t walk with Jesus but was intimate with His thoughts with regards to Jesus and it pleased Him. Zacchaeus and the woman with issue of blood were intimate with Him thought wise. May we all have eyes to see and a heart to hear. Let’s not just read the words of scriptures but know the HS in the passage.
Sarah was laughing when she was told she would have a son at 90.
Angel can turn into a form of a man.
In Perth, hard to drive at night. No street lamps. Road is pitch dark. Ps Darren happened to have to go back late and prayed for guidance. As Ps Darren drove there, a truck came through with bright lights that shone the way home for him. Sometimes we entertain angels unaware. Some have encountered something pulling them back at the road just before a car or bike passes by.
Gen 18:20-33
The two angels went to Soddom and Gom.
When Abraham and Lot chose where to put down roots, Lot went by sight. Chose by sight. When enemies plundered the land, Abraham rescued him. But Lot later went back to the city of destruction. No record also of his tithing.
Lot was called righteous. He was a defeated righteous man. Abraham was righteous and he was victorious- during judgment was on the mountain looking down.
Jesus will return and establish His kingdom after tribulation has taken place
Adam and Eve- first dispensation of conscience— Dispensation of conscience— Noah—- human govt— idolatry— the promise – the seed and the land— rapture– tribulation— second coming
Israel despite rejecting the Messiah, still has residual blessing to bless the nations. Men boast in his efforts and forget the LORD.
Men fails but blames God. God gives them law, they say is too hard. God gives grace, they complain it is a compromise. Law too severe. Grace too indulgent.
Ends with Laodicea- blind and naked. The giving is true but materialism isn’t and we have to be careful not to be materialistic.
Jesus will come back at the end of great tribulation and save Israel. He will establish His rule from Jerusalem. The scoffers will come asking where is the end times. Ignorant of one thing.
2 Pe 3:9
Rapture is not second coming. It’s for his church. 1 Thess talks about how the LORD will hapazo us.
The LORD is not slack. Long suffering coz He isn’t willing for any to perish. Will there be people who perish? Yes. He isn’t willing but they would not… God gave free choice. Delay is coz He is waiting for more to be saved.
What did God do to a terrorist in the bible? Knocked him off his high horse and turned him into an apostle than was on fire for Jesus- Paul.
Methuselah – His death will bring judgment.
When Methuselah started to rule, Enoch walked with God. Methuselah ended up living 969 years. Lived longer than Adam. Why? Heart of God. Long suffering.
Every marriage needs to be looooong suffering. Don’t suffer a while then whack with mouth. Long suffering.
Enoch in heaven. Never died.
But there will be those who go through the tribulation (like Noah) and saved when Jesus comes.
We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed.
The church is at Home with God. Worshipping singing. At Home with His Son.
God treats Abraham more than a disciple. Treats him as a friend.
John 15:15 – He has called us friends. Not servants.
What is a friend to Jesus? Someone He will reveal things to.
Matthew 24- they asked Jesus three questions and He gave them the longest response. Ps will cover this next time
Rapture is a mystery. Second coming is not. Rapture hidden. Behold I show u a mystery, we shall not all sleep but we shall ALL be changed. No partial rapture. We shall all be raptured.
Second coming and millennial rule- perfect rule. Every dispensation tests men and ended with men’s rebellion. The millennial rule wants to show men here that men in and off themselves they cannot. Faith shall become sight. Shall see Jesus visibly. After this will be new heaven and new earth.
Even non-Christians say the devil made them do it. The devil is doing bad things and trying to prevent the promise seed from coming. The messiah is the crusher of the serpent’s head. During the one thousand year rule of Jesus, Satan will be bound. No longer able to cause mayhem and illness and disasters.
All our genes have fallen in Adam. Many people ask why this person is unhealthy like others, where is God? But they forget that we are fallen in Adam.
That’s why we thank God for communion.
During the thousand year rule, Satan is bound. No more poverty. Whole earth will be back to garden of Eden conditions. No lack. Longevity is the rule. No more wars.
God will have a rule that asks what’s your excuse not to believe now?
There are some grace Teachers today who give grace a bad name. Says everybody is saved. No. Every one has to BELIEVE to be saved. The provision is for all but you must believe. Then there are those who say everything is spiritual and the end times is AD70. But time is literal. They say figuratively that we are in the thousand year rule but then why is there illness, wars? Then there are those who preach there is no hell and even the devil can be saved. Hell is REAL. The things that are temporal vs the things that are eternal. Redemption is eternal and not temporal.
Gen 18:23- God wants us to be bold and to intercede. If God wanted to destroy S&G, why not just destroy it? Why find someone to pray for them?
God doesn’t have full reign on earth until Jesus comes. He wants men to be interceded.
Remember Jonah. Told to go preach to Nineveh where Assyrians were. The Assyrian empire was so wicked. Jonah went down to Joppa, down into the boat, down into the sea, down into the whale’s mouth which got him to Nineveh where he was puked out & preached the shortest sermon- 40 days you die. 8 words in English, 5 words in Hebrew. The whole city was saved by this shortest sermon. He was displeased coz he personally wanted them to be destroyed. Jonah 4:1-5
Didn’t want to preach not coz he hated Assyrians but because he knew God’s nature- slow to anger.
Gen 18:25
Whom was he calling righteous? Lot.
2 Peter 2:6-8
Righteous and never lost that status in His eyes. But defeated. Loved worldly life.
V32 “I will not destroy it for the sake of 10.”
Why did he stop at 10? Should have gone for 1.
The Angels actually said in next chapter- sons in law (at least 2), 2 daughters married, 2 unmarried daughters and at least 2 sons, his Wife and him. 10.
That’s why Abraham said 10. Hoped for whole family to be saved.
Gen 19:1- 38
Lot was at gate of sodom. Meant successful. Bowed face vs Abraham’s prostrating on the ground. Respected but not as much. The LORD didn’t go personally. Only the Angels went. The LORD is not at home with him there. The Angels also said no to staying in his home. Lot had to insist strongly. No shedding of blood. Gave only bread. Butler in Joseph’s account- squeezing of grape, just wine. Baker’s account- Bread alone and no wine- bad. Bread mentioned first and alone in the scriptures- bad.
Lot didn’t value the blood. Barely saved.
Compare to Abraham who brought both bread and wine. The communion in full!
We want to be strong believers communing with the LORD and in Hebron as His friends.
Jesus said the fire isn’t quenched and the worms do not die. Go sentimentalise that? Hell is REAL.
Exo 12:8-9
Lamb must be roasted- judged
Not raw lamb = not sacrificed
Nor Boiled – heated but not gone under judgment
We need to know Jesus was punished in our stead. Our sins were punished and judged in Him. His righteousness demands God accepts us now because of His finished work.
God can’t forget things but the cross, outside time (New and Living way- new and freshly slain way), causes God to judicially not remember our sins any more righteously. You have to always bring in the Cross.
Bread- sinless life of Jesus
But the shedding of blood (the wine) represents the finished word. No shedding of blood= no forgiveness. To believe in the bread not enough. Also must believe in the wine.
V8- how far he has fallen that he will give over his two daughters. Righteous man but he compromised. Even if u hear the gospel of grace, there are still those who sin knowingly and then say they aren’t condemned. This kind of behaviour is used by the devil against the gospel of grace & trips others up.
V14- his sons in law thought he was joking. U succumb to worldly behaviour, when u want to tell people about the coming tribulation, u have lost credibility with them and they will take u as a joke
V16- lingered. Face palm. Told to hurry and still lingered. But the LORD being merciful to him, grabbed him by the hand and the hands of his family and brought him out and set him outside the city
V17- THE MOUNTAIN- refers to where Abraham was. Go back to where Abraham was.
V19- he didn’t believe. (First occurrence of word Hesed. Used by a non-tither, a defeated righteous man)
V20- believed only a little
V21- defeated and can still pray & saved that city he wanted to go to.
Gen 13:14- Lot (veil). There is still a veil. Preaching of the law. The law – when we try to keep it, we are defeated. Guided by law can’t be guided by the spirit.
V22- Hurry and escape there. I CANNOT do anything until you’ve arrived there
The LORD can’t bring tribulation until we are raptured
That area of the Dead Sea in V24- there is still sulphur that can be burned
Lot’s Wife- professing Christian. Not a confessing Christian
V28- what we will see from up there and looking down
V29- God remembered Abraham and sent Lot out. Thank God for those who prayed for us and we can pray for our defeated brothers and sisters, and God remembers us and will send them out.
V30- afraid to dwell in Zoar. Mountains here not the mountain of Abraham
V34-35 where did these girls learn to drink until they can intoxicate a man? Be careful what your kids watch. God has made u a king and priest in your house. U don’t have to raise your voice. Speak normally and calmly and trust God to give u weightiness. Speak up. Restrict them if need to. Don’t lose control and shout and yell. Lose power. Trust God. He is on your side. The moment u scream and shout, u lose control. Your voice carries weight and glory. Tell them God’s love for them and even if they go, trust the Word has penetrated them. Tell them hey if u do this, this will happen. U might want to do this instead.
Gen 19:37
Lot’s kids:
Moab- thorn to Israel. Ruth came from there.
Amon- big problem to David.
Lot’s life account ended here.
Jesus’ shortest sermon- remember Lot’s Wife.
Hebrews 9:28 NLT and AMP
The world will get darker but for the believer, it will get brighter.
We have influence with God. He will delay for u to pray. And God delayed so that Abraham can pray.
There is a teaching out there- the church will get powerful and invade politics etc — that is not in the Scripture. God’s way is to save one soul at a time. Not out to change nations but to change people. Not out to make Christian nations but to save souls and people will influence society with integrity, honesty.
Many thanks for today’s notes; greatly appreciated as travelling in Europe. Be blessed. SHALOM.
Thanks for posting your notes.
God bless you to continue to be a blessing. This bless me so much to read every week.
Thanks for posting your notes.
God bless you to continue to be a blessing. This blesses me so much to read every week.
Amen!! Thank you for posting your notes. The Lord multiply His Grace & Peace on you & your family.
Wow! Wow! Wow!
Thank you so very much for the notes!
Amazing revelations from the scriptures to solidify us in our righteous standing!
Praise the Lord!!
Thanks so much for posting your notes. It completes my missing points and keeps me update when I missed the service for a reason.
Many thanks, God bless you and bless us all!