We have a perfect savior who perfectly loves us and perfects our situation so we can have perfect peace.
Ps Prince was interviewed on Fox- major secular news channel in the USA. “Spirited Debate”. Spoke about Jesus. 🙂
Next month Pastor and the worship team are going on Grace Rev tour in the States.
What you believe is very powerful. Toxic thinking can come from wrong believing because you’ve heard the wrong things.
GOD had a choice to spare u or spare His Son. He chose not to spare His Son. That’s how much He loves u.
SERMON COMMENCES (3rd service)
God gives fresh air. Men gives bad air. Men pollutes whatever God gives. Stick to what God created and not what men has added to. If u are suffering physically, look to the LORD for redemption. But good to stay close to what God has created.
When u see a doc pray for the LORD to give wisdom and skill to the doc and his team. Hospitals and doctors aren’t infallible. Death can happen anytime if u don’t have the LORD as your guardian and keeper.
Danger is all around. Only God can put u at the right place at the right time. With all your brilliance and education and learned erudite degrees that you have, u cannot put yourself at the right place at the right time. Depend on God.
The blessed man is like the tree planted beside waters but he does not see the heat come to him. Doesn’t experience the heat when it comes. Jesus spoke about 2 houses – one built on sand and one on rock. Both were beaten by the elements. The one on the sand fell flat. The one on he rock stood firm. Make use of the sciences and medicine but TRUST IN THE LORD. Ask the Lord to make the doc diagnosis correct and put the right words in the doc’s mouth. Caiaphus proclaimed publicly that w man should die instead of a whole nation. Not a godly high priest but God’s prophecy still came from his mouth. King Nebuchadnezzar didn’t worship God at first. But he would say things and God would tell his people to listen to what he said.
The cursed man is like the rolling shrub in the arid and cracked dessert. No roots to reach deep down for water. Pic of a man who trusts in self effort.
So we are blessed who trust in the LORD. A holy life benefits us.
God loves us so much. Sometimes our kids tell us to leave them alone but we love them so we don’t. But we leave kids who aren’t ours alone.
You are loved. We always go back to the basics for the newcomers who have joined us.
David once asked where are the promises whilst going through a hard time. Asked and claimed but where are the promises? Is His mercy clean and forever gone?
God will never leave u alone. Sometimes what we go through is because He loves us.
Romans 4:1-5
What did Abraham find according to the flesh?
Note the bible addressed Abraham- our father. This tells us it is written to the Jews. Yes the bibles are written for Christians but the bible also addresses Jews who are hearing the words being read.
Logizomai (Greek)- accounted, impute
The person u work for gives u your reward as payment and not a gift from grace.
V5- “…justifies the ungodly”
God justifies the ungodly (aka those who do not use their efforts to become righteous but believe for it through faith & are thus considered righteous.)
God has to justify the ungodly through a price and a solid foundation. God is righteous by making us righteous.
Galway, Ireland- old hotel from 14th Century (owned by the Lynch family) there has a plaque that commemorates a happening. It says there is a judge at the time 1493, James Lynch. His son was guilty of murder. Being the righteous judge, he pronounced the death sentence. On the day of execution, all the executors disappeared. No one wanted to hang the son of the judge. The judge himself went to the market square and personally executed his son. The villagers saw him as a righteous judge.
God loves u so much that He sent His Son who was dearest to His heart and who is more precious than all that He has created. The one that passed the sentence on the sinner, He Himself judged and punished His Son. Peter said of Jesus- He did no sin. Paul said He knew no sin. John said in Him is no sin. Jesus chose to come down- He has power to lay down His life and pick it up again. He could have gone back to the Father anytime but He chose to go to the cross for us. God loves u.
If we one slaps God’s hand away and say the don’t need Jesus, then they will deserve hell. Won’t be happy in heaven anyway because they don’t enjoy Jesus’ presence.
Heaven and hell are real. Some grace preachers refuse to speak about Hell, but pastor won’t shy away from it. Hell is real and it is a place of perpetual darkness. Hell is what God’s son came to deliver us from. He who does not believe in Christ, the LORD’s wrath will abide with him. The Law can’t justify men.
For those who see the light and turn away, the light rejected becomes darkness intensified. Become more hardened. It is easier to reach someone who hasn’t heard of Jesus before.
God isn’t politically correct.
Ps doesn’t think current Russian thing isn’t Ezek 38 yet but interesting to see how things are unfolding. Pastor believes Ezek 38 happens after rapture. Unwalled villages- false peace.
Romans 4:6- imputed righteousness to us on the solid foundation of Jesus’ death. His deed settles with finality the issues of sin.
There shall be no evil that happens to the Just- that’s yours now. All things will work for good. Doesn’t mean nothing negative will happen. Even if there is, we can be blessed through it.
The prayer of the righteous man is effective.
Some churches are afraid of grace message out of worry that people stop tithing, stop serving- but people in our church tithe from revelation and they are servers who love to serve…
Our pastor always reminds people- “your tithes belong to your local church” A lot of people would love to tithe to NCC, and we have rejected tithes. We are okay with offerings but tithes we won’t accept.
Preach the truth and God will back u up & the resources will come, provision will come. God will honor u.
Some pastors think they are the go btw men and God. No there are no go btw. We are sinful. We didn’t die for humanity. Some pastors worry they are redundant. Pastors should be highly honored yes but they are NOT mediators btw u and God. Not even the mother of Jesus. That’s why when Mary came to Jesus to ask for wine at the wedding at Canna and forgot her place, He called her woman and not mother.
It is not biblical to put your pastors or religious leaders between u and God. Not a case of you pastor, archbishop, bishop, reverend, etc, Mother, Jesus then God. No no.
And Pastor doesn’t want to be revered ever. Reminds the congregation. Jesus only should be revered.
Brazilian guy wrote a letter about how he reread the bible all over again after revelation of grace. No longer feels lost and walks closely with the LORD. Not about what He has done but what Jesus has done. Couldn’t find a grace church in Brazil so he and his brother started one to preach the grace of our LORD. A lot of lives have been impacted and the church has thrived.
Blessed is the man to whom the LORD shall not impute sin.
The law of double jeopardy. God cannot try the same sins twice. God has punished the sins of our entire lives (all our sins are future during Jesus’ time anyway, unless u are more than 2000 years old). Be grateful not to continue in our sins but in the LORD’s ways.
The prostitute with the alabaster box of ointment- the box represents all that she has lost to gain financially in her work. She poured all the contents in the alabaster box on His feet, and He restored her soul. She was forgiven much and so she loved much.
Preach the truth to people and they will love the LORD more, not the sin more.
Ume- the strongest double negative. God will never ever impute sin on u.
Uriah was a noble man and David had him killed by putting him in the thick of battle and called his men back so no one could help him. The bible called David a man after God’s heart because he brought the ark back. However this doesn’t refer to what he did to Uriah. The prophet Nathan came and told him a parable, spoke the language of David by talking about sheep. David was a shepherd. David said the man in the story must die. Nathan told him he is like the man in the story. Ps51 was birthed from his grief about what he did. But Nathan said the sword would never depart from his house because of Uriahms murder. David’s son, Absalom, who had no flaw, was killed by one of David’s man. There was adultery going on in his family. There was forgiveness but there was still punishment.
Logizomai- impute has got to do with reality. If I reckon, I logizomai that I have $25 in the bank. It is because I have $25 in the bank. Deals with by facts and not supposition
Your forgiveness is factual and is given to u. Not done by u. Received by u just as Christ received your sins.
Did Elizabeth’s behavior make her a queen? No. She was already heir to the throne and meant to be queen.
You are the heir to the promises of Abraham, seated with Him. Be generous and a giver, u give a stream and start it flowing. U start flowing and the water will grow into the ocean one day. Pipes that are clogged are dirty. Money has to flow. Land flowing like milk and honey. Milk that doesn’t flow becomes cheese.
Paideo- child training. Pedia (training).
When we are blinded by our selfish ways, God will discipline us but NOT with sickness and disease. Whatever Jesus took for us at the cross, He doesn’t want us to take. But we will suffer persecution. We will build a resilience against what men says. Devil wants us to be concerned with the approval of men (eg social media), but God wants us to build a resilience. Pastor didn’t look to building his social media presence and LIKES, not what he is concerned about.
Whatever happens, God loves u and God is good. But don’t justify yourself and blame God. Always justify God and blame ourselves. Go to God. Not leave the house of God. The house of the LORD has bread and bread to spare. Naomi found that to be true. Prodigal son found that to be true. Ps51 – David justified God and blamed himself. U can confess ur sins and still be in bondage… But u can confess His goodness and find you are free.
A lot of people think God punishes people this way- like a Dad who runs the car over his kids’ legs to teach them road safety, or electrocutes his kid to teach them the dangers of electricity.
Jacob tricked his dad to get Esau’s blessings. He was later tricked by Laban- worked for 7y and was given Leah, instead of Rachel, in marriage. Not under law but God dealt with him.
God deals with us. We don’t see ourselves sometimes. It’s okay to come to a place to blame ourselves and to justify God.
Pastor met w a car accident. He and the other driver traded names and numbers and submitted for insurance. No one was hurt.
Felt the LORD reminding him not to be rushing all the time and it cost him. Now Pastor drives carefully and slowly. Didn’t think it was a time to question him about Ps91 promises.
Sometimes we have an unconscious attitude that is narcissistic.
Ps91 is still true. He is the God of Abraham but He is also the God of Jacob- deals with character. Corrects us b
Hebrews 12:5-11
Fathers of flesh- birth father
Father of spirit- God doesn’t deal with us in the flesh but in the spirit.
Sometimes God is correcting us by using closed doors and frustrations, still loving us, developing us so that the dross from the gold will melt away so we become fine gold.
Ps 60:8
David said Moab is my washpot- thorn in Israel’s side. Present day Jordan.
Laban was Jacob’s wash pot.
The thorn by our side might be our wash pot.
Abraham believed God & it was accorded to him as righteousness. Three years later, he listened to his wife and slept w his maid and had Ishmael. 13y later, when he was 99yo, and his body was completely dead and his wife was doubly barren, God said he is ALMIGHTY God (not sometimes mighty) and the next day Isaac came.
As long as the drowning man has strength, u can’t save him coz he will struggle. God knows when to come in at the right time. Come to end of self.
Sometimes u bark up the wrong tree. He wants the cedar tree for u.
God doesn’t correct us by taking us home earlier.
Hebrews 12:9- AND LIVE
Our correction produces LIFE. WE LIVE.
It’s amazing how God uses the wash pots. We tend to hate in people what we have in ourself.
Learn to confess I am the righteousness of God in Christ.
V10- God does things FOR OUR PROFIT (not for His glee) that we may be PARTAKERS of His holiness. Not to learn to be holy and trust ourselves. We need to receive holiness for that area of our life that we have issues with.
V11- And it is for our CURRENT LIFE and there is an AFTERWARD that yields peaceable fruit of righteousness. We are already righteous but the fruit of right standing comes out.
God wants to develop our character is us so like a royalty, we don’t just have the rightful title but the character for it.
Eve blamed the snake. Adam blamed Eve and God.
If u are a leader, learn to take responsibility. “Thank u LORD for exposing my jealousy and my concern that u have blessed others more than me. I know u have the power to bless them and also to bless me. Thank u LORD for your correction. Amen.”
Receive the correction and glorify Jesus. God isn’t always disciplining us non-stop but he loads us daily with His benefits. He loves us enough not to let us get away with murder.
When u say u are a sinner then u know what? U are entitled to a savior. If u say u have it altogether, u don’t need the savior. The law never reveals what men is but what men should be. The law never reveals who God is. Jesus came to reveal who men is and who God is– that we are sinners and that God is love. —> prayer of salvation follows this
Sometimes there are things happening in our lives that we don’t understand. If we don’t need the disciplining, we thank U that u daily load us with benefits. For some of us we might not realize we have a trait or traits that are hurting us and our family, we thank U LORD for helping us identify with them and deal with that. Thank U LORD that we will live and not die. Thank u LORD that your blessings knows no time and we are safe from all evils of this world.
Praise God, thank you for posting.
Thanks for your notes and dedication ..appreciate it..blessings in the Lord
Beautiful and very necessary sermon. Praise God we have a God who Loves us enough to discipline us in His Love.
Thank you very much for posting!
God bless!
Thanks so much for this! God bless you.