Heb 12:14-29
Our Passport is in heaven
God has judged me righteous. The judge is now my righteousness. Established. Stables us. Nothing swept under the carpet so we have solid unshakeable security.
God is righteous in making us righteous after sending Jesus to be our mercy
Blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel.
The first murder in the bible – Abel: nothing in my hands i bring but a simple lamb- over religion and how we approach God.
Those under religion are performance centred and murderous. They can’t kill u physically will assassinate you in name.
End times- woe to them who trust in own righteousness like Cain who thought he had a better offering from what he had tilled from the land w his sweat.
The blood of Abel’s cried out for Justice. Forgiveness for the sinner and healing for the sick and blessings upon everyone- what JESUS BLOOD cries out for us.
Men took greatest gift from God and hung him in the most wicked act of the day. All of us hung him- our sins. Not Jews or Romans.
His side was pierced and water and blood that cleansed us flowed out. This is His love for us.
No wonder the devil has to hide and veil the gospel from people. This is what the world needs.
World doesn’t need us Christians to be busy cutting off branches of problems. Kill the root of the problem. What the world needs isn’t us forming social causes but the gospel of Jesus Christ and the gospel of grace.
If Pastor had to prepare the sermon w his own effort he would be drained and frustrated. Angry preachers.
Instead as numerous as the needs are your supply is even greater. Not gonna worry about next week- will have fresh daily manna. Fresh supply of God putting in Him the willingness and good pleasure. When it is God’s supply, you are hardly conscious of time.
Don’t reject the voice of love and grace. Those who rejected died. Heb 12 V25,26 Law is from earth and grace is from Heaven. Law is from men and grace is from The Son.
Heb6- people came so close to receiving Jesus. Had knowledge and tasted but were never born again coz they turned their back from Jesus.
Someone called voice of grace an abomination teaching. A pastor some years ago in Europe, declared war on the teaching of grace. Today, has left church and went under a diff system that has nothing to do with gospel of Jesus Christ. Rejecting grace- gets darker for one.
Law can’t deal w principalities and powers. Voice of Heaven shakes the heaven and earth and every principalities and powers- defeats demon powers. Law shakes only what is earthly.
Mt Sinai- putting self under law brings about golden calf. Had gold throughout wilderness but didnt build golden calf. Only happened at Sinai when they declared they can keep the law.
Mt Zion- Jesus judged the devil, casted it out, loved the boy and lifted him up. Deals w problem but loves the sinner.
Don’t fear shaking. Those built on manmade need to fear. Voice of grace that speaks better things and speaks life is breaking down manmade stuff. Until what is left is the new creation built of God.
Some say if grace is of God, it won’t cause division. But division took place when Paul came and preached. Acts 13.
Jesus is establishing peace on earth after second coming. We will be under this rule.
V28- LET US HAVE GRACE (active voice) by which we can serve God w true reverence.
Whoever takes the context out of the text leaves the con.
V29- God will consume everything in the context that is not of grace. The empty efforts of men will burn up like grass and straw.
We are receiving a kingdom that can’t be shaken.
Some people reject the Word but don’t mind making a god out of their logic and reasoning above the word of God. Men fails. Jesus won’t.
Thank you