Communion with Ps Matthews:
Not by might
Not by power
But by Spirit
We overcome obstacles
Not by what we do but through Jesus
He is for us and not against us
His name is matchless.
At the name of Jesus every knee shall Bow
Every lack depression disease shall bow to the glory of the Father
It is something as easy as eating and drinking that draws us back into fellowship with Him
God is a God who wants to give us victory
For as often as u eat the bread and drink the cup u proclaim the LORD’s death until He comes
Why proclaim it? His death gave us victory. Proclaiming it causes our enemies to die
How long do we do it? Until He comes.
We do it because we want to be blessed. God wants to release that blessing into our lives because He loves us.
Isaiah 53
Who believes in this report? That’s how it starts. God wants us to believe His Word. Every time we believe it His arm of strength releases blessing into our lives.
It is well with my soul. Amen.
When u serve, u receive so much more
More servers needed. 🙂
Special items:
was written to touch the hearts of our youths who are having trouble with their depression and a sense of hopelessness. Self harm and suicide have been romanticised by the media & many youths wrestle with it. Hope in something greater, someone greater- Jesus.
Christ can be your anchor when you have nothing to hold on to. He holds on to you.
In our valleys, God will come so low to us and breathe hope into our situation. Hope Himself fills us.
Beneath the canyon of despair
The king of dreams has found me there
You hear the silent cries and prayers
Lifting the broken
Lifting the broken to sing
In the darkest hour
Let your light shine brighter
My God is greater x2
When the world is breaking
Christ our hope unshaken
Your grace is stronger
Jesus fill my eyes with all of you
I trust in You
Couple both with Thalessemia in China believed as Christ is so are we in this world. Were worried about their kid getting it through them but heard the testimony of our church member and trusted in Him. They declared and then went to do medical check up and they had NO MORE Thalessemia and their kid also is safe and hasn’t any thalessemia
Martin Luther started the Grace reformation. Today we have the Grace revolution.
Gospel is God breathed. He has secretaries who write for Him and uses their personalities (Matthew was a tax collector so he divided generation to generation is 14, organised, logical mind was used. Luke was a doctor. A doctor is intimate with man and Luke was written to show Jesus the perfect man. Mark wrote about Jesus the perfect and unfailing servant. No genealogy. Mark was a servant that failed- Paul and Barnabbus had a huge argument over Mark. The servant that failed wrote about the unfailing servant. What about John? Jesus is always in the bosom of His father. Even when he became man remained conscious of God’s love. The disciple whom Jesus love lived in Jesus’ bosom who lived in His Father’s bosom.
When you read the bible know that though everything is God breathed it doesn’t mean it is the gospel. Some things are not for our time.
Pastor shares about a judgmental turn or burn preacher he saw in USA. The LORD spoke to his heart- what that man said is God breathed but is not the gospel.
The Hebrew Calendar says this year is 7777
500th year of the reformation. He who has ears to hear, listen.
God used Gideon the least in the family and his barley cake dream. God used david who was the runt to defeat a giant. The heros of the bibles confound man’s way coz they are the lost, the last, the least.
Lost son most favour. Lost coin. Lost sheep. Last will be first. The least faith. Not how much faith u have but how much u see of Him. See more of Him= great faith.
Luke opens up w deaf and dumb priest. Closes w a priest that blesses and hears our cries today. We know He is seated right now at the Father’s right hand.
1 John 4:17
Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment…
Judgment seat of Christ in English. Hebrew BEMAH seat of Christ-!to give rewards
Never come into judgment. Our judgment is paid for. Is our work built on His efforts or our human effort?
The judge is your redeemer.
The great white throne judgment is not for us
Serve with the wrong spirit- wood hay straw
Right spirit- work of faith, labour of love, perseverance of hope
John Osteen- Faith
Joel Osteen- Hope
Joseph Prince- Love
Lady heard pastor preach 1Jn 4:17 and received healing for theist cancer
A day comes in every believer’s life where we are tried and scrutinised. Day of Crisis.
Here is how we can have boldness then – AS HE IS, SO ARE WE IN THIS WORLD.
Not as He was. The Christ that bore it all raised from the dead without all our issues. Made our enemies our footstool.
Brand new body during the rapture
Things getting better and better for the church (as a body, not building)
Christ was there on behalf of us.
Have a throne life attitude. Sit at the right hand until the enemies are made our footstool.
As He is full of God’s favour so are we in this world.
As He is full of health so are we in this world.
So many testimonies revolving around this verse on healing
Pastor has been reminded to preach even more on healing based on this verse
Woman w severe pain in right leg esonwhen using stairs or standing up. Diagnosed with arthritis. Stopped therapy when left knee had issues also. Therapy costly. Read testimony about NCC sister and declared 1 John 4:17. Don’t know when the healing happened but t did and the pain disappeared. Can now climb stairs, bend down, use normal bathrooms without pain. Was using handicap bathroom. Now is healed and no longer experiences pain.
Consider the apostle and high priest of our confession… not consider the prophet
Our high priest after the order of Melchizedek
Prophet report God to people
High Priest report people to God
Blood of the High Priest and lamb of God speaks of life healing redemption forgiveness
Sprinkle 7 times on the ground and once before God – for our right standing
Our sins have been paid that is why Jesus sits at the right hand of God today. Doesn’t sit down as king of Israel. Sat down by virtue of the fact your sins were put away
Sit down = rest
God talking about Stars in bible- he made Stars also
But to talk about our salvation, more than ten chapters.
When we work, He can’t.
When we rest, He can
Unshakeable rest.
Rest in God means cease from
Our High Priest sat down. No other priests sit down.
God is there. But don’t forget Jesus is 100% man. Only baby born to die.
We were born in the flesh. Jesus CAME in the flesh. Loves outside time.
High Priest die. Failed year ahead
High Priest comes out alive, can praise. Blood that has been shed is eternal
If the good HP is old and dying and his son is into wilderness drugs and partying. The future of Israel isn’t secure.
Stability and blessings are heading towards America. Don’t judge people before their time. Pastor is not into politics don’t write in to complain lol.
But with Jesus as our HP, we have security.
Is Jesus good? Yes. God accepts u.
No one dared to fight Goliath. But David did and he went as a shepherd, not a soldier. The weak confounded the strong. And he cut off the giant’s head.
David took Goliath’s head back to Jerusalem and bury it.
Why? Valley of Elah is very far away. Why did he do that?
Pastor found a rabbinical teaching – there is a little mountain that grew over where the head was buried and it became Golgotha where Christ was crucified.
Jesus crushed the serpent’s head and redeemed us.
And He rose from the dead and is now seated at the Father’s right hand.
Now we measure ourselves not by our thoughts but by Jesus’ finished work. Our thoughts are flesh and the devil will point us to us and our thoughts. The HS will point us to Jesus.
As long as the golden temple is on the HP’s head (as long as Jesus’ thoughts are pure), we will be accepted.
Devil causes to compare ourselves.
HS tells u as Jesus is in this world so are u
Our feeling is just our feeling
Reality is God saying I am looking at This Man to accept and assess u
That is why at the pulpit we need to draw focus back to Jesus because as He is so am I in this world.
A stockbroker will ignore all shares to focus on the share he is invested in. We ignore every thing to focus on what Jesus is.
The emmaus road couple focused on Israel and not Jesus. So they were down. They thought it was Jesus who would redeem Israel.
Foolish- no knowledge
Slow of heart to believe
Solution for this? Jesus expounded to them things concerning Himself
Expounded from first five Books of Moses things concerning Himself
When u reveal Jesus that is concealed in OT, that is the gospel (good news)
Believe it? Then act on it.
Sometimes Devil brings us lying symptoms.
As He is so are u
Not as this pain is so are u
Praise Him and then act on it by giving thanks, and eg. by going out and doing what u felt lethargic to do because u felt unwell
World depends on creation
Exercise should be expression of your faith
Not of ur trying to get what u don’t have
Exercise not to get, but because u are
Lady diagnosed w stomach cancer discovered through encdroscopy. Underwent scans and tests. Found teachings of Ps and partook in HC daily and declaring 1Jn 4:17
Continued to believe even as hospital kept trying to find out what was wrong. Felt peace before going for endroscopy again. Biopsy came back to show cancer was gone. Doc asked what she did. Nothing but taking HC and declaring. Stomach nothing like before.
Sometimes healing is immediate and sometimes takes time. It isn’t us. It is the HS that brings healing to pass
Jesus splendour is ever increasing
Moses face shone but he wore a veil – led to a culture of covering up
Grace empowers u. Takes away the veil. Unearned and undeserved favour.
Lady with bipolar II disorder, Jackie.
Asked to be prayed for healing. Been struggling since 2009 with it. Rollercoaster ride. Crippling social phobia, severe mood swings, prayed for death, so much pain. Came across Ps teaching on 1Jn4:17
Declared as Jesus mental health and brain is so is mine in his world.
Didn’t even have faith. Professed it like a robot. A few days into it, noticed really odd changes. Lost the anxiety which she regularly felt all the time. Received suddenly one day the knowledge that she was healed. Didn’t ustd how coz she did not even have faith. She is totally healed now and is normal.
Mount Arbel- highest mountain around lake of galilee
Mount of beatitudes circled
Lake of Galilee (there was a boat, unplanned)
That is what Jesus saw in Mark 6:45-48
Jesus went to pray. Disciples in the lake.
Where is He today? Interceding for us at Father’s right hand.
Where are we? Here. Down here where the wind and waves slap us around.
V47- straining (stress, painful) —> what are u straining for today?
Jesus saw them straining and the wind is against them.
Fourth watch of the night= darkest time of the night.
6-9pm 1st watch
9-12am 2nd watch
12-3 3rd 3rd watch
3-6am 4th watch darkest part of the night.
In the darkest hour, Jesus came to them.
Jesus saw them from the mountain. He sees you today. He knows what you are faced with and what your burdens and trials are. He is watching u and it is not a natural watching. A supernatural watching. He sees, He knows, He prays for your situation.
Lord Jesus I can’t pray anymore. I depend on your prayer.
He is watching and isn’t distant.
Matt 14:25-33
Disciples troubled by the sea
Worried will drown
Jesus walked on the sea
Whatever troubles u, Jesus will walk on it
Sea became like pavement under his feet
Who is it?
I AM – don’t be afraid. Be of good cheer. I AM.
Peter challenges and Jesus bids him come.
Peter kept eyes on Jesus and walked on water Supernatural. Beyond man to walk on water. When our eyes are on Jesus = supernatural. Redemption.
Things impossible with men are possible with men.
We can’t draw from ourselves. Only for Him. We have something better than creation. In the natural, putting mud on blind man’s eye become blinded. He washed in the pool of the sent one and He could see. Stop relying on ourselves. What we don’t have, Jesus will supply.
The disciples were experienced fisherma but were caught. U can be experienced but the trials can catch u suddenly. But the Lord can help u.
As long as Peter’s eyes were on Jesus, as Jesus so was he
But the wind howled. But how does the strong wind howling and waves being choppy affect the walking on water?
If the wind and waves are still, u can’t walk on water either right?
Peter took his eyes off and he started sinking
But when his faith failed, did Jesus go I told u so?
No immediately Jesus stretched out his hands.
When we take our eyes off Jesus, He doesn’t take His eyes off u. Peter took eyes off Jesus but the moment he sank, Jesus caught him
On the mountain – His praying lips
In the sea- His saving hands
One day He will come back
Into our boat
Eph 5:30
Can the HS make it clearer? Is there any degeneration in his body and BONES? HIS PHYSICAL BODY not just the corporeal body.
So are we in this world.
To love someone is to identify
Isaiah 63:9
In all their afflictions, He was afflicted.
In all Israel’s suffering, He suffered
He was with them
That’s why he appeared to Moses in a burning bush because His people were burning in the furnance
Love wants to be one w the one he loves.
How did God dwell when they wandered in the wilderness? He dwelt in the tent with them.
Joshua and Jericho… Jesus in his preincarnate appearance came as a commander as his people were going into battle as soldiers.
When Israel dwelt in homes of stones, God dwelt in temples of stone
When Jesus died and His blood washed us white than snow beyond what the blood of bulls and goats can clean, He came and He dwells in us
Love dwells.
Love longs to take your pain and give u the best in it’s place
Like how parents wish they can take their kids’ pain when they are sick… that is a drop in an ocean of how God feels for us
1 Cor 6:15
U are members of Christ literally
Respect your body
Paul didn’t quote the law
Appealed to the people that we are one with Christ
That is anointing. Not don’t do this don’t do that
1 John 3:2-3
We shall become like Him because we see..
When we see Jesus in the scriptures, we receive our transformation.
Jesus could have revealed who he was to the emmaus road travelers. But he concealed his identity until they could see him in the scripture
A mother prayed 1J4:17 for her son, Zachary, who had delayed speech, violent, zone out, couldn’t even delay meals coz he would refuse to eat and couldn’t be potty trained. Fixated only on one thing all day. Echolalia diagnosis. Heard Ps preach on 1Jn3:17. Declared on her son for his autism. Declared since Jesus didn’t have autism neither did her son. Zac can now speak and dress himself, use the potty and is doing well in school. No more violent and now more affectionate. No more echolalia. Pays mum compliments like telling her she is beautiful. Drastic changes and school caretaker ask why is he here. They are considering transferring him to a normal school. As Jesus is so is Zachary.
God made you, Jesus, the measure of my blessings. Thank you that as you are in this world, Jesus. So am I.
Thank you for your notes, as Jesus is so am I in this world.