God turned His back on His Son so today He can turn and smile at you.
Is God for us? We no longer have to ask that question because Christ’s going to the Cross is a declaration across all time that GOD IS FOR U and if so, what can stand against u? Nothing. Not broken r/s, not poverty, not depression, not illness… Hallelujah!!
– Ps Joe Purcell
? Because He lives I can face tomorrow
Because He lives all fear is gone
Because I know I know
He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives
Holy Comm
– Ps Lian
Prayer for the victims and loved ones of Paris, for France
One minute of silence.
Lord Jesus we come before u. We come boldly before u as a church Lord. Jesus our eyes are upon u for u are our God. Lord at this time we ask that u would comfort the people of France for only u can bring true comfort. At a time where there is no peace where there is terror and fear, we ask lots that your presence will be so strong and so real for those hurting and grieving in France. That you the Prince of peace will speak shalom into their situation. Cause them to experience a peace that surpasses understanding to have a peace that the world can’t give which only U can give. Cause them to experience the real peace of having peace with God and that this peace will cause Satan to be crushed under the feet of those in France We bring all those who are healed that your healing will flow from the crown of their head to the soles of their feet. We ask for angelic visitations of help and that your spirit will bring resurrection life will flow in them and we declare that they will live and not die and be filled w resurrection power. We ask that your church in Francr will be the light now in the darkness and that it will be the hands and feet to embrace the people of France. We declare that all terror schemes will fall to the ground and fail and not succeed. What the devil has stolen, we ask that You bring restoration to all in France as only U can. Amen.
We shall not lack shalom peace or provision when we have the communion. We shall fear no evil. For His rod and staff comfort us through the valley. We are coming to the table to partake. The table of the feast before our enemies. The blood, when it is on our doorpost, the destroyer must pass us by.
When the LORD anoints our heads with oil, our life will overflow with His goodness. Amen.
Shame is a painful sensation. In your day and age you have social media, when someone makes a mistake it might not be for the world to see but just like this in this day and age, the shame is multiplied many times over compared to during the time of Jesus. It goes all over the world. Before they put the scarlet robe for Jesus, there was a Long scourging. They kept hitting his head and mocking Him. Whose shame did he take? Our shame. If u feel shameful of your past or the world is trying to bring u to shame – Isaiah 51:7 says “for your shame, u will have double Honour for Jesus has come.”
– Ps Prince (DVD on No More Shame)
Lyrics for special item song:
I see shattered u see whole
I see broken u see beautiful
And you’re helping me to believe
You’re restoring me piece by piece
There’s nothing too dirty
That you can’t make worthy
You wash me in mercy
I am clean
There’s nothing too dirty
That you can’t make worthy
You wash me in mercy
I am clean
What was dead now lives again
My heart’s beating x2 inside my chest
I’m coming alive with joy and destiny
Cause you’re restoring me piece by piece
There’s nothing too dirty
That you can’t make worthy
You wash me in mercy
I am clean
There’s nothing too dirty
That you can’t make worthy
You wash me in mercy
I am clean
Washed in the blood of your sacrifice
Your blood flowed red it made me white
My dirty rags are purified I am clean
Washed in the blood of your sacrifice
Your blood flowed red it made me white
My dirty rags are purified I am clean
I am clean
I am clean
You make me
You wash me clean
You make me
You wash me clean
You make me clean
Pastor Lian (sermon intro)
What a beautiful and powerful song because what Jesus did on the cross is both beautiful and powerful.
All because we have a saviour and His work for us is so beautiful and powerful.
Playback of Lakewood service
7/11, 7pm service
Give breakthroughs and set your people free as Your Word goes forth. Amen.
Hope and grace and the love of God— Lakewood and NCC are of the same tribe ?
Jessica just turned 16. Having her O’levels so she isn’t here. The church sings Jessica a birthday song. Said he never realised such a tiny girl will command all the love of his heart. Asked God to enlarge his heart so he can contain the love he has for his Daughter. (Awwwww…)
One of the beautiful things about NT teaching is u do not have to wait to apply to experience the miracles. Expect the miracles to happen to sozo u as the word goes forth. There is power in hearing that Word of Christos (not Theos). Hearing about Jesus brings about miracles. If u want miracles to happen in your lives and your loved ones’, open your mouth and talk about Jesus. Great thing happens when u talk about Jesus. U don’t need a diploma in theology. Talk about Jesus and share your testimony.
As the Word goes forth, God sozos. This is His delivery system. Make sure the preaching u hear is about Him
Once saved, eternally saved. Can’t be unsaved.
People sin because they are sinners. Don’t become sinners cause they sin. Conversely by His obedience, we are made righteous. We can’t undo our sinnership by doing right. No matter what good we do, it can’t change the fact we are sinners. Need to be born again. And now we are saved by His obedience, how can we become unrighteousness again by a single act of sin? We have a higher regard for the first Adam than the final Adam?? It is not by our obedience but by His obedience that we are made righteous. It is about Jesus and not about u and me.
We can’t undo what Adam did. By His disobedience we became sinners.
U will sin. When u sin, what do u believe? Once you are saved u are permanently and eternally righteous.
A lady was a Christian most of her life but never understood what true forgiveness for her sin really meant. Was under guilt and condemnation and addicted to alcohol and cigarettes. After hearing many sermons on God’s grace, experienced changes. No longer addicted and now enjoying surpassing peace and joy. Agrees w Pastor that knowing God’s grace, makes her not want to sin.
When someone sins in a grace church, Pharisees blame grace. When people sin in a legalistic church, they never blame the law.
The lady was transformed from the inside out and let go of bondage and experienced God’s grace in her life. Knows that if God can bring this miraculous change in her life, He can do it for anyone.
We will fall and fail now and then. Noah fell inside the ark during the tumultuous storms and never fell outside the ark.
Grace revolution happening all over the world. Prophecy in Jeremiah 23:3-8
Our day and age, in France alone, third largest Jewish population in the world. Many of them have made Aaliyah back to Israel. We know something is going to happen during this period of time.
People will fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor be lacking when the LORD is their shepherd.
When God brings the Jewish people out, He will raise shepherds. Pastor Joseph and Pastor Joel are one of many shepherds raised to feed and not beat.
Jehovah Tsidkenu – the LORD your righteousness. You are not your own righteousness.
A guy in our church. Not a believer when he was charged w ten counts. Saved by our church, told him to accept the LORD as His vindication. He started confessing the LORD as the measure of His vindication. The LORD is my righteousness. The counts went down from ten to seven and removed totally. He went to the police and revealed they didn’t find out more stuff that he did. Told them all of it and explained how it was done and helped them in the investigation all the while confessing their LORD is my righteousness. Only had to pay fine. Didn’t have to go jail. Now he is an anointed minister in church that teaches the youth about hope and grace. Pastoral material.
These are the days we are living in.
The message of the hour, of hope and grace.
Amazing how some people will fight u for preaching hope and grace. With all your correct doctrine, how many people are responding to Jesus through your preaching?
This is the name He will be called- LORD of righteousness.
Jeremiah 23:3-8
This exodus will eclipse the one from Egypt. North country= Russia.
They will dwell in their own land.
This grace revolution is no accident. Part of the plan of God. God is so serious about it.
The gospel of grace is such that God puts a double curse on anyone who preaches a diff gospel。
Galatians 1:6-9
Any gospel that is not the grace of Christ is a different gospel. Devil deceived the church. Any one, man or an angel from heaven, who preaches anything that isn’t grace will be anathema/ be accursed. Double curse mentioned in V9.
Why is God so severe on this? Because He loves the people and the curse is to hinder anyone who preaches otherwise. No breakthroughs or favour to preach the different gospel . Come to a standstill when u preach something other than grace. Under curse nothing flows.
Let God open the doors for u but if u claim u have revelation from God v
Favour of God opens the doors.
There was a sorcerer, Elias, deceiving people and hindering Paul. Made blind the moment he hindered the gospel not when he was doing black magic.
Paul said here to preach metanoia (repentance, change of how we think) towards God.
There are people beating their chests and crying out Jesus Jesus and are still the same. True repentance doesn’t have to be dramatic.
Judas was remorseful and brought the money back but didn’t repent. He wanted to pay for his own sins. Ultimate self righteous act. Did not wait for a few hours for Jesus to die for him. Peter denied Jesus three times but waited and Jesus hung for him and redeemed him.
Is what u listening to the true gospel?
Preaching about the seven woes of Jesus. Even the woes have revelation of grace.
Woe to u Bethsaida… If the mighty works done there was done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented Long ago in sack cloth and ashes.
See Matthew 11:21
The mighty works= miracles of grace
If the miracles happened Tyre and Sidon (like NY of that time, now gone), they would have repented.
Woe to u Capernum – called the town of Jesus –where he did most of his miracles.
Capernum is now in ruins. Exalted to heaven because Jesus born there but
If the mighty works of Capernum was done in Sodom, Sodom would be here today. The sins against grace is worse than the sins of Sodom.
How to reach out to precious people?
A way to reach out to people is to ask them what prayer request they have. Preach the good news. We serve a miracle working God.
Ps understands the moral issues of the day but preach the good news and don’t be side stepped by all these things.
If u preach against grace will be doubly cursed. Then preaching grace will make us doubly blessed.
Saul was a preacher of the law but struck blind and three days later, when his eyes were opened the first thing he saw was Hanania- whose name means the grace of God. 🙂
What a gift. He made us righteous apart from our deeds. Just like Jesus became sin on the cross apart from His deeds.
Peter, man of action, said Jesus did no sin. Paul, a man of intelligence, said He knew no sin. John, an apostle of love, in Him there is no sin. Pontios Pilate said I find nothing wrong with this just man. Judas said he had betrayed innocent blood. Centurion said of him certainly this is the Son of God.
Jesus did and knew no sin but received your sin. Best way to honor him now is to receive His grace. 🙂
Thank You for Your Abundance of Grace Lord & Your Mercy washing me, I am clean. Thank you for being so faithful in posting your notes.
Thanks Amanda. 🙂 Blessed to be a blessing. 😉